Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2009 10th Night Dat Master / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2009 10th Night Dat Master / 2CD / Beano
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 29th May 2009

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[Eric Clapton 2009 RAH continuous performance end stage definitive edition appeared one after another! ]

While the afterglow of Eric Clapton’s performance in Japan has not yet cooled down, we have brought two amazing masters to the public for the first time from the heavyweight tapers who live in England, who are familiar with our treasured sound source. From the 11 consecutive performances at Royal Albert Hall, London, performed by Clapton in 2009, May 29th, which was the 10th performance, and May 31st, which was the final day, were completely recorded with the finest stereo audience recording DAT. Master. Our shop recently released the same consecutive performances “Royal Albert Hall 2009 5th Night DAT Master (2CD)” and “Royal Albert Hall 2009 9th Night DAT Master (2CD)” from the undisclosed master of the heavyweight taper, It has been well received. I think that you can be convinced if you say that the master of this time is as high quality as they are. Moreover, the biggest attraction of this continuous performance is that the set list was significantly different between the first half and the second half. There are no trouble spots because of the familiar taper recording. On top of that, the sound boasts a musical tone like a soundboard recording, the closeness of vocals, and a good sound balance. A Japan tour was also held in 2009, but the set list has changed from the time of the Japanese performance, and it can be said that it is an indispensable content for Clapton’s live performance in the middle of this year.

[An attractive set list that is completely different from the Japanese performance. A full-blown stage nearing completion! ]

Let’s take a look back at Clapton’s activity history this year.

・February 12th to 28th, 2009: Japan tour for 11 performances (including joint performances with Jeff Beck at Saitama Super Arena on 21st and 22nd)
・March 4-10, 2009: Short-term Oceania Tour
・March 19th and 20th, 2009: Appeared as a guest at the 40th anniversary concert of the Allman Brothers Band
· May 4, 2009: Flying into the concert of guitarist Joe Bonamassa held at the Royal Albert Hall in London
· May 9, 2009: Played at the “Bunbury Cricket Club” charity event held at the Grosvenor Hous Hotel, London
・May 11-31, 2009: UK domestic tour including 11 performances at Royal Albert Hall ← here
・June 10-30, 2009: American Tour
・October 20, 2009: Appeared in Smokey Robinson’s guest episode of the music program “Later…With Jools Holland” at the BBC Television Studio (Robinson’s regular guitarist suddenly became unwell and was in attendance)
· October 30, 2009: Appeared as a Clapton band at the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary Ceremony” held at Madison Square Garden, New York, and performed with Aretha Franklin, Ozzy Osbourne, U2, etc.
・November 23, 2009: Appeared at the charity event “Children Auction” held in Geneva, Switzerland, and exhibited his favorite Martin 000-28
・December 31, 2009: Annual charity concert “New Year’s Eve Dance” for AA (Association of Alcoholics)

You can see that it was a year of very energetic activities, including appearances at charity events and TV programs, and tours around the world. This included a joint concert with Jeff Beck in Japan.

And the day of this work was the 10th night of 11 consecutive performances at the local Royal Albert Hall. It’s the second performance from the end. In other words, it can be said that it was the timing to finish the work with the aim of completing a series of performances in the local area. For those who like the sound source of the Japan tour, I would like you to pay attention to it. Speaking of Clapton’s songs, it can be said that there is no longer a “fit” selection than Gadd. From that absolute sense of security, Clapton has changed the set list dramatically from the time of the Japan tour. It’s different from the opening number. A surprise called Going Down Slow, which will be the first performance in eight years since the 2001 “Reptile Tour”. Both this song and Old Love are played in the arrangement at the time of “Pilgrim Tour” in 1998. This is probably due to the fact that Tim Carmon was on the keyboard even in 1998, and Carmon’s synth solo in Old Love is also wonderful, but since 1992, taking advantage of his synthesizer playability Also listen to the heavy performance of Anything For Your Love for the first time in 17 years.

The highlights of the day were the set-in of the Dominos number Got to Get Better in a Little While and the rare acoustic number Three Little Girls. The former is an energetic number that I have been playing since 2004, and it was a highlight of the first half of the stage in the 2006-2007 tour. Here again, including Clapton’s solo, which is wonderfully sharp, it is a take where you can enjoy the raging play of the top-notch rhythm section, Wheelie Weeks & Steve Gadd. The latter is Clapton’s original song from the 2006 co-star studio album “ROAD TO ESCONDIDE,” where Clapton fulfilled his longing dream with J.J. Cale. It is a heartwarming number that Clapton gave to his three daughters, and this song was only played on this day, and it is still only this sound source that you can listen to the live take of this song. Bringing Somewhere Over The Rainbow for the first time since 2003 at the end of the acoustic set is also fresh. No way to be played at this position … (There is a possibility that the naming of the new instrumental song Blue Rainbow, which was first performed in this Japanese performance).

And, in contrast to the exciting first half of what will pop out, the second half was structured to let you listen carefully with a royal set list, but among them, Doyle Bramhall II jumped into the last three songs, which is rare. It’s a precious day. Doyle’s band, Archangel, was appointed by Clapton as the opening act for this series of performances. At the end of the continuous performance, it is a co-star that was realized by Doyle’s return to Clapton or a voice from Clapton, but Layla, which Doyle supports, has the passion of the original version. He jumped in only at the end of the performance, so I hope he will listen to this precious stage. The Royal Albert Hall performance was a rare schedule that was held after the Japan tour, but the drummer changed, the set list changed significantly, and Doyle also flew in, so it was a different charm from the Japanese performance. The performance that is full of is completely recorded with the finest sound quality. I hope that this work will be added to the collection as a representative sound source of Clapton in 2009, which was energetically active.


