Oasis / New Jersey 1998 1st Night Dat Master / 1CD+Bonus 2CDR

Oasis / New Jersey 1998 1st Night Dat Master / 1CD+Bonus 2CDR / Wardour
Blockbuster-Sony Music Entertainment Centre, Camden, New Jersey, USA 8th January 1998 plus Bonus 2CDR “PITTSBURGH 1998”

Play sample :

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One of the reasons why the “BE HERE NOW” tour, which was held over the years, is very popular among enthusiasts because the composition of the live concert changed significantly between 1997 and 1998. However, at that time, information was not transmitted as quickly as it is now, and the Internet has just begun to spread. It was far from the current level of daily necessities. Therefore, I was surprised to see a stage with a live composition that was completely different from the previous year’s tour at the Budokan in 1998. There must have been few enthusiasts who just thought that the composition of the previous year would be taken over.
The big turning point of such “BE HERE NOW” tour was the US tour, which was the first live activity in 1998, and the first day was the New Jersey performance on January 8th. It has already been decided that Noel’s acoustic corner will be incorporated from this day (although it was suddenly set up in Dublin in December), which was not in the previous year, especially with the help of alcohol, especially Liam. It was clear that it was included to sustain his tired voice on the previous year’s tour at the end of the all-you-can-eat performance he wanted to do.

There was an audience recording with good sound quality on that day, but surprisingly, only the CD-R “BE HERE NOW TOUR 1998 ACT 1” was released as an item. Given the good sound quality and the preciousness of the performance content that I will discuss in detail later, it was surprising that such a sound source had never been released on a press CD.
Among the titles and traders, the location of the day’s venue, the Blockbuster Sony Music Entertainment Center (now known as the “Sony E Center” at the BB & T Pavilion), is Philadelphia. It’s easy to get credited, but it’s actually in New Jersey. I didn’t visit Philadelphia because the purpose of the 1998 American tour was to fulfill the contracts for the venues and lands that I couldn’t go around in the tour two years ago, which I couldn’t complete due to the quarrel between my brothers. The US Tour press release released by Sony the previous year also states that Blockbuster Sony Music Entertainment Center is New Jersey.
In other words, Oasis was gigging in New Jersey twice on this tour, and four days later, he was gigging at the Continental Airlines Arena, which is a little smaller than the Sony E. Center. Therefore, the fact that “1st Night” was added to this title was a result that reflected these circumstances.

The sound source of this day had a texture that is typical of DAT audience recordings in the latter half of the 1990s, and while it had a very clear sound quality, it was dark and lacking in the sharpness of the performance, and it was in a state close to Donshari. Therefore, we started to improve this problem when releasing this limited press CD. Equalized to make you feel milder and sharper than the original sound. As a result, the sound quality, which was dark and lacking in power, was greatly improved. In the band performance, it seems to be donshari, and when it comes to Noel’s playing, the line is thin. That point is obvious if you compare it around “Some Might Say”.
In addition, most of the sound sources currently on the net etc. have dropouts with “Wonderwall” and “It’s Gettin’Better (Man !!)”, but this time there is no problem from an oasis researcher in the United Kingdom. Thank you for providing a clean copy version.

