Dio / Giants of Rock Festival 1987 / 2CDR

Dio / Giants of Rock Festival 1987 / 2CDR / Shades
Hameenlinna, Finland 15th August 1987

Play sample :

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DIO in 1987 launched the masterpiece “DREAM EVIL” aiming to restore the RAINBOW color and embarked on the last world tour in his heyday. A treasured master of master craftsman “Per-Erik” who can experience the best full show full of rare songs including “Stars” is now available.
“August 15, 1987 Hameenlinna performance” is imbued in this work. It is a superlative audience recording when appearing at the late Finnish famous festival “GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL”. This work is a new masterpiece of the 80’s with rare songs, performances, and quality. There are so many points that I’m at a loss as to where to start, but there’s no point in being lost, so let’s start from the show position as usual. Let’s start with “DREAM EVIL Tour”.

● 1987
《“DREAM EVIL” to be released on July 21》
・August 1: Appearance at a charity concert
・August 15-September 5: Europe #1 (10 performances) ← here
・October 4: Appearance at Japan Aid 2
・ November 9-December 15: Europe #2 (27 performances) ← * Official AT DONINGTON UK etc.
・December 28-31: North America (3 performances)
● 1988
・ January 1-March 26: North America (64 performances)

This is DIO in 1987/1988. Speaking of “DREAM EVIL Tour”, the official work “AT DONINGTON UK (1987 edition)” and the winning press masterpiece “HAMMERSMITH TRILOGY 1984, 1986 & 1987 (Shades 301)” reign as a symbol, The professional shot/SBD set “DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988 (Shades 798)” is also a big classic. The appearance of “GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL” of this work was “Europe # 1”, which was earlier than any of them, and it was a concert that was the first day of a real world tour (by the way, the previous charity concert was our “ CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT (Power Gate-193)”).
This work, which vacuum-packed such a first stage, is truly super and superb. It is a branded product that has been digitized directly from the original master of the master “Per-Erik”, who was sung as a Nordic magician. . The factor is probably… No, absolutely, the environment of the outdoor festival. The environment of “GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL” is similar to “MONSTERS OF ROCK”, with a special stage set up in a large park rich in nature. Therefore, there are no walls or ceilings that reflect sound, and the PA sound is picked up directly as it is.
In fact, the sound of this work has a completely zero-distance feel. If you have experienced “DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988”, you may know the leaked soundboards from Germany and France, but it is as awesome as that super-direct feeling. Effects are applied to Ronnie’s vocals such as “I Could Have Been A Dreamer”, but even the echo condition is super vivid.
The full set of the valuable “DREAM EVIL Tour” is depicted with such super direct sound. As mentioned above, the symbol of this tour is the official work “AT DONINGTON UK (1987 edition)”, and in terms of length, the Paris performance SBD of “DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988” is the most famous. Let’s organize the set while comparing both.

●Dream Evil (5 songs)
・Dream Evil/Naked In The Rain/I Could Have Been A Dreamer (★★)/All The Fools Sailed Away/Sunset Superman (★)
● Classics (12 songs)
・Vivian era DIO: Stand Up And Shout (★)/Holy Diver/Rainbow In The Dark/The Last In Line/We Rock (★)/Rock ‘n’ Roll Children
・Sabbath: Neon Knights (★)/Heaven And Hell/The Mob Rules (★)
・Rainbow: Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll/Man On The Silver Mountain
・Other: Stars (★★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in the official “AT DONINGTON UK (1987 edition)”. In particular, the “★★” mark is a song that is not even in the Paris performance SBD of “DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988”.

