YES / Los Angeles 1980 1st Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

YES / Los Angeles 1980 1st Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Virtuoso

Live at Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, CA, USA 3rd October 1980

Play sample :

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Gravity singularity “DRAMA Tour” in the history of YES with Trevor Horn at the front. The best masterpiece live album was born. Introducing a press 2CD that permanently preserves the master sound of an absolute master!
“Performance in Los Angeles on October 3, 1980” is engraved on this work. It is a superb audience recording made by historical master Mike Millard. YES is a band with an advanced official archive, but even in such a situation, the “DRAMA Tour” is a demon. I was able to listen to some songs on “THE WORD IS LIVE”, but the reality is that I still have to rely on audience recording for a full show. Of course, we have also introduced representative superb recordings at our shop. First of all, let’s take a look at the whole picture of the “DRAMA” era that ended in foam.

《“Drama” Released on August 18》
・ August 29-September 8: North America (8 performances)
・September 9 “DRAMATIC PLAY (Boston)”
・ September 10-October 2: USA (19 performances)
・October 3: Los Angeles performance ← This work
・October 4-20: USA (13 performances)
・ November 16-December 17: UK (23 performances)
・December 18 “RAINBOW THEATER 1980 2ND NIGHT”

This is YES in 1980. The first half = North America / second half = UK only, and the Los Angeles performance of this work is of course the former. It was a concert that was the 29th performance of the whole.
This show has long been known for its superb recordings, and has been competing with the Boston performance “DRAMATIC PLAY (Virtuoso 032/033)” for the seat of the tour’s best masterpiece. Because of the wonderful sound, it was whispered that “Millard recorded it?”, But the rumor was correct. This time, an original cassette was discovered in Millard’s master excavation project. It was released with the ultimate Gene upgrade sound. And the sound updates the highest peak ever. As a matter of course, it is better than the existing group of the same recording, and the Boston performance that has reigned as tour No. 1 has been dragged down and reigned as the new champion.
First of all, it is a comparison with the previous recording of the same recording, but it is clear that it is the original from the fact that the interval between songs after “Tempus Fugit” and “Whitefish” is recorded longer than before (the ending of “Starship Trooper” is a recording leak Although it is cut the same as before, it is still recorded about 15 seconds longer), but what is more important is the sound that penetrates the whole story. This is a super natural master freshness that will wake you up! In order to hide the dubbing marks, the previous master was extremely high due to equalization, and the hiss remained strong. Depending on the board, there were even things that were further processed to suppress the hiss and the performance sound was distorted. On the other hand, this work is truly the original master. The details of the details are clearly left, and the sound is extremely natural. Since there is no need to deceive by processing, there is no distortion in the performance sound.
Its freshness transcends even the champion Boston recording. In the first place, the mirrored recording boasted a more direct feeling than the Boston recording, but the processing feeling dragged down and I was content with second place. However, this time there is no feeling of processing. While it has the same natural feeling as “DRAMATIC PLAY (Boston)”, the direct feeling that is the original strength is at its best. He took the throne in an instant.
The full show of the extremely valuable “DRAMA Tour” is drawn with such a champion sound. Let’s organize the contents of the set here.

・Album Songs: Does It Really Happen?/Into The Lens/Tempus Fugit/Machine Messiah
・Others: Go Through This/Man In A White Car Suite/We Can Fly From Here
・Third album: Yours Is No Disgrace / Clap / Starship Trooper
・Other: And You And I / Amazing Grace / Whitefish / Roundabout

… and it looks like this. Anyway, the whole story is super rare. Now it’s familiar to the “DRAMA” number, but if you think about it, it’s all songs that have been sealed for around 30 years since this tour. In addition, Jeff Downes’ solo “Man In A White Car Suite”, which expanded “Go Through This”, “We Can Fly From Here” and “White Car”, which were not included in the album, is also shown. Furthermore, classics such as “Yours Is No Disgrace”, “Starship Trooper”, “Roundabout” and “And You And I” were also dyed with Trevor Horn’s singing voice, and “1980’s YES”, which is different from any other time, is the best You can experience it with the mirrored sound of.
The official extended remastered version, the sequel-like “FLY FROM HERE”, and even the reproduction tour, “DRAMA” has been re-evaluated. This work is the only “full live album at that time” that is not official enough, and it is an absolute work that serves as an “official substitute”. A historical live album recorded with great care by Mike Millard, who loved YES music. Its highest peak. Please fully enjoy the press 2CD that leaves the shine forever.

★ “DRAMA Tour” masterpiece. It is the best audience recording of “October 3, 1980 Los Angeles performance”. Boston recording “DRAMATIC PLAY (Virtuoso 032/033)”, which has been digitized directly from the newly discovered absolute master Mike Millard’s original master, and has been regarded as the No. 1 tour in the past, of course, on the same day. ] Even transcends. It is a new champion album that serves as “an official substitute for the DRAMA Tour”.

