David Bowie / Montreal 1983 Soundboard / 4CD

David Bowie / Montreal 1983 Soundboard / 4CD / Wardour

The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12th & 13th July 1983 STEREO SBD

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Tour” which was the biggest and longest tour of Bowie’s career and the most huge success. The legendary soundboard album, which will be its masterpiece, will be reprinted and released.
Engraved in this “best” production is two consecutive performances at the same venue. It is the best stereo sound board recording of “July 12/13, 1983 Montreal Performance”. To talk about the peak of the “LET’S DANCE” era, we can’t exclude the official work “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT”. This work is a completely different performance from that super famous live, but it is a masterpiece that goes further. In order to explain the situation around that, let’s first check the position of the show in the schedule at that time.

《”LET’S DANCE” released on April 14th》
・ May 18-29: Europe #1 (10 performances)
・May 30: Appearance at US Festival
・ June 2-July 3: Europe #2 (21 performances)
・July 11-September 17: North America (43 performances) ← here
・October 20-31: Japan (10 performances)
・ November 4-26: Oceania (10 performances)
・December 3-8: Asia (4 performances)

This is David Bowie in 1983. It was the largest and most impressive world tour in his career, but the main is still the “North America” leg. Both this work and the official work “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT” were born from here, so let’s focus on the schedule further.

● “North American” leg details
・ July 11: Quebec performance
*July 12th: Montreal Performance ←★This work DISC 1-2★
*July 13th: Montreal Performance ←★This work DISC 3-4★
・July 15-September 11 (37 performances)
*September 12: Vancouver performance ← *Official SERIOUS MOONLIGHT
・September 14th + 17th (2 performances)

… and it looks like this. While the official “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT” was the third performance from the end, the Montreal 2 performances of this work are the 2nd and 3rd performances in the beginning. It was just the right moment to get excited as we had just set out to conquer the main battlefield of North America.
In addition to that enthusiasm, the volume of “full show complete recording x 2 performances” that this work decisively exceeds the official. In the first place, the official video “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT” had some songs cut for commercial use, and even though it was increased in the later CD version, it was far from perfect. On the other hand, this work is completely uncut. Moreover, since it is a whole two performances, it is not just beyond the official but a “great victory”. What is the volume of the number of songs? Since the two performances are also the same set, let’s compare them with the official work here.

● 80’s (7 songs)
・Let’s Dance: Let’s Dance/China Girl/Cat People (Putting Out Fire)/Modern Love(★)
・ Scary Monsters: Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) / Fashion / Ashes To Ashes
● 60’s/70’s (20 songs)
・Berlin Trilogy: Breaking Glass/What In The World/“Heroes”/Look Back In Anger/Red Sails (★★)
・Station to Station: Golden Years/Station To Station/TVC 15 (★★)/Stay (★★)
・Other: White Light-White Heat/Space Oddity/Life On Mars?/Star (★★)/Cracked Actor/The Jean Genie (★★)/Sorrow/I Can’t Explain (★★)/Rebel Rebel/Young Americans/Fame
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in the official work “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT (video version)”. In particular, the “★★” marks are songs that were not even on the CD version.

I’ve talked about “quantity” so far, but this work is undoubtedly a masterpiece in terms of “quality” as well. As a matter of fact, on the second day (DISC 3-4), FM broadcasting has become a big staple for many years, but this work is the first day (DISC 1-2) and the second day (DISC 3-4), It is neither a radio air check nor a broadcast master. Directly digitized from Omoto sound board which is the origin. It is not “digitized from the master reel” either. “Conversion of desk recording itself to CD”. There is not even one generation of analog dubbing, and it is a supreme top sound that physically “cannot exceed this”.
This “pre-broadcast original” sound is actually related to the official. Actually, “Modern Love” on the second day of Montreal was adopted as an official single and was also an additional track of the official “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT (CD version)”. In other words, this work is also a complete version of two performances of the officially adopted sound board.
The popularity that was at the peak of their career, the timing of the long-awaited invasion of North America after achieving great success in Europe, Tokuno’s greatest hits, the ultimate physical sound, a complete recording without any defects… …there is no flaw in every way. An invincible board that can only be called a masterpiece. It is a magnificent reprint here with a press 4CD that leaves its brilliance forever.

★ Superb stereo soundboard recording of “July 12/13, 1983 Montreal Performance”, the masterpiece of “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Tour”. The ultimate quality board that was directly digitized from the Omoto sound board that was adopted for the official single, neither the air check nor the broadcast master for both performances. It is an absolutely invincible 4-disc set where you can enjoy the full show 2 performances with plenty of famous songs cut in the official video “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT”.

