Rolling Stones / Frankfurt 1982 / 6CD

Rolling Stones / Frankfurt 1982 / 6CD / Non Label

Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 29th, 30th June & 1st July 1982

Play sample :

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Nowadays, a huge item called Leeds on the final day has been officially released, but it seems that the Rolling Stones 1982 European tour did not quite produce the item “This is!” from the LP era. For example, it seems that Gothenburg, which is familiar to enthusiasts, is neither good nor bad in terms of performance with LPs such as “NEVER STOP” that was outstanding in terms of sound quality, but even though it was excavated in the CD era, the sound quality is wonderful, but performance I got the same impression about the content. On the other hand, although the sound quality is not as good as it is, Wembley Stadium has transmitted the full opening of the engine of Stones so that you can understand it at first glance. 10 years ago, the LP reprint press CD “MAKE THE WORLD GO’ROUND” told us about the passionate performance.
In the first place, the tour itself seemed to have reached the next level from Wembley Stadium, and it was Franfkurt from the end of June that was held after Bristol performance after Wembley. The show was held for three nights in a row, and the performance there was really amazing. The 1982 tour had a sharp performance that was faster than the previous year, but the momentum that got on that wave at Wembley was wonderfully reflected. A limited press CD will release a title that combines all such performances in Frankfurt.

However, there was a feeling that Franf Kurt was not blessed with items. On the first day, an LP called “ALL THE GIRLS IN FRANK FURT” was released on the first day, and it is the most well-known sound source among maniacs in the three days. A CD was also released, which was a full copy of the latter LP (and roughly), but it was an audience recording that was easy to hear, but there was a big drawback that the voices of the surrounding audience were very annoying. The voices that scream with the intention of doing something that shouldn’t be done, such as “Sweet Virginia” or “Cocksucker Blues,” were especially stressful.
In that respect, the LP called “YEAH BABY YEAH” used an audience recording that was recorded in a much more stable environment, but the unique jacket that does not want to use artist photos for the front cover of the released label, LP The incomplete recording state of one piece suffers, and it becomes a tragic piece that was hardly appreciated at that time.
Therefore, this time I used the same master of audience recording as “YEAH BABY YEAH” LP. Regarding this sound source, KRW_CO had already released it on the net, but it seems that it has been copied several times although it is a low generation, at that time the big problem that sound deterioration occurs in “Honky Tonk Women” Was included. In this regard, this is based on the real master provided by overseas collectors, so you can enjoy it in a state of excellent stability without such problems. Speaking of stability, the LP version “ALL THE GIRLS IN FRANK FURT” CD version could not be played as a low pitch, and there was a common mistake that the intro of “Brown Sugar” was missing from the LP when recording. Of course, this time it was recorded in perfect condition.

On the second day, there was an audience recording that had been adopted for just one song “Just My Imagination” on the “YEAH BABY YEAH” LP, and since the beginning of the 21st century, the VGP label is again under the name of “YEAH BABY YEAH”. Has released the full length version for the first time. I also thought that it was a sound that I could hear at that time, but the upper sense of the master provided by overseas collectors is also spectacular. A stunning 3 rank up of sound quality that makes even the expression that you hear the difference understand it. It is remembered that the VGP version was in a state where the generation was considerably lower than the version this time. Therefore, the first day will be the LP version “YEAH BABY YEAH” and this day will be the upper version from the CD of the same name. This big change is the biggest shock among the three sound sources.
And on the third day, it is the first audience recording this time, but this is the sound quality comparable to the other two days, and it is an unbelievable level that it was never released until now. What they have in common is not the so-called “sound board” sound image, but rather the attractive balance of distance and presence.
If you want to rank, the top is the first day, the latter two are the same rate. In that respect, it may not be for everyone, but if you haven’t been to the enthusiast level, but have been listening to audience recording to some extent, this will be a lot of fun. The great freshness of the version provided this time with all three sound sources is also a big attraction.

Not only its unique sound quality and ease of listening, but even more surprising is the Stones that let you hear the terrifying performance throughout the three days. It’s not unusual to have slackness all day long for three consecutive nights, but the Stones engine is fully open and the performance that pierces all at once is refreshing throughout the three days. Mick has a terrible high voltage all day long, but on the first day, it was a hyper tone, with “Let Me Go” etc. being crisp. Compared with November around the previous year’s US tour, this place is more intense.
However, Keith misunderstood the riff of “Under My Thumb” at the opening on the second day so that he laughed, but why would he make a mistake in the song he plays every night? I can’t help but rush. Still, he was getting back on track quickly, and it was overwhelming that he could resonate with a powerful lead in “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. It’s a second-day sound source that has the great appeal that even Keith’s sound can be captured in a large amount, but the guitar play with the same song is the best. After that, “Hang fire” doesn’t start easily, so it’s a pity that you will have an awkward time.
Mick was in great shape on the third day. It’s a runaway after “Shattered”, it feels like it was a 1982 tour, and when the intense song in “Just My Imagination” was full, was it the top of the same song from 1981 to 1982? Mick is in full swing as you can imagine.

