Jackson Browne / Los Angeles 1989 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CD

Jackson Browne / Los Angeles 1989 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CD / Zion

Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA 13th August 1989

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The mirrored master by JEMS released this time also sounds really good. The force of the sound pressure approaching too close, and the audience recording that he makes. Such superb quality was released at the Universal Amphitheater on August 13, 1989 by Jackson Browne. Although Jackson at that time released the problematic work “WORLD IN MOTION”, record sales plummeted. Because of that, the tour was held on a large scale only in the United States, and the Japanese performance was barely added.
Above all, perhaps reflecting the sales of the album, it did not get as much media exposure as the previous album “LIVES IN BALANCE”, and a full-size live broadcast was not realized. On the contrary, it seemed that the treatment that it was played in conjunction with the live recorded at the time of the previous work on the radio broadcast told the reputation of “WORLD IN MOTION” at that time. There was a feeling that the fusion of strongly political songs and synth sounds typical of the 80s, which was promoted by winning “LIVES IN~”, backfired in “WORLD IN MOTION”.
The album is now being re-evaluated, and above all, Jackson himself has penetrated among fans by playing straight live performances without synth colors from the songs on the album, but the synths on the 1989 tour are live The sound was incongruous even at the time. It’s a nostalgic thing even now.
It is no exaggeration to say that the ‘WORLD IN MOTION’ tour in 1989 was a time when there was no definitive item due to the overlapping of these circumstances, and it was a time when it was covered with a veil. This mirrored recording captured such a time with the finest audience recording.

Anyway, the sound is extremely close, and if it was released in a rear tie, it would have been touted as a “sound board”. A wonderful quality that will definitely be among the top recordings of Millard’s later years. The secret is that recording the stage of Jackson’s ally David Lindley as the opening act of this day, Millard’s rehearsal was perfect. In fact, Lindley’s stage has been released as “LOS ANGELES 1989: MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION CASSETTE”, but the good sound quality made maniacs groan.
Thanks to that, I’m convinced that Jackson’s stage performance was recorded with such high quality. The first half of the live performance was composed of two repertoires, “LIVES IN BALANCE” and “WORLD IN MOTION”, and since the former was an unexpected hit, Jackson wanted to show off his active career in promoting that line. I guess. Jackson’s record of this time, which is unique in a sense, has been released as a super valuable sound source “PHILADELPHIA 1988 SOUNDBOARD” that captures the transient period of the previous year on the sound board, but here it is to the imposing stage of “WORLD IN ~” mode. evolution.
From the opening, the Eighties are exposed, but the straight sound is rather nostalgic, and the sound quality is outstanding, so it’s really fun to listen to. Classics such as “For Everyman” and “The Pretender” are also played live with the seasoning unique to those days, which makes me feel nostalgic and tasteful. At that time, Jackson’s synth-like sound was reflected in a sense of incongruity, but it is now familiar enough.

The unique charm of the 1989 tour is not only due to the synth seasoning, but also due to Chad Cromwell, who acted as the drummer only on the US tour. As was the case with the subsequent performances in Japan, it seems that Michael Jochum’s impression is generally strong, but in fact it turned out that Cromwell was the drummer only in the United States thanks to this mirrored recording. Certainly Cromwell in 1989 was in a free state as a drummer after his activities with Neil Young, which lasted for several years, ended with the performance in Japan in the spring.
In the end, Cromwell and Jackson’s relationship was limited to the US tour, and co-starring at Studio Recordin etc. was not realized, so it was a valuable participation only for this tour. His tight drumming fits well with the stage of “WORLD IN ~” mode.
And Lindley, who acted as the opening act, joined Jackson’s stage everywhere, and the final stage “Stay” was a big success, such as being passed the baton by Jackson with a familiar false voice. Now that he has passed away, it has become a very valuable record in that such scenes can be heard with the finest sound quality. “WORLD IN MOTION” tour where there were no definitive items for the first reason. It will finally be released as a limited press CD by Millard Recording. The definitive version of the “WORLD IN MOTION” tour that finally appeared!

