Nirvana / Outcesticide VI Raw Power / 1CD

Nirvana / Outcesticide VI: Raw Power / 1CD Pressing CD / Non label

Recreating the unreleased Blue Moon Records 2002 Compilation

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The legendary rare track series “OUTCESTICIDE”, which was released the other day, “OUTCESTICIDE 2022” is also shocking. The sixth phantom that disappeared in the darkness of history is finally realized. Introducing a permanent storage press CD.
As mentioned in the commentary on “OUTCESTICIDE 2022” the other day, “OUTCESTICIDE” is a super famous series that is said to be “comparable to the official works”. While collecting unreleased studio tracks and extremely rare live performances, it was also a symbol of its rarity and quality. Because it is so famous, copy boards and selfish re-edited boards are also rampant. Nowadays, no one knows how many works there are, but the head family “Blue Moon Records” released only 5 works “OUTCESTICIDE V: DISINTIGRATION”. In 2002, the release of the 6th “RAW POWER” was announced, but due to various circumstances, the release was canceled. “Blue Moon Records” was forced to be dismantled, and the master of “RAW POWER” was also confiscated. The possibility of release has also been lost.
up until this point.
From 2002 to 20 years when the release was canceled, the day has finally come when you can experience the whole picture of “RAW POWER”. Of course, even now, “Blue Moon Records” has not been revived, and the situation where the master has been lost has not changed. However, NIRVANA researchers who love the “OUTCESTICIDE” series make full use of all materials and sources. Succeeded in reproducing the phantom work “RAW POWER”. That is this work.
Then, the content was clarified at the time of the release announcement. “Blue Moon Records” is open to the public on the track list to know the demands of collectors, soliciting opinions. Not only the title of the song, but also the details such as the timing, significance, and recording method were described in detail. In other words, strictly speaking, it is not the actual “RAW POWER Master” owned by “Blue Moon Records”, but the type and quality of collector sound sources have improved dramatically over the past 20 years. We were able to realize “probably the sound source that” Blue Moon Records “was about to release.” Let’s take a look at the contents immediately.

[Studio recording rough mix] ● June 1988: Reciprocal recording (2 songs)
・ “Love Buzz” “Sifting”
This work is a compilation work that mixes studio recordings and live sound sources, and the song order is not in chronological order. Here, we will introduce each section for easy understanding.
First, there are 2 types of studio recordings and 9 takes. One of them is two rough mix demo songs recorded at “Recipocal Recording Studio” in June 1988 while “BLEACH” was being produced. An early / long version of “Love Buzz” and an instrumental version of “Sifting”.

● January 1991: Studio A (7 songs)
・ “Aneurysm” “Oh, The Guilt” “Four Month Media Blackout” “On A Plain” “All Apologies” “Even In His Youth” “Token Eastern Song”
Next is the “NEVERMIND” era. It contains demos of 7 songs produced by Craig Montgomery from the 1991 New Year’s Day session before the start of this recording. “On A Plain” and “All Apologies” are different lyrics from the early days, and “Token Eastern Song” can also be heard in the live version at that time, which was called “Junkyard”. You can also listen to “Radio Friendly Unit Shifter”, which will be included in “IN UTERO”, in the original song “Four Month Media Blackout” version.

[Live / rehearsal recording] ◆ Very early (1987: 3 songs)
・ “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves (AUD)” “Heartbreaker (AUD)” “How Many More Times (AUD)”
“Live / rehearsal recording” where you can enjoy precious live performances is recorded in 13 takes, and the oldest is 3 songs recorded by the audience in 1987 when Aaron Burckhardt was playing the drums. Playing covers for Sony & Cher and Led Zeppelin, “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” is sung by Krist Novoselic.

◆ “BLEACH” era (1988: 3 songs)
・ “Moby Dick” “Immigrant Song (AUD)” “Run, Rabbit, Run! (AUD)”
Includes 3 songs from the 1988 live that is being produced for “BLEACH”. Again, the ZEP cover is taken up and you can see that it has deeply rooted roots. “Run, Rabbit, Run!” Is a cover of Finnish gram band SMACK.

◆ “NEVERMIND” era (1990/1991: 2 songs)
・ “Here She Comes Now” “Old Age (AUD)”
Both live during the production period of “NEVERMIND”. “Here She Comes Now” was a live performance in May 1990, one year before this recording (only “Polly” was produced), and the drummer was also Chad Channing. “Old Age” was recorded by the audience in March 1991, two months before the start of this production, and was replaced by Dave Grohl.

