Van Halen / Greensboro 1981 / 2CDR

Van Halen / Greensboro 1981 / 2CDR / Shades
Live at Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, NC, USA 25th August 1981

Play sample :

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The “FAIR WARNING” era, when even the precious original VAN HALEN is exceptionally rare. The legendary name recording, which is said to be the best masterpiece, is now available.
“August 25, 1981 Greensboro performance” is imbued in this work. It is a superb audience recording that tells the whole story. Speaking of the “FAIR WARNING Tour”, “L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981 (Shades 1700)”, which was released the other day and was very well received, is still fresh in our memory. This work is also a nominated work that competes with that masterpiece for the throne of “Tour No. 1 Recording”. Before the sound that you care about, first the position of the show. Let’s take a bird’s eye view of the tour and organize our collection.

《“FAIR WARNING” released on April 29》
・ May 12: Halifax performance
* May 15 “THREE WARNING (Disc 1-2)”
・May 16-June 18 (20 performances)
* June 19 “L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981”
・June 20-July 31 (24 performances)
*August 2 “THREE WARNING (Disc 3)”
・ August 3-24 (8 performances)
*August 25th: Greensboro performance ← This work
・ August 27-October 6 (19 performances)
* October 7 “THREE WARNING (Disc 4-5)”
・October 9-25 (9 performances)
*Note: Performances marked with an asterisk (*) are from our collection.

This is the 1981 VAN HALEN. I usually write down the country and region, but the “FAIR WARNING Tour” was limited to North America (this may be related to the lack of famous recordings), so I omitted it. 86 performances were held in about 5 months, but the Greensboro performance of this work is the 57th performance. It was a concert about two months after “L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981”.
This is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, and is a well-known recording with a neat and direct feel. There are also Gene drop masters of the same recording on the net, but this work is the best master that recorded all the songs of the show. It is an upgraded version with a lot better sound. In fact, although it sucks in the hall noise, the powerful core that jumps in to eat it is wonderful. Although the type is close to “L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981”, the outline of this work stands out more vividly, and the performance can be felt up close. Vocals are especially powerful. Shouts, scats, and word by word of the lyrics are crisp and clear. Audience recording has a big difference depending on taste, so it can not be affirmed unconditionally, but this work will be the No. 1 recording of the tour in the sense of “more like a sound board”.
The full show of the “FAIR WARNING Tour”, with its rare songs, is depicted with such a king’s sound. Let’s get things sorted out here.

● Martial law (6 songs)
・Sinner’s Swing!(★★)/Hear About It Later(★)/So This Is Love?/Sunday Afternoon In The Park(★★)/Mean Street/Unchained
● Classics (10 songs + α)
・Flame Tinder: On Fire/Jamie’s Cryin’/Runnin’ With The Devil/Ice Cream Man/Feel Your Love Tonight/You Really Got Me/Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
・Others: Dance The Night Away/Romeo Delight/Everybody Wants Some!!
* Note: “★” marks are songs that will be sealed for over 30 years. In particular, the “★★” marks are limited songs only for this tour.

… and it looks like this. Frankly speaking, it is the same as “L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981”. You can also see the title “Sound of Summertime” below, but this is an MC corner where Dave speaks with a light blues jam rather than a song. And the contents are concentrated reduction of “Fuse of Flame” and “Martial Law”. Although “Martial Law” is a popular work next to “Flame Tinder” and “1984”, for some reason there are few live standard songs. It is a privilege of the “FAIR WARNING Tour” that six songs are played on a large scale, and it is also a real pleasure that sets it apart from other tours.
After this, VAN HALEN will become more entertainment-oriented, but the “FAIR WARNING Tour” will be just before. It was a unique and fulfilling era with plenty of early tastes with a rich hard rock color, but also delicious masterpieces that could not be heard on other tours. A masterpiece that you can enjoy such a full show with a soundboard-like superb sound. Please, please fully enjoy this work of the best master.

★ The best audience recording of “Greensboro performance on August 25, 1981”. It is a neat and direct name recording, and the powerful core that jumps in as if to break through the dynamic ringing is also a masterpiece. Vocals are especially powerful. Shouts, scats, and word by word of the lyrics are crisp and clear. The rare “martial law” number is also the best masterpiece of tour No. 1 where you can enjoy a delicious full show.

