Led Zeppelin / Bloomington 1975 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Bloomington 1975 / 2CD / Non label
Met Center, Bloomington, MN, USA 18th January 1975

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Led Zeppelin Speaking of the sound source at the beginning of the 1975 US tour, it seems that the impression of the Chicago performance is very strong, but the first day of the actual tour was on March 18th at Bloomington, Met Center. .. On the first day of the tour at the now-existing Minneapolis Arena, the sound source was not excavated for a long time, and it was a night wrapped in a veil. It was last year that the sound source of the first day of such a phantom tour was finally hinted at. Suddenly, a PA-out sound board that captures a fragment of “The Wanton Song” appears on YouTube. The enthusiasts all over the world were colorful.
After that, the PA out sound boards of some songs including “When The Levee Breaks”, which is another highlight at the beginning of the tour, were released with just a touch. Since it was a day when even audience recordings had not been unearthed, the situation of “Hiding Bloomington’s SBD” was shocking and at the same time annoying enthusiasts. After all, if you’re capturing the stage before Robert Plant got sick, and you’ve got an extremely rare repertoire just early in the tour, you’ll want to hear the whole story.
However, there are no signs that the situation will progress regarding the release of SBD, but rather in the dreamlike situation that the excavation of the surprisingly fulfilling early ZEP live sound source will continue from the beginning of this year, the impact of last year’s SBD dispensing was quick. I cannot deny the feeling that it has faded.
The 75 Bloomington was only frustrating for enthusiasts, but a shocking helping hand was reached there. Audience recording of the same day that suddenly appeared on the net as soon as this month began. This had a new impact, as no records from the audience had been confirmed so far.

The excavation of this amazing sound source was discovered by the “The Dogs of Doom” team, which is new to the excavation of the 1969 Atlanta Pop Festival. They are really encouraging because they discover the sound source that enthusiasts wanted to hear. If you think about it, it was a time when it was at the height of its popularity in the United States, and it was a concert at an arena packed with many people. It’s strange that audience recordings haven’t been unearthed for such a long time.
If it was the first day of such a historic American tour, enthusiasts would be grateful to hear it even if it sounds like it can be heard from behind the wall. However, it should be noted that the quality of this audience recording is surprisingly easy to hear.
Although it is a sound image with a sense of distance, it is really easy to hear thanks to the environment where the surroundings are abnormally quiet. However, it doesn’t mean that the venue is white, and when the opening “Rock And Roll” starts, it’s usually exciting. Nevertheless, the quiet surroundings throughout the show may be a miraculous environment from a recording point of view.
On the other hand, there are some parts where the sound is slightly cracked when the performance becomes intense, but even that is not a level that makes me feel stressed. It seems that the deep sound image and moist natural sound quality in monaural recording are also linked to the unique audibility. In the first place, the freshness of the sound source itself is wonderful, and I don’t think it’s a sound source that has been sleeping for 45 years.

And as for the content of the performance, this is a series of things to listen to. Jimmy had already injured his finger at this point, but that caused the phrases to get caught everywhere when it came to solos for “Rock And Roll” and “Over the Hills and Far Away.” In 80 years, it’s still (bitter smile), but in 75 years, this condition is impossible, and it makes me reconfirm that I was struggling.
That’s why “When The Levee Breaks” was introduced, which allows you to play through with a bottleneck that does not burden your fingers in Tommy Bolin’s state, but with this, the live version of the third take of the same song was discovered. Compared to Brussels, which was the first live performance in 1975 and warmed up, the performance was postponed, but on the other hand, at the 6th minute, Jimmy’s slide phrase became “out of material” and was postponed. I will end up. So, in Chicago, where the next live performance was held, it seems that Bonzo tried to make a sharp drumming as the performance went to the second half. In the first place, the song itself is monotonous, and compared to the album version that produced it with effects, the impression that it seems to fall into a lighter performance is the same as on the first day in Brussels or Chicago.
But what is noteworthy is the fact that the plant does not catch a cold unlike the first day in Chicago. With this, three live versions of “When The Levee Breaks” have been heard, but the performance itself has risen on the first day of Chicago, and the vocals of the plant are overwhelming this time.
The example of “The Wanton Song” is that the physical condition that the plant does not catch a cold stands out more. Until now, Brussels was the only day in which this song could be sung properly in 75 years, but since that day was a warm-up, the plant that sings in a more open tone is reliable here. It makes me realize that this song was a song that would shine on stage only if Plant could sing it. At the same time, even though it was an audience recording, it was finally possible to listen to two rare Bloomington songs in the complete.

