Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Eddie The Best & Longest / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Eddie The Best & Longest / 3CD / Non label
The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA 21st June 1977

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Even if you are no longer a ZEP enthusiast, if you like music, you probably own one title. “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE” has become the standard for rare live sound sources. It is also fresh in my memory that the master tape was excavated in 2020, and the release from there was extremely fierce, as the super major sound source that can be understood by calling it “Eddie” without saying the date. In addition, the JEMS team who released the master did “extra care” to provide a version with their own equalization at first, and it was on fire. In response to the criticism that occurred there, the turmoil was extinguished by releasing the so-called “FLAT TRANSFER” version without any tricks, but with the version at this time and the fierce release, “Eddie” became The definitive edition is finally here … everyone felt it.
However, there was a cut that could be called the last fort in the invincible mirrored recording in Jimmy’s guitar solo that was unfolding in front of “Achilles Last Stand”. It happened in the bowing part with a violin bow around the 14th minute of his solo performance. Fortunately, it’s not a part that contains vocals and drums, so a version that pinches this cut part has been released in the past, but what is desired there is the existence of another sound source. Now let’s look back at the existing audience recordings of June 21, 1977.

Recorder 1
An eternal masterpiece audience by Mike Millard. “Ten Years Gone” and the previous “Guitar Solo” have been cut by exchanging cassettes. stereo

Recorder 2
Excavated more than 20 years ago in the nostalgic TDOLZ “POWER & GLORY” box as a supplement to the “Ten Years Gone” cut section. However, there is no distribution of the entire sound source. monaural

Recorder 3
The so-called “Erik” sauce that was excavated four years ago and made enthusiasts all over the world turbulent. This is also monaural, but the sound image is closer than that of “Recorder 2”.

I wondered if the “Erik” source would finally fill in the missing parts of the mirrored source, but the source was that the essential “Guitar Solo” was not recorded. “Guitar Solo” hit the tape exchange point for each, and just because a new source appeared on June 21st, I was reminded of how miraculous it was.

With the excavation of the master in 2020 at the top, there can be no more excavation of “Eddie” … Everyone was convinced that the Dogs of Doom were in great shape as soon as the new year began, and the long version of “Recorder 2” was released. He made it public. It was a surprising excavation to say that it was a new year’s gift for ZEP enthusiasts all over the world, but this is also a terrible recording state that the recording is up to “Guitar Solo”. If this version doesn’t include the example, it will be impossible to completely reproduce it by the audience recording on June 21, 1977 … Fortunately, however, “Recorder 2” recorded the problematic part properly!

Complete recording on June 21st, which was an endless dream for enthusiasts around the world. With the advent of the full-length version of “Recorder 2”, that was finally possible, and the 20-second deficiency of the example part was brilliantly adjusted. As I said earlier, since it is a place where drums and vocals do not enter, it is surprisingly natural to patch a monaural and distant sound source to stereo mirrored recording.

However, it is too easy to apply only this process to make it a “final edition Eddie”. So, now that more than a year has passed since the excavation of the Mirrored Master, we are starting to re-wash the same version. “FLAT TRANSFER” was a rush when it was released in 2020, but due to the aging of the tape itself and the grade of the cassette deck used by the JEMS team for playback, the line is natural but has no waist. It is a fact that I was worried about. However, it seems that the JEMS side was also concerned about that and released the first equalized version, but it is also a fact that the finish was not good.
Therefore, we reviewed the “FLAT TRANSFER” version again and paid attention to making the best use of the original characteristics of the cassette that Millard would have had at the time of recording in 1977. The model this time was the first released version of “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE” by the nostalgic Silver Rarities. I wondered if the release, which was called “Bara Eddie” among enthusiasts, was useless because the label itself later renewed it to the “MASTER” version of the stamp jacket, and Mr. Silver Rarities’ Mr. The condition of the cassette that the presiding officer called Toad would have obtained in 1992 is very good, and in addition to that, the natural condition without extra work has surged the momentum for re-evaluation in the 21st century. Although the pitch was out of order, the natural condition was preferable to the flashy “MASTER”, so he was able to regain his rights.
If the naturalness of “Rose Eddie” was revived more faithfully by using the master … That is the concept of this time.

As you can see from the remastered memo, the finish of this fine adjustment of the sound source is really wonderful, and if you compare it with the 2020 item, for example, “LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES: “FLAT TRANSFER” etc. are thin and thin, and they sound hard. That’s why this time, we thoroughly carried out the work of precise “adjustment”, which is a different dimension from the processing of exaggerated sounds that fall into the category of so-called “equalize”.
The result was a combination of the sharpness and naturalness that were lacking in many of the 2020 items, and this was recorded in a state suitable for calling it “FLAT TRANSFER”. This version shows the full potential of the cassette master, which was thought to have been mastered in 2020. In addition to that, if the first complete recording of “Guitar Solo” in history by using “Recorder 2” is realized, this will be a demon and a gold rod. Dedicate “BEST & LONGEST” “Eddie” to enthusiasts all over the world without lying.

