Rolling Stones / Welcome To New York / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Welcome To New York / 1CD / Non label

Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA 26th July 1972 (UPGRADE)

Play sample :

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The Rolling Stones, also known as “Rock’n’Roll Dynamite,” is the yokozuna of the 1972 American Tour, and now it seems that “PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL” has made its existence unwavering, but long before that, the wonder of the 1972 Tour was The masterpiece among the masterpieces that told me is “WELCOME TO NEW YORK”. The impactful sound quality and content based on the PA-out leaked stereo sound board obtained by TMOQ’s dub had a tremendous impact on the enthusiasts of the time, and as I will explain, the value is still completely faded. It is a famous sound source that is not in a situation where it is not.
Unlike the later CD era, the leaked sound board was extremely rare in the LP era in the early 1970s, and the sound source of “WELCOME TO NEW YORK” was really epoch-making. It’s also the second outflow PA out soundboard in rock history, following Crosby Stills Nash & Young’s “WOODEN NICKEL”, and both sources have been the original since they were first released on LP. The common point is that the tape source of is still a valuable sound source that is not on the market. In the first place, it was the Genesis of a rock concert where the PA system became popular, and it was also a proof that the outflow of the sound board itself was rare.
Because of that, the “WELCOME TO NEW YORK” sound board continued to drop old LPs even in the CD era, and it was the nostalgic TSP board that started. Looking back on it now, it was just a sweet item that kept the pitch high while the scratch noise was screwed down by applying strong noise reduction to the board, but in 1990 I did not know the LP of TMOQ. It was a simple time when the generations enthusiastically welcomed me.
It was a big surprise that this TSP board had been reigning as the best CD version for more than 10 years, but in the 21st century, Stones specialists such as VGP and DAC each released a new generation dating back to the original LP. Do it. At the same time, I was confronted with the reality that except for the parts that can only be heard on LP, they can only be heard on audience recordings with poor sound quality. Since there is no sign that the original LP tape will be excavated as before, unfortunately there is almost no hope of listening to other songs with the same high sound quality.

After that, European-made Digipak & blue jackets appeared, but even that was released 10 years ago, and all the items mentioned above were released even earlier. So this time, Graff Zeppelin tried to make a CD from TMOQ original LP again. Of course, without any tricks to the cuts and noises of “Midnight Rambler”. From the results, the difference is clear compared to the past releases. It is in a state that makes the best use of the texture of the original LP, which is more natural, yet the texture is very clean and the texture is a big attraction. If you listen with headphones, you should be able to feel the difference even more, and the low-frequency noise that was faintly heard on the right side is wiped out, making it even easier to hear.
And for the parts that are not captured on the sound board, as in the past releases, we have to rely on two types of monaural audience recording, but for “recorder 2” used in the first half of the live, Graff has a frequent rotation twist. It’s a feat that Zeppelin adjusts precisely. The difference is obvious if you compare them in the intro of “Gimme Shelter”. It’s a finish that surprises enthusiasts who thought it couldn’t be helped because it was a vintage audience.
On the other hand, “recorder 1” used at the end of the live is not only vintage, but it is also difficult to grasp the details of the song with a rough audience like a picture. Therefore, this time, we decided to adopt it until the end of “Jumping Jack Flash” where the sound board is interrupted and “Street Fighting Man”, and by doing so, we summarized it on a scale that fits on one CD and alleviated the roughening of the problem with the latest technology. It’s definitely easier to hear than the existing version.

And as for the performers, rock’n’roll dynamite exploded because it was Mick’s birthday and the last day of the tour, as it has been well-established for a long time. The value of the TMOQ board has not faded even though it is a stereo sound board that clearly captures such a situation. Also, one month has passed since “Phiraspe”, so the performance is really solid. This performance content was also the reason why it was called a masterpiece, but even among them, there are few enthusiasts who believe that this take is the best for “Bye Bye Johnny” where the moment Keith starts playing the intro from the member introduction is too cool. I don’t think so. This time, you can thoroughly enjoy this famous performance with a clean and natural sound quality.
On the other hand, the audience recording part, especially “recorder 2”, is in a recording state where the details of the performance are roughly transmitted, so the performance that seems to be the last day of the tour is also transmitted properly (that is why the sound board). I want to hear it …). Among them, “Gimme Shelter” is a sharp guitar solo by Taylor. The phrase that surpasses even the prestigious “Phiraspe” version of that famous performance is unique to the last day of the tour. In this way, not only the main sound board TMOQ part, but also the audience recording that supplements it will be released on a limited press CD with the latest definitive version of the famous sound source & famous performance overhauled with the unique sense of Graff Zeppelin!

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(Remaster memo)

★ Aud Rec 2 at the beginning corrects the slight twist (pitch fluctuation) of the tape that becomes noticeable from around the 3rd song for the first time.
It is easy to understand the difference from the existing one in the interval between songs and the intro of Gimi Shelta.

★ The SB part is based on an analog record, just like all the previous releases.
The phase is corrected and low frequency noise (hum noise) is removed for a refreshing look.

★ Aud Rec1 is remastered (roughness is reduced by EQ) from the end of Jumping and supplemented.

