Paul McCartney / LA Forum 1989 1st Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

Paul McCartney / LA Forum 1989 1st Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Non Label

Great Western, Inglewood, CA, USA 23rd November 1989.

Play sample :

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Mike Millard recorded his stage at the 1989 LA Forum as if to celebrate the long-awaited reunion of Paul McCartney’s live performances around the world. The wonderful work was released as “L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES”, which is new to my memory, and the superb audience “L.A.” “FORUM 1989 3RD NIGHT” has just been released as a reissue of the masterpiece “EBONY AND IVORY 1989”. The JEMS team who released these sound sources has unearthed the Mirrored Master on the first day of the LA Forum!
Paul’s return to the LA Forum at Wings since 1976 has achieved five performances that surpassed that time, but this time as well, the sound quality has to be groaned as a mirrored … The mirrored quality surpassed that of “L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT”, which he captured the final performance, and it was the home ground of Millard that showed such work on the first day of the continuous performances.
Speaking of this day, the masterpiece analog “BACK IN THE U.S.A.” almost conveyed the splendor of this performance in the rear tie, but the surprising mirrored quality that surpassed it lightly exploded. On the same day as that masterpiece, another audience recording was recorded by Millard. Furthermore, the CD version “BACK IN THE U.S.A.”, which is an analog reproduction of the same LP where the tape source is not excavated, was also very popular, but this first appearance Mirrored Master is a superb audience with a closer sound image than those. There is also an archaeological excavation.
Also, in “BACK IN THE U.S.A.”, there was a scene that tends to be a big name performance in the United States, such as the new song at that time, but the audience around me started talking as soon as it became “This One”, which is a quiet performance. However, there is a mirrored recording. In the first place, the sound image is close, and even in the same song, the surroundings are not noisy, and his unique skill is fully demonstrated.
Also, in the CD version “BACK IN THE U.S.A.”, it was recorded at the position belonging to the end of the LP side such as “Can’t Buy Me Love”, “I Saw Her Standing There”, and even “Carry That Weight”. Regarding the song, the rubbing of the sound due to the “distortion of the circumference” which is the fate of the record has occurred more or less, but of course this time there was no such deterioration and the mirrored master with outstanding stability You can now enjoy the enthusiasm of the 1989 LA Forum.
However, it does not mean that “BACK IN THE U.S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as “already released board”) has been dismissed, and there is no doubt that the value as another sound source has been sufficiently maintained. .. For this time, the Mirrored Master unfortunately passed by an aunt who screamed in front of him during “Things We Said Today” (maybe he went to the bathroom in a timely manner). There is a disappointing scene where the voice comes in with a good balance. You can hear it without such a strange voice on the existing board. Another is the explosion sound in the familiar “Live And Let Die”. This was a balance that I had to be careful about when listening with headphones this time, but it was said that the existing board was in a slightly more calm state.

The LA Forum was one of the highlights of the 1989 American tour, but Paul was a big hustle because it was the first day. The proof is that the masterpiece happening that the lyrics are mistaken as soon as “Can’t Buy Me Love” is sung (By the way, it is sung properly in “L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT” lol), which also has good sound quality. So you can hear it clearly. Of course, Paul, who was in great shape overall, and the excitement of the venue, which was enthusiastic about him who came to the LA Forum after a long time, were captured in a perfect balance, but if you forget the lyrics with such a famous Beatles number. teeth.
“LA FORUM 1989 3RD NIGHT”, which has achieved the long-awaited re-release due to its excellent sound quality, is in the midst of being very popular, but this time the first day of the 1989 LA Forum is the best sound source of the mirrored quality explosion. Will be released. From the day when it was popular with old masterpieces, another shocking sound source audience, and a mirrored master!

