Rolling Stones / Los Angeles Coliseum 1989 / 4CDR

Rolling Stones / Los Angeles Coliseum 1989  / 4CDR / Uxbridge
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA, USA 18th & 19th October 1989

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

For us Japanese, the “STEEL WHEELS Tour” is an unforgettable memory of our first visit to Japan. Two performances of the shocking first appearance master that conveys the authentic performance are also new excavations.
Two live performances at one venue are imbued in this work. This is a 4-disc set of audience recordings that completely recorded “October 18/19, 1989 LA Memorial Coliseum Performance” for two days.

[New excavation live album that is hot topic] This recording has recently been uploaded to the Internet somewhere, and is a hot topic that attracts collectors around the world. A recording that no one had ever heard before was released for the first time after 33 years. It is natural that collectors around the world are surprised (It is also shocking that even the undercard LIVING COLOUR and GUNS N’ ROSES appeared at once. This work is only the Stones edition, but the GUNS N ‘ROSES edition is separately released as “LOS ANGELES”. COLISEUM 1989 (Shades 1632)” will be released at the same time).
For some reason it was introduced by the Uxbridge label despite being such a shocking work. I think that some people have already come to mind, but even though this recording is the first appearance, the two performances themselves are not the first time. On the first day (October 18th), it has been pressed as an absolute master Mike Millard’s masterpiece “LOS ANGELES 1989 1ST NIGHT”, and on the second day (October 19th) the outflow pro shot “LOS ANGELES 1989 2ND NIGHT” It reigns as a large classic among the classics. Both are not just records, but one of the most famous works in the “STEEL WHEELS Tour”. Even though it was a shocking work that appeared for the first time, it did not go as far as pulling down the historical Ketteiban and making it into a press.

[Listening points different from traditional masterpieces] After reading this far, some of you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal?”, but it’s too early. I will give up one step because the other party is a mirrored recording or a professional shot, but this work itself is also a masterpiece-class quality. Especially on the first day (October 18: DISC 1-2), it is as clear as mirrored recording. Although I couldn’t achieve “mirror crossing” because the strength of the core was not enough, it was a “sorry!” name recording that was enough to challenge the game.
On the other hand, the highlight of the second day (October 19: DISC 3-4) was not the sound quality. It is natural that you can not compete with the sound board sound of the professional shot, and it is not there but the real sense of the scene is delicious. Joy wriggles with each song, and the small explosion that was transported to Mick’s every move is welling up at the venue. Put yourself in that space and breathe in the atmosphere of 1989. The more the professional shot is burned into your eyes, the hotter the heat emitted from the speaker, the more dusty the smell of the site will tickle your nostrils.
In addition, this work is also the highest peak of such newly excavated recordings. The original sound that appeared on the net has been refined with meticulous mastering, and the possibility of it as a music work is also pursued. In addition to accurate pitch correction, balance is also adjusted based on band analysis. It realizes a sound that is easy to listen to. Even bigger is the correction of chipping. As mentioned above, there are separate recordings for both performances, so we were able to compensate for the lack of tape changes. It has evolved into a complete album that allows you to seamlessly enjoy a full two-day show.

Unfortunately, I missed the press because it was the same show as the successive masterpieces, but it is a newly discovered album that is too regrettable to miss. A big 4-disc set that maximizes the potential of new recordings and allows you to experience two iconic performances on the “STEEL WHEELS Tour”. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Full audience recording set of “October 18/19, 1989 LA Memorial Coliseum Performance”. A master sound version that has been digitized directly from the original cassette in a topical new excavation recording that was recently uploaded to a certain place on the net. Although it was not possible to press it because it was the same show as Millard’s masterpiece “LOS ANGELES 1989 1ST NIGHT” and the standard pro shot, it is a cultural heritage album with a quality that is close to the masterpiece and a realistic feeling.

(remastered memo)

●Both performances
★ Fixed high pitch.
★Mid and high frequencies have been reduced and equalized in a calmer direction.