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「ロックンロール・ダイナマイト」ことローリング・ストーンズ1972年アメリカ・ツアーの横綱といえば今や「PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL」がその存在を揺るぎないものとしている感がありますが、それよりもずっと前に72年ツアーの素晴らしさを伝えてくれた名盤中の名盤が「WELCOME TO NEW YORK」。TMOQのダブが入手したPAアウトの流出ステレオ・サウンドボードを元にしたというインパクトのある音質と内容は当時のマニアに凄まじいほどの衝撃を与えましたし、これから述べるように今なお価値がまったく色褪せていない状況となっているほどの名音源なのです。
後のCD時代と違い、1970年代初頭のLP時代にあって流出サウンドボードというのは極めて稀であり、「WELCOME TO NEW YORK」の音源は本当に画期的でした。それはクロスビー・スティルス・ナッシュ&ヤングの「WOODEN NICKEL」に続いてロック史上における二番目の流出PAアウト・サウンドボードでもあり、なおかつどちらの音源も最初にLPでリリースされて以降、現在に至るまで元のテープ・ソースが出回っていない貴重音源であり続けているという点が共通している。そもそもPAシステムが普及したロックコンサートの創世記であり、サウンドボードの流出自体が珍しかったことを物語っていた証でもあった。
そのせいで「WELCOME TO NEW YORK」サウンドボードはCD時代を迎えても古のLP落としが出され続ける結果となり、その口火を切ったのは懐かしのTSP盤でした。いま振り返ってみれば単なる盤起こしに強いノイズリダクションを施してスクラッチノイズをねじ伏せていた一方、ピッチは高いままという詰めの甘いアイテムでしかなかったのですが、1990年にはTMOQのLPを知らない世代に熱烈歓迎されたのが何とも素朴な時代でした。

その後ヨーロッパ製デジパック&青ジャケなんていうのも現れましたが、それすら10年前のリリースですし、先に挙げたアイテム群などはどれもさらに昔のリリース。そこで今回はGraff Zeppelinが改めてTMOQオリジナルLPからのCD化に挑戦。もちろん「Midnight Rambler」で生じるカットやノイズに手に加えるような小細工は一切なしで。結果から言うと、過去のリリース群と比べてその差は歴然。よりナチュラルでオリジナルのLPの質感を生かした状態となっており、それでいて非常にすっきりと質感が大きな魅力となっています。ヘッドフォンで聞けばさらに違いを実感してもらえるはずで、右側でうっすらと聞こえた低周波ノイズが一掃されてさらに聞きやすく。
そしてサウンドボードで捉えられていないパートに関しては過去のリリース同様、二種類のモノラル・オーディエンス録音に頼らなければならない訳ですが、ライブ前半に用いられた「recorder 2」に関しては頻発する回転ヨレをGraff Zeppelinが緻密にアジャストするという面目躍如。その違いは「Gimme Shelter」のイントロで聞き比べれば一目瞭然。今まではビンテージ・オーディエンスだから仕方がない…と思っていたマニアを驚かせる仕上がりです。
一方ライブ終盤に用いられる「recorder 1」はビンテージどころか絵に描いたような荒くれオーディエンスで曲のディティールを掴むのも難しい。そこで今回はサウンドボードが途切れる「Jumping Jack Flash」終盤と「Street Fighting Man」までの採用とし、これによってCD一枚に収まる尺でまとめた上、問題の荒くれ加減も最新技術にて緩和させてて既発盤よりは確実に聞きやすくなっています。

そして演奏の方は昔からの定評通り、ミックの誕生日かつツアー最終日ということもあってロックンロール・ダイナマイトが大爆発。その様を克明に捉えたステレオ・サウンドボードということでもTMOQ盤の価値は色褪せていません。それに「フィラスぺ」から一か月が経過したということもあり、本当に演奏は盤石。この演奏内容もまた名盤と呼ばれる所以だった訳ですが、そうした中でもメンバー紹介からキースがイントロを弾き始める瞬間がカッコよすぎる「Bye Bye Johnny」はこのテイクがベストだと信じているマニアが少なくないのでは。今回はすっきりナチュラルな音質でこの名演中の名演をじっくりと味わっていただけます。
一方オーディエンス録音パート、特に「recorder 2」の方は粗いなりに演奏のディティールが伝わってくる録音状態ですので、こちらからもツアー最終日らしい気合の入った演奏ぶりがちゃんと伝わってくれる(だからこそサウンドボードで聞きたくなる訳ですが…)。中でも「Gimme Shelter」はテイラーのギターソロがキレッキレ。あの名演の誉れ高き「フィラスぺ」のバージョンをも凌がんばかりのフレーズがまたツアー最終日ならでは。こうしてメインのサウンドボードTMOQパートはもちろん、それを補うオーディエンス録音もGraff Zeppelinならではのセンスでオーバーホールされた名音源&名演の最新決定版が限定プレスCDにて登場します!




★序盤のAud Rec2は3曲目付近以降から顕著となるテープの微小なヨレ(ピッチ揺れ)を初めて補正。


★Jumping 終盤からAud Rec1をリマスター(EQで粗さを低減)のうえ補填。


01. Introduction
02. Brown Sugar
03. Bitch
04. Rocks Off
05. Gimme Shelter
06. Happy
07. Tumbling Dice
08. Love In Vain
09. Sweet Virginia
10. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
11. All Down The Line
12. Midnight Rambler ★11:34付近ドロップダウンそのまま
13. Band Introductions
14. Bye Bye Johnny
15. Rip This Joint
16. Jumping Jack Flash ★3:15以降Aud Rec1
17. Street Fighting Man ★Aud Rec1 /フェードアウト最後

Tr. 1-7 Aud Rec2
Tr. 8-16途中 SB
Tr. 16途中-17 Aud Rec1


Non label



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