And after all, on the first day and the second day, it is also attractive that the repertoire “Chantilly Lace” representing 1982 is being played. Even though it was a song by Big Bopper, a rocker who died unfairly with Buddy Holly, it was clear that it could not survive to Leeds as a live repertoire because of its low publicity. Even so, Mick’s free-spirited songs were wonderful, and the introduction of this song made the three-song continuous three-piece old-fashioned part of the hot performance in the part unique to 1982. The biggest drawback of Leeds is that “Chantilly Lace” wasn’t shown, which is why the value of the Frankfurt sound source increases. After all in 1982 Europe had this song.
Not only is it the audience album with the unique listening comfort mentioned above, but it is also enough to listen to the fulfillment of the Stones performance that explodes over three days. The volume of 6 discs will be heard crisply thanks to the feeling of quick running from there. In the first place, the release of the item itself has been a long time since the 1982 tour, but this is the finest sound source that absolutely satisfies mania. Please enjoy the three days of brilliantly with master quality with outstanding freshness and clearness to your heart’s content.

★All 3 performances use excellent masters provided by overseas enthusiasts. It’s been a while since the Stones title was so good! !


今でこそ最終日のリーズという絶大なるアイテムがオフィシャルでリリースされていますが、ローリング・ストーンズ1982年のヨーロッパ・ツアーはLP時代から「これぞ!」というアイテムがなかなか生み出されなかったように思えます。例えば音質面で抜きん出ていた「NEVER STOP」などのLPでマニアにはおなじみヨーテボリも演奏面では可もなく不可もなくといった感じだし、CD時代に発掘されたパリにしても音質が素晴らしい反面、演奏内容に関しては同様の印象を受けました。逆に音質では及ばないものの、一聴して解るほどストーンズのエンジン全開ぶりが伝わってきたのがウェンブリー・スタジアム。10年前にLP復刻プレスCD「MAKE THE WORLD GO ‘ROUND」がその熱演ぶりを伝えてくれました。

ところがフランフクルトはアイテムに恵まれない感がありました。初日はその名も「ALL THE GIRLS IN FRANKFURT」というLPがリリースされており、三日間の中ではマニアの間で一番知られていた音源でもあります。後のLPを(しかも雑に)丸コピしたCDもリリースされましたが、せっかく聞きやすいオーディエンス録音だったというのに、周囲の観客の声が非常に耳障りという大きな欠点がありました。「Sweet Virginia」、果ては「Cocksucker Blues」など、やるはずのない曲を意図して叫ぶ声は特にストレスを感じさせたもの。
その点「YEAH BABY YEAH」というLPはずっと安定した環境で録音されたオーディエンス録音が使われていたのですが、リリースしたレーベルの表ジャケにアーティスト写真を使おうとしない独特のセンスなジャケ、さらにLP一枚分という不完全収録状態が災いし、当時はほとんど評価されない悲運の一枚となってしまいます。
そこで今回は「YEAH BABY YEAH」LPと同じオーディエンス録音のマスターを使用。この音源に関してはかのKRW_COが既にネット上に公開していましたが、そちらはロージェネながら数回のコピーを経ていたようで、その際に「Honky Tonk Women」で音の劣化が生じるという大きな問題を含んでいました。その点、こちらは海外コレクターから提供されたリアル・マスターを元にしたことで、そうした問題のない安定感抜群の状態でお楽しみいただけます。安定感といえばLP落とし「ALL THE GIRLS IN FRANKFURT」CD版はピッチの低さを放置プレイとしていただけなく、LPから収録時に「Brown Sugar」のイントロが欠けてしまうという凡ミスが生じていましたが、もちろん今回は完全な状態にて収録。

二日目は「YEAH BABY YEAH」LPにて「Just My Imagination」一曲だけ採用されていたオーディエンス録音が存在し、21世紀に入ってからVGPレーベルがこれまた「YEAH BABY YEAH」の名の下で初めて全長版をリリースしています。こちらも当時はそれなりに聞ける音だと思っていたものですが、これまた海外コレクターから提供されたマスターのアッパー感は壮絶。一聴して違いがわかるという表現すらぬるく感じてしまう、見事な3ランクアップの音質。今回のバージョンと比べると、VGP版が相当にジェネ落ちした状態であったことを思い知らされます。よって初日がLP版「YEAH BABY YEAH」、この日が同名CDからのアッパー版ということになります。この大幅な変化は三音源の中では一番の衝撃かと。