Besides, the performance content is really interesting on this day. As I said at the beginning, it was also the day when the stage composition of 1998 mode was introduced for the first time, but it was Liam’s condition that brought about a more dramatic change. At the beginning, he sang normally, but in “Some Might Say”, his voice turned over from the side where he sang the first song, and Noel suddenly got sick and sang instead. It was already a song that Liam seemed to suffer from the stage of the previous year, but the set finally dropped here. This will be the only performance in 1998.
Ironically, the regularization of Noel’s narration corner was immediately successful. Fortunately, however, Noel showed off his extremely rare repertoire in his own corner. That is the cover of David Bowie “Heroes”. The very simple arrangement is wonderful, yet the audience’s reaction is also good because it is one of the popular Bowie classics in the United States. After the dissolution of Oasis, it is valuable that the Bowie song that Noel covered with a band arrangement close to complete copy captures the precious scene where it was first shown with good sound quality, and this time it is a press CD. The point is also high that it was recorded in.
His corner was over and it was the end of the live with the usual oasis formation, but as expected, Liam wasn’t in good shape. In addition, the interlude of “It’s Gettin’Better (Man !!)” does not produce the sound of Noel’s guitar, and even the very rare happening that the rhythm cutting of the bone head can be heard well.
I’m not upset by the combination of Liam’s upset and happenings, but the originally planned “All Around The World” wasn’t played, and instead the “Cigarettes &” that wasn’t scheduled for the day. Further happening that “Alcohol” will be played in this position. As a result, the former cannot be performed on the stage in 1998.
And the ultimate is “Fade In-Out”. Liam, who wasn’t feeling well, tried his best to sing, but finally gave up in the middle of the third. Although the performance itself was completed, it was a happening that the live itself was forced to end as it was. After all, this was the only live performance of the song in 1998.
As you can see from this, at the stage of the first day of the 1998 US tour, the repertoire that symbolized the previous year, such as “All Around ~” and “Fade In ~”, should have continued. For that reason, the performance of the 1998 version of “Fade In” is extremely valuable. However, a shocking release that recorded a happening gig that disappeared suddenly due to Liam’s malfunction and the composition of 1998 was decided as a result with a surprisingly high sound quality audience!

年をまたいで行われた「BE HERE NOW」ツアーは1997年と98年でライブの構成が大きく変わったことがマニアの間で高い人気を誇る要因の一つでしょう。とはいえ当時は今ほど情報が早く伝わるようなことはなく、インターネットも普及し始めた段階。現在のような生活必需品レベルからは程遠い状態でした。それ故に98年の武道館で前年のツアーとまるで違うライブ構成のステージが繰り広げられたのを目の当たりにした時は驚かされたものでした。てっきり前年の構成を引き継いで行われるとばかり思っていたマニアは少なかったはず。
そんな「BE HERE NOW」ツアーの大きな分岐点となったのが98年最初のライブ活動であるアメリカ・ツアーであり、その初日を飾ったのが1月8日のニュージャージー公演。既にこの日から前年にはなかった(12月のダブリンで急遽設けられたことがありましたが)ノエルのアコースティック・コーナーが組み込まれることは決定しており、特にリアムを中心としてアルコールの力を借りたやりたい放題パフォーマンスの果てに前年のツアーで疲労した彼の声を持続させる為にも盛り込まれたのは明らかでした。

この日はなかなか音質の良好なオーディエンス録音が存在していたのですが、意外にもアイテムとしてリリースされたのは「BE HERE NOW TOUR 1998 ACT 1」というCD-Rだけ。音質が良く、この後で詳しく触れる演奏内容の貴重さを考えると、これほどの音源が今までプレスCDでリリースされたことがないというのは実に意外だったのです。
つまりこのツアーにおいてオアシスは二回ニュージャージーでギグを行っており、四日後にはソニー・E・センターより少し小さいコンチネンタル・エアライン・アリーナでギグを行っていたのです。よって今回のタイトルに「1st Night」が冠されたのはこうした事情を反映した結果でした。

この日の音源はいかにも1990年代後半のDATオーディエンス録音にありがちな質感で、非常にクリアーな音質である一方、暗めで演奏のメリハリを欠き、なおかつドンシャリ寄りな状態状態でした。そこで今回の限定プレスCDリリースに際してはこの問題の改善に着手。原音と比べてマイルドでなおかつメリハリを感じさせるイコライズを施しています。これによって暗く迫力不足だった音質が大きく改善されたのです。バンド演奏ではドンシャリ気味、ノエルの弾き語りになると線が細い…という状態が解消。その点は「Some Might Say」辺りで聞き比べれば一目瞭然かと。
また現在ネット上などに出回っている本音源は「Wonderwall」と「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」でドロップアウトが生じるコピーが大半なのですが、今回はイギリスのオアシス研究家から問題のないクリーンコピー・バージョンの提供をいただきました。

