Rolling Stones / 69RSTRAX- 2nd Press / 1CD

Rolling Stones / 69RSTRAX- 2nd Press / 1CD / Non Label

16 Tracks – 2nd Press


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On New Year’s Eve, there was a movement that made Stones mania around the world booming. Suddenly, an unreleased sound source from 1968 to 1969 was released on YouTube under the name of “69RSTRAX”. They said that the last day before the copyright expiration period had expired, they would be trying to secure the rights of unreleased sound sources by distributing them on YouTube. While the volume was the largest, there were also many pirates from the bootleg. For example, in Auckland performances, the quotes from “Liver” were bleak.
But there’s only a Stones Liverpool account. Rare sound sources that could not be heard at all are also included firmly, which also surprises geeks around the world. At the same time, at the moment of 2020, “69RSTRAX” disappeared from YouTube on the spot. This is nothing more than “Hello, we have released it! Copyright protection extension Yorosik”. A gigantic vandalism has left enthusiasts all over the world renewed.
Although it is イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト, there is the Internet. The sound source was firmly captured by the mania in just 24 hours. This release is a compilation of rare studio tracks. Let’s introduce each track.

1. Ruby Tuesday
This time, the first surprise is the re-recorded version of this song. Even the fact that such a sound source existed alone had a considerable impact, but Mick’s song and Charlie’s drumming were those of the late 60’s. Well, I wondered why the re-recording was done, and if this was for “ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS”, it would be a good match.
完成 The re-recorded version is complete, but I’m worried that there is no Brian recorder here. Did you omit it and arrange it in order to make it look more refined than at the time of 66, or did you intend to make him blow in the actual production? In any case, the re-recorded version allows you to guess that the oldest standing song was dropped from the candidate before the video recording. monaural

2. Honky Tonk Women
別 Another mix discovered from the yellow dog “BLACK BOX”. Keith shouts “Ah” in the intro, so it’s a famous version, and Mick’s vocals are another take. In “69RSTRAX”, it is noticeable that the sound is slightly shuffled, but the noise that seems to be from the acetate like in “BLACK BOX” does not enter. And the separation between the piano and the horn section is also improved. stereo

3. Country Honk
別 Although a different mix that did not enter the intro horn and did not enter the fiddle played by Byron Barline was discovered before, this is a completely different backing track. The tempo is faster than the release version, and the presence of Ian Stewart’s crisp piano and building basses stands out. A take with a strong Honky Tonk color rather than a country. Loose stereo

4. Sympathy For The Devil
This is also a recording for “ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS”, but another take with a rather rough atmosphere. The performance that starts with Mick’s count is more like another take in the studio heard in the movie “ONE PLUS ONE”. It is impressive that Keith puts Obrigado incessantly throughout. However, it is undeniable that the performance lacked cohesion, which is why he died. monaural

5. Stray Cat Blues
セ ッ シ ョ ン This is the session sound source of the song included in the only album “BEGGARS BANQUET” in “69RSTRAX”, and it takes the early stages of recording and another backing track. The performance is organized by Nicky Hopkins in addition to Keith, Charlie and Bill. It is still playing in a rough tone, but the bold atmosphere is still impressive. monaural

6. Gimme Shelter
7. You Got The Silver
These are familiar from old days, “Keith sings version” and “Mick sings version” respectively. However, they probably wanted to include them in the “69 RS TRAX”. “Gimme Shelter” Keith version has two kinds of mixes, but what you hear here is the one discovered in “TIME TRIP VOL.4”. stereo

8. Love In Vain
Now, the surprising sound source follows from here. This is the first version of “Love In Vain” recorded on May 23, 1968. Later, the version recorded in “LET IT BLEED” was recorded in March 1969, so this belongs to the outtake from the “BEGGARS BANQUET” session.
だ け The arrangement of the performance is totally different. It’s more like Robert Johnson’s version, and it’s interesting that Charlie rhythms on the washboard. It is presumed that it was stored because of its simplicity, but this is a wonderful another take. stereo.

9. Let It Bleed
This is another complete take of the backing truck. Like the other take of “Country Honk”, the tempo is faster here as well. The sound of the album version was so fresh to the ears that I was used to. Mick sings a bit from the middle, but it is almost instrumental. monaural

10.Midnight Rambler
バ Another take on the backing track starting with the take call “19” by Glyn Johns. But the performance ended in less than a minute. Keith may have felt that playing requires a bit more crispness. monaural

11.Gimme Shelter
This is another mix heard on “BLACK BOX”. Compared to the album version, it is different from the base that enters in the intro. However, the vocals of Mick are completely different, and most of the chorus is singing “come on, children” instead of “rape, murder”. Still, his vocals are double-tracked and effected, showing a high degree of perfection. At first, release may be considered in this state.
か ら You replaced the vocals of the bass and Mick, and you reborn that kind of finish. And the sound quality is dramatically improved compared to “BLACK BOX”.