そんな独自の音質や聞きやすさもさることながら、さらに驚かされるのが三日間を通して凄まじいまでの演奏を聞かせるストーンズ。三夜連続ともなれば一日ぐらい中だるみがあってもおかしくないのに、三日間を通してストーンズはエンジン全開、一気に突き抜ける演奏がまた爽快。ミックはすべての日を通して恐ろしいほどにボルテージが高いのですが、初日はそれに輪をかけてハイパーな調子であり、中でも「Let Me Go」などはキレッキレ。前年のアメリカ・ツアー11月辺りと比べるとむしろこちらの方が激しいくらい。
唯一、二日目のオープニングでキースが「Under My Thumb」のリフを笑っちゃうくらい弾き違えているのですが、毎晩オープニングで演奏してる曲をどうして間違えるかな?と突っ込まずにはいられません。それでも彼はすぐに調子を戻しており、「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」でいつになく力強いリードを鳴り響かせる様は圧巻。ただでさえキースの音が大きめに捉えられるという大きな魅力を兼ね備えた二日目の音源ですが、同曲でのギター・プレイは最高。その後に「Hang fire」がなかなか始まらず、何とも気まずい間が空いてしまうのもご愛敬。
三日目は相も変わらずミックが絶好調。「Shattered」以降の暴走ぶり、これぞ1982年ツアーと言った感じであり、「Just My Imagination」での激しい歌いっぷりときたら、81年から82年にかけて同曲の中でもトップでは?と思えるほどミックが最高潮。

そしてなんと言っても初日・2日目には、82年を代表するレパートリー「Chantilly Lace」が演奏されているのも魅力的。バディ・ホリーと共に非業の死を遂げたロッカー、ビッグ・ボッパーの曲とはいえ、一般的な知名度が低かったせいでライブ・レパートリーとしてリーズまで生き残れなかったのは明白。それでもミックの奔放な歌いっぷりは素晴らしく、これが導入されたことで3曲続けオールディーズ・カバーとなった82年ならではのパートにおけるアツい演奏は格別。「Chantilly Lace」が披露されなかったということがリーズ最大の欠点であり、だからこそフランクフルト音源の価値が高まる訳です。やはり82年ヨーロッパはこの曲があってこそ。



Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 29th June 1982

★アナログ「All The Girls In Frankfurt Vol.Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ」でお馴染みのフランクフルト初日
★これまではアナログ起こしのCD(同名タイトル・MMCD13)しかなかったが、テープソースの2CDは初のリリース★Brown Sugarの頭が切れてないのは史上初
★Krw-coも、同音源をアップしていたがHonky Tonk Women でテープ劣化が顕著、特に右チャネルがダメだったりするが、本音源はより良いマスターを使用しており、そういった問題は一切無い

Disc 1 (69:30)
1. Take The ‘A’ Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When the Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend the Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going to a Go-Go
11. Chantilly Lace
12. Let Me Go
13. Time Is on My Side
14. Beast of Burden
15. Let It Bleed

Disc 2 (59:16)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T&A
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. Hang Fire
7. Miss You
8. Honky Tonk Women
9. Brown Sugar ★頭が切れてないのは史上初
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. Satisfaction


Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 30th June 1982

★過去にはアナログブート「Yeah Baby Yeah」(BYBY2)のB面に1曲だけ収録されていたJust My Imaginationだけしか存在してなかったが、後にVGPが「Yeah Baby Yeah」でその全長盤をリリース。


Disc 3 (70:14)
1. Take The ‘A’ Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When the Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend the Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going to a Go-Go
11. Chantilly Lace
12. Let Me Go
13. Time Is on My Side
14. Beast of Burden
15. Let It Bleed

Disc 4 (62:43)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T&A
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. Hang Fire
7. Miss You
8. Honky Tonk Wom en
9. Brown Sugar
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. Satisfaction


Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 1st July 1982


Disc 5 (58:12)
1. Take The ‘A’ Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When the Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend the Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going to a Go-Go
11. Let Me Go
12. Time Is on My Side
13. Beast of Burden

Disc 6 (60:07)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T&A
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. Hang Fire
7. Miss You
8. Honky Tonk Women
9. Brown Sugar
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. Satisfaction

Mick Jagger – Vocals, Guitar
Keith Richards – Guitar, Vocals
Ron Wood – Guitar
Bill Wyman – Bass
Charlie Watts – Drums

Ian Stewart – Piano
Chuck Leavell – Keyboards
Bobby Keys – Tenor Saxophone
Gene Barge – Alto Saxophone

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