Led Zeppelin / Carnegie Hall 1969 / 1CD

Led Zeppelin / Carnegie Hall 1969 / 1CD / Non label
Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, USA 17th October 1969 (Early Show)

Play sample : 

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The fact that the ZEP sound source excavation team “Dogs of Doom”, which has been in great shape since the latter half of last year, is strong in the US tour in the fall of 1969 is the shock of “O’KEEFE CENTRE 1969 LATE SHOW” in the previous “FINAL WINTERLAND 1969 2ND NIGHT”. The excavation has proved it. Even at that time, it is Carnegie Hall on the first day of the tour that enthusiasts from all over the world have been waiting for the excavation of the sound source for many years. This is the only time ZEP has held a concert at this venerable venue, both later and earlier. Not only that, it made a lot of sense for them to use this venue.
Carnegie Hall is a concert hall originally known as a classical and jazz hall of fame. However, when the Rolling Stones held a concert at the main venue in 1964, the venue was confused. Because of that, martial law was laid down to ban rock concerts. However, with the passage of time, Carnegie Hall became more tolerant, and the Byrds held a concert in September 1969, which led to the opening of the Rock Gate again.
Following such Birds, it was none other than Led Zeppelin who held a rock concert at Carnegie Hall. Since the Birds at that time had a country-like sound, it is speculated that the performance at the venue was not abrupt, but this time the state-of-the-art hard rock group descended from England. It’s often approved by Carnegie Hall, but it’s a testament to their popularity at the time. From the following year, rock artists and bands will have more opportunities to hold concerts, but most of them still have a calm sound, starting with James Taylor. That’s why ZEP’s advent to Carnegie Hall was a truly groundbreaking event.
Since it was such a historic stage, it was a concert that had been widely reported since that time, but it was difficult to find the essential sound source. On the contrary, even enthusiastic enthusiasts had given up on the existence of the sound source, but as soon as 2022 began, “Dogs of Doom” finally unearthed an audience recording that could be called the Holy Grail.

What they unearthed was an audience recording that captured the early show from the stage that was held twice. Therefore, it was not possible to hear Eddie Cochran’s “Summertime Blues”, which is said to have been performed for a long time, and “Bring It On Home”, which is likely to premiere live, after responding to encores many times at the second show. .. Furthermore, the recording stopped in the first half of “How Many More Times”. However, the appearance of the ZEP Carnegie Hall advent that finally appeared is still enough to hear.
It is a monaural sound quality that is slightly wrapped in a sense of distance and echo, but it clearly conveys that this state itself is the “Sound of Carnegie Hall”. Still, the overall sound image is clear enough, and the response is also sufficient. In the first half of the live, Robert’s vocals seemed to be pushed by the sound pressure of the performance, but it is still a masterpiece that the scream echoes in Carnegie Hall, as expected in 1969 ZEP.
And what surprises me most is the wonderful freshness that I can’t believe has been buried for more than 50 years. It doesn’t have the rough feeling that is typical of vintage audiences, and the really moist and calm texture is one of the highlights.

As Robert says, “A new album will be released on Tuesday,” this is also the day ZEP in album “II” mode first visited the United States. As you can see from the fact that you can live at Carnegie Hall, you can still feel the popularity at this point. Therefore, the audience’s reaction to the announcement of the new song before the release is enthusiastic. Contrary to the excitement, “What Is And What Should Never Be” is performed in a relaxed and polite manner, and the difference from the later live version is fresh. Although it had already been auditioned at the BBC a few months ago, this is the second time it has been shown on a regular stage, following Lyceum a few days ago.
Similarly, “Moby Dick” will be a repertoire shortly after its live debut, but it was significant for Bonzo to be able to perform a drum solo at Carnegie Hall. He will stand in a concert hall where drummers such as his beloved jazz giants Max Roach and Gene Krupa have left their mark. For that reason, it can be said that the usual development that the solo started with a pattern that followed Roach’s “The Drum Also Waltz” would have been full of power. Contrary to Bonzo’s spirit, Jimmy misses the sound at the ending, which seems to be an early live show.
And due to the nature of the venue called Carnegie Hall, “White Summer / Black Mountain Side” was the most brilliant on stage that day. In addition to being a song that Jimmy plays carefully, this sound source is a recording state that captures the sound of his guitar in a big way, making it an even more outstanding performance.
In the 1969 ZEP live where the basic footwork was light and the sharp performance was easy, this is a super valuable sound source that captured a different day in a good way. Still, I didn’t have to adjust the sound quality at all for the previous reason. It was so fresh. Therefore, the only thing that was modified for this limited press CD release was that the number of revolutions, which was quite slow, was adjusted exactly. This is very important because it sounds quite sleepy when the pitch is low with the sound quality like this time. Enjoy the legendary 1969 Carnegie Hall that was finally unearthed at the right pitch!

