Uli Jon Roth / Kenosha 2013 / 2DVDR

Uli Jon Roth / Kenosha 2013 / 2DVDR / No Label

Live at the Brat Stop, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA 15th February 2013

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Uli Jon Roth hasn’t released an album since the release of “UNDER A DARK SKY” in 2008, but his live performances have become more active than ever and he has performed wonderfully in the US and European countries. increase. In particular, on his North American tour from January to March 2013, he showed off a special set that occupied most of the live with SCORPIONS numbers to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Uri joining SCORPIONS. This tour attracted a lot of attention not only from Europe and America but also from Japanese fans.
From the 2013 North American tour where multiple live sound sources have appeared immediately after the tour, this time the live video in Kenosha, Wisconsin on February 15th will appear in the highest quality! It was

The live started with “All Night Long”, which SCORPIONS played only live when Uri was enrolled. Fans are familiar with the take of “TOKYO TAPES”, but no one could have predicted that the song would start again in 2013, 35 years after that. The video is a multi-camera specification that edits multiple audience shots, and contains outstanding clearness and ease of viewing from the panoramic view of the stage to the close-up of the player. In particular, the main shot taken from the front row on the left side of the stage is powerful, and Uri’s guitar play is captured in detail and clearly. Accurate picking and striking arming can be an interesting video for guitar players (sometimes it feels like watching a pro shot, and the appearance of Uri tuning between songs. Must-see). The sound quality is as good as a line sound source, and it is a quality that will satisfy all fans.
Not only are the famous songs from the SCORPIONS era studded, but the songs are selected so that enthusiasts will also growl. Especially in the first half, that tendency is strong, “Longing For Fire” from “IN TRANCE”, “Crying Days” recorded in “VIRGIN KILLER”, and “A Day Late” played by Ian Gillan in “GILLAN’S INN”. I play amazing numbers like “And A Dollar Short”.
However, after the middle stage of the live “Life’s Like A River”, there are a lot of songs that any Japanese SCORPIONS fan can enjoy without complaint. “The Sails Of Charon” where you can enjoy Uri’s heavy guitar (the song also features a violin by guest Rachel Barton Pine), “FLY TO THE RAINBOW” hidden masterpieces “They Need A Million”, “Sun” A number of songs suitable for special tours, such as rare numbers at the time of “IN TRANCE” such as “In My Head” and “Evening Wind”, will be revived with outstanding play and arrangement.
The vocalist here is Henning Basse of the German band SONS OF SEASONS. He has a certain ability because he is appointed to Uri, and he can listen to powerful singing even with numbers such as “We’ll Burn The Sky”, “Pictured Life”, and “Catch Your Train”.
The climax of the live will be the cover of Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix “All Along The Watchtower”, “If 6 Was 9” and “Little Wing”, ending the 163 minute live.

The live performance over two and a half hours is a series of listening places and highlights. Even if the songs are mainly from the past, it makes me realize that the current Uri has risen to a higher level as a musician and a guitarist. Originally released normally, it is a set of 2 discs (with an original menu, of course!). Please enjoy plenty of Uri’s famous performances!

★ The best title that can be declared the best among the live images of Uri in the past 20 years. This is a must-have for fans.

ウリ・ジョン・ロートは2008年の「UNDER A DARK SKY」発表後、アルバムこそリリースしてはいませんが、ライヴ活動はこれまで以上に積極的となり、アメリカそしてヨーロッパ各国で素晴らしい演奏を披露しています。特に彼が2013年1月から3月にかけて行った北米ツアーでは、ウリがSCORPIONSに加入してから40年の節目を記念し、ライヴの大半をSCORPIONSナンバーで占めたスペシャル・セットを披露。このツアーは欧米のみならず、日本のファンからも大きな注目を集めました。
 ライヴはウリ在籍時のSCORPIONSがライヴでのみ演奏していた「All Night Long」でスタート。ファンには「TOKYO TAPES」のテイクでお馴染みですが、あれから35年後の2013年になって、再びこの曲でライヴが始まろうとは、誰もが予想できなかったでしょう。映像は複数のオーディエンス・ショットを編集したマルチカメラ仕様で、ステージの全景からプレイヤーのアップまで、抜群のクリアネスと見易さで収めています。特にステージ左側前列から撮影されたメインのショットは迫力があり、ウリのギター・プレイも細かく明瞭に捉えています。正確なピッキングと印象的なアーミングは、ギターをプレイする人にとっても興味深い映像と言えるでしょう(場面によってはプロショットを観ているような気持ちになります。また曲間でチューニングするウリの姿も必見です)。サウンドもライン音源のように優れた音質で、ファンの誰もが満足するであろうクオリティです。
 単にSCORPIONS時代の有名な楽曲を散りばめただけでなく、マニアも唸るような選曲がなされています。特に前半はその傾向が強く、「IN TRANCE」からの「Longing For Fire」や「VIRGIN KILLER」収録の「Crying Days」、さらにはウリがイアン・ギランの「GILLAN’S INN」でプレイした「A Day Late And A Dollar Short」といった、驚くようなナンバーを演奏しています。
 しかしライヴの中盤「Life’s Like A River」以降は、日本のSCORPIONSファンなら誰もが文句なしに楽しめる曲が目白押し。ウリのへヴィなギターが楽しめる「The Sails Of Charon」(同曲ではゲストのレイチェル・バートン・パインによるヴァイオリンもフィーチャー)、「FLY TO THE RAINBOW」の隠れた名曲「They Need A Million」、「Sun In My Head」・「Evening Wind」といった「IN TRANCE」当時のレアナンバーなど、スペシャルなツアーにふさわしい楽曲の数々が、卓越したプレイとアレンジで蘇ります。
 ここでヴォーカルを務めているのは、ドイツのバンドSONS OF SEASONSのヘニング・バッセ。ウリに起用されるだけあって確かな力量の持ち主で、「We’ll Burn The Sky」や「Pictured Life」、「Catch Your Train」といったナンバーでもパワフルな歌唱を聴かせます。
 ライヴのクライマックスはボブ・ディランやジミ・ヘンドリクスのカバー「All Along The Watchtower」や、「If 6 Was 9」・「Little Wing」が演奏され、163分ものライヴを締めくくります。
Disc 1(77:21)
1. All Night Long
2. Longing For Fire
3. Crying Days
4. A Day Late And A Dollar Short
5. Life’s Like A River
6. The Sails Of Charon
7. They Need A Million
8. Sun In My Head
9. Hell Cat
10. Evening Wind
11. We’ll Burn The Sky
Disc 2(85:55)
1. In Trance
2. I’ve Got To Be Free
3. Fly To The Rainbow
4. Polar Nights
5. Dark Lady
6. Pictured Life
7. Catch Your Train
8. All Along The Watchtower
9. If 6 Was 9
10. Little Wing
Uli Jon Roth – Guitar, Vocals Henning Basse – Vocals Ali Clinton – Guitar, Vocals
Niklas Turmann – Guitar, Vocals Ule W. Ritgen – Bass Jamie Little – Drums
Corvin Bahn – Keyboards Rachel Barton Pine – violin
COLOUR NTSC Approx. 163min.

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