… and it looks like this. DIO has a lot of medley format, so the number of songs is just a reference. Although it is not listed above, it is also worth listening to the variety of play that seems to be the first day, such as incorporating a theory of “Temple Of The King (!)” And “Children of the Sea” in “The Last In Line” on this day.
And the selection that goes beyond the realm of play is also full of special feelings. No matter what you say, the “DREAM EVIL” number is delicious. Five songs, which are more than half of the album, have been played on a large scale, and “I Could Have Been A Dreamer”, which has no sound board, is extremely rare.
Also, surprisingly, “Neon Knights” is also a big point. Although it is a major representative song of Ronnie era Sabbath, “DREAM EVIL Tour” is the first time that DIO entered the regular set. Craig also inserts a sharp solo that is completely different from Tony Iommi, and the sprinting feeling increase version is bitten. And the biggest thing to listen to is the masterpiece “Stars” of the charity project “HEAR ‘N AID” that will be shown at the end. It will also be shown in the DIO version sung by Ronnie alone.
“Even so, it has a tremendous direct feel.” Even the presence of a large audience is thin, and if this is a modern show, you would have thought IEMs. In this work, you can experience a full set of valuable “I Could Have Been A Dreamer” and “Stars” with such a sound board barefoot sound. A work of DIO fan luck that strikes the true value of the “DREAM EVIL Tour” that tends to be underestimated. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ Superb audience recording of “GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL performance on August 15, 1987”. The taste of an outdoor festival with zero response is fully opened, and anyway, the thick core is powerful, and it thrusts in front of you with super details down to the smallest details. A full set of “DREAM EVIL” numbers including the extremely rare “I Could Have Been A Dreamer” and the band version “Stars” with a super direct feeling like a direct sound board with a completely zero distance feeling. You can experience the super best.