12.Wild Horses
This is another surprising mix. Here, strings are overdubbed throughout. The atmosphere is like “As Tears Go By”, and I’m really surprised at the finish with no country taste like the released version.
On the other hand, I am surprised at the fact that while doing the work of putting on the strings (of course, the recording cost is expensive), it was submerged. As the performance progresses further, it appears up to Armonica (Glass Harmonica) and escalates to an idyllic atmosphere. However, the original is a masterpiece, so this dramatic finish is also wonderful. It will be another mix that gives both impression and impact. stereo

13.Sister Morphine
This is an early version of Keith playing chords with a dobro guitar instead of an acoustic guitar, which became known around “TIME TRIP VOL.4”. Until now, when Charlie joined, it was faded out, but the performance was recorded for the first time in complete. As a result, it turned out that it was a long version that lasted nearly 7 minutes. stereo

14.Brown Sugar
15.Wild Horses
Both are familiar to enthusiasts, so-called “Shelley” mix of US version “HOT ROCKS”. Both have been included in the item many times because they were rare separate mixes, but all of them were equalized to hide the roughness of the upset (As a result, they tended to be shabby) On the other hand, the point here is that it is heard with a rather warm sound quality this time. stereo

16.You Can’t Always Get What You Want
69 “69RSTRAX”, packed with startling sound sources, concludes with a session scene with Choir, who led the opening of this song impressively. Only the scene was glimpsed in the 8mm video even in the “CROSSFIRE HARRICANE” documentary, but this time the sound source finally appeared. In the 20-minute session, it is documented that Mick practices the chorus squad.
This is done in a very peaceful atmosphere, with occasional Glyn Johns advising on Mick’s advice. The aunts of the chorus squad are often laughing on the occasion, and they even convey the atmosphere of “Oh no, we’re asking Mick Jagger.” After that, a conductor appeared and the chorus was completed in earnest. This is really interesting. monaural

In the end, it was the “69RSTRAX” sound source that was a big uproar on New Year’s Eve, but a limited press CD that summarizes it exactly is finally released. After all, it is special that it is made into a sound board and you can hear it carefully again. Last year’s “LET IT BLEED (50TH ANNIVERSARY LIMITED DELUXE EDITION)” did not have any rare tracks that enthusiasts would like, and many would have been disappointed. That is why there are no doubt that many of the new excavation sources that can be heard here will be exciting. Above all, “69RSTRAX” is a relief even for a maniac who was upset by the disappearance in a flash!

★ The long-awaited 2nd Press is available. (New jacket specification)
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1. Ruby Tuesday
今回、最初の驚きと言うべきが本曲の再録音バージョン。そんな音源が存在していたという事実だけでもかなりのインパクトですが、確かにミックの歌やチャーリーのドラミングは60年代後半のそれ。はて、何のために再録音が行われたのかと思いきや、これが「ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS」用となれば合点がいくもの。

2. Honky Tonk Women
イエロードッグ「BLACK BOX」で発掘された別ミックス。イントロでキースが「アウッ」と叫ぶので有名なバージョンで、ミックのボーカルも別テイク。「69RSTRAX」の中でもちょっと音がシュワシュワするのが目立ちますが、「BLACK BOX」にあったようなアセテートからとおぼしきノイズは入りません。そしてピアノとホーンセクションの分離度も向上しています。ステレオ

3. Country Honk

4. Sympathy For The Devil
こちらもまた「ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS」用のレコーディングなのですが、かなり荒々しい雰囲気の別テイク。ミックのカウントから始まる演奏はむしろ、映画「ONE PLUS ONE」で聞かれたスタジオでの別テイクに近いものがあります。おまけに全体を通してキースがひっきりなしにオブリガードを入れまくっている点が印象的。しかし演奏がまとまりを欠いている点は否めず、だからこそ没になったのでしょう。モノラル

5. Stray Cat Blues
「69RSTRAX」中、唯一のアルバム「BEGGARS BANQUET」収録曲のセッション音源で、レコーディング初期の段階とおぼしきバッキングトラック別テイク。演奏はキース、チャーリー、ビルに加えてニッキー・ホプキンスという編成。まだラフな調子で演奏されていますが、それでも十分に骨太な雰囲気は迫力十分。モノラル

6. Gimme Shelter
7. You Got The Silver
これらは昔からおなじみ、それぞれ「キースが歌うバージョン」と「ミックが歌うバージョン」。ですが、これらも「69 RS TRAX」に含んでおきたかったのでしょう。なお「Gimme Shelter」キース・バージョンには二種類のミックスが存在しますが、ここで聞かれるのは「TIME TRIP VOL.4」で発掘された方。ステレオ

