Led Zeppelin / Bonzo’s Birthday Party / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Bonzo’s Birthday Party / 3CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
The Forum, Inglewood, CA. USA 31st May 1973

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The ZEP live items continue to be attractive, as well as the content of the performance, is not the title attached to the released item a big factor? “LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE” and sold-out of our Winston version are also memorable new “LIVE ON BLUEBERRY HILL”. Actually, these titles, both of which were named by the same person. The latter is the title that was crowned when the legendary label TMOQ was released, but also for Eddie the person who operated TMOQ was named when he released the same title in the 1980s from the label called ROCK SOLID.
This week we release this classic masterpiece “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” released by ancient TMOQ. An album covered by William Stout, a symbol of TMOQ that jumps out of the birthday cake is also an intense masterpiece. Of course, in addition to the impact of the package, this title has greatness in that it conveyed the splendor of the American tour of 1973 as soon as possible, and with good sound quality audience recording. “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY” on May 31, “THREE DAYS AFTER” on June 3, and “V 1/2” on July 17 were TMOQ’s 73 American Tour Mikuwa.
Among them, “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY” has a big topic called Bonzo that’s John Bonham’s birthday gig, and there is no objection to being a masterpiece with a different charm from the other two titles.

The quality of the audience recording used for the TMOQ release now turned into a vintage will also be a major factor promoting “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY” to a masterpiece. In addition to a sound image balance with reasonable distance feeling, clearance which is not an exaggeration to say that it is the highest grade as the audience recording of anything in 1973 is said. It was TMOQ sound source that conveyed the real feeling that enthusiastically won the nation and the dynamism of ZEP live at the 1973 tour instead of the imagination which can not be imagined, such as digging out a large amount of soundboard recording of PA as at present.
However, the TMOQ source “recorder 1” knows the disadvantage that there are many cuts in addition to the early stage and the final stage of the show not being recorded. It would not have been a problem for releasing it as a two-piece LP in 1973, which does not assume complete recording from the beginning, but this is still a major disadvantage.
So, when I entered the era of CD and entered the 1990’s it appeared “recorder 2”. Although “Communication Breakdown” has not been recorded yet, it does not reach the clearness of “recorder 1”, but still as an audience recording in 1973 it is good. That point “recorder 3” is B class sound quality as written in a picture. Although it is old-fashioned, it still has no choice because “Communication Breakdown” is still heard only by this. Even the sound board recording of the PA out found excavated at the end of the 1990’s was unrecorded as this song was recorded as a valuable supplementary person until now.
There was also a big impact that the sound board recording was excavated. It would be even more soon if it became a soundboard recording of a show that has been popular among mania since ancient times. However, the situation was far from the complete recording of the show without failing to cover the dilemma of the PA out sound board of the United States of 73 years excavated at the same time. Among them, fatal injuries are unknown to have a birthday congratulations to Bonzo, which is crucial. Since the sound source of this hand has not been released yet, it is what the staff left for recording, so it is not missing out the sound source and it is not really recorded.

And it was the main character Bonzo who was holding this show special. It is superb that the hustle unique to your birthday is pleasant. Originally this day the show was changed schedule due to Paige injured his finger, and it is unusual schedule to make it a US-tour for 73 years. In such a situation, the first half of the show was the extra extravagance of America’s extravagant appearance in May. In addition to that it is inconvenient to think that the page’s finger was not in a normal condition.
Even so, he has a wonderful effort from around “The Song Remains The Same”, and “Bazday and Hustle’s bonzo joined there and the best performance was” Dazed And Confused “. In the first place, there is a part (long and long) that does not burden the page of the page called bow playing corner in this song. It was because of the rest of my injured fingers, so it turned out that the second half was approaching a demon.
A thrilling response is a thrilling interplay that is different from that of Europe several months ago. The jamming of Jimmy ‘s phrase and Bonzo’ s rhythm listened to here shows outstanding achievements in May ‘s take.