◆ “IN UTERO” era (1993/1994: 5 takes)
・ “Heart-Shaped Box (2 takes)” “Rape Me” “Serve The Servants” “Dumb”
The last is a live / rehearsal of the “IN UTERO” era in which Pat Smear also participated. Two types of sound sources are recorded, one is a rehearsal of the TV program “Saturday Night Live” recorded on “September 23, 1993”. It was recorded at NBC TV Studio, and includes 2 songs and 3 takes, including the redo of “Heart-Shaped Box”.
Another two songs related to TV, when they appeared on the Italian TV station RAI-TV program “The Tunnel Club”. It was recorded on “February 23, 1994”, about three months after “MTV UNPLUGGED”, and Melora Krieger was also appointed as a cello.

The above is a collection of 22 takes of treasure. The phantom “OUTCESTICIDE (6th)” that I had to look at on the list until now. It’s time to actually listen to it in the best quality. A press CD made possible by 20 years of excavation and the passion of researchers. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ The sixth installment of the legendary rare compilation “OUTCESTICIDE series”, which had become a phantom when the label collapsed just before its release 20 years ago. It is completely different from the shocking “OUTCESTICIDE 2022” the other day, and is a reproduction album that NIRVANA researchers have assembled by making full use of materials and sources based on the remaining track list. This is the final version of the series, which was realized only after 20 years of excavation of sound sources.

先日リリースされた『OUTCESTICIDE 2022』も衝撃を呼んでいる伝説レアトラック・シリーズ“OUTCESTICIDE”。歴史の闇に消えていた幻の第6弾が遂に実現化。永久保存プレスCDで登場です。
先日の『OUTCESTICIDE 2022』解説でも触れましたが、“OUTCESTICIDE”と言えば「オフィシャル作品群にも匹敵する」と言われる超有名シリーズ。未発表のスタジオ・トラックや激レアなライヴなどを集成しつつ、そのレア度もクオリティも他を寄せ付けない象徴でもありました。あまりにも著名なためにコピー盤や勝手な再編集盤も横行。現在では何作あるのか誰も把握できない有様でもあるのですが、本家“Blue Moon Records”がリリースしたのは5作品『OUTCESTICIDE V: DISINTIGRATION』まででした。2002年には第6弾『RAW POWER』のリリースも告知されたのですが、諸事情が発生して発売中止。“Blue Moon Records”は解体を余儀なくされ、『RAW POWER』のマスターも没収。リリースの可能性も失われてしまいました。
リリース中止となった2002年から20年、遂に『RAW POWER』の全貌を体験できる日が来た。もちろん、現在に至るも“Blue Moon Records”の復活はなく、マスターが失われている状況も変わっていません。しかし、“OUTCESTICIDE”シリーズを愛するNIRVANA研究家があらゆる資料・ソースを駆使。幻作品『RAW POWER』の再現に成功した。それが本作なのです。
では、その内容とは発売告知の際に明らかされていたもの。“Blue Moon Records”はコレクターの需要を知るためにトラック・リストが公開しており、意見を募集。そこには曲名だけでなく、時期や意義、録音手法など詳細も事細かに記されていたのです。つまり、厳密に言えば“Blue Moon Records”が所有していた「RAW POWERマスター」現物ではないわけですが、20年の間にコレクター音源の種類もクオリティも飛躍的に向上。「恐らく“Blue Moon Records”がリリースしようとしていた音源」を実現できたのです。それでは、早速その内容を見ていきましょう。

・「Love Buzz」「Sifting」
まず、スタジオ録音は2種・9テイク。その1つは『BLEACH』制作中だった1988年6月の“レシプロカル・レコーディング・スタジオ”で録音されたラフミックス・デモ2曲。「Love Buzz」の初期/長尺版と「Sifting」のインスト版です。

・「Aneurysm」「Oh, The Guilt」「Four Month Media Blackout」「On A Plain」「All Apologies」「Even In His Youth」「Token Eastern Song」
次は『NEVERMIND』時代。本録音が始まる前の1991年元旦セッションからクレイグ・モンゴメリーのプロデュースで録音された7曲分のデモを収録しています。「On A Plain」「All Apologies」は初期の別歌詞ですし、「Token Eastern Song」も「Junkyard」と呼ばれていた当時のライヴ・バージョンで聴ける。さらには『IN UTERO』に収録される事になる「Radio Friendly Unit Shifter」も原曲「Four Month Media Blackout」バージョンで聴けます。

・「Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves(AUD)」「Heartbreaker(AUD)」「How Many More Times(AUD)」
貴重な生演奏が楽しめる「ライヴ/リハーサル録音」は13テイク収録、一番古いのはアーロン・バークハードがドラムを叩いていた1987年にオーディエンス録音3曲。ソニー&シェールやLED ZEPPELINのカバーを演奏しており、「Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves」はクリス・ノヴォセリックが歌っています。

