Motorhead / Another Perfect Collection / 2CDR

Motorhead / Another Perfect Collection / 2CDR / Shades
The University Of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 9th June 1983
L’Amour East, Queens, NY, USA 18th August 1983

Play sample :

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A gravitational singularity that shines uniquely in MOTORHEAD history: the Brian Robertson era. The super-superb sound board album is here.
This work contains three super-superb stereo soundboard sound sources. It is a two-disc set that includes “June 9, 1983 Sheffield Performance” on DISC 1, “August 18 Queens Performance” on DISC 2, and the official live take recorded on the B side of the single. While there are few chances to touch the Robo era, it is also very special. It’s a good opportunity, so let’s look back from the whole picture here.

● 1982
《January 26th – February 3rd “IRON FIST” Production》
・ March 17-April 12: UK # 1 (24 performances)
・ May 12th + 14th: North America #1a (2 performances)
<Eddie Clark leaves → Brian Robertson joins>
・May 21-June 12: North America #1b (18 performances)
・ June 26-July 1: First visit to Japan (5 performances)
・July 24th + 25th / August 13th / September 4th: Europe #1 (4 performances)
・October 14-November 26: Europe #2 (32 performances)
● 1983
《Production of “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY” from February to March》
・ May 27-July 7: UK #2 (30 performances) ← This work DISC 1
・July 15-August 18: North America #2 (28 performances) ← This work DISC 2
・ August 23-November 11: Europe #3 (27 performances)
<November: Brian Robertson withdraws>

This is the 1982/1983 MOTORHEAD. A replacement play occurred during the US tour after the release of “IRON FIST”, and until the end of 1983 was the “robo era”. So Lobo and Phil Taylor withdraw, and MOTORHEAD falls into a virtually disbanded state (although of course the indomitable Lemmy will soon rebuild). The legendary first visit to Japan, which was realized during that time, is also deeply thoughtful, but that is the “IRON FIST Tour” to the last. All soundboards recorded in this work are from “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY Tour”.
Now, let’s introduce each of the three sound sources individually.

[DISC 1: Sheffield performance long sound board album] The main part of this work is the soundboard album of the Sheffield performance, which is the 12th performance of the “UK #2” leg. Speaking of the top live album of the Robo era, the Manchester performance formalized in the deluxe edition of “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY” is famous, but the Sheffield performance is the day before that. It is two large sound boards that form sisters with the official Manchester. In fact, the quality is completely official grade. MOTORHEAD, whose rights are messy, created a half-official live board, but Sheffield SBD has been loved as the highest peak even in half-official sound sources. Moreover, this work has been refined with meticulous mastering and updated to the highest peak. That is the best version that you can listen side by side with Dela Eddie of “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY”.
This soundboard is also famous for its long length. As expected, it is less than the official Manchester SBD, but you can still enjoy the precious Robo era for about 70 minutes. And speaking of the Robo era, it is also a legend that Lemmy, who was angry at the unpopularity of “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY”, removed the standard songs and covered them with rare songs. Let’s organize here which rare songs you can enjoy in this work.

●Another Perfect Day (9 songs)
・Back At The Funny Farm (★)/Tales Of Glory (★)/Marching Off To War (★)/Another Perfect Day/One Track Mind (★)/Shine (★)/Dancing On Your Grave/Rock It/I Got Mine
● Others (7 songs)
・Motorhead: Iron Horse/Born To Lose
・Ace of Spades: Shoot You In The Back/Bite The Bullet/The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
・ Iron Fist: (Don’t Need) Religion (★) / Go To Hell (★) / America
* Note: “★” marks are songs that have not been played since this tour.