(Remaster memo)
★ Corrected a pitch that is about 10% slower than a semitone.
★ Since the sound pressure is low, I raised the whole.
★ I didn’t play with the sound quality.

昨年後半から絶好調なZEP音源の発掘チーム“Dogs of Doom”が1969年秋のアメリカ・ツアーに強いことは、これまでの「FINAL WINTERLAND 1969 2ND NIGHT」に「O’KEEFE CENTRE 1969 LATE SHOW」という衝撃の発掘が証明してきてくれました。そんな時期でも世界中のマニアが永年に渡って音源の発掘を待ち望んできたのがツアー初日のカーネギー・ホールではないでしょうか。ZEPがこの由緒ある会場でコンサートを開いたのは後にも先にもこの時だけ。それだけでなく、彼らがこの会場を使うという事には非常に大きな意味があったのです。
このような歴史的ステージでしたので、当時から広く報じられていたコンサートであった一方、肝心の音源というのがなかなか発掘されなかった。それどころか、熱心なマニアですら音源の存在をとうに諦めていたというのに、2022年が始まった途端に“Dogs of Doom”が聖杯とも言うべきオーディエンス録音を遂に発掘してくれたのです。

彼らが発掘してくれたのは都合二回行われたステージからアーリー・ショーを捉えたオーディエンス録音。よってセカンド・ショーで何度もアンコールに応え、以前から演奏されたと伝えられているエディ・コクランの「Summertime Blues」やライブ初演の公算が高い「Bring It On Home」を聞くことは叶いませんでした。さらに「How Many More Times」の前半で録音が止まってもいる。しかし、それでもなお遂に登場したZEPカーネギー・ホール降臨の様子は聞き応え十分。

ロバートが「火曜日にニューアルバムが発売されるんだ」と語りかけている所からも解るように、この日はアルバム「II」モードのZEPが初めてアメリカに見参した日でもある。カーネギー・ホールでライブできることからも解るように、この時点でも相当な人気ぶりが感じられる。よってリリース前の新曲の披露に対しても観客の反応は熱狂的。その盛り上がりとは反対に「What Is And What Should Never Be」などは実にゆったり丁寧に披露されており、後のこなれたライブ・バージョンと如実な違いが新鮮。既に数か月前にBBCで試演していたとはいえ、通常のステージで披露するのは数日前のライセウムに続いてこれが二度目。
同じように「Moby Dick」もまたライブ・デビュー間もないレパートリーとなるのですが、ボンゾにとってカーネギー・ホールでドラム・ソロを披露できるというのは大きな意味があった。彼が敬愛するジャズの巨人、マックス・ローチやジーン・クルーパといったドラマー達が名演を残したコンサート・ホールに自分が立てるということ。それだけにソロがローチの「The Drum Also Waltz」を踏襲したパターンから始まるといういつもの展開にも力がこもったであろうことが伺えます。そんなボンゾの気合とは裏腹に、ジミーがエンディングで音を外すという、いかにも初期ライブ披露らしい場面も。
そしてカーネギー・ホールという会場の性質上、この日もっともステージ映えしたのが「White Summer / Black Mountain Side」。ジミーがじっくり弾いて聞かせる曲という事に加え、この音源が彼のギターの音を大きく捉えた録音状態ということで、なおさら際立った名演となっています。



1. Intro
2. Good Times Bad Times (Intro)
3. I Can’t Quit You Baby
4. Heartbreaker
5. Dazed and Confused
6. White Summer/Black Mountain Side
7. What Is And What Should Never Be
8. Moby Dick
9. How Many More Times

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