Rolling Stones / Aftermath – Expanded Mono Edition / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Aftermath – Expanded Mono Edition / 1CD / Non Label

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The Rolling Stones’ first all-song original & stereo monumental album “AFTERMATH”. Therefore, although it is an album that has been overwhelmingly treated as a stereo board not only for CDs but also for LPs, it is still an album released in 1966, so naturally a monaural mix exists. The monaural version, which is such a rare existence, will be released this time on the limited press CD.
“Huh? It was released on Monobox in 2016, right?” Although it has not been released as a single unit, it has already been made into a CD in 2016. It was a monaural “AFTERMATH” that was released on a sunny day, but the official remastered it using the latest technology, so it’s flashy.
“It was none other than Prof Stoned who felt dissatisfied with that.” Originally, “AFTERMATH” was his favorite, and it seems that he had been searching for the best condition of that mono record for a long time. That’s why the remastering and first CD in 2016 was unsatisfactory, and he carried out a clean transfer based on the best condition board he finally got in 2020. .

As evidenced by Simon & Garfunkel’s mono albums, which are already on sale with great popularity, Prof Stoned’s ability to transfer vintage LPs from the 1960s is another dimension of ultra-clearness. Such outstanding work of his will explode again this time. On earth, how can a vintage LP be transferred so beautifully?
That alone makes it suitable for a press CD release, but what is most overwhelming is the attractive finish that fully conveys the natural and warm taste of mono and analog.
For example, Wings’ album “WILD LIFE” was newly remastered in the 2010s and turned into a “normally available album”, but “WILD LIFE: UNRELEASED DCC 24K GOLD DISC” still reached the third press. There is a reason why it is so popular. In other words, the current remaster may not be the best (although I think the Beatles’ albums have been remastered accurately).
“High And Dry” is the perfect song for listening to and comparing the 2016 remastered and Prof Stoned versions of such monaural “AFTERMATH”. The base of the building that resonates here, and the texture of the entire band is completely different between the 2016 version and Prof Stoned. While the 2016 version is loud and not a little overwhelming, the Prof Stoned version’s rich and natural bass is overwhelming. Just by listening to this song, you can feel that “there is a match”.

Stereo has become too popular on this album, so the feeling of listening in monaural is completely different from stereo. Overall, the dry finish has a stronger impression of being closed and tighter than stereo, and it gives the impression that Mick is singing beside you and the band is playing right in front of you. “AFTERMATH” is really fresh.
However, when it comes to mix differences for each song, there aren’t many, except for the long and short fade-outs. The tight and dry finish of the whole is more outstanding by Prof Stoned, and the difference that is easy to understand even if you listen to it as a whole appears in the things of this album.
And with the same concept as the best-selling “IN STEREO 1964-1966”, it covers mono singles from the same period (although this is mainly from recent CDs). However, in “19th Nervous Breakdown”, Prof Stoned’s commitment to borrowing only the intro from the LP of “HOT ROCKS 1964-1971” is still alive this time.
A splendid Prof Stoned version that allows you to easily enjoy the texture of “AFTERMATH”, the original version of which is very popular among the Stones’ 60’s albums, even on CD. I don’t know what to say, but for those who want to hear only the monaural “AFTERMATH” on CD, and the box version is a little… I can recommend it with Prof Stoned version (laughs).

 それを不満に感じたのが他ならぬProf Stoned。彼は元々「AFTERMATH」がフェイバリットで、そのモノ盤の極上コンディションをずっと探し続けていたそう。それだけに2016年のリマスター&初CD化には物足りなかったのでしょう、2020年になって自身が遂に手に入れたベスト・コンディションの盤を基にしたクリーン・トランスファーを敢行してくれたのです。
 既に大好評発売中のサイモン&ガーファンクルのモノ・アルバム群が証明してくれていたように、Prof Stonedによる1960年代のビンテージLPのトランスファー能力は別次元のウルトラクリアーさ。そんな卓越した彼の仕事ぶりが今回も炸裂。一体、ビンテージLPをどうやったらこんなに奇麗にトランスファーできるのでしょうか。
例えばウイングスのアルバム「WILD LIFE」のように2010年代に新しいリマスターが施され「フツーに手に入るアルバム」と化してもなお「WILD LIFE: UNRELEASED DCC 24K GOLD DISC」がサード・プレスにまで達してしまう人気を博す理由がそこにあるのです。つまり現行のリマスターがベストになるとは限らない(その点ビートルズのアルバムは的確なリマスターで出してくれてると思いますが)。
 そんなモノラル「AFTERMATH」の2016年リマスターとProf Stonedバージョンを聞き比べるに最適な曲が「High And Dry」。ここで響き渡るビルのベース、さらにはバンド全体の質感が2016年版とProf Stonedではまるで違う。2016年版では全体がラウドで少なからず押しつけがましい聞き心地を覚えるのに対し、Prof Stonedバージョンのふくよかでナチュラルな低音の迫力は圧倒的。この曲を聞いただけでも「勝負あり」だと実感してもらえることかと。
 ステレオがあまりにもポピュラーになりすぎたアルバムということもあり、そもそもモノラルで聞く感触というのがステレオとはまるで違う。全体的にドライな仕上がりはステレオよりもクローズでタイトな印象が強く、まるでミックが傍で歌い、バンドが目の前で演奏してくれているかのような印象すら与えるモノラル&Prof Stonedならではのウォーミーな「AFTERMATH」は実に新鮮。
 もっとも曲単位でのミックス違いとなるとフェイドアウトの長短を除けばそれほど多くはなく、一番わかりやすいのは「Flight 505」のイントロの最中、ステレオでは聞かれないミックの掛け声が現れるところでしょう。それよりも全体のタイト&ドライな仕上がりがProf Stonedによってさらに際立っており、トータルで聞いても解りやすい違いが本アルバムのモノに現れています。
 そして大ベストセラー中の「IN STEREO 1964-1966」と同様のコンセプトで同時期のモノ・シングルまで網羅(こちらは近年のCD音源がメインですが)。ところが「19th Nervous Breakdown」ではイントロだけ「HOT ROCKS 1964-1971」のLPから拝借するといったProf Stonedらしいこだわりは今回も健在。
 ストーンズ60年代アルバムの中でもオリジナル盤が高い人気を誇る「AFTERMATH」モノの質感をCDでも手軽に味わえてしまえる見事なProf Stonedバージョン。こう言っては何ですが、モノラルの「AFTERMATH」のだけをCDで聞きたい、ボックスはちょっと…という方にも胸を張って推せるProf Stonedバージョンです(笑)。
01. Mother’s Little Helper
02. Stupid Girl
03. Lady Jane
04. Under My Thumb
05. Doncha Bother Me
06. Goin’ Home
07. Flight 505
08. High And Dry
09. Out Of Time
10. It’s Not Easy
11. I Am Waiting
12. Take It Or Leave It
13. Think
14. What To Do
15. 19th Nervous Breakdown
16. Sad Day
17. Ride On, Baby
18. Sittin’ On A Fence
19. Paint It, Black
20. Long Long While
21. Out Of Time (USA Version)
Non Label

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