Dream Theater / Nagoya 2023 / 2CDR

Dream Theater / Nagoya 2023 / 2CDR / Shades
Forest Hall, NTK Hall, Nagoya, Japan 1st May 2023

Play sample :

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DREAM THEATER has completed their second visit to Japan for the first time in eight months. The original recording series to experience all the performances is finally complete. Following the Tokyo edition the other day, two West Japan editions will be released at the same time.
The performance of “May 1, 2023: Nagoya Forest Hall” is imbued in this work. It is the best audience recording. The two works released at the same time this week are not only the most recent series, but are also closely related to the masterpiece “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022 (Shades 1593)” that came to Japan last time. Both are “TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”, so let’s organize the original recording series together this time.

● 2022
*August 14 “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022”
● 2023
・ April 28 “LINE CUBE SHIBUYA 2023”
・ April 30 “BUDOKAN 2023”
* May 1: Nagoya Forest Hall ← This work
*May 2 “OSAKA 2023”
* Note; “*” marks are from the same recording artist collection.

A total of 5 performances. It is unusual for them to return to Japan in 8 months, the shortest blank alongside 1992/1993 (return to Japan after 9 months) when they first came to Japan. It was an event that showed the deep-rooted popularity even after 30 years. This work corresponds to the Nagoya edition of such “TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”, but in fact it is also the same recording artist collection as “OSAKA 2023 (Shades 1752)” released at the same time and “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022” which came to Japan last time. Yes, it is the latest work of Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper” who is familiar with our shop.
The “Mr. As a matter of fact, it is said that Nagoya had more turbidity in the sound output than other performances, but this work does not make me feel that reputation. From the point of view of “how far is it like a sound board”, it is a half step to “OSAKA 2023”, but it is only at the level of “if you insist on the strongest Mr. standard”. If it is a normal standard, it is a very thick and direct feeling that can be called “just like a sound board”.
Moreover, this work surpasses “OSAKA 2023” in its clarity and luster. This will also depend on the recording position. It seems to be recorded in the 8th row of the front seat, but this is a good position where the sound reaches straight in front of the aisle. You can fully enjoy the beautiful “elongation” and “ringing” without wraparound, and the thick core of the “strongest” mark eats through it. It is precisely because of the high-dimensional combination of hard and soft that the heavy parts are powerful, and the soaring melody is full of exhilaration. It is a “powerful beautiful sound” that is perfect for enjoying the DREAM THEATER.
A full show of the “TOP OF THE WORLD Tour” that is similar to, but different from, the previous visit to Japan is depicted with such Takumi’s sound. I think that there are people who already know that all 4 performances in Japan this time are the same set, but this time it is also the same recording artist collection as the previous “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022”. Let’s compare again here.

A view from the top of the world
・The Alien/Sleeping Giant(★)/Answering The Call(★)/A View From The Top Of The World
・Six Degrees: Solitary Shell (★) / About To Crash (Reprise) (★) / Losing Time/Grand Finale (★)
・Other: Pull Me Under/6:00/Caught In A Web (★)/The Count Of Tuscany/Bridges In The Sky
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in the masterpiece “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022” that came to Japan last time.

“Anyway, it’s a beautiful and relaxing sound.” The 4 works in Japan this time are all masterpieces, but this work is one step ahead in clearness and luster. A new masterpiece that allows you to fully experience the latest visit to Japan with such a beautiful sound. Please experience it to the fullest.

★ The best audience recording of the “May 1, 2023: Nagoya Forest Hall” performance. This is the latest work by “West Japan’s strongest taper”, and the recording position facing the aisle provides both a freshness without wraparound and a direct feeling that the core jumps directly. While it is as easy to listen to as a sound board, the luster and elongation due to the exquisite hall sound are also beautiful. Combined with Mr. “Strongest” last year’s “DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022”, you can enjoy two different “TOP OF THE WORLD Tour” visits to Japan with the same recording artist collection.