[DISC 2: Two soundboards to complete the collection] ● Queens performance sound board (7 songs) that was also broadcast on KBFH
On behalf of DISC 2, the Queen’s performance recorded on the final day of the “North America #2” leg is included. This show is also known for being broadcast on the famous program “King Biscuit Flower Hour”, and many existing and half-official boards were also born. This work is a reprint from the best master. The quality is also “complete official grade”. After all, it is the best and natural because it uses the famous program master directly. That is the highest peak sound board that transcends even the official Manchester SBD.
However, in terms of length, it is not as long as the two major soundboards “Manchester/Sheffield”, and it is about 31 minutes and a total of 7 songs in line with the broadcast slot. All songs can be heard on DISC 1, so set analysis is omitted, but it is the top sound board of “quality over quantity”. In addition, this program also broadcasts an interview with Remy that lasts about 20 minutes. Even in this work, a bonus is recorded at the end of the end.

●Official live take (2 songs) included in the single “Shine”
The final bonus recording is the official soundboard recorded on the B-side of the single. Two songs, “(I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man” and “(Don’t Need) Religion”.
“(I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man” is a cover of Muddy Waters, and although it is a rare song that cannot be heard on DISC 1, it is also one of the songs that symbolize the Robo era along with the “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY” number. The recording date is credited as “June 9th / 10th, 1983”, and it seems to be selected from the two major soundboards “Manchester / Sheffield”. Another song “(Don’t Need) Religion” is a take of “Manchester performance on June 10”.

This is a 2-disc set that covers 3 types of soundboards comparable to the official deluxe edition Manchester performance SBD. In the Robo era, this work is also available as a “Henk performance / Vienna performance sound board”, but this is incomparable in terms of quality. “Complete official grade sound board” is complete with official Dela Eddy and this work. Moreover, the existing best masters have been refined with meticulous mastering, pursuing a sense of unity that can be listened to as a music work. Exactly semi-official absolute board. Please enjoy MOTORHEAD’s greatest singularity to your heart’s content.

★ Superb sound board set from the Brian Robertson era. It is a two-disc set that covers “June 9, 1983 Sheffield performance” on DISC 1, “August 18 Queens performance” on DISC 2, and two official live takes recorded on the B side of the single. Every take is completely official, and when combined with the official Manchester performance in the Deluxe Edition, the “ANOTHER PERFECT DAY Tour” sound board is complete.

そんな本作に収められているのは、3つの超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード音源。「1983年6月9日シェフィールド公演」をDISC 1、「8月18日クイーンズ公演」をDISC 2、さらにシングルB面に収録されていた公式ライヴテイクまで一大集成した2枚組です。ロボ時代はなかなか触れるチャンスが少ない一方、あまりにも特別でもある。良い機会ですので、ここではその全景から振り返ってみましょう。●1982年
《1月26日ー2月3日『IRON FIST』製作》
・5月27日ー7月7日:英国#2(30公演)←★本作DISC 1★
・7月15日ー8月18日:北米#2(28公演)←★本作DISC 2★
《11月:ブライアン・ロバートソン脱退》これが1982年/1983年のMOTORHEAD。『IRON FIST』発売後の全米ツアー中に交代劇が起こり、以後1983年の終わりまでが「ロボ時代」。そこでロボとフィル・テイラーが脱退し、MOTORHEADは実質的に解散状態に陥るわけです(もちろん不屈のレミーはすぐに立て直しますが)。その最中に実現した伝説の初来日も思い深いところですが、あれはあくまで“IRON FIST Tour”。本作に収録されているサウンドボードは、すべて“ANOTHER PERFECT DAY Tour”のものです。

【DISC 1:シェフィールド公演の長尺サウンドボード・アルバム】
本作のメインとなるのは「英国#2」レッグの12公演目であるシェフィールド公演のサウンドボード・アルバム。ロボ時代の頂点ライヴアルバムと言えば、『ANOTHER PERFECT DAY』のデラックス・エディションで公式化されたマンチェスター公演が有名ですが、シェフィールド公演はその前日。公式マンチェスターと姉妹を成す2大サウンドボードです。実際、そのクオリティは完全オフィシャル級。権利がグチャグチャなMOTORHEADはハーフ・オフィシャルなライヴ盤が生まれましたが、シェフィールドSBDはハーフ・オフィシャル音源でも最高峰として愛されてきたものなのです。しかも、本作は細心マスタリングで磨き直して最高峰を更新。それこそ『ANOTHER PERFECT DAY』のデラエディと並べて聴けるベスト・バージョンです。
また、このサウンドボードは長尺なことでも有名。さすがに公式のマンチェスターSBDよりは少ないのですが、それでも約70分に渡って貴重なロボ時代をたっぷり楽しめるのです。そして、ロボ時代と言えば『ANOTHER PERFECT DAY』の不評に怒ったレミーが定番曲を外し、レア曲まみれにしたことでも伝説。本作で楽しめるレア曲はどれなのか、ここで整理しておきましょう。