エリック・クラプトンの日本公演の余韻がまだ冷めやらぬ中、秘蔵音源では当店でお馴染みのイギリス在住の重鎮テーパーから初公開の凄いマスターが2つもたらされました。2009年にクラプトンが行なったロンドン、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール11連続公演から、10公演目に当たった5月29日と最終日となった5月31日を極上ステレオ・オーディエンス録音で完全収録したDATマスターです。当店は先般、重鎮テーパーの未公開マスターから、同連続公演の「Royal Albert Hall 2009 5th Night DAT Master(2CD)」と「Royal Albert Hall 2009 9th Night DAT Master(2CD)」をリリースしており、大好評をいただいております。今回のマスターもそれらに優るとも劣らないハイクオリティと言えばご納得いただけるのではないかと思います。しかもこの連続公演は、前半と後半でセットリストが大幅に異なっていたというのが最大の魅力です。手馴れたテーパーの録音ゆえに、トラブル箇所は一切ありません。その上でサウンドは、ちょっと聴けばサウンドボード録音のような楽音、ボーカルの近さとサウンドバランスの良さを誇るものです。2009年はジャパン・ツアーも行なわれましたが、日本公演時とはセットリストも変わっており、この年中盤のクラプトンのライブとしてははずせない内容だと言えます。



・2009年5月11日~31日:ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール11公演を含むイギリス国内ツアー ←★ココ★
・2009年10月20日:BBCテレビジョンスタジオにて音楽番組「Later…With Jools Holland」のスモーキー・ロビンソンのゲスト回に出演(ロビンソンのレギュラー・ギタリストが体調不良を来たしたための急遽の出演だった)
・2009年11月23日:スイス、ジュネーヴで行なわれたチャリティ・イベント「Children Auction」に出演、愛用のマーティン000-28も出品した


そして本作の日は、地元ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールでの11連続公演の10夜目に当たっていました。最後から2公演目です。言わば、地元での連続公演の完遂を目指し、仕上げに入ったタイミングだったと言えます。ジャパン・ツアーの音源を気に入っておられる方にも是非注目いただきたいのが、まずはこのタイミングでドラマーがエイブ・ラボリアル・ジュニアからスティーヴ・ガッドに替わっていたことです。クラプトンの楽曲と言えば、もはやガッドほど「はまる」人選はないと言ってもいいほどです。その絶対的な安心感から、クラプトンはジャパン・ツアー時とは劇的にセットリストを変更してきたのです。オープニングナンバーからして違います。01年の「レプタイル・ツアー」以来8年ぶりの演奏となるGoing Down Slowというサプライズ。この曲もOld Loveも、共に98年の「ピルグリム・ツアー」の時のアレンジでプレイされています。このあたりは、98年当時にもキーボードにティム・カーモンがいたことが主因と考えられ、Old Loveでのカーモンのシンセソロも素晴らしいものですが、彼のシンセサイザーのプレイアビリティを活かしての、92年以来17年ぶりとなったAnything For Your Loveの重厚なパフォーマンスも聴きものです。

この日の注目は、ドミノスナンバーGot to Get Better in a Little Whileをセットインさせたこと、レアなアコースティックナンバーThree Little Girlsをプレイしたことです。前者は2004年からプレイしているエネルギッシュなナンバーで、2006年~2007年のツアーでもステージ前半のハイライトとなっていた曲でした。ここでも素晴らしくキレのあるクラプトンのソロを含み、ウィーリー・ウィークス&スティーヴ・ガッドという、超一流のリズムセクションの怒涛のプレイが楽しめるテイクとなっています。後者は、クラプトンが憧れのJ.J.ケイルとの念願を果たした2006年の共演スタジオアルバム「ROAD TO ESCONDIDE」に収録されていたクラプトンのオリジナル曲です。クラプトンが三人の娘さんに贈ったほのぼのとしたナンバーで、この曲はこの日にしか演奏されなかった上に、この曲のライブテイクを聴けるのは、未だにこの音源しかないという貴重度です。アコースティックセットの締めに、03年以来となるSomewhere Over The Rainbowを持ってきたことも新鮮です。まさかこの位置で演奏されるとは・・・(今回の日本公演で初披露されたインストの新曲Blue Rainbowのネーミングの由来の可能性あり)。


Disc 1 (62:01)
1. Intro.
2. Goin’ Down Slow★
3. Key to the Highway
4. Anything for Your Love★
5. Old Love
6. Got to Get Better in a Little While★
7. Driftin’ Blues
8. Three Little Girls★
9. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out
10. Lay Down Sally
11. Over the Rainbow★

Disc 2 (61:41)
1. Badge
2. Little Queen of Spades
3. Before You Accuse Me
4. Wonderful Tonight
5. Layla*
6. Cocaine*
7. Cross Road Blues*

Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Andy Fairweather Low – guitar / vocals
Chris Stainton – keyboards
Tim Carmon – keyboards
Willie Weeks – bass
Steve Gadd – drums
Michelle John – backing vocals
Sharon White – backing vocals
Doyle Bramhall Ⅱ – guitar*

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