それにしてこの日は演奏内容が実に面白い。最初に申しましたように、初めて98年モードのステージ構成が導入された日でもあった訳ですが、それ以上に劇的な変化をもたらすことになったのはリアムの調子。序盤こそ普通に歌い切ってくれていたのですが、「Some Might Say」では一番を歌うそばから声がひっくり返ってしまい、一気に調子を崩して代わりをノエルが歌います。既に前年の段階からリアムが苦しそうな日が散見された曲でしたが、ここで遂にセット落ち。これが98年で唯一の演奏となってしまいます。
彼のコーナーが終わって通常のオアシス・フォーメーションによるライブ終盤ですが、案の定リアムの調子は良くない。おまけに「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」の間奏ではノエルのギターの音が出なくなってしまい、そこではボーンヘッドのリズム・カッティングが良く聞こえるという非常に珍しいハプニングまで。
こうしたリアムの不調とハプニングが重なったことに動揺した訳でもないでしょうに、当初演奏される予定だった「All Around The World」が演奏されず、代わりにこの日の予定になかった「Cigarettes & Alcohol」がこの位置で演奏されるというさらなるハプニングが。これによって前者が98年のステージで演奏されることは叶わず。
そして極めつけは「Fade In-Out」。調子の悪いリアムが頑張って歌ってみせたものの、三番の途中で遂にギブアップ。演奏自体は完奏されたものの、何とライブ自体がそのまま強制終了という曲名を地で行くようなハプニング。結局これが98年唯一、なおかつ同曲の最後のライブ演奏となってしまったのです。
このことからも分かる通り、98年アメリカ・ツアー初日の段階では「All Around~」に「Fade In~」といった前年を象徴するレパートリーが継続されるはずでした。それだけに98年版「Fade In~」の演奏は極めて貴重。ところがリアムの不調をきっかけとしてあっけなく姿を消し、結果として98年の構成が決まるというハプニング・ギグを驚くほどの高音質オーディエンスで収録した衝撃のリリース!


1. Intro
2. Be Here Now
3. Stand By Me
4. Supersonic
5. Some Might Say
6. Roll With It
7. D’You Know What I Mean?
8. Don’t Go Away
9. Heroes
10. Don’t Look Back In Anger
11. Wonderwall
12. Live Forever
13. It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)
14. Cigarettes & Alcohol
15. Fade In-Out

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums



Oasis / Pittsburgh 1998 / 2CDR / Non Label
A. J. Palumbo Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 10th January 1998

Click Image To Enlarge

The first delivery of “NEW JERSEY 1998 1ST NIGHT DAT MASTER” comes with a CD-R containing a gig in Pittsburgh two days later, also called “PITTS BURGH 1998”. As you can imagine from the fact that the audience recording of this day was released on a CD-R called “NEW IN 98”, this is a very good sound quality. However, it was a rough item that cut most of the songs in an attempt to force it into one disc, and even cut “Talk Tonight” and “It’s Gettin’Better (Man !!)”.
It was an item that had difficulty in recording like this, so I couldn’t tell that it was a high-quality audience and that it was a good sound source that changed from the first day of New Jersey and Liam was doing well. Isn’t it?
Therefore, this time, an oasis researcher provided a complete original sound source with no cuts, and in 2021, the complete release of Pittsburgh in 1998 will be realized with a limited bonus disc!

However, in the first half of the live, there are places where the conversation around the taper is jarring, for example, from “Cigarettes & Alcohol” to “Talk Tonight”. Perhaps it is possible to speculate that “NEW IN 98” hated it and cut it into pieces between songs.
Also, at the end of “Champagne Supernova”, there is a slight amount of digital noise due to the aging of DAT. Fortunately, it was unfortunate that this was not a stressful level for appreciation.
Certainly, the sound quality itself is quite good, and among them, Liam’s singing voice etc. are captured very close. And unlike New Jersey two days ago, his voice is in very good shape. In the first place, the number of items that can be obtained at present is extremely limited, and it is a luxury that the complete recording title that does not matter the already-released board that I touched first is attached only with the first number sticker!

