Metallica / Definitive Chicago 1986 / 1CD

Metallica / Definitive Chicago 1986 / 1CD / Zodiac
Poplar Creek Amphitheater, Hoffman Estates, Il, USA 13th July 1986

Play sample :

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The legendary live album acclaimed as “the ultimate thrash metal experience” is reprinted! It will be permanently preserved as a press CD with a newly reborn outfit.
The legendary recording was recorded on “July 13, 1986 Hoffman Estates Performance”. It is that super strong audience recording. Speaking of why this work is legendary, it covers both sides of the sound and the show. First of all, it is a show, but it is a “DAMAGE, INC. Tour” accompanying the historical masterpiece “MASTER OF PUPPETS”. Moreover, it is a full show while Cliff Burton is alive. I think that some collectors remember the official box of “MASTER OF PUPPETS” and the masterpiece audience “CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG (Zodiac 052)” when saying “Cliff alive” and “Chicago in 1986”, but this work A completely different performance. In order to organize the circumstances around that, let’s first look back at the entire “DAMAGE, INC. Tour” and check the position of the show.

● 1986
《“MASTER OF PUPPETS” released on March 3rd》
・ March 27-June 21: North America #1 (58 performances) ← * Official box
・ July 5th + 6th: Europe # 1 (2 performances)
・July 11-August 3: North America #2 (17 performances) ← Coco
・ September 10-26: Europe #2 (13 performances)
《September 27: Death of Cliff Burton》
・ November 8th + 9th: North America # 3 (2 performances)
・ November 15th to 20th: First visit to Japan (5 performances)
・November 26-December 22: North America #4 (22 performances)
● 1987
・ January 2: San Francisco performance
・January 8-February 13: Europe #3 (26 performances)

This is the “DAMAGE, INC. Tour” that changed the world. The Chicago performance of the official box and “CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG” were “North America # 1”, but this work is “North America # 2”. It is a concert corresponding to the third performance. And this show was recorded by a world-famous taper who lives in Chicago. Not only this work and “CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG”, but also the famous board “THE ECSTASY OF ARAGON (Zodiac 004)” that contains “RIDE THE LIGHTNING TOUR” with the ultimate sound.
As a matter of fact, this recording first appeared in “MASTER OF CHICAGO (Zodiac 019)”, and this work is a detailed reprint of its upgraded version “DEFINITIVE MASTER OF CHICAGO (Zodiac 273)”. is. Compared to the first appearance board “MASTER OF CHICAGO”, it is recorded a few seconds longer from the intro and tape change part, but such a thing is only evidence of the original master. The important thing is the sound, and this work is a direct sound that is several steps clearer and more violent than the previous work “MASTER OF CHICAGO”. Although it was a “wonderful audience” in the previous work, the clear and crystal clear sound world of this work can be called “just like a sound board”. In fact, it does not make you feel the echo of the venue at all, it is close as if you were in the same room as young METALLICA. The previous work improved the sound toward the second half, but this work is intense from the beginning (the contact sound of the microphone at the beginning of “Battery” is the same as the previous work). It is a fierce recording that is unparalleled even in “DAMAGE, INC. Tour”.
“The amazing thing about Shaw being blown away by that sound!” “Let’s organize the contents of the golden set here.”

● Metal Master (5 songs)
・Battery/Master Of Puppets/Welcome Home (Sanitarium)/The Thing That Should Not Be/Damage Inc.
● Others (3 songs)
・Blood Stained Hammer: Seek & Destroy
・Ride the Lightning: For Whom The Bell Tolls/Creeping Death/Fade To Black

… and it looks like this. Although it is a short set only for the undercard of Ozzy Osbourne, 5 out of 8 songs of the new work “MASTER OF PUPPETS” are played on a large scale, and there are the previous works “For Whom The Bell Tolls”, “Creeping Death”, “Fade To Black” ‘ bites in. It is a live album that concentrates and reduces “RIDE THE LIGHTNING + MASTER OF PUPPETS” with violent live performances. This density alone is drooling, but the important thing is the performance itself. As per the schedule above, the ensemble arrived at by four golden people is ferocious in the latter part of Cliff Burton’s life. While the growth of repeated tours is engraved, the thoroughly wild attitude is not shaken. It’s not as consistent as after joining Jason Newsted, but it doesn’t break down even if it runs at a tremendous speed, and the mid has a tremendous weight that shakes the internal organs.
“Even so, even so, it’s amazing.” Whether it’s an official box, “CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG”, or this work, why is “Chicago in 1986” so amazing? If you hit such a fierce metal, the music scene of the earth will change.
An audience recording that conveys the truth of the “DAMAGE, INC. Tour” that changed the world and promised great success later. It is the highest peak sound board. Exceptional quality of performance and sound. If you really want to experience the “DAMAGE, INC. Here is a majestic reprint!

★ Super strong audience recording of “July 13, 1986 Hoffmann Estates performance”. It is a branded product by the legendary taper who also worked on the press masterpieces “THE ECSTASY OF ARAGON” and “CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG”, and the clearness that cleared up is “just like a sound board” class, and it does not make you feel the hall sound at all, and it is young. Direct feeling as if you are in the same room as METALLICA. 5 songs out of 8 songs on the famous board “MASTER OF PUPPETS” are played on a large scale, and Cliff Burton can enjoy a full show of rampage. A cultural heritage album that promises the ultimate thrash metal experience.