Also, like Brussels, it was really interesting that there was no improvisational exchange even though it was a ZEP live in 1975 due to Jimmy’s finger problem, and this is also a fact that was revealed because the whole picture of the live was revealed. Is it 73 years rather than 75 years, such as “No Quarter” where the improvisational development barely looks into the face? The development and playing time seems to be illusion, and although Jimmy is doing his best to play solo even with the new song “Trampled Under Foot” at that time, the development is still much shorter than the later version. Ironically, it was also a record that captured the foundation of the song, that Jimmy’s injury did not escalate the performance.
Of course, “Dazed And Confused” wasn’t covered, and even an alternative “How Many More Times” wasn’t introduced at this point. As a result, the biggest improvisation corner was “Moby Dick”. Moreover, it is said that the drumming heard here is so rare that it remains in the history of “Moby Dick”. After 14 minutes, Bonzo started hitting the ending pattern, but no one appeared on the stage and hurriedly returned to the drum solo. It was a rare and laughing “Moby Dick” that seemed to be instructed to “continue a little more” from the stage sleeves, and eventually headed for the ending again when it was about 16 minutes.
Unfortunately, “In My Time Of Dying”, which was performed after the song, and the final stage of the live are not recorded, but it is still incomplete, but I hope you understand that it is a sound source full of things to listen to.
And the second disc contains a fragment of SBD that was previewed on the second YouTube release. As you know, these are so fragmented that they are more of a story rather than a bonus, but we have taken all possible measures to cover them. Even if the full-length version of SBD appears in the future, it is a PA out recording that sacrifices the sense of presence, so the document from the audience this time will not fade in value combined with the easy-to-listen sound quality. Finally, you can hear the stage on the first day of the 1975 American tour!

レッド・ツェッペリン1975年アメリカ・ツアーの序盤の音源と言えばシカゴ公演の印象が非常に強いかと思われますが、実際のツアーで初日を飾ったのは3月18日のブルーミントン、メット・センター。今は存在しないミネアポリスのアリーナで行われたツアー初日は長いこと音源が発掘されず、ベールに包まれたままの一夜となっていました。そんな幻のツアー初日の音源がようやくほのめかされたのは昨年のこと。いきなり「The Wanton Song」の断片を捉えたPAアウトのサウンドボードがYouTube上に出現。世界中のマニアが色めきだったものでした。
その後もツアー序盤もう一つの目玉である「When The Levee Breaks」を始めとしていくつかの曲のPAアウトのサウンドボードがほんのさわりだけ公開。今までオーディエンス録音すら発掘されていなかった日ということから、いかにも「ブルーミントンのSBD秘匿してます」的な状況は衝撃を与えたと同時に、むしろマニアを苛立たせる状況となってしまったのも事実。何しろロバート・プラントが風邪をこじらせてしまう前のステージを捉えている、なおかつツアー序盤だけの極度にレアなレパートリーも含んでいるとなれば、全貌を聞いてみたくなるのが当然でしょう。

この驚きの音源を発掘してくれたのは、かの1969年アトランタ・ポップ・フェスティバルの発掘も記憶に新しい” The Dogs of Doom”チーム。これぞマニアが聞きたかったというような音源を発掘してくれるものだから彼らは本当に心強い。考えてみればアメリカで人気の絶頂に達していた時期であり、なおかつ多くの人が詰めかけるアリーナでのコンサート。これ程まで長い間オーディエンス録音が発掘されなかったのが不思議なくらい。
距離感のある音像でありながら、それでいて周囲が異常なほど静かという環境のおかげで本当に聞きやすい。かといって会場が白けているかと言えばそんなことはなく、オープニング「Rock And Roll」が始まると普通に盛り上がっている。にもかかわらずショー全体を通して周囲が静かというのは、録音の観点からすると奇跡的な環境だったと言えるかもしれません。