 ボウイのキャリア最大・最長のツアーにして最も巨大な成功を収めた“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Tour”。その最高傑作となる伝説のサウンドボード・アルバムが復刻リリース決定です。
 そんな「最」づくしの本作に刻まれているのは、同会場の2連続公演。「1983年7月12日/13日モントリオール公演」の極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。『LET’S DANCE』時代の頂点を語るには、公式作品『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』も外すわけにはいきません。本作は、あの超有名ライヴとはまったく別公演でありつつ、さらに上を行く最高傑作なのです。その辺の状況をご説明するためにも、まずは当時のスケジュールでショウのポジションを確認していきましょう。
《4月14日『LET’S DANCE』発売》
・7月11日ー9月17日:北米(43公演) ←★ココ★
 これが1983年のデヴィッド・ボウイ。キャリアでも最大級の堂々たるワールド・ツアーだったわけですが、メインはやはり「北米」レッグ。本作も公式作『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』もここから生まれましたので、さらに日程をフォーカスしてみましょう。
*7月12日:モントリオール公演 ←★本作DISC 1-2★
*7月13日:モントリオール公演 ←★本作DISC 3-4★
*9月12日:バンクーバー公演 ←※公式SERIOUS MOONLIGHT
……と、このようになっています。公式『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』が最後から3公演目だったのに対し、本作のモントリオール2公演は序盤2・3公演目。主戦場の北米を征服せんと乗り出したばかりの意気上がるタイミングでした。
 その意気込みに加え、本作が決定的にオフィシャル超えをしているのが「フルショウ完全収録×2公演」というボリューム。そもそも公式映像『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』は商品用に何曲かカットされており、後のCD化で増量したとは言っても完全にはほど遠い状況でした。それに対して本作は一切ノーカット。しかも、2公演丸ごとなのですから単にオフィシャルを超えているのではなく「大圧勝」しているのです。その曲数ボリュームはいかなるものなのか。2公演は同一セットでもありますので、ここでまとめて公式作と比較しておきましょう。
・レッツ・ダンス:Let’s Dance/China Girl/Cat People (Putting Out Fire)/Modern Love(★)
・スケアリー・モンスターズ:Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)/Fashion/Ashes To Ashes
・ベルリン三部作:Breaking Glass/What In The World/“Heroes”/Look Back In Anger/Red Sails(★★)
・ステイション・トゥ・ステイション:Golden Years/Station To Station/TVC 15(★★)/Stay(★★)
・その他:White Light-White Heat/Space Oddity/Life On Mars?/Star(★★)/Cracked Actor/The Jean Genie(★★)/Sorrow/I Can’t Explain(★★)/Rebel Rebel/Young Americans/Fame
※注:「★」印は公式作『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT(映像版)』で聴けなかった曲。特に「★★」印はCD版にもなかった曲。
 ここまで「量」についてお話ししてきましたが、本作は「質」の面でも間違いなく最高傑作です。実のところ、2日目(DISC 3-4)はFM放送が長年の大定番ともなってきたのですが、本作は初日(DISC 1-2)も2日目(DISC 3-4)も、ラジオのエアチェックでも放送原盤でもない。その原点である大元サウンドボードからダイレクトにデジタル化されたもの。それも「マスター・リールからデジタル化」ではありません。「卓録音そのもののCD化」。わずか1世代のアナログ・ダビングすらなく、物理的に「これ以上は超えようがない」という至高のてっぺんサウンドなのです。
 この「放送前の大元」というサウンドは、実は公式絡みでもある。実はモントリオール2日目の「Modern Love」は公式シングルに採用され、さらに公式『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT(CD版)』の追加トラックでもありました。つまり、本作は実際に公式採用されたサウンドボードの2公演完全版でもあるのです。
★“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Tour”の最高傑作となる「1983年7月12日/13日モントリオール公演」の極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音。2公演ともエアチェックでも放送原盤でもなく、公式シングルにも採用された大元サウンドボードからダイレクトにデジタル化された究極クオリティ盤。公式映像『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』でカットされた名曲群もたっぷりなフルショウ2公演を丸ごと楽しめる絶対無敵の4枚組です。
Live at the Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 12th July 1983
Disc 1 (54:15)
1. Intro.
2. Look Back In Anger
3. Breaking Glass
4. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
5. Rebel Rebel
6. Heroes
7. What In The World
8. Life On Mars?
9. Sorrow
10. Golden Years
11. Fashion
12. Let’s Dance
13. Red Sails
14. China Girl
15. White Light / White Heat
Disc 2 (67:26)
1. Station To Station
2. Cracked Actor
3. Ashes To Ashes
4. Space Oddity
5. Band Introduction
6. Young Americans
7. Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
8. TVC 15
9. Fame
10. Star
11. Stay
12. The Jean Genie
13. I Can’t Explain
14. Modern Love
Live at the Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 13th July 1983
Disc 3 (52:51)
1. Intro.
2. Look Back in Anger
3. Breaking Glass
4. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
5. Rebel Rebel
6. “Heroes”
7. What in the World
8. Life on Mars?
9. Sorrow
10. Golden Years
11. Fashion
12. Let’s Dance
13. Red Sails
14. China Girl
15. White Light/White Heat
Disc 4 (69:42)
1. Station to Station
2. Cracked Actor
3. Ashes to Ashes
4. Space Oddity
5. Band Introduction
6. Young Americans
7. Cat People
8. TVC 15
9. Fame
10. Star
11. Stay
12. The Jean Genie
13. I Can’t Explain
14. Modern Love



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