Rolling Stones / Frankfurt 1970 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Frankfurt 1970 / 2CD / Non Label
Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 5th & 6th October 1970

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“PARIS 1970 2ND NIGHT: SOUNDBOARD”, which is the best of the second day of Paris (the radio broadcast the previous day was a real audience), which is the only soundboard of the 1970 European tour to date, has been sold out, but it is the first in the Taylor era. On this tour, which can be called the climax, there are many great performances that can only be heard with audience recording. Frankfurt is one of the most popular cities. Audience recordings exist for both of the live shows held for two consecutive days, and there are even two types of sound sources on the first day.
It’s October 5th, but “recorder 2” has been adopted for this release. The sound source originally saw the light of day on the DAC label “BRING ON THE DANCING GIRLS” as a supplementary material for songs not included in “recorder 1”, but this time “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has thoroughly restored the same source as the main one. Dare to do it. Compared to the DAC version, this version is in such good condition that you can understand it at first listen, and the sound image has a sense of distance, but the natural and transparent freshness alone gives it a clear upper feeling. It’s as if the skin has been peeled off.
Based on the best version of “Recorder 2,” the missing part that started with the opening announcement by Stones staff member Sam Cutler was replaced with “Recorder 1,” making this the longest album that literally combines the best of both sound sources. Achieved recording in a version.
By the way, the full-length version of “Recorder 2” was also released on DAC’s “IT’S JUST A KISS AWAY”, but in contrast to the cut that occurred in the third verse of the last “Street Fighting Man”, the previous part was cut. It was cleverly hidden by copying and pasting. As a result, the lyrics “my name is called disturbance” were repeated twice, but the sense of distance in the sound image made it less noticeable. This time, by patching from “recorder 1”, the lyrics were adjusted to the correct lyrics, and the editing was really smooth.

However, the highlight of this release is the second day, October 6th. This one is regrettable because it is incompletely recorded, starting from the middle of “Roll Over Beethoven” and ending in the middle of “Little Queenie,” but the closeness of the sound image more than makes up for it, and more surprisingly, the stereo sound. The fact that it was recorded by the audience was a big attraction. In the case of audience recordings from this era, there are many sound sources with a floating sound quality that can be mistaken as stereo due to the azimuth shift of the recorder, but this is a true stereo recording.
A feature of this sound source is that Taper speaks between songs throughout the song, but I can’t help but think that the secret of stereo recording is hidden in the fact that the language is English rather than German. It is unlikely that stereo recording equipment was widespread in Germany at the time, and in fact, all the sound sources from the previous day were monaural recordings. However, it is speculated that this extremely valuable stereo recording was left behind by someone other than the locals who brought stereo equipment with them.
Additionally, the sound images are surprisingly close, so starting with Weeping Goat’s “LIVE IN FRANKFURT & GOTHENBURG 1970”, VGP and DAC released items separately, and “BRING ON THE DANCING GIRLS” was considered the best. However, it has now been released nearly 20 years ago, and there has been a longing for a new title that is suitable for the modern level.

Of course, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” also performed a thorough restoration from a top master. While this sound source had the great advantage of being stereo and having a close sound image, it also suffered from the slight sound distortion that is common in vintage audiences. It’s the intro of “Love In Vain” that starts with Keith’s arpeggio, “Prodigal Son” where his acoustic guitar comes in, and Mick’s harmonica in “Midnight Rambler”, which clearly have a swaying, unnatural feel. “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, which has been tackling such issues with its 1972 sound source releases, has shown its true potential. This fatal problem that existed in past items has been wiped out, and a sense of stability that is incomparable to them has been achieved.
And the point is that you can hear the cheerful “Prodigal Son” on a 12-string acoustic guitar with such a sound image, which is not heard on the analog reprint “EUROPEAN TOUR LIVE 1970” of Paris radio broadcast and Rubber Dabber, which are the two giants of this tour. It’s too expensive, and the 1970s European feel of Mick’s sharpness is captured everywhere. And even though it was monaural on the previous day, the freshness was outstanding, and the songs that could not be heard the next day, and even the incomplete “Roll Over Beethoven”, were captured well. This is the strongest coupling in Frankfurt for 70 years!

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(Remaster Memo)

★Already issued

・Bring On The Dancing Girls (DAC-016) Disc1,
・It’s Just A Kiss Away (DAC-101) Disc2

・The Legend Of 1970 VGP-238 *Stereo
・Bring On The Dancing Girls (DAC-016) Disc2 Monaural

★The current best version of the coupling from October 5th and 6th ’70!

★For the 5th performance of Disc 1, the Rec 2 sound source is the main one. Some parts feel distant compared to Rec 1, but the freshness is good.
Also, this is the first complete recording disc of Rec2, although it is a pseudo-rec. On DAC-101, there was some fake processing in the Street Fighting Man song.This time, in addition to filling in the problem parts with Rec1 sound source, the live intro, the inter-song before SFM Compensating for such things, it is the true longest recording as Rec2.

★Disc 2 on the 6th originally only had the following 10 songs, and this time it’s the same.

By the way, the entire DAC-016 edition was recorded in monaural, but this time the early part of Jumpin is monaural due to tape problems, but the point is that almost the entirety is recorded in stereo.The previously released VGP-238 edition is also in stereo. However, the freshness of this edition is outstanding, as there is less roughness due to generation loss.
This sound source is a very rough stereo AUD whose balance changes regularly, but the closeness and freshness of this sound is exceptional.Moreover, it is a valuable 1970 stereo Aud sound, so you can enjoy it very much. This stereo AUD sound source had the problem of frequent tape sound distortion and uneven rotation, but this time we have completely corrected this for the first time! By eliminating sound distortion and rotational unevenness, you can enjoy rough but extremely fresh stereo sound without stress, even with 10 songs.

