Yngwie J Malmsteen’s Rising Force / Uniondale 1985 Joe Maloney Master / 1CDR

Yngwie J Malmsteen’s Rising Force / Uniondale 1985 Joe Maloney Master / 1CDR / Shades

Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York, USA 21st November 1

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

No. 1 singer of all time with no questions asked: Yngwie Malmsteen in 1985, who met Mark Boals and was trying to reach the ideal of neo-classical metal. A new excavation is a live album where you can experience the shining stage at its best!
It was “November 21, 1985 Uniondale performance” that was imbued with such a work. It is the excellent audience recording. At that time, it was in the “MARCHING OUT” era, but during the tour, Jeff Scott Soto changed to Mark. It was also the time when the groundwork for the masterpiece “TRILOGY” was completed. Therefore, the meaning of the sound source differs greatly depending on the timing. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position.

・ January 7-11: North America # 1 (3 performances)
・ January 22-27: Japan (5 performances)
“February-March” RISING FORCE “released (Europe and America)”
・ May 10-18: North America # 2 (6 performances)
・ May 23-June 3: Europe (8 performances)
・ June 7-July 19: North America # 3 (26 performances)
“August 1st” MARCHING OUT “released (Japan)”
《Jeff withdrawal → Mark Boals participation》
・ August 31st-November 24th: North America # 4 (60 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ December 28-31: North America # 5 (3 performances)

This is Yngwie in 1985. The Uniondale performance of this work was the 58th performance of the final edition of “North America # 4”. In the above, it is summarized as Mark sings from this “North America # 4”, but in fact the story is not so easy. The recordings of this period are a mixture of Mark’s singing and Jeff’s. It’s possible that the tape with the wrong date is simply confusing, or that Jeff actually sang it several times for some reason. Contrary to its popularity, Yngwie has not been verified for audience recordings worldwide, and a reliable timeline has not yet been completed. As a result, the reality is that the 1985 recording can only be judged by actually listening to it.
Actually, this recording was also released as “Vocal is Jeff”. This is probably because neither the recorder (actually legendary Joe Maloney) nor the publisher (actually the prestigious Krw_co) is paying attention to Yngwie. That should be it. This day was the undercard of AC / DC, and both Maloney and Krw_co were aiming for AC / DC. I’m sure some of you have already come. Yes, this work is a sister work of the AC / DC version “Shades 1507” released at the same time this week.
The sound is neat and sharp. The core is powerful and the outline is very vivid. Yngwie’s rapid-fire phrase is also clear one by one and does not collapse no matter how much it accelerates, and Mark’s vibrato is also beautifully captured up to the change in swing width. Even more surprisingly, it sounds clearly better than the AC / DC version of “Shades 1507”. It’s a continuous recording by the same person … This is just a guess, but perhaps the fact that the on-site volume was suppressed because of the undercard was successful. AC / DC with groove push in power sound is focused on the drum with the maximum sound pressure, and other instruments are slightly retracted. As a result, a sense of distance is created in the mid-high range. On the other hand, Yngwie’s maximum focus is on guitars and vocals. Therefore, while the melody stands out clearly, the underlying beat does not have a squishy feeling, and the entire ensemble is captured on.
In addition, the audience is not too noisy because of the undercard. It may not be good for Yngwie in the field, but it conveys the subtleties of the guitar very clearly.
The direct sound is drawn by the masterpieces of “MARCHING OUT” built up by Mark’s vocals. The time control is 1 LP (about 46 minutes) and the initial 2 essences are concentrated. Let’s organize it easily here.

● Rising Force (2 songs)
・ Far Beyond The Sun / Black Star
● Marching Out (5 songs)
・ I’ll See The Light Tonight / On The Run Again / Don’t Let It End / Soldier Without Faith (★) / Disciples Of Hell
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that could not be heard in the official video “CHASING YNGWIE” of the Japanese performance.

…… And it looks like this. The two deadly instrumental songs are also wonderful with the sharp guitar by young Yngwie, but what catches the ear is the vocal song of “MARCHING OUT” where Mark’s singing shines. Not only the rare song “Soldier Without Faith” unique to this period, but all five songs have been completely reborn with high notes of passion and elegance. To be honest, as a singer, I love Jeff’s songs, but when it comes to compatibility with Yngwie songs, Mark is the best solution. This matching of voice, guitar and song seems to be a miracle given by heaven.
Climax Yngwie and Mark. The duo were able to come to Japan in later years, but I wanted them to come at this time … A new masterpiece that the master Joe Maloney has recorded the overwhelming live that even grudges over 35 years ago. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ Excellent audience recording of “November 21, 1985 Uniondale performance” immediately after joining Mark Boals. The sound is neat and sharp, which is one of the items transferred by the prestigious “Krw_co” from the master of the master Joe Maloney. The core is powerful and the outline is very vivid. Yngwie’s rapid-fire phrase is also clear one by one and does not collapse no matter how much it accelerates, and Mark’s vibrato also changes the swing width wonderfully. You can enjoy the masterpieces of “MARCHING OUT” built up by Mark’s singing voice.

