Uriah Heep / Rocksound Festival 2006 / 1DVDR

Uriah Heep / Rocksound Festival 2006 / 1DVDR / Non label
Rocksound Festival, Huttwil, Switzerland 8th July 2006 PRO-SHOT

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This weekend, the masterpiece “EASY LIVIN’: A HISTORY OF URIAH HEEP” that unravels the history of British hard rock hero URIAH HEEP will be permanently preserved this weekend. As gifts, we have prepared superb images that give a sense of their colorful history.
This film was shot at “Footville Performance on July 8, 2006”. This is a multi-camera professional shot at the summer festival “ROCKSOUND FESTIVAL” in Switzerland. URIAH HEEP in the mid-2000s was a masterpiece and was absorbed in live performances. At the time, it was also the last stage of the time when Lee Carslake was the last member to know the Golden Age together with Mix Box. First of all, let’s look back at the schedule at that time in order to know such a situation.

・February 8th-17th: Asia (5 performances)
・February 23-March 6: Europe #1 (9 performances)
・May 11-August 26: Europe #2 (21 performances) ←★Coco★
・September 16: Oslo performance
・September 21-28: South America (4 performances)
・October 13-December 14: Europe #3 (32 performances)

This is the 2006 URIAH HEEP. It’s been 36 years since debut, and 70 live performances a year. Moreover, it is wonderful that it is wide in the world. Despite not having North America, which is the largest market for rock, even in India, Indonesia, South America, and Europe, there are plenty of circuits in Eastern Europe such as Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and Poland, as well as classic Central and Northern Europe. Those who are familiar with Euro Rock may come in with a pinch, but these countries are also prosperous areas of neo-prog. Although it is difficult to convey in Japan, which tends to focus on British and American information, it is also possible to see from what dates their popular and persistent popularity is supported. Anyway, ROCK SOUND FESTIVAL of this work is a part of such a European tour. It was the 15th performance of “Europe #2”.
▽ This work, which was made easy with such a show, is a really wonderful multi-camera professional shot. It’s hard to say that “High-vision” is called “completely official class” in a modern sense, but if it is the standard at that time, it can be said with full effort. Sound quality, image quality, mix, camera work… Everything is “Is it official?” It is a quality without questions and answers that can only say “Please watch it anymore”.
The visual beauty depicts a full show that concentrates the history of glory in 70 minutes. The official video from the mid-2000s includes “BETWEEN TWO WORLDS,” so let’s compare and organize them.

● David Byron era (8 songs)
・Gypsy/Lady In Black(★)/July Morning/The Wizard(★)/Easy Livin'(★)/Sunrise(★)/Stealin'(★)/So Tired
● John Lawton era (2 songs)
・Falling In Love (★)/Free Me (★)
● Bernie Shaw (3 songs)
・Cry Freedom/Words In The Distance/Between Two Worlds
*Note: The “★” marks are songs that cannot be seen in the official video “BETWEEN TWO WORLDS”.

…And this is how it looks. At first glance, the sets that combine Barney’s songs with the Byron and Lawton eras seem to have no characteristics, but they are not. If you look closely, only “The Wizard” and “Easy Livin'” of “DEMONS AND WIZARDS” are selected from the same album. Everything else is a set that picks up one song from each piece, which covers a wide range of careers at once. This is the meaning of “the finest images that make you feel a variety of history” introduced at the beginning.
URIAH HEEP has always produced good songs while various talents came in and out. It is a “moving best board” that casually shows off a wide range of famous songs. Please enjoy this opportunity.

英国ハードロックの英雄URIAH HEEPの歴史を紐解く傑作『EASY LIVIN’: A HISTORY OF URIAH HEEP』が永久保存される今週末。ギフトにも彼らの多彩な歴史を感じさせる極上映像をご用意しました。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2006年7月8日フットヴィール公演」。スイスの夏フェス“ROCKSOUND FESTIVAL”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショットです。2000年代半ばのURIAH HEEPは寡作であり、ライヴ活動に没頭。当時はミックス・ボックスと共に黄金時代を知る最後のメンバー:リー・カースレイク在籍時代の末期でもありました。まずは、そんな状況を知る意味でも当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。


これが2006年のURIAH HEEP。デビュー36年にして、年間70公演というライヴ三昧。しかも、世界中幅広いのが素晴らしい。ロックの最大市場である北米がないにも関わらず、インドやインドネシア、南米、欧州にしても定番の中欧・北欧だけでなくウクライナやブルガリア、チェコ、ポーランドといった東欧諸国もたっぷりとサーキットしています。ユーロロックに詳しい方ならピンと来るかも知れませんが、こうした国々はネオ・プログレの盛んな地域でもある。英米の情報に注目しがちな日本では伝わりづらいですが、彼らの広く、根強い人気がどんな層に支持されているのか、日程からも透けるのです。ともあれ、本作のROCKSOUND FESTIVALは、そんなヨーロッパ・ツアーの一幕。「欧州#2」の15公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
その映像美で描かれるのは、栄光の歴史を70分に濃縮したフルショウ。2000年代半ばの公式映像というと『BETWEEN TWO WORLDS』もありますので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Gypsy/Lady In Black(★)/July Morning/The Wizard(★)/Easy Livin’(★)/Sunrise(★)/Stealin’(★)/So Tired
・Falling In Love(★)/Free Me(★)
・Cry Freedom/Words In The Distance/Between Two Worlds
※注:「★」印は公式映像『BETWEEN TWO WORLDS』では観られない曲。

……と、このようになっています。バイロン時代とロートン時代、それにバーニーの持ち歌を組み合わせたセットは一見すると特徴がないようにも見えますが、実はそうではない。よくよく見てみると、同じアルバムからセレクトされているのは『DEMONS AND WIZARDS』の「The Wizard」「Easy Livin’」のみ。他はすべてバラバラの作品から1曲ずつ拾ったセットとなっており、幅広いキャリアを一挙に網羅したセット。これが冒頭でご紹介した「多彩な歴史を感じさせる極上映像」の意味なのです。
さまざまな才能が出入りしながら、常に良い曲を生み続けてきたURIAH HEEP。その幅広い名曲群をさり気なく見せつける「動くベスト盤」たる1枚です。どうぞ、この機会にじっくりとお楽しみください。

1. So Tired
2. Cry Freedom
3. Falling In Love
4. Words In The Distance
5. Stealin’
6. Between Two Worlds
7. The Wizard
8. Free Me
9. Sunrise
10. Gypsy
11. July Morning
12. Easy Livin’
13. Lady In Black

Mick Box – Guitar
Bernie Shaw – Vocals
Phil Lanzon – Keyboards
Trevor Bolder – Bass
Lee Kerslake – Drums


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