現在まで1970年ヨーロッパツアー唯一のサウンドボードであるパリ二日目(前日のラジオ中継は実質オーディエンス)のベストを刷新した『PARIS 1970 2ND NIGHT: SOUNDBOARD』は完売いたしましたが、テイラー期における最初の絶頂と言ってもいい同ツアーではオーディエンス録音でないと聞けない名演も沢山ある。そんな中でも定番の一つと呼べたのがフランクフルト。都合二日連続で行われたライブはどちらもオーディエンス録音が存在しており、初日に至っては二種類の音源まで存在する。
そんな10月5日ですが、今回のリリースに際して採用したのは「recorder 2」。元は「recorder 1」に収録されていない曲の補填要員としてDACレーベル『BRING ON THE DANCING GIRLS』で日の目を見た音源ですが、今回は同ソースをメインとして「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が徹底したレストアを敢行。DAC盤と比べて今回のバージョンは一聴して解るほど状態が良く、距離感のある音像ながらナチュラルで透き通るような鮮度の高さだけでもアッパー感がはっきり。まるで一皮むけたかのごとし。
そんな「recorder 2」のベスト・バージョンを元に、ストーンズ・スタッフのサム・カトラーによるオープニング・アナウンスを始めた欠損部を「recorder 1」で補填することで両方の音源の文字通りいいとこどりをした最長版での収録を実現。
ちなみに「recorder 2」は同じくDACの『IT’S JUST A KISS AWAY』で全長版がリリースされたのですが、そこではラスト「Street Fighting Man」の三番で生じていたカットに対し一つ前のパートをコピペすることで巧みに隠蔽していました。よって「my name is called disturbance」という歌詞が二回続く状態となってしまっていたのですが、音像に距離感があるせいで違和感が目立たなかったのです。そこを今回は「recorder 1」からパッチすることで正しい歌詞へとアジャスト、その編集は実になめらか。

しかし今回のリリースにおける目玉は二日目の10月6日。こちらは「Roll Over Beethoven」の途中から始まって「Little Queenie」の途中までという不完全録音な点が惜しまれるのですが、それを補って余りある音像の近さ、さらに驚いたことにステレオのオーディエンスで記録されている点が大きな魅力でした。この時代のオーディエンス録音の場合、レコーダーのアジマスずれからステレオだと誤解される浮ついた音質で出回る音源が少なくありませんが、これはガチのステレオ録音。
おまけに音像も驚くほど近く、それ故Weeping Goat盤『LIVE IN FRANKFURT & GOTHENBURG 1970』を皮切りとしてVGP、DACもそれぞれにアイテムをリリースし、やはり『BRING ON THE DANCING GIRLS』がベストとされていたもの。それとて今や20年近く前のリリースとなり、現代のレベルに相応しい新たなタイトルの登場が渇望されていました。

当然こちらも上位マスターから「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が徹底したレストアを敢行。本音源はステレオで音像が近いという大きなアドバンテージがあった一方で、ビンテージオーディエンスにありがちな微弱な音ヨレを持病とした音源でもありました。それはキースのアルペジオから始まる「Love In Vain」のイントロ、彼のアコギの出番となる「Prodigal Son」そして「Midnight Rambler」におけるミックのハーモニカなどではっきりユラユラ、フヨフヨと気になる不自然さ。これまでも72年音源リリースでそうした問題に取り組んできた「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が本領を発揮。過去のアイテムにあったこの致命的な問題を一掃し、それらとはまるで比べ物にならない安定感を実現。
そして本ツアーの二大巨頭であるパリのラジオ放送とラバーダバーのアナログ復刻『EUROPEAN TOUR LIVE 1970』では聞かれない12弦アコギでの陽気な「Prodigal Son」をこれほどの音像で聞けるのはポイントが高すぎるし、ミックが随所でキレッキレという70年ヨーロッパらしさも随所で捉えられている。そして前日はモノラルながら鮮度が抜群にアップして翌日では聞かれない曲、さらに不完全だった「Roll Over Beethoven」もしっかり捉えてくれている。これぞ70年フランクフルトの最強カップリング!





・Bring On The Dancing Girls(DAC-016) Disc1、
・It’s Just A Kiss Away(DAC-101) Disc2

・The Legend Of 1970 VGP-238 *ステレオ
・Bring On The Dancing Girls (DAC-016) Disc2 モノラル


またRec2としては疑似ながら初の完全収録盤。DAC-101ではStreet Fighting Man曲中で一部フェイク処理があった。今回は問題箇所をRec1音源で補填したほか、ライブイントロ、SFM前の曲間などを補填し、Rec2としての本当の完全最長収録。





Disc 1 (66:15)
01. Introduction ★0:00-0:20 Rec1で補填
02. Jumping Jack Flash
03. Roll Over Beethoven
04. Sympathy For The Devil
05. Stray Cat Blues
06. Love In Vain
07. Prodigal Son
08. Dead Flowers
09. Midnight Rambler
10. Live With Me
11. Let It Rock
12. Little Queenie
13. Brown Sugar
14. Honky Tonk Women ★3:14以降(曲間) Rec1で補填
15. Street Fighting Man ★0:00-0:11 / 2:17-2:23 Rec1で補填

Disc 2 (46:33)
01. Roll Over Beethoven ★カットイン/ モノからステレオへ切り替わり
02. Sympathy For The Devil
03. Stray Cat Blues
04. Love In Vain
05. Prodigal Son
06. Dead Flowers
07. Midnight Rambler
08. Live With Me
09. Let It Rock
10. Little Queenie ★カットアウト

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