 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1985年11月21日ユニオンデール公演」。その絶品オーディエンス録音です。当時は『MARCHING OUT』時代にあたるわけですが、ツアーの最中にジェフ・スコット・ソートからマークへチェンジ。最高傑作『TRILOGY』へ向かう下地が完成した時期でもありました。それだけに細かいタイミングで音源の意味も大きく異なる。まずは、当時のスケジュールを振り返り、そのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
《2月-3月『RISING FORCE』発売(欧米)》
《8月1日『MARCHING OUT』発売(日本)》
 実際、この録音も「ヴォーカルはジェフ」として公開されていました。これは恐らく録音者(実は伝説名手ジョー・マロニー氏)も、公開者(実は名門Krw_co)も、イングヴェイに注目していないのが原因。それもそのはず。この日はAC/DCの前座であり、マロニーもKrw_coもAC/DCが目当てだったのです。もうピンと来た方もいらっしゃると思います。そう、本作は今週同時リリースのAC/DC篇『Shades 1507』の姉妹作なのです。
 そのサウンドは、端正にしてシャープ。芯の力強く、輪郭も非常に鮮やか。イングヴェイの速射フレーズも1粒1粒がくっきりとしていていかに加速しようと潰れず、マークのヴィヴラートも振れ幅の変化まで見事に活写されているのです。さらに驚くべき事に、AC/DC篇『Shades 1507』よりも明らかに音が良い。同一人物による連続録音なのですが……。これはあくまでも推測ですが、恐らく前座ゆえに現場音量が抑えられていた事が奏功したのではないでしょうか。パワーサウンドでグルーヴ押しのAC/DCは最大音圧のドラムにフォーカスされてしまい、それ以外の楽器が引っ込み気味。その結果、中高音に距離感が生まれているのです。それに対し、イングヴェイはギターやヴォーカルと言った上物が最大フォーカス。そのためメロディがクッキリと浮き立ちつつ、下支えのビートにもスカスカ感が生まれず、アンサンブル全体をオンに捉えているのです。
 そんなダイレクト・サウンドで描かれるのは、マークのヴォーカルによってビルドアップされた『MARCHING OUT』の名曲たち。持ち時間はLP1枚分(約46分)に初期2枚のエッセンスが濃縮されています。ここでカンタンに整理してみましょう。
・Far Beyond The Sun/Black Star
・I’ll See The Light Tonight/On The Run Again/Don’t Let It End/Soldier Without Faith(★)/Disciples Of Hell
※注:「★」印は日本公演の公式映像『CHASING YNGWIE』で聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。必殺のインスト2曲も若きイングヴェイによるキレッキレのギターが素晴らしいのですが、やはり耳を惹くのはマークの絶唱が輝く『MARCHING OUT』のヴォーカル曲。この時期ならではのレア曲「Soldier Without Faith」だけでなく、5曲全部が情念と気品のハイノートで完全に生まれ変わっている。正直に申しましてシンガーとしては熱いジェフの歌いっぷりを愛しているのですが、イングヴェイ曲との相性となるとやはりマークこそが最適解。この声とギターと曲のマッチングは、天が与えた奇跡としか思えません。
★マーク・ボールズ加入直後となる「1985年11月21日ユニオンデール公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。名手ジョー・マロニーの大元マスターから名門「Krw_co」がトランスファーした銘品中の銘品で、そのサウンドは、端正にしてシャープ。芯の力強く、輪郭も非常に鮮やか。イングヴェイの速射フレーズも1粒1粒がくっきりとしていていかに加速しようと潰れず、マークのヴィヴラートも振れ幅の変化まで見事。マークの歌声によってビルドアップされた『MARCHING OUT』の名曲群が楽しめます。
1. Tune-Up / Intro
2. Intro Jam
3. I’ll See The Light Tonight
4. On The Run Again
5. Far Beyond The Sun
6. Don’t Let It End
7. Drum Solo
8. Soldier Without Faith
9. Guitar Solo
10. Black Star
11. Disciples Of Hell
Yngwie J. Malmsteen – Guitar
Mark Boals – Vocals
Jens Johansson – Keyboards
Marcel Jacob – Bass
Anders Johansson – Drums

Shades 1506

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