「スラッシュ・メタル究極の現場体験」と絶賛された伝説のライヴアルバムが復刻! 装いも新たに生まれ変わったプレスCDで永久保存決定です。
その伝説録音が記録されたのは「1986年7月13日ホフマンエステーツ公演」。その超強力オーディエンス録音です。なぜ故に本作が伝説化と言えば、サウンドとショウの両面に渡る。まずショウですが、かの歴史的大名盤『MASTER OF PUPPETS』に伴う“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”であること。しかも、クリフ・バートン存命中のフルショウなのです。「クリフ存命中」「1986年シカゴ」と言うと『MASTER OF PUPPETS』の公式ボックスや名盤オーディエンス『CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG(Zodiac 052)』を思い出すコレクター諸兄もいらっしゃると思いますが、本作はそれらとは完全に別公演。その辺の事情を整理する為にも、まずは“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”全容を振り返り、ショウのポジションを確認しておきましょう。


これが世界を変えた“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”。公式ボックスのシカゴ公演や『CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG』は「北米#1」でしたが、本作は「北米#2」。その3公演目にあたるコンサートです。そして、このショウを録音したのはシカゴ在住で世界的にも有名なテーパー。本作や『CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG』だけでなく、“RIDE THE LIGHTNING TOUR”を究極サウンドで収めた大名盤『THE ECSTASY OF ARAGON(Zodiac 004)』も手がけたスゴ腕なのです。
実のところ、この録音が初登場したのは『MASTER OF CHICAGO(Zodiac 019)』であり、本作はそのアップグレード版である『DEFINITIVE MASTER OF CHICAGO(Zodiac 273)』を精緻に復刻した1枚なのです。初登場盤『MASTER OF CHICAGO』と比べるとイントロやテープチェンジのパートから数秒ずつ長く収録されていますが、そんなことは元マスターの証拠に過ぎない。肝心なのはサウンドでして、本作は前作『MASTER OF CHICAGO』よりも数段クリアで暴虐なダイレクト・サウンド。前作でも「素晴らしいオーディエンス」ではありましたが、本作のサッと晴れ渡ったクリスタル・クリアな音世界は「まるでサウンドボード」と呼べるもの。実際、会場反響をまるで感じさせず、若きMETALLICAと同じ部屋にいるかのように間近。前作は後半に向かうほどサウンドが向上しましたが、本作は冒頭から激烈(「Battery」冒頭にあるマイクの接触音は前作と同じです)。“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”でも類を見ない猛烈録音なのです。
そのサウンドでブチかまされるショウの凄まじい事! ここで黄金のセット内容も整理しておきましょう。

・Battery/Master Of Puppets/Welcome Home (Sanitarium)/The Thing That Should Not Be/Damage Inc.
・血染めの鉄槌:Seek & Destroy
・ライド・ザ・ライトニング:For Whom The Bell Tolls/Creeping Death/Fade To Black

……と、このようになっています。オジー・オズボーンの前座だけにショートセットではありますが、新作『MASTER OF PUPPETS』の全8曲中5曲が大盤振る舞いされ、そこに前作の「For Whom The Bell Tolls」「Creeping Death」「Fade To Black」が食い込む。まさしく「RIDE THE LIGHTNING+MASTER OF PUPPETS」を暴虐生演奏で濃縮還元したライヴアルバムです。この密度だけでもヨダレ物ですが、肝心なのは演奏そのもの。上記のスケジュールの通り、クリフ・バートン存命時代の後期にあたり、黄金の4人がたどり着いたアンサンブルが凶暴。ツアーを重ねた成長が刻まれつつ、徹底的にワイルドなアティテュードは微塵もブレていない。ジェイソン・ニューステッド加入後ほどの整合感ではありませんが、激速で突っ走っても破綻せず、ミッドは五臓六腑を揺るがす重量感が凄まじいのです。
それにしても、それにしても凄まじい。公式ボックスにしろ、『CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG』にしろ、本作にしろ、なぜ「1986年のシカゴ」はこうも凄すぎるのか……。こんな激烈メタルを叩きつけられたら、そりゃあ地球の音楽シーンだって変わっちまうわけですよ。
後の大成功を約束し、世界を塗り替えた“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”の真実を伝えるオーディエンス録音。その最高峰サウンド盤です。演奏も、サウンドも、突き抜けた格別クオリティ。まさしく“DAMAGE, INC. Tour”を現場体験するなら「まずはコレ!」の伝説的ライヴアルバム。ここに堂々の復刻です!

★「1986年7月13日ホフマンエステーツ公演」の超強力オーディエンス録音。プレス名盤『THE ECSTASY OF ARAGON』や『CHICAGO 1986 FIRST LEG』も手掛けた伝説テーパーによる銘品で、サッと晴れ渡ったクリアさは「まるでサウンドボード」級であり、ホール鳴りをまるで感じさせず、若きMETALLICAと同じ部屋にいるかのようなダイレクト感。大名盤『MASTER OF PUPPETS』の全8曲中5曲が大盤振る舞いされ、クリフ・バートンも大暴れのフルショウを楽しめる。スラッシュ・メタル究極の現場体験を約束する文化遺産アルバムです。

1. Intro: The Ecstasy Of Gold
2. Battery
3. Master Of Puppets
4. For Whom The Bell Tolls
5. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
6. The Thing That Should Not Be
7. Seek & Destroy
8. Creeping Death
9. Fade To Black
10 Damage Inc.

James Hetfield – Guitar, Vocals
Lars Ulrich – Drums
Cliff Burton – Bass, Vocals
Kirk Hammett – Guitar


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