貴重なオリジナルVAN HALENでもひときわレアな『FAIR WARNING』時代。その最高傑作とも言われる伝説の名録音が登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1981年8月25日グリーンズボロ公演」。その一部始終を伝える極上オーディエンス録音です。“FAIR WARNING Tour”と言えば、先日リリースされて大好評を博した『L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981(Shades 1700)』も記憶に新しいところ。本作は、あの名作と「ツアーNo.1録音」の王座を競い合うノミネート作品でもあります。その気になるサウンドの前に、まずはショウのポジション。ツアーの全景を俯瞰し、当店コレクションを整理してみましょう。

《4月29日『FAIR WARNING』発売》
*5月15日『THREE WARNING(Disc 1-2)』
*6月19日『L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981』
*8月2日『THREE WARNING(Disc 3)』
*8月25日:グリーンズボロ公演 ←★本作★
*10月7日『THREE WARNING(Disc 4-5)』

これが1981年のVAN HALEN。普段は国・地域も記すところですが、“FAIR WARNING Tour”は北米限定でした(これが名録音の少なさにも関係しているのかも知れません)ので省略しています。約5ヶ月間で86公演が行われたわけですが、本作のグリーンズボロ公演はその57公演目。『L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981』の約2ヶ月後にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウを真空パックした本作は、端正にしてダイレクト感もたっぷりな名録音。ネットには同録音のジェネ落ちマスターも出回っておりますが、本作はショウを全曲収録したベスト・マスター。サウンドもグッと向上したアップグレード版です。実際、ホール鳴りも吸い込んではいるものの、それを食い破るように飛び込んでくる力強し芯が素晴らしい。タイプとしては『L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981』に近いものの、本作は輪郭がより一層鮮やかに浮き立ち、その分演奏も間近に感じられる。特に強力なのはヴォーカル。シャウトもスキャットも歌詞の一語一語もくっきりはっきり。オーディエンス録音は好みによる差も大きいので一概に断言はできませんが、「よりサウンドボード的」という意味では本作こそがツアーNo.1録音となるでしょう。
そんな王者のサウンドで画かれるのは、レア曲も美味しい“FAIR WARNING Tour”のフルショウ。ここでその内容も整理しておきましょう。

・Sinner’s Swing!(★★)/Hear About It Later(★)/So This Is Love?/Sunday Afternoon In The Park(★★)/Mean Street/Unchained
・炎の導火線:On Fire/Jamie’s Cryin’/Runnin’ With The Devil/Ice Cream Man/Feel Your Love Tonight/You Really Got Me/Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
・その他:Dance The Night Away/Romeo Delight/Everybody Wants Some!!

……と、このようになっています。ざっくばらんに言って『L.A. SPORTS ARENA 1981』と同一。下記には「Sound of Summertime」なるタイトルも見られますが、これは曲というよりは軽いブルース・ジャムに乗せてデイヴが話しかけるMCコーナーです。そして、その内容は『炎の導火線』と『戒厳令』の濃縮還元。『戒厳令』は『炎の導火線』『1984』に次ぐ人気作にもかかわらず、どういうわけかライヴの定番曲は少ない。それが6曲も大盤振る舞いされるのは“FAIR WARNING Tour”の特権ですし、他ツアーとは一線を画する醍醐味にもなっているのです。
この後のVAN HALENはエンターテインメント色が強くなっていきますが、“FAIR WARNING Tour”はの直前。ハードロック色も濃厚な初期のテイストたっぷりでありながら、他ツアーでは聴けない名曲も美味しい個性的な大充実時代でした。そんなフルショウをサウンドボード的な極上サウンドで楽しめる最高傑作。どうぞ、ベスト・マスターの本作で存分にご堪能ください。


Disc 1 (55:54)
1. Intro
2. On Fire
3. Sinner’s Swing!
4. Drum Solo
5. Hear About It Later
6. So This Is Love?
7. Jamie’s Cryin’
8. Bass Solo
9. Runnin’ With the Devil
10. Dance the Night Away
11. MC
12. Sunday Afternoon in the Park
13. Romeo Delight
14. Everybody Wants Some!!

Disc 2 (43:34)
1. Sound of Summertime
2. Ice Cream Man
3. Mean Street
4. Guitar Solo
5. Feel Your Love Tonight
6. You Really Got Me
7. Unchained
8. Ain’t Talkin’ ’bout Love

David Lee Roth – Lead Vocals
Eddie Van Halen – Guitars, Vocals
Michael Anthony – Bass, Vocals
Alex Van Halen – Drums
Shades 1739

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