Paul McCartney / Glasgow 2018 Original In-Ear Monitor Recording / 4CD

Paul McCartney / Glasgow 2018 Original In-Ear Monitor Recording / 4CD / Non Label
Live at the SSE Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland 14th December 2018 Original In-Ear Monitor Recording (Stereo)

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As I crossed the ocean, work by Iyamoni’s masters can not end with a concert. Following the last show in Liverpool, I also performed recordings at the next Glasgow performance. On the British tour at the end of last year, the Japanese are participating in a warming fight, and on this day etc., in the annual scene asking where we came to see the live from the audience, “We come from all the way to Glasgow from Japan I can hardly believe that, “Paul himself had exposed surprises and joy. Yes, coming all the way from Japan, the sound source of surprises released this time will be released again in limited press CD. When it comes to this, it seems that it is commonplace to listen to the latest live sound source by audience recording, or to be released. It was a wonderful era when it was easy to listen to the latest live with a clearer sound source than that.
As has been proved by sound sources that have been released so far, the finish and accuracy of Iamoni recordings by masters has been steadily evolving. If unique finish is really wonderful again this time if it is expressed in one word, it is “analog like”. If the two countries’ Kokugikan which is the monument to the recording of Iyamoni in the fresh-up tour were showing the finish that they wanted to call it as if it were the live album itself, this is a live album-like atmosphere with a bit more vintage taste . Although it may be misunderstood as to whether it writes clearly as it writes, it does not matter how unpleasant it is. The clearness of the performance, which is the greatest advantage of Iyamoni recording, is still intact, yet there is no excessive high region or overhang of parts of the instrument, and it is indeed the fact that all the parts fit in the moist and tranquil sound quality Good.
For example, that example applies to playing like an acoustic “Love Me Do”. The performance of each member gathers fairly well, and that is the Beatles’ likeness. Even until the sound of Tambourine before Brian’s hand is shaken when the “Hey Jude” of the last part begins, it is fresh, but interestingly Rusty plays the chord of the guitar at the place where the first chorus enters Although it was a little mistake, a careless mistake was surprising when listening and it was caught. Even if the same song is over, even the unusual trouble that the reverberation of the strings does not stop ringing from the synthesizer of Wix. Perhaps listening to it with headphones may cause him to feel illusory, but this is due to the reverberation of the synth continued (laugh).

Paul, on the other hand, is doing very well this day. The tour has been continuing since September, and the stability has steadily increased steadily. Only the “We Can Work It Out” is a place where it seems to be hard to sing, but only to the song where the number of performances has declined in the first place, Paul now sings to a song of a hard key soon to sing I guess. Other than that, I can see how Paul is doing right through the whole, MC is more talkative than Liverpool. Of course at Encore, December Special ‘Wonderful Christmastime’ also appeared on this day. Because it is caught in such superb sound quality, it sounds steady in stereo till a slight misalignment of children’s chorus (haha). Although it is a joke, I can not help thinking that it is a repertory that I wanted to ask live at Tokyo Dome by listening to this.
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And on the fourth disc, there is a public sound check for VIP ticket · audience. Opening instruments and jams will be played with rockabilly-like up-tempo performance. Among those jams, the first is flat monaural, then thicker monaural, then the thicker monaural, and finally to stereo, but just listening to that change will you see the evolution of the current Iyamoni recording As. The sound quality from becoming stereo is the ultimate sound quality that is thick and losing to the main part of the live, and the answer is sufficient. The power of ‘Coming Up’ with a horn is always a masterpiece. This is a sound repertoire repertoire. The next “C Moon” is a wings number which is not supposed to be played in the final stage at the end, but the clear and rich stereo sounds heard here are magnificent enough to be enchanted.
Although it is sufficiently gorgeous contents just to be listened to with the highest stereo sound up to the part of the public sound check, even after that, even a serious rehearsal of the special repertory for encore “Wonderful Christmastime” is documented. Liverpool is a LIPA student who is supposed to be a part of Paul. Although the chorus team was able to procure the chorus team, this time, a serious rehearsal for night is being held after raising the chorus unit from the school in Glasgow. Firstly, I will take a take after the meeting for a while (the part is low volume). At first it is interesting that the chorus of rusty and wicks are conspicuous, and gradually the volume of children gradually increases so that the appearance that you are trying to match while watching the performance of the band is transmitted.
In addition, the serious rehearsal of this place is recorded with stunning stereo sound. Although there are children, their interaction between the songs is irritating, but it makes me feel realistic realism as if I am on the stage rehearsals. Next, it is also rehearsal that children repeat the part that the children sing. Finally, I will take another take, but the result of the practice clearly appears as the chorus gathers more than the first take. The latest release of “Wonderful Christmastime”, the latest live version that led to fans all over the world at the end of last year, is not only production, but also rehearsal patterns are heard with amazing sound quality. Further shock to the maniac who thought that it was only Liverpool!

★ Liverpool is an official live class super high quality stereo IEM as well. This is also amazing.

