Paul McCartney / Tug Of War Super Analog Masters 40th-Anniversary Edition / 2CD Booksize

Paul McCartney / Tug Of War Super Analog Masters 40th-Anniversary Edition / 2CD Booksize / Non Label
Geoff Emericks Prototype Master Reel

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Geoff Emerick’s super analog tapes have been revived. The ultimate two sound sources were sold by auction last year and we digitize them. One is a prototype analog master reel, it was withdrawn for some digital noise. The other one is the final test cassette. In addition, many bonuses include The Girl Is Mine and other first appearance outtakes. The first issue has a beautiful postcard.

★ Two sources of super valuable analog sound source of TUG OF WAR are released to commemorate the 40th anniversary!

★ Super analog sound quality of the unreleased master tape [Source 1] and the final viewing cassette [Source 2] of the prototype version (produced from autumn to winter the year before the release) owned by George Martin’s one arm, Geoff Emerick. Digitization with overwhelming high sound quality!

★ Bonus recording of the first appearance outtakes including Girl Is Mine.

★ Comes with a beautiful postcard!

On April 16, 1982, the masterpiece TUG OF WAR, whose release was delayed, was released. Forty years after that, the ultimate analog sound has been released. Recording started from the WINGS era, and on the way, after John’s sad incident, this title, which was finally produced as a solo work by George Martin, is Paul’s first digital recording. Recording was almost finished at the AIR studio in Montserrat in February of the previous year and at the AIR studio in London in March, and it seems that a rough version of TUG OF WAR (however, the title is undecided at this time) was completed in the summer of the same year. is. After that, HERE TODAY was additionally recorded, and the album reconstruction work started in the fall of 1981. In this reconstruction work, the prototype master tape made from autumn to winter 1981 is probably the source 1 to be delivered this time. In this source 1, you can see where HERE TODAY is cut and pasted on analog tape, and you can also see that BE WHAT YOU SEE has a small amount of noise that seems to have occurred when converting digital recording to analog. increase. This source was therefore disappointing, but anyway, there are some parts that sound like a glittering acoustic sound, a mellow midrange and a high-density sound, and a slight mix difference. After that, the final viewing cassette made in late February 1982 will be Source 2. Although the catalog number of the record is written on this cassette, the album name TUG OF WAR is not typed, and it seems that the title was undecided even at this time. Although this sound source has hiss noise on cassette tapes, it is a powerful and extremely thick sound source, and this is the TUG OF WAR with outstanding freshness of the analog (the one currently officially released was digitally remicted in 2015). .. The reason why this Source 2 is important here is that there are many redoes when making a lacquer board (from a cutting master reel for analog LPs, probably made from the same master tape as this cassette). It is happening. This can be seen from the fact that the LP matrix of the home country UK version is 6 or later, and the American version also has many F (6th) or later matrices, and it seems that a little stronger compression was applied when cutting, and the tape source I feel that the effect is applied to the stretchiness. In that respect, it is this Source 2 that you can hear a really natural, flat, and relaxed sound.

Now, what is the original owner of Source 1 and Source 2, George Martin’s one-armed Geoff Emerick. The ultimate item that was originally in the hands of a meritorious person as a sound engineer of TUG OF WAR was borrowed from the current owner who got it at an auction exhibited by a relative and digitized (also owned by Jeff). TUG OF WAR acetate discs are currently on sale at auction for 500,000 yen, which shows the high popularity of TUG OF WAR).

Bonus tracks include various monitor mixes (from the Trevor Jones collection), EBONY AND IVORY rehearsals at Moncellat (this from the OOBU JOOBU sound source and FM stations in Mexico), and THE GIRL IS MINE. Various takes (including the normal take that has no better sound source ripped from the test press, two types of DJ edits, the first appearance demo take), and Yaa as a secret track! Also includes the Beatles masterpiece from the Broad Street soundtrack.

The third SUPER ANALOG MASTERS series to send to you who want to easily enjoy the strongest analog source. The first ABBEY ROAD is scarce, and the second LET IT BE is a mistake that you will be overwhelmed by the wonderfully high sound quality of the masterpiece TUG OF WAR, which is suitable for the third in the popular series that is sold out. There is none. With A5 pamphlet specifications, the front side of the postcard in the appendix will be printed with a beautiful picture of Paul, and the back side will be printed with an advertisement for a music magazine from 40 years ago!

TUG OF WARの超貴重アナログ音源の2ソースが40周年を記念してリリース!