今回公開されたJEMSによるミラード・マスターも本当に音がイイ。あまりにも間近に迫りくる音圧の迫力たるや、彼の手になるオーディエンス録音の面目躍如。そんな極上クオリティにて公開されたのはジャクソン・ブラウン1989年8月13日のユニバーサル・アンフィシアター。当時のジャクソンは問題作『WORLD IN MOTION』をリリースしたもののレコード・セールスは急落。そのせいでツアーが大々的に行われたのはアメリカのみとなってしまい、かろうじて日本公演が追加されたという程度でした。
何よりアルバムのセールスを反映してか前作『LIVES IN BALANCE』ほどのメディア露出がなく、フルサイズのライブ放送が実現しないという状況。それどころかラジオ放送では前作時に収録されたライブと抱き合わせで流されるといった扱いも当時の『WORLD IN MOTION』の世評を物語っているかのようでした。『LIVES IN~』が当たったことで推し進められた政治色の強い歌と80年代らしいシンセ・サウンドの融合が『WORLD IN MOTION』では裏目に出てしまった感があったのです。
こうした状況が重なって決定的なアイテムが存在せず、ある種ベールの被せられた時期と言っても過言でない89年の『WORLD IN MOTION』ツアー。そんな時期を極上のオーディエンス録音で捉えてくれたのが今回のミラード録音。

とにかく抜群に音が近く、仮にリアタイでリリースされたとしたら完全に「サウンドボード」だと喧伝されたレベル。間違いなくミラード晩年の録音の中でも上位に入るであろう素晴らしいクオリティ。その秘密はこの日の前座にしてジャクソンの盟友デヴィッド・リンドレーのステージを録音したことで、ミラードの予行練習がばっちりできたからからのです。実際リンドレーのステージは『LOS ANGELES 1989: MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION CASSETTE』としてリリース済ですが、音質の良さがマニアを唸らせたもの。
その甲斐あって、本番たるジャクソンのステージがこれほどまでの音質で録音出来たというのも納得。ライブ前半は『LIVES IN BALANCE』と『WORLD IN MOTION』二作からのレパートリーで占められるという攻めの構成で、前者が思いのほかヒットしたことからジャクソンとしてもその路線を推し進めた現役ぶりをアピールしたかったのでしょう。ある意味で異色なこの時期のジャクソンの記録は前年の過度期をサウンドボードで捉えた超貴重音源『PHILADELPHIA 1988 SOUNDBOARD』がリリース済ですが、ここでは『WORLD IN~』モードの堂々たるステージへと進化。
オープニングからいかにもエイティーズ丸出しだがストレートなサウンドがむしろ懐かしさ一杯で、おまけに音質が抜群なものだから聞いていて本当に楽しい。「For Everyman」や「The Pretender」といったクラシックも当時ならではの味付けでライブ演奏されているのがまた懐かしさを感じさせて味わい深い。あの時は違和感に映ったジャクソンのシンセ寄りなサウンドですが、それも今となっては十分に親しみやすいものがある。

結局クロムウェルとジャクソンの付き合いはアメリカ・ツアーだけとなり、スタジオ・レコ―ディンなどでの共演は実現しなかったことから、このツアーだけの貴重な参加でもあったのです。そんな彼のタイトなドラミングは『WORLD IN~』モードのステージによく合う。
そして前座を務めたリンドレーは随所でジャクソンのステージに加わり、終盤「Stay」はおなじみの裏声でジャクソンからバトンタッチされるなど大活躍。彼が亡くなられた今となってはこうした場面が極上音質で聞かれるという点でも非常に貴重な記録となってしまいました。最初に挙げた理由から決定版アイテムが一切存在無かった『WORLD IN MOTION』ツアー。それが遂にミラード録音によって文句なしの限定プレスCDとしてリリースされます。ようやく現れた『WORLD IN MOTION』ツアーの決定版!

Disc:1 (68:30)

1. Intro
2. For America
3. Tender Is The Night
4. In The Shape Of A Heart
5. Enough Of The Night
6. Chasing You Into The Light
7. For Everyman
8. World In Motion
9. Anything Can Happen
10. For A Dancer
11. Call It A Loan
12. Cocaine

Disc:2 (58:03)
1. How Long
2. Boulevard
3. Lawless Avenues
4. MC
5. The Word Justice
6. Running On Empty
7. Band Introduction
8. The Pretender
9. When The Stone Begins To Turn
10. The Load-Out
11. Stay
12. Doctor My Eyes

Jackson Browne – vocals, guitar
Kevin Dukes – guitars, vocals
Bob Glaub – bass
Chad Cromwell – drums
Scott Thurston – keyboards, guitar, vocals
Doug Haywood – sax, keyboards, guitar, vocals
Debra Dobkin – percussion


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