Who / Fillmore West 1968 3rd Night / 1CD

Who / Fillmore West 1968 3rd Night / 1CD / Wardour

Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA, USA 15th August 1968

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The 1969 Fillmore stage heard at “FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT” that suddenly appeared on the net shook maniacs all over the world with its good sound quality, but the person who released the sound source uploaded it at the same time. Speaking of The Who’s 1968 Fillmore, it seems that the April stage, which was officially released, will come to mind, but they will continue to energetically perform at the same venue in order to grab success in the United States.
Although the stage four months ago was at Fillmore East, The Who visited Fillmore West for the first time on this day. In the first place, the existence of the sound source itself is rare at this time, and the existence of the sound board has not been confirmed. Under such circumstances, the audience recording, which was a valuable existence, was a singer bowl in New York on August 2nd. It was a sound source that Fu served as the bird of the rock festival where Doors and others also appeared, but it was a bit harsh to commercialize as a total, and it was a level where two songs were barely recorded in that famous live compilation “WHO ARE THE HIGH NUMBERS?: MAXIMUM LIVE RARITIES”.
Therefore, speaking of The Who’s live sound source in 1968, it was recorded in multitrack, so the only choice was Fillmore East in April, and the situation that enthusiastic enthusiasts had no choice but to listen to the barely available trader-level audience recordings has continued to this day.

For that reason, this excavation is literally a historical excavation. Sound quality is very good after all. As expected, even if it does not reach the level of the previous release “FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT”, it is shockingly easy to hear as an audience recording in 1968. I was surprised by the sound image in a different dimension from the “roaring” or “sounding from afar” state that tends to be found in vintage audiences. In addition, the vocal work of the group centered on Roger has a large balance, which contributes to the ease of listening. In the first place, the balance of the performance is so good that I can’t imagine it as an audience in ’68.
“Heaven & Hell”, which has been shown at the opening of this tour, has a slightly muffled sound quality, but from the next “I Can’t Explain”, the view suddenly improves and it becomes easier to hear. Quality at a level that does not matter, such as the singer bowl mentioned earlier at this point. It will be easier to hear from “Substitute”, but I guarantee that the total is amazing quality as an audience recording of 68 years.
And for this limited press CD, we have adjusted the pitch, which was high, and added equalization to the sound source, making it easier to hear from the original state. You can easily listen to the original sound source on YouTube, so you will be amazed at the difference and ease of listening.

In this way, it has become a historical excavation without exaggeration, but the content is also amazing. The set list has changed significantly since Fillmore East in April, and the cover of “Young Man Blues” is a song that was put into the repertoire from this tour. Later, “LIVE AT THE LEEDS” produced a rare performance, but the performance heard here is like a different song. It’s not yet matured as a repertoire, but rather the atmosphere close to the studio version recorded at the same time is fresh.
Beyond that, “Magic Bus”, which has become a staple of live performances, is also a repertoire that debuted from this tour, but at this point it was fresh to play with a humorous atmosphere, and I was surprised that such an innocent performance was left.
In that respect, “Fortune Teller / Tattoo” is a traditional repertoire, but here it is surprising that John Entwistle is serving as MC. Speaking of Fu’s live, the basic MC is Pete, and Keith or Roger rushes in there, and the image of John as a taciturn bassist has been established on stage. However, here I caught a very valuable scene that he serves as MC.
And the ultimate is “Daddy Rolling Stone”. This is a big discovery because the fact that The Who was playing the repertoire of the High Numbers era in 1968 was known only to core maniacs until now. Above all, the wild and reliable performance that has leaped from the performance of the High Numbers era is a masterpiece.
In this way, the shocking content that surpasses “FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT” in value is a series of highlights. Not only is it said that first-class historical materials have been unearthed, but it is also surprisingly easy to listen to. The record of the 1968 stage, which is too precious to shock maniacs all over the world, has finally seen the light of day!