It was the greatest attraction of the same sound source that the biggest part of the day was housed in the soundboard with the uncut. In the TMOQ board, due to the media constraint of LP, it is said that there is a sense of altruism when considering that “Dazed And ~” was incompletely recorded on one side of the disc. Moreover, regarding the sound board part, it is recorded in the best condition called DAT copy from the master.
However, the true value of this release is in the thorough adjustment in the defective part of SBD and the unrecorded part. Among them, regarding SBD’s biggest disadvantage, “Moby Dick” from “Happy Birthday” not recorded, we made precise adjustments as deficits are occurring even in various odds recordings. As a result, although three sound sources are exchanged completely, it is a complete recording, but we adjust the adjustments such as pitch and volume level carefully, finish to listen without stress until the end, Let’s assert that.
Regarding “recorder 2” which makes up the “recorder 1” the most, we do not dare to delete the Kurururu sound after “Stairway To Heaven” and skipped unnatural editing. This may be a maniac perspective, but as a result of aiming for a finish as the best version making full use of all sound sources including the sound board, it was treated like this. Yes, one title is enough “BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY”.
Encore “The Ocean” and so on, including editing after the performance, the best sound quality “recorder 1” edited to the best of the best. In addition, although it is a performance of this day, it is not only that Bonzo hammers the middle “Lalarara Lara” with a plant, it is funny to be hooked together until the final “Shap Dubbi Dubbi” scat , This is also a scenery unique to her birthday.
And when it comes to the last “Communication Breakdown”, the sound quality will drop, but the solo that Paige showed off all the power of the game and played it was impressive. It is a pity that this performance will not be heard on SBD or “recorder 1”, but still it can be said that it is worth listening. Finally, the picture on May 31 is also confirmed in recent years. For example, that day was used for jacket photographing of nostalgic condor disc “FRACTURED LIBS”. Bonzo is wearing a mysterious shirt called tie-dye no sleeve on this day, but we treated it as a jacket.

★ Rock And Roll ~ Stairway To Heaven use the sound board. The missing part is compensated by three kinds of audience recording (denoted as A1 / 2/3 in the following).

ZEPのライブ・アイテムがこうも魅力的であり続けるのは、演奏内容もさることながら、リリースされたアイテムに付けられたタイトルも大きな要因ではないでしょうか。「LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE」や当店のWinstonバージョンの売り切れも記憶に新しい「LIVE ON BLUEBERRY HILL」など。実はこれらのタイトル、どちらも同一人物によって名付けられたのでした。後者はTMOQという伝説のレーベルがリリースした際に冠されたタイトルですが、エディーに関してもTMOQを運営していた人物がROCK SOLIDというレーベルから1980年代に同タイトルをリリースした際に名付けたもの。
今週当店がリリースするのもいにしえのTMOQがリリースした古典的名作「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY」。ウイリアム・スタウトによって描かれた、TMOQの象徴である豚がバースデー・ケーキから飛び出すアルバム・カバーも強烈な名作。もちろんパッケージのインパクトだけでなく、このタイトルは1973年アメリカ・ツアーの素晴らしさをいち早く、しかも良好な音質のオーディエンス録音を使って伝えてくれたという点に偉大さがあるのです。5月31日の「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY」、6月3日の「THREE DAYS AFTER」、そして7月17日の「V1/2」はTMOQが生み出した73アメリカ・ツアー三羽烏でした。
中でも「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY」はボンゾことジョン・ボーナムの誕生日ギグという大きなトピックがあり、他の二タイトルとはまた違った魅力を放った名盤であることに異論はないはず。

今やビンテージと化したTMOQリリースに使われたオーディエンス録音のクオリティの高さも「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY」を名盤に昇格させた大きな要因でしょう。程よい距離感のある音像バランスに加え、何と言っても1973年のオーディエンス録音としては最高級と言っても過言ではないクリアネス。現在のようなPAアウトのサウンドボード録音の大量発掘など想像だにできない時代、代わりに全米を熱狂させた臨場感や73年ツアーにおけるZEPライブのダイナミズムを伝えてくれたのがTMOQ音源でした。
ただしTMOQソースこと「recorder 1」はショー序盤と終盤が未収録な上にカットが多いという欠点が判明しています。最初から完全収録を前提としない、1973年当時の二枚組LPとしてリリースする分には問題なかったのでしょうが、これが大きな欠点であることに変わりはありません。
そこでCDの時代に移った1990年代に入ると登場したのが「recorder 2」。まだ「Communication Breakdown」が未収録な上に「recorder 1」のクリアネスには及ばないものの、それでも1973年のオーディエンス録音としては上々。その点「recorder 3」は絵に書いたようなB級音質。古めかしい状態ですが、それでも「Communication Breakdown」がこれでしか聴かれないのだから仕方ない。90年代末になって発掘されたPAアウトのサウンドボード録音ですらこの曲が未収録ということで、現在に至るまで貴重な補填要員としてもてはやされていました。