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(Remaster memo)

★ The title planned in response to the release of the long version of Src2 (which only TYG could hear until now) (lossless data recorded from the beginning of the live to the G solo).

★ About 20 seconds of the G solo (DAZED AND CONFUSED) part that could not be complemented by Src1 (Mirrored) and Src3 (ERIK) is complemented by the long version of Src2 released this time. This completes the live performance part of the day. It was recorded.

★ At the moment, only this board and GRAF use lossless data (Wav data with no band down and no deterioration of sound quality) for the G solo compensation part of Src2.

★ The main source is based on the familiar Mirrored Master (Flat Transfer) that has appeared in recent years, and it is the latest mastering.

★ EQ is in the direction of the old Sira (SIRA-16 / 17/18 board … so-called “rose eddy”).

Aiming for a sound that “the original Flat Transfer looks like this”. The flashy appeal is moderate in this board, but the mastering is conscious of some high and low frequencies. The quirky midrange is cut somewhat.

★ Flat Transfer is a master who had a peritoneal sensation as it was, and had a feeling of lack of sharpness and sharpness, and the sound was far from natural as it was.
Here, while emphasizing balance, the sound that lacks sharpness due to its lack of sharpness is eliminated by minimal EQ processing.

★★ If you have an existing GRAF and this board, you don’t need any other eddies.

もはやZEPマニアでなくとも音楽好きなら1タイトルは所有しているのでは?と思えるほどレア・ライブ音源のスタンダードと化した「LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE」。日付を言わなくとも「エディ」と呼べば通じてしまうほどの超メジャー音源は2020年に晴れてマスターテープが出土、そこからのリリースが熾烈を極めたのも記憶に新しい。おまけにマスターを公開してくれたJEMSチームが最初は独自にイコライズを加えたバージョンを提供するという「余計なお世話」をやってくれたことで炎上。そこで起きた批判を受け、次に小細工なしの所謂「FLAT TRANSFER」バージョンを公開してくれたことで騒動が鎮火した訳ですが、この時のバージョンと熾烈を極めたリリースによって、「エディ」は遂に決定版が登場したのだ…誰もが感じたものです。
ところが、無敵のミラード録音の中で最後の砦とも言うべきカットが「Achilles Last Stand」の前で繰り広げられていたジミーのギター・ソロの中にあったのです。それは彼の独演が14分を迎えた辺り、バイオリンの弓を用いたボウイング・パートで生じていたもの。幸いにもボーカルやドラムが入るパートではないので、このカット個所をつまんだバージョンなども過去にはリリースされていたものですが、そこで望まれるのが別音源の存在です。ここで1977年6月21日の現存するオーディエンス録音について振り返ってみましょう。

Recorder 1
マイク・ミラードによる永遠の名作オーディエンス。「Ten Years Gone」と先の「Guitar Solo」においてカセット交換によるカットが生じています。ステレオ

Recorder 2
今から20年以上前に懐かしのTDOLZ「POWER & GLORY」ボックスにて「Ten Years Gone」カット部の補填要員として出土。ただし音源全体の流通はなし。モノラル

Recorder 3
四年前に出土して世界中のマニアを騒然とさせた所謂「Erik」ソース。こちらもモノラルだが「Recorder 2」よりは音像が近い。

「Erik」ソースによって遂にミラード・ソースの欠損個所が埋まるのかと思いきや、何と同ソースは肝心の「Guitar Solo」が録音されなかったというオチ。それぞれに「Guitar Solo」がテープ交換ポイントに当たってしまい、そもそも6月21日の新たなソースが登場したというだけで、いかに奇跡だったのかを思い知らされたのでした。

2020年のマスター出土を頂点として、もはやこれ以上「エディ」の発掘はありえない…誰もが納得していたところ、年が明けた途端に絶好調The Dogs of Doomがまさかの「Recorder 2」ロングバージョンを公開してくれたのです。世界中のZEPマニアに対するお年玉と言っても過言ではない驚きの発掘だったのですが、これもまた録音が「Guitar Solo」までという際どい収録状態。今回のバージョンも例の個所が未収録だとしたら、もはや1977年6月21日のオーディエンス録音による完全な再現は永遠に不可能となってしまう…。ところが本当に幸いなことに、「Recorder 2」は問題の個所までちゃんと録音してくれていたのです!