・「Moby Dick」「Immigrant Song(AUD)」「Run, Rabbit, Run!(AUD)」
『BLEACH』制作中となる1988年のライヴも3曲収録。ここでもZEPのカバーが取り上げられ、深く根付いたルーツなのが分かります。「Run, Rabbit, Run!」はフィンランドのグラムバンドSMACKのカバーです。

・「Here She Comes Now」「Old Age(AUD)」
どちらも『NEVERMIND』制作期間のライヴ。「Here She Comes Now」は本録音の1年前(「Polly」だけは制作済み)の1990年5月のライヴで、ドラマーもチャド・チャニング。「Old Age」は本制作開始2ヶ月前となる1991年3月のオーディエンス録音で、こちらはデイヴ・グロールに交代しています。

◆『IN UTERO』時代(1993年/1994年:5テイク)
・「Heart-Shaped Box(2テイク)」「Rape Me」「Serve The Servants」「Dumb」
最後はパット・スメアも参加した『IN UTERO』時代のライヴ/リハ。大きく2種の音源が収録されており、1つは「1993年9月23日」に収録されたTV番組“Saturday Night Live”のリハーサル。NBCテレビスタジオで収録したもので、「Heart-Shaped Box」のやり直しも含め、2曲3テイク収録されています。
もう1つもTV絡みで、イタリアのTV局RAI-TVの番組“The Tunnel Club”に出演した際の2曲。『MTV UNPLUGGED』の約3ヶ月後にあたる「1994年2月23日」に録音されたもので、チェロにメローラ・クリーガーも起用されています。


★20年前の発売直前にレーベルが崩壊し、幻となっていた伝説のレア・コンピレーション「OUTCESTICIDEシリーズ」の第6弾。先日衝撃を振りまいた『OUTCESTICIDE 2022』とは完全に別物で、残されたトラック・リストを基にNIRVANA研究家が資料とソースを駆使して組み上げた再現アルバム。20年間の音源発掘があったからこそ実現したシリーズ完結篇です。


Early Vocal Take / Longer Sound Collage Intro
Reciprocal Recording
Ballard, Seattle, WA, USA 30th June 1988 [SBD #1a] Producer: Jack Endino

“Saturday Night Live” – Rehearsal
Studio 8H, NBC Studios, New York, NY. USA 23rd September 1993 [PRO #1 – Remaster]

06. DUMB
“RAI Tre, Tunnel”
Rai Centro Di Produzione TV Studi Nomentano, Rome, Italy
Recorded: February 23, 1994. Transmitted: February 27, 1994 [PRO #1b]

07. SIFTING [Instrumental/Backing Track] Rough Mix, Reciprocal Recording
Ballard, Seattle, WA, USA June 1988 [SBD #3 – MW Remaster] Producer: Jack Endino

09. OH, THE GUILT [Instrumental] 10. FOUR MONTH MEDIA BLACKOUT (Radio Friendly Unit Shifter) [Scratch Vocal] 11. ON A PLAIN [Scratch Vocal] 12. ALL APOLOGIES [Scratch Vocal] 13. EVEN IN HIS YOUTH
14. TOKEN EASTERN SONG [Scratch Vocal] Craig Montgomery Rough Mixes
Studio A, The Music Source, Seattle, WA, USA 1st January 1991 [SBD #2 – MW Remaster] Producer: Craig Montgomery / Engineer: Brian Nelson

Converted Barn, Tacoma, WA, USA March 1991 [AUD #1b]

The Milestone, Charlotte, NC, USA 2nd May 1990 [SBD #1]

Cobain Residence Aberdeen, WA, USA Summer 1987 [AUD #1]

The Green House, Raymond, WA, USA Spring 1987 [AUD #1]

Dorm K208, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, USA 30th October 1988 [AUD #1]

Community World Theater, Tacoma, WA, USA 23rd January 1988 [SBD #1b] (Nirvana played under the name Ted Ed Fred)

Dorm K208, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, USA 30th October 1988 [AUD #1]

Kurt Cobain: Guitar / Vocals
Krist Novoselic: Bass / Guitar / “Vocals” [17] Aaron Burckhard: Drums [17-19] Chad Channing: Drums [1, 7, 16, 20, 22] Dale Crover : Drums [21] Dave Grohl: Drums / Backing Vocals [2-6, 8-15] Melora Creager: Cello [6] Pat Smear: Guitar [2-6] Tony Poukkula: Guitar [18-19]


Non label

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