トレヴァー・ホーンをフロントに迎えたYES史の重力特異点“DRAMA Tour”。その最高傑作ライヴアルバムが誕生。絶対名手のマスター・サウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です!
 そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1980年10月3日ロサンゼルス公演」。歴史的名手マイク・ミラードが手掛けた極上オーディエンス録音です。YESは公式アーカイヴの進んだバンドではありますが、そんな中にあっても“DRAMA Tour”は鬼門。『THE WORD IS LIVE』で一部の曲は聴けましたが、フルショウともなれば未だにオーディエンス録音に頼らざるを得ないのが実情です。もちろん、当店では代表的な極上録音もご紹介してきました。まずは、泡沫に終わった『DRAMA』時代の全景からおさらいしてみましょう。
・9月9日『DRAMATIC PLAY(ボストン)』
・10月3日:ロサンゼルス公演 ←★本作★
 このショウは以前から極上録音が残された事でも知られ、ボストン公演『DRAMATIC PLAY(Virtuoso 032/033)』とツアー最高傑作の座を巡って鎬を削ってきました。あまりに素晴らしいサウンド故に「ミラードが録音したのでは?」と囁かれてきたのですが、その噂は正しかった。この度、ミラードのマスター発掘事業でオリジナル・カセットが発見。究極ジェネのアップグレード・サウンドで公開されたのです。そして、そのサウンドは過去最高峰を更新。同録音の既発群より良いのは当然として、これまでツアーNo.1に君臨してきたボストン公演も引きずり下ろして新王者に君臨しているのです。
 まず同録音の既発との比較ですが、「Tempus Fugit」「Whitefish」後の曲間が従来より長く収録されている事からも大元なのは明らかです(「Starship Trooper」のエンディングが録音漏れでカットされてしまうのは従来と同じものの、それでも約15秒長く収録されています)が、それ以上に重要なのは全編を貫くサウンド。これはもう目も醒めるマスター鮮度がスーパー・ナチュラル! 従来マスターはダビング痕を隠すためかイコライズで極端にハイ上がりになっており、ヒスも強く残っていた。盤によってはそのヒスを抑える為にさらに加工して演奏音が歪んでしまっているものまでありました。それに対し、本作は流石さすがの大元マスター。細部の細部まで鮮明に残され、鳴りも極めて自然。加工で誤魔化す必要がないため、演奏音にも歪みが発生していないのです。
 その瑞々しさは、王者ボストン録音さえも超越した。そもそもミラード録音はボストン録音よりもオンなダイレクト感を誇っていたのですが、加工感が足を引っぱって二番手に甘んじてきました。ところが、今回はその加工感がない。『DRAMATIC PLAY(ボストン)』と同等のナチュラル感でありつつ、本来の長所であるダイレクト感が本領を発揮。一気に王座を奪取してしまったのです。
 そんなチャンピオン・サウンドで描かれるのは、貴重極まる“DRAMA Tour”のフルショウ。ここでセット内容も整理しておきましょう。
・アルバム曲:Does It Really Happen?/Into The Lens/Tempus Fugit/Machine Messiah
・その他:Go Through This/Man In A White Car Suite/We Can Fly From Here
・サード・アルバム:Yours Is No Disgrace/Clap/Starship Trooper
・その他:And You And I/Amazing Grace/Whitefish/Roundabout
……と、このようになっています。とにかく全編が激レア。今でこそ『DRAMA』ナンバーにも馴染み感で出てきましたが、考えてみればこのツアー以降30年前後も封印されきた曲ばかり。さらにアルバム未収録だった「Go Through This」「We Can Fly From Here」や「White Car」を拡張したようなジェフ・ダウンズのソロ「Man In A White Car Suite」も披露されている。さらに言えば、「Yours Is No Disgrace」「Starship Trooper」「Roundabout」「And You And I」といったクラシックスもトレヴァー・ホーンの歌声で染め変えられ、他のどんな時期とも異なる「1980年のYES」を極上のミラード・サウンドで体験できるのです。
 公式の拡張リマスター盤や続篇的な『FLY FROM HERE』、さらには再現ツアーまで実現して再評価著しい『DRAMA』。本作は、唯一オフィシャルでは足りていない「当時のフル・ライヴアルバム」であり、まさに「オフィシャル代わり」を務める絶対作なのです。YESミュージックをこよなく愛したマイク・ミラードが丹精込めて記録しきった歴史的ライヴアルバム。その最高峰盤。どうぞ、輝きを永久に残すプレス2CDで存分に味わい尽くしてください。
★“DRAMA Tour”の最高傑作。「1980年10月3日ロサンゼルス公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。新発掘された絶対名手マイク・ミラードの大元マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品で、同日の既発はもちろん従来ツアーNo.1とされてきたボストン録音『DRAMATIC PLAY(Virtuoso 032/033)』さえも超越。「DRAMA Tourのオフィシャル代わり」を務める新王者アルバムです。
Disc 1 (65:15)
1. Young Person’s Guide To The Orchestra ★0:00 – 0:30 補填
2. Does It Really Happen?
3. Yours Is No Disgrace
4. Into The Lens
5. Clap
6. And You And I
7. Go Through This
8. Man In A White Car Suite
9. We Can Fly From Here
Disc 2 (49:25)
1. Tempus Fugit ★5:53辺りからの約8秒既発より長く収録
2. Amazing Grace
3. Whitefish ★9:04辺りからの約9秒既発より長く収録
4. Machine Messiah
5. Starship Trooper ★40:53辺りからの約15秒既発より長く収録
6. Roundabout
Trevor Horn – Vocals
Steve Howe – Guitars, Vocal
Chris Squire – Bass, Vocal
Alan White – Drums, Percussion
Geoffrey Downes – Keyboards, Vocal

Virtuoso 486/487

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