Led Zeppelin / Out of the Bristol Tale Revisited / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Out of the Bristol Tale Revisited/ 2CD / Non label

Live at Colston Hall, Bristol, UK 8th January 1970

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

While it was a record of extremely historical timing, the day before that Royal Albert Hall, Bristol in 1970 was also a sound source with high hurdles as a “distorted” or “distant” audience recording. When it was first released as “THE BRISTOL STOMP”, it was even reflected in the fumi-e for fans. Certainly, the UK tour in January was only Albert Hall’s choice, and the significance of discovering the record that captured the stage on the other day for the first time was great and at the same time the sound was too bad.
Therefore, contrary to the value of the sound source, Bristol has been treated like a tumor … Rather, among ZEP enthusiasts, the place name Bristol has become like “a synonym for ZEP live sound source with bad sound”. Isn’t it? The impression of Bristol has been decided as a typical audience recording for hard-to-hear enthusiasts.
Bristol, which is already valuable but difficult to hear. “OUT OF THE BRISTOL TALE” released from the TCOLZ label is a nostalgic masterpiece that has undergone a major upgrade of such a fumigation sound source. The upgrade copy provided by overseas maniacs has a clear difference from the opening “We’re Gonna Groove”, and the release at the time of 2009 evoked a big response, “This is that Bristol? You can listen to it at all!” Thing. One of the reasons for its popularity was that the improved sound quality allowed us to experience the splendor of the performance, which had been difficult to convey until then.

Nearly 15 years have passed since the release of that masterpiece. In the first place, “OUT OF THE BRISTOL TALE” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”) itself has been a particularly difficult title among TCOLZ label items for a long time. However, the day before the Albert Hall, the performance was guaranteed. It can be said that the re-release of the precious sound source that captures the stage of such exquisite timing is inevitable.
“GRAF ZEPPELIN” volunteered to do so. Originally, Bristol is just the right material for the overhaul master of the ZEP vintage audience. He borrowed an upgrade master that had been neglected since the release of the existing board, and carried out the usual meticulous work.
Although it was Bristol that was groundbreakingly easier to listen to due to the release of the already released board, it was the vintage audience of 1970. It is true that I was particularly concerned about the “boom” noise that mixed in between songs and quiet performances. Thanks to the outstanding sense unique to GRAF ZEPPELIN and the technology that has evolved over the course of 15 years, we have succeeded in suppressing it. The instability of localization that tends to occur in vintage recordings is also precisely adjusted.

And the upper feeling, which has become easier to hear than the already released board, once again conveys the wonderfulness of this day’s performance. While refraining from the big game called Albert Hall, which also served as a recording on the next day, there is no omission. In the first place, in 1970, Robert, who has a high basic physical strength and has a funny voice, and Jimmy, whose fingers move like funny, are expected to fully open the engine from the opening.
This time it suddenly became easier to hear that it was not at all inferior to “I Can’t Quit You Baby” which was showing such a wonderful performance the next day, but rather reached another height. It is clear from the version of On the other hand, in “Since I’ve Been Loving You”, Jimmy, who should be the author, seems to make a mistake in the composition of the song, and there is also a heartwarming scene where Bonzo’s blow corrects it.
As you can guess from the fact that the same song, which had not even been recorded yet, has already been put into the repertoire, ZEP at that time did not have a stage repertoire yet, and this song and Ben E. King’s Trial and error continues, such as setting “We’re Gonna Groove”, which is a dramatic arrangement of R&B, as the opening.
Furthermore, “Whole Lotta Love”, which determined the popularity of ZEP, will finally win a regular seat, but at this point the development for live performances has not been decided yet, and it is also during this time that surprisingly simple performances are heard. That’s why. At that time, the presence of “How Many More Times” was large, and the coexistence of these two songs is also unique to this period.
In the introduction of the latter member, Robert introduces “Jimmy “Hootchie Coochie” Page”, which makes me smile. is unique to 1970. A splendid upper version of Bristol that will be reminded that it is a masterpiece again. Please take your time and enjoy the remastered “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.

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(remastered memo)
★ New mastering from the master released in 2009, which has been greatly upgraded compared to the first release of the 90’s “THE BRISTOL STOMP”!
“THE BRISTOL STOMP” is probably based on the 4th generation tape.
On the other hand, the master that appeared in 2009 (used in TCOLZ and this edition) is based on the original master

★Hum noise (low frequency noise) has been removed, and the unpleasant buzzing noise has been reduced, making it easier to hear.
Of course, it’s a natural sound that has nothing to do with metallic sounds, but the band has been adjusted by EQ processing, etc. to the extent that it’s not overdone, and it’s also different from the existing ones.