8ヶ月ぶりの再来日も完遂されたDREAM THEATER。その全公演を体験するオリジナル録音シリーズも遂に完結。先日の東京篇に続く西日本編が2本同時リリース決定です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「2023年5月1日:名古屋フォレストホール」公演。その極上オーディエンス録音です。今週同時リリースの2作品は直近の連作というだけでなく、実は前回来日の名作『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022(Shades 1593)』とも関わりが深い。どちらも“TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”でもありますし、今回はまとめてオリジナル録音シリーズを整理しておきましょう。

*8月14日『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022』
・4月28日『LINE CUBE SHIBUYA 2023』
・4月30日『BUDOKAN 2023』
*5月1日:名古屋フォレストホール ←★本作★
*5月2日『OSAKA 2023』

以上、全5公演。彼らであっても8ヶ月で再来日するのは異例で、初来日時代の1992年/1993年(9ヶ月後の再来日)と並ぶ最短ブランク。30年の時を超えても根強い人気ぶりを見せつける出来事となりました。本作はそんな“TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”の名古屋編にあたるわけですが、実は同時リリースの『OSAKA 2023(Shades 1752)』や前回来日の『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022』と同録音家コレクションでもある。そう、当店お馴染みの名手“西日本最強テーパー”氏の最新作なのです。
常に「現場で聴いたよりも良い音」と絶賛される“最強氏”コレクションですが、本作もその金看板を一層輝かせる業物。実のところ、名古屋は他公演よりも出音に濁りがあったとも言われているのですが、本作からはその世評を感じさせません。「どこまでサウンドボード的か」という視点ですと『OSAKA 2023』に半歩譲るのですが、それはあくまで「最強氏基準で強いて言うなら」というレベル。普通基準なら充分に「まるでサウンドボード」と呼べる極太&ダイレクト感です。
しかも、本作は抜けの良さや艶で『OSAKA 2023』をも上回る。これは録音ポジションによるところも大きいでしょう。前方席8列目で録音されているようなのですが、これは目の前が通路で音が真っ直ぐに届く好ポジション。回り込みのない美しい「伸び」「鳴り」が存分に味わえ、それを“最強”印の極太な芯が食い破ってくる。そうした硬軟が高次元に組み合わさっているからこそ、ヘヴィなパートでは力強く、天翔るメロディは高揚感たっぷり。まさにDREAM THEATERを味わうのにうってつけな「パワフルな美音」なのです。
そんな匠のサウンドで画かれるのは、前回来日とは似て非なる“TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”のフルショウ。今回来日の4公演はすべて同一セットで既にご存知の方もいらっしゃるとは思いますが、今回は前回の『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022』と同一録音家コレクションでもある。ここでも改めて比較してみましょう。

・The Alien/Sleeping Giant(★)/Answering The Call(★)/A View From The Top Of The World
・シックス・ディグリーズ:Solitary Shell(★)/About To Crash (Reprise)(★)/Losing Time/Grand Finale(★)
・その他:Pull Me Under/6:00/Caught In A Web(★)/The Count Of Tuscany/Bridges In The Sky
※注:「★」印は前回来日の名作『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022』で聴けなかった曲。


★「2023年5月1日:名古屋フォレストホール」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。“西日本最強テーパー”氏の最新作で、通路に面した録音ポジションにより、回り込みのない清々しさと芯が直接飛び込むようなダイレクト感を両立。サウンドボード級の聴きやすさでありつつ、さらに絶妙なホール鳴りによる艶と伸びも美しい。同じく“最強”氏の昨年盤『DOWNLOAD JAPAN 2022』と併せれば、趣の変わった2つの“TOP OF THE WORLD Tour”来日を同録音家コレクションで楽しめます。

Disc 1 (69:11)
1. Intro
2. The Alien
3. 6:00
4. Sleeping Giant
5. Bridges in the Sky
6. Caught in a Web
7. Answering the Call
8. Solitary Shell
9. About to Crash (Reprise)
10. Losing Time/Grand Finale

Disc 2 (52:41)
1. Pull Me Under
2. A View From the Top of the World
3. The Count of Tuscany

James LaBrie – Vocals
John Petrucci – Guitar
John Myung – Bass
Jordan Rudess – Keyboards
Mike Mangini – Drums
Shades 1751

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