 RAINBOWカラーの復権を目指した名作『DREAM EVIL』を送り出し、全盛期最後のワールド・ツアーに乗り出した1987年のDIO。「Stars」を始め、激レア曲も満載のフルショウを極上体験できる名匠「Per-Erik」の秘蔵マスターが登場です。
 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1987年8月15日ハメーンリンナ公演」。今は亡きフィンランドの名物フェス“GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL”に出演した際の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。本作こそ、レア曲・演奏・クオリティの三拍子が揃った80年代の新名盤。どこからご紹介しようか迷うくらいポイントだらけなのですが、迷っていても仕方がないのでいつも通り、ショウのポジションから始めましょう。それでは、“DREAM EVIL Tour”から。
《7月21日『DREAM EVIL』発売》
・8月15日ー9月5日:欧州#1(10公演) ←★ココ★
・10月4日:Japan Aid 2出演
・11月9日ー12月15日:欧州#2(27公演)←※公式AT DONINGTON UK他
 これが1987年/1988年のDIO。“DREAM EVIL Tour”と言えば、公式作『AT DONINGTON UK(1987年編)』や当選プレス名作『HAMMERSMITH TRILOGY 1984, 1986 & 1987(Shades 301)』のFMサウンドボードが象徴として君臨しており、プロショット/SBDセットの『DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988(Shades 798)』も大定番。本作の“GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL”出演は、そのどれよりも初期にあたる「欧州#1」でして、実質ワールド・ツアーの初日にあたるコンサートでした(ちなみに1つ前のチャリティ・コンサートは当店の『CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT(Power Gate-193)』でお楽しみ頂けます)。
 そんな初ステージを真空パックした本作は、まさに超・極上。北欧の魔術師と歌われた名手「Per-Erik」のオリジナル・マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品で、とにかく極太な芯が力強く、微細部まで超克明なまま目の前に突きつけてくる。その要因は恐らく……いや、絶対に、野外フェスという環境。“GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL”の環境は“MONSTERS OF ROCK”にも似ており、自然豊かな広い公園に設けられた特設ステージ。そのため、音を反射する壁も天井もなく、PAの出音をそっくりそのままダイレクトに拾っているのです。
 実際、本作のサウンドはまるっきりゼロ距離感覚。『DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988』をご体験の方ならドイツやフランスの流出サウンドボードもご存知と思いますが、あの超ダイレクト感にも負けていない凄まじさ。「I Could Have Been A Dreamer」などでロニーのヴォーカルにエフェクトがかかるのですが、そのエコー具合まで超ビビッドです。
 そんな超ダイレクト・サウンドで画かれるのは、貴重な“DREAM EVIL Tour”のフル・セット。前述のように、このツアーの象徴は公式作『AT DONINGTON UK(の1987年編)』ですし、長さなら『DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988』のパリ公演SBDが最も有名。両者と比較しつつ、セットを整理してみましょう。
・Dream Evil/Naked In The Rain/I Could Have Been A Dreamer(★★)/All The Fools Sailed Away/Sunset Superman(★)
・ヴィヴィアン時代DIO:Stand Up And Shout(★)/Holy Diver/Rainbow In The Dark/The Last In Line/We Rock(★)/Rock ‘n’ Roll Children
・サバス:Neon Knights(★)/Heaven And Hell/The Mob Rules(★)
・レインボー:Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll/Man On The Silver Mountain
※注:「★」印は公式『AT DONINGTON UK(の1987年編)』で聴けない曲。特に「★★」印は『DREAM COLLECTION 1987-1988』のパリ公演SBDにもない曲。
……と、このようになっています。DIOはメドレー形式が多いので、曲数はあくまで参考。上記にはありませんが、この日も「The Last In Line」に「Temple Of The King(!)」や「Children of the Sea」の一説を盛り込むなど、初日らしい多彩な遊びも聴きどころです。
 そして、そんな遊びの域を超えたセレクトも特別感たっぷり。何と言っても美味しいのが『DREAM EVIL』ナンバー。アルバムの半分以上になる5曲が大盤振る舞いされており、特にサウンドボードが一切残されていない「I Could Have Been A Dreamer」は激レアです。
 また意外なところでは「Neon Knights」もポイント大。ロニー時代サバスの大代表曲ですが、DIOでレギュラー・セット入りしたのは“DREAM EVIL Tour”が初。クレイグもトニー・アイオミとはまるで違いながらも切れ味鋭いソロを差し込み、疾走感増量バージョンがブチかまされるのです。そして、最大の聴きどころは最後の最後に披露されるチャリティ・プロジェクト“HEAR ‘N AID”の名曲「Stars」。それもロニー独りが歌うDIOバージョンで披露してくれるのです。
 それにしても凄まじいダイレクト感。大観衆の存在感すら薄く、これが現代のショウならIEMsと思った事でしょう。本作は、そんなサウンドボード裸足のサウンドで、貴重な「I Could Have Been A Dreamer」「Stars」入りのフルセットを体験できるのです。過小評価されがちな“DREAM EVIL Tour”の真価を叩きつけるDIOファン僥倖の一作。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください!
★「1987年8月15日GIANTS OF ROCK FESTIVAL公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。反響ゼロの野外フェスの旨み全開で、とにかく極太な芯が力強く、微細部まで超克明なまま目の前に突きつけてくる。まるっきりゼロ距離感覚で卓直結サウンドボードかのような超ダイレクト感で、激レアな「I Could Have Been A Dreamer」を初めとした『DREAM EVIL』ナンバーやバンド・バージョンの「Stars」入りのフルセットを超極上体験できます。
Disc 1(56:34)
1. Intro
2. Stand Up And Shout
3. Dream Evil
4. Neon Knights
5. Rock ‘n’ Roll Children
6. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll
7. Rock ‘n’ Roll Children (reprise)
8. Naked In The Rain
9. I Could Have Been A Dreamer
10. The Last In Line
11. Holy Diver
12. Heaven And Hell
13. Man On The Silver Mountain
14. All The Fools Sailed Away
15. The Last In Line (reprise)
Disc 2(33:31)
1. The Mob Rules
2. Sunset Superman
3. Drum Solo
4. Sunset Superman (reprise)
5. Rainbow In The Dark
6. We Rock
7. Stars
Ronnie James Dio – Vocals
Craig Goldy – Guitar
Jimmy Bain – Bass
Vinny Appice – Drums
Claude Schnell – Keyboards

Shades 1672

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