・Back At The Funny Farm(★)/Tales Of Glory(★)/Marching Off To War(★)/Another Perfect Day/One Track Mind(★)/Shine(★)/Dancing On Your Grave/Rock It/I Got Mine
・モーターヘッド:Iron Horse/Born To Lose
・エース・オブ・スペーズ:Shoot You In The Back/Bite The Bullet/The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
・アイアン・フィスト:(Don’t Need) Religion(★)/Go To Hell(★)/America

【DISC 2:コレクションを完璧にする2つのサウンドボード】
代わってのDISC 2に収められているのは、「北米#2」レッグの最終日で記録されたクイーンズ公演。このショウは名物番組“King Biscuit Flower Hour”で放送された事でも知られ、数々の既発やハーフ・オフィシャル盤も生まれました。本作は、そのベスト・マスターから復刻したものです。そのクオリティは、これまた「完全オフィシャル級」。何しろ、名番組マスターをダイレクトに使用しているのですから極上で当たり前。それこそ、公式マンチェスターSBDさえも超越する最高峰サウンドボードなのです。
ただし、長さ面では2大サウンドボード「マンチェスター/シェフィールド」には及ばず、放送枠に沿った約31分・全7曲。すべてDISC 1でも聴ける曲ですのでセット分析は省略しますが、「量より質」の頂点サウンドボードです。なお、この番組には約20分に及ぶレミーのインタビューも放送。本作でも最後の最後にボーナス収録しています。

最後にボーナス収録しているのは、シングルB面に収録されていた公式サウンドボード。「(I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man」「(Don’t Need) Religion」の2曲です。
「(I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man」はマディ・ウォーターズのカバーで、DISC 1で聴けない貴重曲ながら『ANOTHER PERFECT DAY』ナンバーと並んでロボ時代の象徴する1曲でもあります。録音日は「1983年6月9日/10日」とクレジットされており、2大サウンドボード「マンチェスター/シェフィールド」からセレクトされているようです。もう1曲の「(Don’t Need) Religion」は「6月10日マンチェスター公演」のテイクです。


★ブライアン・ロバートソン時代の超極上サウンドボード・セット。「1983年6月9日シェフィールド公演」をDISC 1、「8月18日クイーンズ公演」をDISC 2、さらにシングルB面に収録されていた公式ライヴテイク2曲も網羅した2枚組です。どのテイクも完全オフィシャル級で、デラックス・エディションで公式化されたマンチェスター公演と併せれば、“ANOTHER PERFECT DAY Tour”サウンドボードはコンプリートです。

Disc 1 (69:25)
The University Of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 9th June 1983

1. Back At The Funny Farm
2. Tales Of Glory
3. Shoot You In The Back
4. Marching Off To War
5. Iron Horse/Born To Lose
6. Another Perfect Day
7. (Don’t Need) Religion
8. One Track Mind
9. Go To Hell
10. America
11. Shine
12. Dancing On Your Grave
13. Rock It
14. I Got Mine
15. Bite The Bullet
16. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch

Disc 2 (61:42)
L’Amour East, Queens, NY, USA 18th August 1983

1. Back At The Funny Farm
2. Tales Of Glory
3. Marching Off To War
4. Iron Horse/Born To Lose
5. Another Perfect Day
6. Shine
7. I Got Mine

Bonus Tracks
8. (I’m Your) Hoochie Coochie Man [Live Single] 9. (Don’t Need) Religion [Live Single] 10. Interview

Lemmy – Bass, Vocals
Brian Robertson – Guitar
Phil Taylor – Drums

Shades 1603

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