8. Love In Vain
さあ、ここから驚きの音源が続きます。これは1968年5月23日に録音された「Love In Vain」最初のバージョン。後に「LET IT BLEED」に収録されたバージョンは69年3月の録音でしたので、こちらは「BEGGARS BANQUET」セッションからのアウトテイクに属します。

9. Let It Bleed
こちらもバッキングトラックの完全な別テイク。「Country Honk」の別テイクと同様、ここでもテンポが速め。アルバムバージョンのどっしりとした演奏を聞き慣れた耳にはずいぶんと新鮮に聞こえることかと。途中から少しだけミックが歌っていますが、ほぼインスト状態です。モノラル

10.Midnight Rambler

11.Gimme Shelter
これも「BLACK BOX」などで聞かれた別ミックス。アルバムバージョンと比べてみればイントロで入るベースからして別もの。しかし何と言ってもミックのボーカルがまったく違っており、コーラスの大半を「rape, murder」ではなく「come on, children」と歌っているのが特徴。それでいて彼のボーカルがダブルトラックかつエフェクトがかけられており、完成度が高い仕上がりを見せているのも特徴。当初はこの状態でリリースが検討されていたのかもしれません。
そこからベースやミックのボーカルを差し替え、あのような仕上がりに生まれ変わったのですね。そして「BLACK BOX」などと比べて音質は飛躍的に向上。

12.Wild Horses
これがまた驚きの別ミックス。何とここでは全編に渡ってストリングスがオーバーダビングされているのです。その雰囲気は「As Tears Go By」っぽい箇所もあり、リリースされたバージョンのようなカントリーテイストが微塵もない仕上がりには本当にびっくり。

13.Sister Morphine
これは「TIME TRIP VOL.4」辺りから知られるようになった、キースがアコギでなくドブロ・ギターでコードを弾く初期バージョン。今まではチャーリーが加わったところでフェイドアウトとなっていたのに対し、初めて演奏をコンプリートで収録。その結果7分近にも及ぶロングバージョンであったことが判明しました。ステレオ

14.Brown Sugar
15.Wild Horses
どちらもマニアにはおなじみ、米国盤「HOT ROCKS」のいわゆる「Shelley」ミックス。どちらもレアな別ミックスであったことから幾度となくアイテムに収録されてきましたが、そのどれもが盤起しの粗を隠蔽すべくイコライズを施していた(その結果シャリシャリしがちだった)のに対し、今回はかなりウォーミーな音質で聞かれるのがポイントでしょう。ステレオ

16.You Can’t Always Get What You Want
驚愕音源満載の「69RSTRAX」最後を締めくくるのは本曲のオープニングを印象的に導いていたクワイアーとのセッション風景。その場面だけは「CROSSFIRE HARRICANE」ドキュメンタリーでも8mm映像にて垣間見られましたが、今回は遂に音源が登場。20分にも及ぶセッション風景では、ミックがコーラス隊に稽古をつける様子がドキュメントされています。

結局、大晦日の一大騒動だった「69RSTRAX」音源ですが、それをきっちりまとめた限定プレスCDが遂にリリース。やはり音盤化され、改めてじっくりと聞き込めるのは格別というもの。昨年の「LET IT BLEED (50TH ANNIVERSARY LIMITED DELUXE EDITION)」にはマニアが望むようなレア・トラックが一切なく、がっかりされた方も多かったことでしょう。それだけに、ここで聞くことができる新発掘音源の数々には胸が躍ること間違いなし。何より「69RSTRAX」あっという間の消失に動揺されたマニアもこれで安心!

★待望の2nd Pressが入荷しました。(新装ジャケ仕様)

1. Ruby Tuesday (Rock And Roll Circus Recording, Olympic Sound Studios, December 1968)
2. Honky Tonk Women (Alternate Lyric Version, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)
3. Country Honk (Instrumental, Olympic Sound Studios, May 1969)
4. Sympathy For The Devil (Rock And Roll Circus Recording, Olympic Sound Studios, December 1968)
5. Stray Cat Blues (Instrumental, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1968)
6. Gimme Shelter (Keith on Lead Vocal, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)
7. You Got The Silver (Mick Jagger on Lead Vocal, Olympic Sound Studios, February 1969)
8. Love In Vain (Bluesier Version, Olympic Sound Studios, May 1968)
9. Let It Bleed (Instrumental, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)
10. Midnight Rambler (Instrumental, Olympic Sound Studios, February 1969)
11. Gimme Shelter (Alternate Version, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)
12. Wild Horses (with Strings & Glass Harmonica, Olympic Sound Studios, October 1970)
13. Sister Morphine (Longer Early Version, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)
14. Brown Sugar (Alternate Hot Rocks Version, Olympic Sound Studios, December 1969)
15. Wild Horses (Alternate Hot Rocks Version, Olympic Sound Studios, December 1969)
16. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Choir Sessions, Olympic Sound Studios, March 1969)


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