416日、リリースが遅れていた名作TUG OF WARが発売。あれから40年、究極のアナログサウンドがリリースです。WINGS時代からレコーディングが開始され、途中、ジョンの悲しい事件を挟み、最終的にはソロ作品としてジョージ・マーティンのプロデュースで作り上げていったこのタイトルは、ポール初のデジタル録音。前年の2月にモンセラットのAIRスタジオで、3月にはロンドンのAIRスタジオでほぼレコーディング終了、同じ年の夏にはラフ版のTUG OF WAR(ただしこの時はタイトルは未定)が出来上がっていたようです。その後、HERE TODAYを追加レコーディングし、1981年秋にアルバム再構成作業を開始。この再構成作業の中で、おそらく1981年秋から冬にかけて作られたプロトタイプのマスターテープが今回お届けするソース1です。このソース1ではHERE TODAYをアナログテープ上で切り貼りしている箇所が確認できますし、デジタル録音をアナログに変換する際に発生したらしい微量のノイズがBE WHAT YOU SEEで乗っているのも確認できます。このソースはそれゆえに結果没になりましたが、とにかく全体を通してきらびやかなアコーステックサウンドと中音域の伸びやかで音密度の高い音量感、そして若干ミックス違いにも聞こえる箇所もあります。その後、1982年2月下旬に作られた最終視聴用カセットがソース2となります。このカセットには、レコードのカタログナンバーの記載はあるものの、アルバム名のTUG OF WARはタイピングされておらず、この時期になってもタイトルが未定だったとこと伺われます。この音源はカセットテープのヒスノイズはあるものの、とにかく力強い極太音源で、これがザ・アナログの出来立てほやほやの鮮度抜群のTUG OF WAR(現在公式リリースされているものは2015年にデジタルリミックされたもの)。ここでなぜこのソース2が重要かと申しておきますと、(おそらくこのカセットと同じマスターテープから作られたであろうアナログLP用のカッティングマスターリールから)ラッカー盤を作る際に何度もやり直しが生じているということです。本国イギリス盤のLPのマトリクスは6以降、アメリカ盤もF(6番目)以降のマトリクスが多いことからもそれがうかがわれ、カッティングの際に少し強めにコンプレッションをかけたようで、テープソースの伸びやかさにエフェクトがかかっているように感じます。そういった面で、本当にナチュラルでフラット、伸びやかな音が聴けるのがこのソース2ということになります。

さて、このソース1とソース2の元の所有者は何をかいわん、ジョージ・マーティンの片腕ジェフ・エメリック。TUG OF WARのサウンドエンジニアとしての功労者の手元にあった本来ならば門外不出の究極のアイテムを親族が出品したオークションで入手した現所有者から借り受けデジタル化しました(なお、同じくジェフ所有のTUG OF WARのアセテートディスクが現在50万円でオークションで売り出されており、TUG OF WARの高い人気が伺い知れます)。

ボーナストラックとして、各種のモニターミックス(こちらはトレバー・ジョーンズのコレクションより)、EBONY AND IVORYのモンセラットでのリハーサル(こちらはOOBU JOOBU音源とメキシコのFM局で放送されたものより)、THE GIRL IS MINEの各種テイク(テストプレスからリッピングしたこれ以上の音質はないというレベルの通常テイクをはじめ、2種類のDJエディット、初登場デモテイク)、そしてシークレットトラックとしてヤア!ブロードストリートのサウンドトラックからあのビートルズの名曲も収録。

最強のアナログソースを手軽に楽しみたい貴方に送るSUPER ANALOG MASTERSシリーズ3作目。1作目のABBEY ROADは残少、2作目のLET IT BEは完売となっている話題のシリーズの第3弾にふさわしい名盤TUG OF WARの素晴らしいほどの高音質に度肝を抜かれること間違いなしです。A5パンフレット仕様で、付録のポストカード表面は美しいポールの写真、裏面には40年前の音楽雑誌の広告をプリントしてお届けします!



01.Tug Of War

02.Take It Away

03.Somebody Who Cares

04.What’s That You’re Doing

05.Here Today

06.Ballroom Dancing

07.The Pound Is Sinking


09.Get It

10.Be What You See

11.Dress Me Up As A Robber

12.Ebony And Ivory

Bonus Track

13.Electronic Sound (Monitor Mix)

14.What’s That Your Doing (Monitor Mix)

15.Take It Away (Monitor Mix)

16.Ebony And Ivory (Rehearsal)

17.Ebony And Ivory (Rehearsal/Mexican FM Broadcast)



01.Tug Of War

02.Take It Away

03.Somebody Who Cares

04.What’s That You’re Doing

05.Here Today

06.Ballroom Dancing

07.The Pound Is Sinking


09.Get It

10.Be What You See

11.Dress Me Up As A Robber

12.Ebony And Ivory

Bonus Track

13.The Girl Is Mine (Superb Sound from Test Press 7inch)

14.The Girl Is Mine (DJ Edit #1)

15.The Girl Is Mine (DJ Edit #2)

16.The Girl Is Mine (Demo#1 with Paul)

17.The Girl Is Mine (Demo#2 without Paul)

18.The Girl Is Mine (Demo#3 without Paul)

19.Secret Bonus Track

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