Fleetwood Mac / Kyoto 1980 / 2CD

Fleetwood Mac / Kyoto 1980 / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Kyoto Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan 8th February 1980

Play sample :

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In recent years, Mike Millard, who captured the stage at the height of Fleetwood Mac, and even John Wizard’s recordings have been excavated, and there is a feeling that their masterpiece performance at that time is being re-evaluated. Under such circumstances, the sound source of 1980, which was their second visit to Japan, was surprisingly inadequate. Regarding 1977, which had the impact of being the first visit to Japan, the release of “NIPPON BUDOKAN 1977” by an exclusive audience was also fresh in my memory, but as soon as I came to Japan in 1980, the current items decreased. Under such circumstances, sadly, after receiving the obituary of Christine McVie, last week’s “YOKOHAMA 1980 SOUNDBOARD” was the fastest release of the standard soundboard that came to Japan in 1980.
“KEEP PASSING US BY” released in 2007 is a hidden masterpiece that surpasses even such familiar sound sources. Kyoto was the first Kansai performance held in a tranquil atmosphere different from the Kanto area during the performance in Japan in 1980. Moreover, after three consecutive nights of performances at the Budokan, it was time to take a rest in between. That’s how it was.
Up until now, “KEEP PASSING US BY” recorded Mac’s only performance in Kyoto with the finest audience. Its moist and calm recording state. Although it is different from the sound image like “sound board”, the texture that fully inhaled the air of Kyoto in 1980 is truly excellent. However, the fact that the surroundings are not noisy like a Japanese rock concert in the Showa era also contributes to the ease of listening. Rather, the comfort of listening created by a moderate sense of distance is also excellent. The 2007 release was naturally sold out.

The taper of “OSAKA 1974 2ND NIGHT”, which was recently re-released for Paul Simon’s first visit to Japan, recorded this exquisite audience. No wonder the sound is so good. In addition, Simon’s recording was in 1974, but this time the sound is even better because the recording equipment has evolved in 1980. This Kyoto-like tranquil presence can not be experienced in Yokohama, which is a sound source for broadcasting. In the first place, the sound board in Yokohama had a tendency to feel unsatisfactory in its presence, so the natural presence here stands out even more.
Unfortunately, Taper, who participated in Kyoto, only prepared a 90-minute cassette, and the recording ended up being “I’m So Afraid”. Therefore, this Russ and 4 songs are supplemented from the second day performance take in Osaka on February 17th. We have recorded all songs. This is also using the master cassette provided by the recording person, but this sound quality is also wonderful, and the feeling of switching the sound source from Kyoto is equal to nothing. This is also one of the reasons why “KEEP PASSING US BY” was so popular. And now it is precious to hear the scene where Christine expresses gratitude to the audience because this is the last day of the performance in Japan in 1980 before starting the finale “Songbird”. The re-release of such a masterpiece will finally come true.

However, even at the time of its release in 2007, there was only a finish that was highly praised in specialized magazines, and for the time being there was nothing to do with this time. It is a special audience that is so clear and calm sound quality. In addition, it is clear that the Kyoto audience is watching the appearance of Mac for the first time, but it is heartwarming to see the band’s enthusiastic performance.
It’s clear that the band members themselves were able to perform well thanks to such an environment, especially when it came to the calmly arranged number that unfolded in the middle of the live. Now it seems that the charm of this sound source, such as “Oh Daddy”, which Christine sings moistly, is fully utilized. Also, “Never Going Back Again”, which Lindsay listens to a precise rendition, has a wonderful feeling of being played more carefully, and you can clearly see how satisfied he is when he finishes playing.
In the first place, the fact that Mac at the peak of his performance in Japan was realized in a special environment called Kyoto is now equal to a miracle, and the people themselves can also enjoy the freshness different from the Budokan, which they had already experienced in 1977. It may have led to the famous performance. The famous recording that recorded a historic night without such a price is finally back. Anyway, it’s outstandingly easy to listen to, but above all, it captures how Christine’s neat singing voice reverberates, so I can’t listen without tears!

