Ozzy Osbourne / Bark At The Moon Salt Lake City 1984-2nd Press / 1DVD

Ozzy Osbourne / Bark At The Moon Salt Lake City 1984- 2nd Press / 1DVD  / Non Label
Live at Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 18th March 1984 .  PRO-SHOT

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The highest quality board ever recorded in the pro shot that should be considered as a symbol of the Jake E. Lee era. It is a recurrent release decision with permanent preservation press DVD.
What is engraved in the symbolic work is “March 18, 1984 Salt Lake City performances”. Yes, it is that super masterpiece official video “BARK AT THE MOON”. A multi-camera pro shot in which Jake’s guitar, which made a shock debut with the masterpiece “War to the Moon,” bursts. Despite the No. 1 popularity even in the Jake era, it is a masterpiece video in a masterpiece that has become a vision without realizing the official DVD. This work is reprinted from the Japanese edition laser disk which becomes such a masterpiece. Using a mint quality board that was kept secret by domestic core collectors, we consign to an overseas analog video specialist manufacturer and digitize it with high-end equipment. Source, process, environment … It is the highest peak board that has been transferred to DVD with all possible thought for all.
In fact, the visual beauty of this work is the highest ever. The original group of VHS generation is completely different from the original one as well as what appeared to have been generated from the laser disk as well. The power of the image quality bursts from the beginning! There is a ticker in the intro that tells the story, but if you say the beauty of the character! It is a beauty comparable to modern digital recording. Oshi appears from the smoke, but the smoke, one by one of the hair of my hair, really great high-quality images. The stage set with an atmosphere that imitates the old house is also clear. It should be an image I saw so many times from that time that it was such an intense shooting. And that the laser is full of so much information …. This best ever edition was first released on the Press DVD four years ago, but its popularity is buzzing with so much quality. In the blink of an eye was completely sold out. Recurring requests have been constantly released again since then.
The show drawn by the beauty of the video is a new generation guitar hero appeared! Vacuum pack as it is. In the first half of the Jake era, “Change to the Moon” was a period of intense member changes. This is a good opportunity, so let’s review it once.

● 1983
Join Jake E. Lee
・ January 12-30: Europe # 1 (13 performances)
Lindsay Bridgewater → Don Airy change
・ February 11-Apr 5: North America # 1 (34 performances)
“Don Costa-Bob Daydley change”
“Tommy Aldrich → Carmine · Apis change”
“November 15” Will the Moon “Release”
・ November 10-December 22: Europe # 2 (32 shows)
● 1984
・ January 10-February 20: North America # 2 (31 performances)
Carmine Apis → Tommy Aldrich change
-March 3-June 10: North America # 3 (61 performances) ★ ★ Coco ★
・ June 28-July 7: Japan (eight performances)
・ August 4: Puerto Rico
・ August 18-September 2: Europe # 3 (5 shows)
● 1985
・ January 16 + 19: ROCK IN RIO (2 performances)
«Jake’s break off»

This is the whole story from Jake joining to “BARK AT THE MOON TOUR”. It was stable in the latter half of this “period of crime and punishment”, but the first half changed rapidly. Although this work is the same lineup as “I can see the moon,” Aldrich was a return. Under such circumstances, the Salt Lake City performance of this work was the concert of the 12th performance of “North America # 3”.
It is an Ozzy band that has been replaced by a variety of musicians, but one of the strongest of the techniques and senses. In particular, Jake’s jerking down the glitzy and sharp picking point … what a metallic! Bob’s bass sings and dances in elaborate lines, and Tommy’s power drum tightens. Ozzy still uses “heavy metal godfather” as a catchphrase, but there is nothing else that truly is metallic.
Tony Iomi who pulls heavy riffs, Randy Rose intoxicated with delicate phrases, wildly rocking Zac Wild … All the bouts of the past are wonderful, but they have sharp razor-sharp cuts, glaring guitars If it is Jake, it is. While running in brilliant steps, a tight beat that does not stop for a moment. The later guitarists play in the simple position “Bark At The Moon” end solo is also kicked out with a great fork fingering.
The guitarists of the later years, who respect Randy so much, are devoted to faithfully reproduce, but Jake of the same generation has no mercy. Even the iconic solo of “Mr. Crowley” runs through an edge that can only be found in Jake. And “Iron Man” and “Paranoid”, Jake himself said, “I was playing while thinking,” This is a boring song. ” While cutting the masterpieces shining in rock history into my own way, the more chilly I am, the more cool I am afraid. After all, this person is a genius …. There are some pro shots that contain the heyday of such a youthful Jake, but this work that brings the official video back to top quality is definitely the best.

As mentioned above, these five people appeared in the US Festival in 1983 of the previous year, and it was the elements that announced “This is a heavy metal” by the time between teas of the whole country, and then the masterpiece “Moon We won the world with “Awe” and tours. In other words, what you can see in this work is not just one great live. The very scene where he planted “Heavy Metal” in the United States and pulled Ozzy to “The Godfather”. Only because I was intoxicated with this live show that a storm of HR / HM blew across the country, and MOTLEY CRUE (LA Metal) won the world with METALLICA (Slash Metal). Without this tour, the history of HR / HM might have been different without this performance. … Even if such “IF of history” seems to be overblown, the live of this work is tremendous. If you write “What is heavy metal”, it seems like JUDAS PRIEST, but Ozzy of this work is also its historical answer. Yes, this is a “heavy metal textbook” alongside PRIEST’s “LIVE VENGEANCE ’82”.
This one is a video containing the top of a young genius guitarist, a record of a super band of incomparable masters, and a performance that has changed the fate of heavy metal. If Randy and Zack’s officials continue to ignore this masterpiece, they have no choice but to revive in the underground. Not only a charisma, a genius guitarist, but also a masterpiece video with the most glorious appeal of a music genre. The world highest quality board. Please enjoy the press DVD which is the heritage of heavy metal, by all means carefully.