* Phase correction (previously it was biased to either the right or left)

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あのロイヤル・アルバート・ホールの前日という極めて歴史的なタイミングの記録であった一方、音が「歪んだ」あるいは「遠い」オーディエンス録音としてハードルの高い音源でもあった1970年のブリストル。『THE BRISTOL STOMP』として初めてリリースされた際には、それこそファンにとっても踏み絵にすら映ってしまったほど。確かに1月のイギリス・ツアーはアルバート・ホール一択でしかなく、初めて他の日のステージを捉えた記録が発掘された意義は大きかったと同時に音があまりにも悪かった。
もはや貴重だが聞きづらさの極地といえたブリストル。そんな踏み絵音源がまさかの大幅アップグレードを遂げた懐かしの名盤がTCOLZレーベルからリリースされた『OUT OF THE BRISTOL TALE』でしょう。海外マニアから提供されたアップグレード・コピーはオープニング「We’re Gonna Groove」からしてその差は歴然としており、2009年当時のリリースは「これがあのブリストル?全然聞けるし!」と大きな反響を呼び起こしたものです。音質が向上したことで、それまでは伝わりづらかった演奏の素晴らしさも味わえたことも好評を博した一因でした。

あの名盤のリリースからも15年近い歳月が経過。そもそも『OUT OF THE BRISTOL TALE』(以下“既発盤”と称します)自体がTCOLZレーベルのアイテムの中でも特に入手困難なタイトルとなって久しかった。しかしアルバート・ホールの前日ともなれば演奏の素晴らしさは保証されたようなもの。そんな絶妙なタイミングのステージを捉えた貴重音源の再リリースは必然と言えるのでは。
そこで名乗りを上げてくれたのが「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。元々ZEPビンテージ・オーディエンスのオーバーホールの達人だけに、ブリストルは正に格好の素材。彼は既発盤のリリース以来放置されていたアップグレード・マスターを借り受け、いつもながらの緻密な作業を敢行。
既発盤のリリースによって画期的なほど聞きやすくなったブリストルではありましたが、そこは1970年のビンテージ・オーディエンス。特に曲間や静かな演奏の合間に混入してしまった「ブーン」というノイズが気になったのは事実。そこを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ならではの卓越したセンスと15年の歳月に進化したテクノロジーのおかげで見事に抑えることに成功したのです。ビンテージな録音にありがちな定位の不安定さもきっちりアジャスト。

翌日にあれほどまで素晴らしい演奏を披露していた「I Can’t Quit You Baby」からしてまったく引けを取っておらず、むしろ別の高みへと到達していたことが俄然聞きやすくなった今回のバージョンからはっきり伝わってくる。かと思えば「Since I’ve Been Loving You」では作者であるはずのジミーが曲の構成を間違えそうになり、そこをボンゾの一打が正すという微笑ましい場面も。
まだ録音すら行なわれていなかった同曲が既にレパートリーに投入されていることからも察しがつくように、当時のZEPはまだまだステージ・レパートリーが揃っておらず、この曲やベン・E・キングのR&Bを劇的にアレンジした「We’re Gonna Groove」をオープニングに据えるといった試行錯誤が続いています。
さらにZEPの人気を決定づけた「Whole Lotta Love」も遂にレギュラーの座を獲得しますが、この時点ではまだライブ用の展開が決まっておらず、意外なほどシンプルな演奏が聞かれるのもこの時期だからこそ。当時は「How Many More Times」の存在感が大きく、これら二曲が共存しているのもまたこの時期ならではの面白さ。
後者のメンバー紹介においてロバートが「Jimmy “Hootchie Coochie” Page」と紹介しているのも微笑ましく、翌日に大一番が控えているとは思えないほど余裕のあるところを見せつけてくれるフットワークの軽さが1970年ならでは。改めて名演であることを思い知らされるであろうブリストルの見事なアッパー版。安心の「GRAF ZEPPELIN」リマスターでじっくりとお楽しみください。



★’90年代の最初のリリース「THE BRISTOL STOMP」と比べ、大幅にアップグレードした2009年登場マスターからの新規マスタリング!
「THE BRISTOL STOMP」は恐らく4th ジェネレーションテープを基にしている。




Disc 1 (53:35)
1. We’re Gonna Groove
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby
3. Dazed And Confused
4. Heartbreaker
5. White Summer incl. Black Mountain Side
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You

Disc 2 (39:54)
1. MC
2. Organ Solo
3. Thank You
4. Moby Dick ★カットイン、2分ほどの収録
5. How Many More Times
6. Whole Lotta Love
7. Communication Breakdown

Non label

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