例えばアコースティックな「Love Me Do」のような演奏にその例えが当てはまります。各メンバーの演奏がほどよくまとまり、それこそビートルズらしさが伝わってくる。本編ラストの「Hey Jude」が始まるとブライアンが手に持って振られる前のタンバリンの音までもが生々しいほどですが、面白いことにラスティは最初のサビに入る所でギターのコードを弾き違えており、ちょっとしたミスながらも聞いていて驚くようなケアレスミスが捉えられていました。おまけに同曲が終わってもウィックスのシンセサイザーからストリングスの残響が鳴りやまない、という珍しいトラブルまでも。ヘッドフォンで聞いていると耳鳴りかと錯覚してしまうかもしれませんが、これはシンセの残響が続いているせいです(笑)。

一方ポールはこの日も絶好調。9月からツアーが継続されていたことで、どんどん好調さが安定度を増しています。唯一「We Can Work It Out」だけは歌うのが辛そうな箇所が散見されますが、そもそもが演奏回数の減ってきた曲だけに、今のポールが歌うにはそろそろ厳しいキーの曲と化してきたのでしょう。それ以外は全体を通して絶好調なポールの様子が伺え、MCもリバプール以上に饒舌。もちろんアンコールではこの日も12月スペシャルの「Wonderful Christmastime」が登場。それがこのような極上音質で捉えられているものだから、子供たちのコーラスのちょっとした不揃いさ加減までしっかりステレオで聞こえてしまう(笑)。それは冗談ですが、これを聞いていると是非とも東京ドームにおいて生で聞いてみたかったレパートリーだと思わずにはいられません。

そして四枚目のディスクにはまずVIPチケット・オーディエンス用の公開サウンドチェックを収録。オープニングのインスト・ジャムはロカビリー調のアップテンポな演奏が繰り広げられます。そのジャムの間で最初は平面的なモノラル、次に厚みのあるモノラル、そして最後はステレオに落ち着くのですが、そこまでの変化を聞いているだけでも現在のイヤモニ録音の進化を目の当たりにしているかのよう。ステレオとなってからの音質はライブ本編に負けじと厚みのある極上音質であり、聞き応えは十分。ホーンが入った「Coming Up」の迫力はいつもながら圧巻。これがサウンドチェック専用レパートリーだなんて。次の「C Moon」はいよいよ本番で演奏されることがまったく想定されていないウイングス・ナンバーですが、ここで聞かれるクリアーで豊かなステレオ・サウンドにはうっとりさせられるほど見事なもの。
こうして公開サウンドチェックのパートまで最高のステレオ・サウンドで聞かれるというだけでも十分にゴージャスな内容なのですが、その後には何とアンコール用スペシャル・レパートリー「Wonderful Christmastime」の真剣なリハーサルまでもドキュメント。リバプールではポール傘下と言うべきLIPAの学生たちでコーラス隊が調達できた訳ですが、今回はグラスゴーの学校からコーラス隊を調達した上で、夜の為の真剣なリハーサルが行われています。しばしの間の打ち合わせ(その部分は音量低めです)の後でまずは1テイク演奏。最初はラスティやウィックスのコーラスの方が目立っているのが面白く、徐々に子供たちの音量が大きくなる様からは、バンドの演奏を見ながら合わせようとしている姿がありありと伝わってきます。
おまけにこちらの真剣なリハの模様も見事なステレオ・サウンドにて収録。子供たちがいるだけに曲間は彼らの会話がざわざわとしていますが、それがまるでステージ上のリハに立ち会っているかのようなリアルな臨場感を体験させてくれるのです。次に子供たちが歌うパートを何度かさらっているのもリハーサルならでは。そして最後にもう1テイク演奏しますが、最初のテイクよりもコーラスがまとまって練習の成果がはっきり現れています。昨年末に世界中のファンをアッと言わせた「Wonderful Christmastime」最新ライブ・バージョンが本番はもとより、リハの模様までもが驚異的な音質で聞かれるという、あまりに驚異的な今回のリリース。リバプールだけだと思っていたマニアにさらなる衝撃を!



Disc 1 (74:38)
1. Intro 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Junior’s Farm 4. Can’t Buy Me Love 5. Letting Go
6. Who Cares 7. Got to Get You Into My Life 8. Come On to Me 9. Let Me Roll It
10. I’ve Got a Feeling 11. Let ‘Em In 12. My Valentine 13. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
14. Maybe I’m Amazed

Disc 2 (58:51)
1. MC 2. We Can Work It Out 3. In Spite of All the Danger 4. From Me to You
5. Dance Tonight 6. Love Me Do 7. Blackbird 8. Here Today 9. Queenie Eye 10. Lady Madonna
11. Eleanor Rigby 12. Fuh You 13. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!
14. Something 15. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Disc 3 (54:10)
1. Band on the Run 2. Back in the U.S.S.R. 3. Let It Be 4. Live and Let Die
5. Hey Jude 6. Birthday 7. Wonderful Christmastime
8. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 9. Helter Skelter
10. Golden Slumbers 11. Carry That Weight 12. The End

Disc 4 (79:18)

1. Intro 2. Jam 3. Honey Don’t 4. Drive My Car 5. Coming Up 6. C Moon
7. I Don’t Know 8. Things We Said Today 9. San Francisco Bay Blues 10. Ram On
11. Midnight Special 12. Massage Song 13. Lady Madonna 14. End of Public Soundcheck


15. Wonderful Christmastime (Take 1)
16. Wonderful Christmastime (Chorus Rehearsal)
17. Wonderful Christmastime (Take 2)

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