 近年フリートウッド・マック絶頂期のステージを捉えたマイク・ミラード、さらにはジョン・ウィザードの録音まで発掘され、当時の彼らの圧巻パフォーマンスが再評価されている感があります。そうした中で意外に手薄な状況となってしまっていたのが、彼らにとって二度目の来日となった1980年の音源。初来日というインパクトを伴った1977年に関しては独占入手オーディエンスによる「NIPPON BUDOKAN 1977」のリリースも記憶に新しいところでしたが、80年の来日になると途端に現行アイテムが少なくなってしまった。そうした中で悲しいかなクリスティン・マクヴィーの訃報を受け、まずは80年来日の定番サウンドボードをと最速リリースしたのが先週の「YOKOHAMA 1980 SOUNDBOARD」でした。
 そんなおなじみの音源をも凌ぐ隠れた名盤が2007年にリリースされた「KEEP PASSING US BY」でしょう。80年来日公演の中にあって関東エリアとはまた違った長閑な雰囲気の中で行われた関西公演の第一弾であった京都。しかも武道館の三夜連続公演をこなしたところでオフを挟んで休養十分なタイミング、さらに武道館三日目が大きな盛り上がりを見せたことでメンバーも雰囲気を掴めたという自信を持って挑めたのが京都公演だったのです。
 そんな現在に至るまでマック唯一の京都公演を極上オーディエンスにて記録してくれたのが先の「KEEP PASSING US BY」。そのしっとりと落ち着きのある録音状態。「まるでサウンドボード」というような音像とは違いますが、1980年京都の空気をたっぷりと吸い込んだ質感は正にエクセレント。それでいて昭和の日本のロックコンサートらしく周囲が騒がしくないことも聞きやすさに貢献してくれている。むしろ程よい距離感が生み出す聞き心地の良さがまた絶品。2007年のリリースは当然Sold Outになってしまったのでした。
 この絶品オーディエンスを録音してくれたのは先日ポール・サイモンの初来日公演の再リリースが実現した「OSAKA 1974 2ND NIGHT」のテーパー。どうりで音が良い訳だ。おまけにサイモンの録音は74年でしたが、今回は録音機材も進化した80年の録音ということでさらに音が良い。この京都らしい長閑な臨場感は放送用音源の横浜では味わえないもの。そもそも横浜のサウンドボードは臨場感に物足りなさを覚えるきらいがありましたので、なおさらここでの自然な臨場感が際立っている。
 惜しむらくは京都に参戦したテーパーは90分のカセットしか用意しておらず、録音が「I’m So Afraid」までとなってしまったこと。それゆえ、このラスと4曲は、2月17日大阪2日目公演テイクから補填。全曲収録を実現しています。こちらも録音者提供ののマスターカセットを使用をしていますが、この音質がまた素晴らしく、京都からの音源切り替え感が皆無に等しいつながり具合。これもまた「KEEP PASSING US BY」が大好評を博した要因の一つ。それに今となってはクリスティンがフィナーレ「Songbird」を始める前でこれが80年来日公演の最終日であることから観客に向かって感謝を述べている場面が聞けるのは尊い。そんな名盤の再リリースが遂に実現します。
 特にライブ中盤で繰り広げられる落ち着いたアレンジのナンバーに至ってはバンドメンバー自身がそうした環境のおかげでじっくり演奏出来ているのは明らか。今となってはクリスティンがしっとり歌い上げる「Oh Daddy」など、この音源の魅力が最大限に活かされていると思えるほど。またリンジーが緻密な弾き語りを聞かせる「Never Going Back Again」などはさらに丁寧に演奏されている感が素晴らしく、また彼自身が演奏を終えたところで満足している様子がはっきり伝わってきます。

Disc 1(38:21)
1. Introduction
2. Say You Love Me
3. The Chain
4. Don’t Stop
5. Dreams
6. Oh Well
7. Rhiannon
8. Oh Daddy

Disc 2 (75:13)
1. Sara
2. Not That Funny
3. Never Going Back Again
4. Landslide
5. Tusk
6. Angel
7. You Make Loving Fun
8. I’m So Afraid

Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 17th February 1980

9. World Turning
10. Go Your Own Way
11. Sisters Of The Moon
12. Songbird

Christine McVie (R.I.P.) – Keyboards, Vocals
John McVie – Bass
Stevie Nicks – Vocals
Mick Fleetwood – Drums
Lindsey Buckingham – Guitar, Vocals


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