そして演奏内容ですが、これはもう聞きどころの連続。既にこの時点でジミーは指を怪我していた訳ですが、そのせいで「Rock And Roll」や「Over the Hills and Far Away」のソロになると随所でフレーズが引っ掛かり気味。80年ならまだしも(苦笑)さすがに75年でこの調子はありえない訳で、なるほど悪戦苦闘していたのだと再確認させられます。
だからこそトミー・ボーリン状態で指に負担のかからないボトルネックで弾き通せる「When The Levee Breaks」が導入された訳ですが、これで同曲三テイク目のライブバージョンが発掘。75年ライブ初披露かつウォームアップだったブリュッセルと比べると演奏が引き延ばされているのですが、その反面6分を迎えたところでジミーのスライドのフレーズが「ネタ切れ」状態と化して間延びしてしまいます。そこで次のライブ披露だったシカゴでは演奏が後半に向かうとボンゾがメリハリをつけたドラミングを心掛けたのではと思える。そもそも曲自体が単調ですし、それをエフェクトで演出していたアルバムバージョンと比べるともっさりした演奏に陥りそうな印象はブリュッセルやシカゴ初日と変わりません。
しかし特筆すべきはシカゴ初日と違ってプラントが風邪をひいていないという事実。これで三つのライブバージョンが聞かれるようになった「When The Levee Breaks」ですが、その演奏自体はシカゴ初日に軍配が上がり、プラントのボーカルは今回が圧勝というところか。
プラントが風邪をひいていないという体調がより際立つのが例の「The Wanton Song」。これまで本曲を75年でまともに歌えてる日はブリュッセルだけでしたが、その日がウォームアップだったということもあり、ここではさらに全開な調子で歌い切るプラントが頼もしい。つくづくこの曲はプラントが歌えてこそステージで映える曲だったのだ…と思い知らされます。それと同時にオーディエンス録音とはいえ、遂にブルーミントンのレアな二曲がコンプリに聞けるようになったのですね。

またブリュッセルと同様、ジミーの指の問題から75年のZEPライブなのにインプロビゼーションの応酬がまったくみられないというのが実に面白く、これまたライブの全貌が明らかになったからこそ分かった事実でもある。かろうじてインプロ的な展開が顔をのぞかせる「No Quarter」など、75年というより73年か?と錯覚しそうな展開と演奏時間ですし、当時の新曲「Trampled Under Foot」にしてもジミーは頑張ってソロを弾いているものの、それでも後のバージョンと比べると展開はずっと短い。皮肉なことに、ジミーの怪我によって演奏がエスカレートしないという、言うなれば楽曲の土台状態を捉えた記録でもあった訳です。
当然「Dazed And Confused」は取り上げられず、代わりの「How Many More Times」すらこの時点では導入されていない。そのせいで最大のインプロビゼーション・コーナーは「Moby Dick」という結果に。しかもここで聞かれるドラミングが「Moby Dick」史上に残るほどレアな展開を見せているという。14分を過ぎたところでボンゾはエンディングのパターンを叩き始めたものの、何と誰もステージに現れず慌ててドラム・ソロに戻るという抱腹絶倒の展開となったのでした。まるで舞台袖から「もう少し続けろと」指図された様が浮かぶような場面で、結局16分に差し掛かったところでもう一度エンディングに向かうというレアで爆笑の「Moby Dick」だったのです。
惜しむらくは同曲の後に演奏された「In My Time Of Dying」、さらにライブ終盤が未収録という不完全状態なのですが、それでも聞きどころ満載な音源であることが理解いただけたかと。


Disc 1 (54:14)
1. Intro
2. Rock And Roll
3. Sick Again
4. Over The Hills And Far Away
5. When The Levee Breaks
6. The Song Remains The Same
7. The Rain Song
8. Kashmir
9. The Wanton Song

Disc 2 (54:35)
1. No Quarter
2. Trampled Under Foot
3. Moby Dick
4. Stairway To Heaven

Bonus Tracks

5. When the Levee Breaks
6. The Song Remains the Same
7. The Wanton Song
8. Black Dog

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