私たち日本人にとっては初来日の想い出でも忘れ得ぬ“STEEL WHEELS Tour”。その本場公演を伝える衝撃の初登場マスターが2公演も新発掘です。

この録音はごく最近になってネット某所にアップされ、世界中のコレクターを色めき立たせているホットな話題作。これまで誰も聴いた事のなかった録音が33年の時を超えて初公開された衝撃は大きく、しかも大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化されたマスター・サウンド版で発掘。世界中のコレクターが驚くのも当然なのです(さらに前座のLIVING COLOURやGUNS N’ ROSESまで一挙に登場した事も衝撃。本作はストーンズ編のみですが、GUNS N’ ROSES篇は別途『LOS ANGELES COLISEUM 1989(Shades 1632)』として同時リリース致します)。
それほどの衝撃作にもかかわらずUxbridgeレーベルからのご紹介となったのはナゼか。もうピンと来ている方もいらっしゃると思いますが、今回の録音は初登場でも、中身の2公演自体は初ではないのです。初日(10月18日)は絶対名手マイク・ミラードの傑作『LOS ANGELES 1989 1ST NIGHT』としてプレス化されていますし、2日目(10月19日)は流出プロショッット『LOS ANGELES 1989 2ND NIGHT』が定番中の大定番として君臨している。どちらも単なる記録ではなく、“STEEL WHEELS Tour”でも屈指の有名作。いかに初登場の衝撃作とは言っても、さすがに歴史的な決定盤を引きずり下ろしてのプレス化とまではいかなかったのです。

ここまでお読みになって「なんだ、大したことないのか」と思われる方もいらっしゃるかも知れませんが、それもまた早計。相手がミラード録音やプロショットだからこそ一歩譲りますが、本作自体も名作級のクオリティでもある。特に初日(10月18日:DISC 1-2)はミラード録音に負けないほどクリア。芯の力強さが及ばないので「ミラード越え」は果たせなかったものの、十分に勝負を挑めるだけの「惜しい!」名録音なのです。
その一方、2日目(10月19日:DISC 3-4)の聴きどころはサウンド・クオリティではない。プロショットのサウンドボード音声には太刀打ちできないのは当然でして、そこではなくリアルな現場感覚こそが美味しい。1曲1曲に歓喜が蠢き、ミックの一挙手一投足に搬送した小爆発が会場のアチコチで沸き上がる。その空間に身を置き、1989年の大気を胸いっぱいに吸い込む。プロショットの光景が眼に焼きついている方ほど、スピーカーから吹き出してくる熱量が熱く、ほこり立つ現場の薫りが鼻腔をくすぐることでしょう。

残念ながら歴代の名作と同じショウのためにプレス化は逃しましたが、だからと言って聞き逃すには惜しすぎる新発掘アルバムです。新録音の可能性を最大限に引き出し、“STEEL WHEELS Tour”でも象徴的な2公演を丸ごと現場体験できてしまうビッグな4枚組。どうぞ、お腹いっぱいご堪能ください。

★「1989年10月18日/19日LAメモリアル・コロシアム公演」のフル・オーディエンス録音セット。ごく最近ネット某所にアップされた話題の新発掘録音で、大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化されたマスター・サウンド版。ミラードの名作『LOS ANGELES 1989 1ST NIGHT』や定番プロショットと同じショウのためにプレス化は叶いませんでしたが、名作に肉薄するクオリティやリアルな現場感が美味しい文化遺産アルバムです。



Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA, USA 18th October 1989

Disc 1 (67:50)
1. Continental Drift
2. Start Me Up
3. Bitch
4. Sad Sad Sad
5. Undercover Of The Night
6. Harlem Shuffle
7. Tumbling Dice
8. Miss You
9. Ruby Tuesday
10. Play With Fire
11. Rock And A Hard Place
12. Mixed Emotions ★0:04 – 0:42 既発補填
13. Honky Tonk Women
14. Midnight Rambler

Disc 2 (70:17)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Little Red Rooster
3. Happy
4. Paint It Black
5. 2000 Light Years From Home
6. Sympathy For The Devil ★1:44 – 2:34 既発補填
7. Gimme Shelter
8. Band Introductions
9. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
10. Brown Sugar
11. Satisfaction
12. Jumping Jack Flash
13. Outro.

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA, USA 19th October 1989

Disc:3 (69:06)
1. Continental Drift
2. Start Me Up
3. Bitch
4. Sad Sad Sad
5. Undercover Of The Night
6. Harlem Shuffle
7. Tumbling Dice
8. Miss You
9. Ruby Tuesday
10. Angie
11. Rock And A Hard Place ★4:17 – 4:57 補填
12. Mixed Emotions
13. Honky Tonk Women
14. Midnight Rambler

Disc:4 (75:25)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Little Red Rooster (with Eric Clapton)
3. Before They Make Me Run
4. Happy
5. Paint It Black
6. 2000 Light Years From Home ★1:00 – 1:49 補填
7. Sympathy For The Devil
8. Gimme Shelter
9. Band Introductions
10. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
11. Brown Sugar
12. Satisfaction
13. Jumping Jack Flash
14. Outro.

Uxbridge 1770

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