As proved by this “NEW JERSEY 1998 1ST NIGHT DAT MASTER”, the stage composition of the complete 1998 mode has already been completed on this day, and on the contrary, both Noel and Liam seem to be in a good mood. In front of the finale “Acquiesce”, even a little brother’s exchange was heard, and the song that started from there was heard a song with Liam’s spirit, and it was a wonderful end to the wonderful day.
And the ultimate is The Jam’s “To Be Someone” that Noel performed and narrated. Of course, speaking of the same song, it was a cover that I heard with the highest sound quality on the sound board album “CHICAGO 1998” a week later, but since this day was the live premiere, Noel also sang a enthusiastic song. It is a masterpiece to let you know. Ironically, it’s a song that is unfamiliar in the United States, and it is said that the surroundings become quieter and Noel’s enthusiastic performance is transmitted.
If the first complete version of the hidden excellent sound source, which is not an exaggeration to call it the first masterpiece of the 1998 tour, comes with a bonus disc luxuriously, definitely do not miss the first delivery!

「NEW JERSEY 1998 1ST NIGHT DAT MASTER」の初回納品分には2日後のピッツバーグでのギグを収めたCD-R、その名も「PITTSBURGH 1998」が付属します。この日のオーディエンス録音は「NEW IN 98」というCD-Rでリリースされた実績があることからも想像できるかと思いますが、これが非常に良好な音質。ところが、そちらはディスク一枚に無理やり収めようとして曲間のほとんどをカット、それどころか「Talk Tonight」と「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」までカットしてしまうという荒くれアイテムでした。

とはいえライブ前半はテーパーの周辺における会話が耳障りな個所があり、例えば「Cigarettes & Alcohol」から「Talk Tonight」辺りにかけて気になります。もしかしたら「NEW IN 98」はそれを嫌って曲間にぶつ切り処理を施してしまったという推測も可能かと。
また「Champagne Supernova」終盤にはDATの経年によるデジノイズがうっすら生じている。これが鑑賞のストレスになるようなレベルでなかったことは不幸中の幸い。

今回の「NEW JERSEY 1998 1ST NIGHT DAT MASTER」が証明したように、既にこの日は完全な98年モードのステージ構成が仕上がった状態であり、それどころかノエルもリアムも上機嫌な様子すら伝わってきます。フィナーレ「Acquiesce」の前ではちょっとした兄弟のやりとりまで聞かれるほどで、そこから始める同曲はリアムの気合が入りまくった歌が聞かれ、素晴らしかった一日の見事な締めくくりとなっているほど。
そして極めつけはノエルが弾き語りで披露したザ・ジャムの「To Be Someone」。もちろん同曲と言えば一週間後のサウンドボード・アルバム「CHICAGO 1998」で最高音質で聞けたカバーな訳ですが、この日がライブ初演という事もあり、さらにノエルは気合の入りまくった歌を聞かせてくれる様が圧巻。また皮肉にもアメリカでは馴染みのない曲という事もあってか、周囲が静かになってなおさらノエルの熱演ぶりが伝わってくるという。

Disc 1 (53:34)
1. Intro
2. Be Here Now
3. Stand By Me
4. Supersonic
5. Roll With It
6. D’You Know What I Mean?
7. Cigarettes & Alcohol
8. Don’t Go Away (acoustic)
9. Talk Tonight (acoustic)
10. To Be Someone (acoustic)
11. Whatever (acoustic)

Disc 2 (42:28)
1. Don’t Look Back In Anger
2. Wonderwall
3. Live Forever
4. It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)
5. Champagne Supernova
6. Aquiesce

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