突如ネット上に現れた『FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT』で聞かれた1969年フィルモアのステージはその音質の良さと相まって世界中のマニアを震撼させましたが、その音源を公開してくれた人物が時を同じくしてアップしてくれたのが前年のフィルモアでの記録。ザ・フー1968年のフィルモアと言えば晴れてオフィシャルにリリースされた4月のステージが浮かぶかと思われますが、彼らはアメリカでの成功を掴むべく、その後も同会場への出演を精力的に続けます。
もっとも4か月前の舞台がフィルモア・イーストだったのに対し、この日は初のフィルモア・ウェストにザ・フーが見参。そもそもこの時期は音源の存在自体が希少でサウンドボードは存在が確認されていない。そんな中で貴重な存在であったオーディエンス録音が8月2日のニューヨークはシンガー・ボウル。ドアーズなども出演したロック・フェスのトリをフーが務めた音源でしたが、トータルで商品化するにはちと厳しい粗さで、あの名ライブ・コンピ『WHO ARE THE HIGH NUMBERS?: MAXIMUM LIVE RARITIES』に辛うじて二曲が収録されたレベル。

それだけに今回の発掘は文字通りの歴史的発掘。何と言っても音質が非常にイイ。さすがに前回リリース『FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT』のレベルには及ばずとも、1968年のオーディエンス録音としては衝撃的なほどの聞きやすさ。ビンテージ・オーディエンスにありがちな「轟音」あるいは「遠くから鳴っている」的な状態とはまるで別次元な音像に驚き。おまけにロジャーを中心としたグループのボーカルワークが大きめなバランスなのも聞きやすさに貢献してくれている。そもそも演奏のバランスが68年のオーディエンスとは思えないほどイイ。
このツアーからオープニングで披露されるようになった「Heaven & Hell」こそ、少しこもった音質ですが、次の「I Can’t Explain」から一気に見晴らしが良くなって聞きやすさマシマシ。この時点で先に触れたシンガー・ボウルなど問題にしないレベルのクオリティ。それが「Substitute」からさらに聞きやすくなるのですが、トータルでも68年のオーディエンス録音としては驚きのクオリティであることを保証します。

こうなると掛け値なしに歴史的な発掘となった訳ですが、その内容がまた凄い。4月のフィルモア・イーストからセットリストが大幅に変えられており、「Young Man Blues」のカバーはこのツアーからレパートリーに投入された曲。後に『LIVE AT THE LEEDS』で稀代の名演が生み出されますが、ここで聞かれる演奏はまるで別の曲のごとし。まだレパートリーとしてこなれておらず、むしろ同時に録音されたスタジオ・バージョンに近い雰囲気の演奏が新鮮なことこの上ない。
それ以上にライブの定番となる「Magic Bus」もこのツアーからデビューしたレパートリーですが、この時点ではユーモラスな雰囲気を漂わせながら演奏しているのがこれまた新鮮で、こんなに初々しい演奏が残されていたとは驚きです。
その点「Fortune Teller / Tattoo」は従来からのレパートリーですが、ここでは何とジョン・エントウィッスルがMCを務めているからこれまた驚き。フーのライブと言えば基本MCはピート、そこにキースかロジャーが突っ込むという構図が出来上がっており、ジョンはと言えばステージ上では寡黙なベーシストというイメージが定着していました。ところが、ここでは彼がMCを務めるという極めて貴重な場面が捉えていたのです。
そして極めつけは「Daddy Rolling Stone」。ザ・フー最初期、それこそハイ・ナンバーズ時代のレパートリーを1968年にも演奏していた事実は今までコアなマニアにしか知られていなかっただけに、これは大発見と言えるでしょう。何よりハイ・ナンバーズ時代の演奏から飛躍したワイルドで頼もしい演奏ぶりは圧巻。
こうして貴重さでは『FILLMORE WEST 1969 2ND NIGHT』をも上回る衝撃の内容は聞きどころの連続。正に一級の歴史的資料が発掘されたと言うだけでなく、びっくりするほどの聞きやすさにも驚き。世界中のマニアに衝撃を与えるであろう1968年の貴重すぎるステージの記録が遂に日の目を見ました!

1. Bill Graham introduction
2. Heaven & Hell
3. I Can’t Explain
4. Boris the Spider
5. A Quick One, While He’s Away
6. Summertime Blues
7. Young Man Blues
8. Happy Jack
9. I’m A Boy
10. Magic Bus
11. Substitute
12. Fortune Teller / Tattoo
13. Daddy Rolling Stone
14. Little Billy
15. Shakin’ All Over
16. My Generation


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