その象徴作に刻まれているのは「1984年3月18日ソルトレイクシティ公演」。そう、あの超傑作オフィシャル映像『BARK AT THE MOON』です。名盤『月に吠える』で衝撃のデビューを果たしたジェイクのギターが炸裂するマルチカメラ・プロショット。ジェイク時代でもNo.1人気にも関わらず、公式DVD化も実現せずに幻となっている名作中の名作映像です。本作は、そんな名作でも最高峰となる日本盤レーザーディスクから復刻したもの。国内コア・コレクターが秘蔵していたミント・クオリティ盤を使用し、海外のアナログ映像専門メーカーに委託してハイエンド機材でデジタル化。ソース、工程、環境……すべてに考え得る限りの万全を尽くしてDVDに移し替えた最高峰盤なのです。
実際、本作の映像美は史上最高峰。VHS起こしの既発群は元より、同じくレーザーディスクから起こした思われるものと比べても完全に別次元。その画質の威力は、冒頭から炸裂! イントロでストーリーを語るテロップが流れるのですが、その文字の美しさと言ったら! 現代のデジタル収録にも匹敵する美しさです。ショウは、スモークの中からオジーが登場しますが、その煙、ハネた髪の毛の1本1本、本当に凄まじい高画質。古い館を模した雰囲気抜群のステージセットも鮮明です。当時から何度も飽きるほど見た映像のはずなのですが、これほど強烈な撮影だったとは。そして、レーザーにこれほどの情報量が詰まっていたとは……。この史上最高峰版は、4年前に初めてプレスDVDでリリースされたのですが、あまりのクオリティに人気が沸騰。瞬く間に完売・廃盤となっておりました。その後も再発リクエストが絶えず、この度復刻リリースとなったのです。

・1月16日+19日:ROCK IN RIO(2公演)

これがジェイク加入から“BARK AT THE MOON TOUR”までの全容。この後の後半期『罪と罰』時代では安定していたのですが、前半期は目まぐるしく入れ替わり。本作は『月に吠える』と同じラインナップではあるものの、アルドリッチは出戻りでした。そんな中で、本作のソルトレイクシティ公演は「北米#3」の12公演目のコンサートでした。
さまざまなミュージシャンが入れ替わっていたオジー・バンドですが、テクニックにしてもセンスにしても最強メンツのひとつ。特に、ギャリギャリと切っ先鋭いピッキングのどしゃ降りを降らせるジェイク……なんてメタリック! それを凝ったラインで歌い舞うボブのベースが受け止め、トミーのパワードラムが引き締める。今でも“ヘヴィメタルのゴッドファーザー”をキャッチフレーズにするオジーですが、真に金属的だったのは、このツアーを置いて他にありません。
ヘヴィリフを引きずるトニー・アイオミや繊細なフレーズで酔わせるランディ・ローズ、荒々しくロックするザック・ワイルド……歴代の相棒たちは全員素晴らしいですが、ことカミソリのごとく鋭く切り込み、ギラギラと輝くようなギターはジェイクなればこそ。華麗なステップで駆け回りながら、一瞬も止まないタイトな弾き倒し。後のギタリスト達は簡易ポジションで弾く「Bark At The Moon」のエンドソロも、お得意の大股フィンガリングで弾き抜きます。
後年のギタリスト達は、ランディを尊敬するあまり、忠実に再現することばかり腐心していますが、同世代のジェイクは容赦なし。「Mr. Crowley」の象徴的なソロでさえ、ジェイクにしかあり得ないエッジで駆け抜ける。そして、ジェイク自身が「内心、“なんてつまらない曲なんだ”と思いながら弾いてたよ」と語る「Iron Man」と「Paranoid」。ロック史に輝く名曲達を自分流に切り刻んでしまいながら、寒気が走るほどカッコイイのだから恐れ入ります。やはり、この人は天才だ……。そんな若さ弾けるジェイクの全盛期を収めたプロショットはいくつかありますが、オフィシャル映像を最上級に蘇らせた本作が確実にベストです。

上記の通り、この5人は前年の1983年にUSフェスティバルにも出演し、全米のお茶の間に至るまでに「これがヘヴィメタルなんだ」を知らしめたメンツであり、その後の名盤『月に吠える』やツアーで世界を制覇した。つまり、本作で観られるのは、単に1本の凄いライヴではない。アメリカに「ヘヴィメタル」を植え付け、オジーを“ゴッドファーザー”に引き上げた光景そのもの。このライヴに酔いしれたからこそ、全米にHR/HMの嵐が吹き荒れ、MOTLEY CRUE(LAメタル)が、METALLICA(スラッシュメタル)が世界を制していった。このツアーがなかったら、このパフォーマンスがなかったら、HR/HMの歴史は違ったものになっていたかも知れない……そんな「歴史のIF」でさえ、大げさに思えないほど、本作のライヴは凄まじい。「ヘヴィメタルとは何か」と書くと、まるでJUDAS PRIESTのようですが、本作のオジーもまた、その歴史的な回答。そう、本作はPRIESTの『LIVE VENGEANCE ’82』と並ぶ“ヘヴィメタルの教科書”なのです。


1. Introduction 2. Opening 3. I Don’t Know 4. Mr. Crowley 5. Rock ‘n’ Roll Rebel
6. Bark At The Moon 7. Revelation (Mother Earth) 8. Steal Away (The Night)
9. Suicide Solution 10. Centre Of Eternity 11. Drum Solo 12. Flying High Again
13. Iron Man 14. Crazy Train 15. Paranoid



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