世界中が待ち望んでいたポール・マッカートニーのライブ活動の再会を祝すかの如く、1989年のLAフォーラムでの彼のステージの録音を敢行してくれたマイク・ミラード。その見事な仕事ぶりは「L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES」としてリリースされたのも記憶に新しいところですし、ミラード以外のテーパーによって録音されたスティービー・ワンダー飛び入りというサプライズの起きた極上オーディエンス「L.A. FORUM 1989 3RD NIGHT」は名盤「EBONY AND IVORY 1989」の再発としてリリースされたばかり。これらの音源を公開してくれたJEMSチームが今度はLAフォーラム初日のミラード・マスターを発掘してくれました!
ウイングスでの1976年以来となったポールのLAフォーラムへの帰還はその時をも凌ぐ5公演が実現した訳ですが、今回もさすがはミラード…と唸らざるを得ないのがその音質。何と最終公演を彼が捉えた「L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT」をも超えるミラード・クオリティであり、連続公演の初日にしてこれだけの仕事ぶりを見せつけてくれたとは…さすがミラードのホームグラウンド。
それにこの日といえば名作アナログ「BACK IN THE U.S.A.」がほぼほぼリアタイで本公演の素晴らしさを伝えてくれた訳ですが、それをも軽く凌駕してしまう驚きのミラード・クオリティが炸裂。あの名作と同じ日にして、それとは別のオーディエンス録音がミラードによって記録されていたということになります。さらにはテープソースが発掘されない同LPのアナログ復刻としたCD版「BACK IN THE U.S.A.」もまた大好評を博したものですが、今回の初登場ミラード・マスターはそれらよりも音像が近い極上オーディエンスであるのも流石。
それに「BACK IN THE U.S.A.」では当時の新曲、それでいて演奏の静かな「This One」になると途端に周りのオーディエンスがお喋りを始めてしまうといったビッグネームのアメリカでの公演でありがちな光景もみられたのですが、そこはミラード録音。そもそもの音像が近くなっている上、同曲でも周囲が騒がしくないという彼ならではの手腕がいかんなく発揮されているのです。
またCD版「BACK IN THE U.S.A.」においては、「Can’t Buy Me Love」に「I Saw Her Standing There」、さらには「Carry That Weight」といったLPの面の終わりに属する位置で収録していた曲に関してはレコードの宿命である「円周の歪み」による音の擦れが大なり小なり生じてしまっていたのですが、もちろん今回はそのような劣化もなく、安定感抜群なミラード・マスターによって熱狂の1989年LAフォーラムをじっくり楽しめるようになりました。
もっともこれで「BACK IN THE U.S.A.」(以下“既発盤”と称します)がお役御免になったかと言えばそんなことはなく、別音源としての価値は十分に保たれたのは間違いない。というのも今回のミラード・マスターでは「Things We Said Today」の最中で不幸なことに彼の前を絶叫するおばかさんが通り過ぎ(タイミング的にトイレにでも向かったのでしょうか)、彼の声が結構なバランスで入ってしまうという残念な場面があるのです。そこが既発盤ではそのような奇声もなく聞き通せます。それともう一つがおなじみ「Live And Let Die」における爆発音。これが今回はヘッドフォンで聞く場合に気を付けなければならないバランスであったのに対し、既発盤はもう少し落ち着いた状態で入っていたという。

そして89年アメリカ・ツアーにおけるハイライトの一つでもあったLAフォーラムですが、その初日ということもあってポールは大ハッスル。その証拠に「Can’t Buy Me Love」を歌い出すなり歌詞を間違えるという傑作なハプニング(ちなみに「L.A. FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT」ではちゃんと歌ってます笑)が捉えられていて、それも音質が良いものだから、はっきりと聞き取れてしまう。もちろん、全体的には絶好調なポールと、久々にLAフォーラムに降臨した彼に熱狂する会場の盛り上がりが絶妙なバランスで捉えられた訳ですが、こんな有名なビートルズ・ナンバーで歌詞を忘れてしまうとは。
その音質の素晴らしさから待望の再リリースを果たした「L.A. FORUM 1989 3RD NIGHT」が大好評を博している最中ですが、今度は89年LAフォーラムの初日がミラード・クオリティ炸裂の極上音源としてリリースされます。古の名盤で親しまれてきた日から衝撃の別音源オーディエンス、おまけにミラード・マスター!


Disc 1 (72:30)
1. Figure Of Eight
2. Jet
3. Rough Ride
4. Got To Get You Into My Life
5. Band On The Run
6. Ebony And Ivory
7. We Got Married
8. Maybe I’m Amazed
9. The Long And Winding Road
10. The Fool On The Hill
11. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
12. Good Day Sunshine
13. Can’t Buy Me Love
14. Put It There / Hello Goodbye
15. Things We Said Today
16. Eleanor Rigby

Disc 2 (61:28)
1. This One
2. My Brave Face
3. Back In The USSR
4. I Saw Her Standing There
5. Twenty Flight Rock
6. Coming Up
7. Let It Be
8. Ain’t That A Shame
9. Live And Let Die
10. The Hustle / Hey Jude
11. Yesterday
12. Get Back
13. Golden Slumbers
14. Carry That Weight
15. The End

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