そんな彼も「The Song Remains The Same」辺りからの頑張りは素晴らしいものがあり、そこにバースデー・ハッスルのボンゾが加わって最高の演奏となったのが「Dazed And Confused」。そもそもこの曲には弓弾きコーナーという、ペイジの指に負担のかからないパートが(しかも長く)設けられている。そこで傷んだ指を休められたからこそ、後半が鬼気迫る展開となったのでしょう。

この日最大の名演パートがノーカットでサウンドボードに収められていたことは同音源における最大の魅力。TMOQ盤ではLPというメディアの制約上ディスクの片面で「Dazed And~」不完全に収録されていたことを考えると隔世の感があるというもの。しかもサウンドボード・パートに関してはマスターからのDATコピーという最良の状態にて収録。
しかし今回のリリースの真骨頂はSBDの欠損部分や未収録部分における徹底的なアジャストにあります。中でもSBD最大の欠点である「Moby Dick」からの「Happy Birthday」未収録に関しては、各種オーディンス録音でも欠損が起きていることから緻密なアジャストを心がけました。結果として三つの音源が入れ替わりながらの完全収録となっていますが、ピッチや音量レベルなどのアジャストを入念に調整し、最後までストレスなく聴き通せるように仕上げており、その滑らかさだけでも過去最高だと断言いたしましょう。
さらに「recorder 1」をもっとも補ってくれる「recorder 2」に関しても、「Stairway To Heaven」終演後のキュルル音などを敢えて削除せず、不自然な編集を省いているのです。これはマニアックな視点かもしれませんが、サウンドボードを含むすべての音源を駆使したベスト・バージョンとしての仕上がりを目指した結果としてこのような処理となりました。そう、1タイトルで事足りる「BONZO’S BIRTHDAY PARTY」。
アンコール「The Ocean」などは演奏終了後も含め、もっとも高音質な「recorder 1」をギリギリまで生かした編集。おまけにこの日の演奏ですが、ボンゾが中間の「ラーラーラララーラ」をプラントとハモるだけに留まらず、終盤の「シュワップドゥビドゥビ」スキャットまで一緒にハモっているのが微笑ましくもレアで、これもまた誕生日ならではの光景かと。
そしてラストの「Communication Breakdown」になるとガックリ音質が落ちてしまうものの、ペイジがありったけの力を振り絞って弾いてみせたようなソロが感動的。この名演がSBDや「recorder 1」で聴かれないのは本当に残念ですが、それでも一聴の価値がある場面と言えましょう。最後に5月31日の写真というのも近年に入って考証が確定しています。例えば懐かしのコンドル盤「FRACTURED LIBS」のジャケ写に使われていたのがその日。ボンゾはこの日、絞り染めのノースリーブという不思議なシャツを着ていますが、それをジャケットにあしらいました。

★Rock And Roll~Stairway To Heavenまではサウンドボードを使用。欠落部分は3種のオーディエンス録音で補填(下記では、A1/2/3と表記)。

Disc 1 (48:04)
1. Introduction ★A2補填
2. Rock and Roll ★0:00 – 0:26 A2補填
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over the Hills and Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. Since I’ve Been Loving You
8. No Quarter

Disc 2 (44:12)
1. MC
2. The Song Remains the Same
3. The Rain Song ★6:16 – 6:34 A1補填
4. Dazed and Confused

Disc 3 (65:58)
1. MC
2. Stairway to Heaven ★10:34から最後までA2補填
3. Moby Dick
★ 0:00 – 1:02 A2
1:02 – 13:06 A1
13:06 – 15:23 A2
15:23 – 20:22 A3
20:22 – 最後まで A1
4. Happy Birthday Bonzo ★ A1
5. Heartbreaker ★A1
6. Whole Lotta Love (incl. Let That Boy Boogie) ★A1
7. The Ocean ★0:00 – 4:50 A1 (ギリギリまでA1を残しました) ★4:50 – 最後迄A3
8. Communication Breakdown ★全部A3

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