世界中のマニアにとって見果てぬ夢だった6月21日の完全収録。それが「Recorder 2」全長版の登場によって遂に可能となり、例のパートの20秒ほどの欠損が見事にアジャストされることになりました。先に申しましたように、ドラムやボーカルの入らない箇所ですのでモノラルで音像遠目な音源をステレオのミラード録音にパッチしても驚くほど違和感がありません。

とはいっても、この処理だけを施して「決定版エディ」とするのはあまりに安易。そこで今回はミラード・マスターの出土からも一年以上が経過した今、改めて同バージョンを洗い直すことから始めています。2020年の公開時にひと悶着起きた「FLAT TRANSFER」ですが、テープそのものの経年に加え、JEMSチームが再生に使用したカセットデッキのグレードの問題などもあり、ナチュラルながらも腰のない線の細さが気になる状態だったのは事実。もっともJEMS側もそのことを気にして最初にイコライズを施したバージョンを公開したのだと思われますが、その仕上がりがイマイチだったのもまた事実。
そこで「FLAT TRANSFER」バージョンを再び見直し、ミラードが1977年に録音した当時にあったであろうカセット本来の持ち味を生かすことに注視。今回モデルとなったのが懐かしのシルバー・レアリティーズが最初にリリースしたバージョンの「LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE」。マニアの間で「バラ・エディー」と呼ばれていたリリースも後にレーベル自身がスタンプジャケの「MASTER」バージョンに刷新したことで用なしになったのかと思いきや、シルバー・レアリティーズのミスター・トードと呼ばれる主宰が1992年に入手したであろうカセットの状態が非常に良く、そこに加えて余計な小細工のないナチュラルな状態が21世紀を迎えて再評価の機運が急上昇。ピッチの狂いが玉に瑕ではあったものの、派手めな「MASTER」よりナチュラルな状態が好ましいということから、まさかの復権を果たしたのでした。

リマスター・メモを読んでいただければわかるように、今回の緻密な音源の調整の仕上がりは本当に素晴らしく、それと2020年アイテムを聞き比べてしまうと、例えば「LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE: MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES: FLAT TRANSFER」などはか細く、なおかつ薄膜掛かって硬質な音に聞こえてしまう。だからこそ今回は、いわゆる「イコライズ」の範疇に入ってしまうような大げさな音の処理とは次元が違う、あくまで緻密な「調整」という作業を徹底したのでした。
その結果が2020年アイテムの多くで欠けていたメリハリとナチュラル感が合わさった、これぞ「FLAT TRANSFER」と呼ぶに相応しい状態での収録を実現。2020年の時点で極められていたと思われていたカセットマスターの素性をフルに出し切ってみせたのが今回のバージョン。そこに加えて「Recorder 2」使用による「Guitar Solo」の史上初となる完全収録が実現となれば、これはもう鬼に金棒。嘘偽りなしに「BEST & LONGEST」な「エディ」を世界中のマニアに捧げます。




★Src1(ミラード)及びSrc3(ERIK)でも補完しきれなかったGソロ(DAZED AND CONFUSED)パート約20秒ほどが、今回公開されたSrc2のロングバージョンで補完。これにより当日のライブ演奏パートが完全収録となった。


★メインソースは近年登場のおなじみミラードマスター(Flat Transfer)がベースで、それを最新マスタリング。


「本来のFlat Transferがこんな感じ」なサウンドを指向。 派手なアピールは本盤ではほどほどとし、しかし多少の高域と低域は意識したマスタリング。 また旧SIRA(バラ・エディ)で感じられた若干癖のある中音域はいくぶんカット。

★Flat Transferは、元々のままでは腹膜がかった、腑抜けでメリハリに乏しい感もあるマスターであり、そのままの状態ではナチュラルと言うには全くほど遠いサウンドであった。




DISC 1 (69:43)
1. Introduction
2. The Song Remains The Same
3. The Rover – Sick Again
4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You ★演奏後8:35-8:44 Erikソース
7. No Quarter

DISC 2 (53:51)
1. MC
2. Ten Years Gone ★曲中5:05-5:21 Erikソース
3. The Battle Of Evermore
4. Going To California
5. Black Country Woman
6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
7. White Summer
8. Black Mountain Side
9. kashmir ★演奏後9:22-9:38Erikソース

DISC 3 (75:19)
1. MC
2. Out On The Tiles / Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Guitar Solo ★曲中14:48-15:12 Src2 ★Gソロが初の完全収録!
5. Achilles Last Stand
6. Stairway To Heaven ★演奏後12:35-12:44Erikソース
7. Whole Lotta Love
8. Rock And Roll

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