McAuley Schenker Group / Monsters Of Rock Nuremberg 1986: Master Tape / 1CDR

McAuley Schenker Group / Monsters Of Rock Nuremberg 1986: Master Tape / 1CDR / Shades

Zeppelinfeld, Nuremberg, West Germany 30th August 1986

Play sample :

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Irish Singer: Michael Schenker in 1986 starting a new band with Robin McCauley. A new recording that conveys the original live is now available.
“Nuremberg performance on August 30, 1986” is imbued in this work. It is a very thick audience recording when appearing in the West German version “MONSTERS OF ROCK”. This show is also familiar as “MONSTERS OF ROCK IN GERMANY 1986 (part of)”, but this work is also a completely different recording. It is a brand that has been digitized directly from the newly discovered Omoto master.
Before the quality that bothers me, first of all is the position of the show. In our shop, we have archived many masterpieces of the precious McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP records. In particular, the early “PERFECT TIMING” era was quite fulfilling, so let’s first look back on the schedule at that time as well as organizing the collection.

● 1986
《January: Reunion with Robin McAuley》
・August 20-September 5: Europe #1 (8 performances) ← Coco
● 1987
《Production of “PERFECT TIMING” started in February》
《May: Change from Steve Mann to Mitch Perry》
《“PERFECT TIMING” released on October 12th》
・ November 6-December 5: North America # 1 (15 performances)
・December 29-31: UK #1 (3 performances)
● 1988
・ January 2-7: UK (6 performances)
・ January 17-31: North America # 2 (6 performances) ← * CHICAGO TAPES 1988
・ February 5th-22nd: Japan (12 performances) ← * BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT etc.
・ March 4-April 8: Europe #2 (26 performances)
・ April 27-May 17: North America # 3 (9 performances) ← * PERFECT TIMING IN DENVER
《May: Re-change from Mitch Perry to Steve Mann》

This is the McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP from its formation to 1988. In 1986, it was not yet in the production of “PERFECT TIMING”, and Steve Mann served as keyboard / side guitar instead of Mitch Perry. The Nuremberg performance of this work was the fifth performance of such “Europe # 1”.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, has a powerful sound that is incomparable to the previous releases. Anyway, the powerful and thick core pops out vividly and jumps into your hand without any sense of distance. The deep bass, which tends to be a weakness in audience recordings, is also beautiful, and the bass is vividly drawn down to each note, and the outline without bleeding stands out clearly. Although there is some hiss noise, it is a big difference from the existing master, which was flat and had a feeling of being empty. The vividness that wakes up the eyes is a commercial sound realized because it is a combined technique of “recorder’s skill, outdoor with zero echo, and ultimate freshness of Omoto master”.
A full show with such a thick and clear sound, including rare songs, is delicious because it has just started. Speaking of the early McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP, the performance in Japan is still the standard at our shop. Here, let’s organize it by comparing it with the reprinted press masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT (Zodiac 190)”.

● MSG Classics (7 songs + α)
・God: Armed And Ready/Cry For The Nations/Lost Horizons/Into The Arena
・Endless Battle: Rock My Nights Away (★) / I’m Gonna Make You Mine (★)
・Other: On And On / Courvoisier Concerto
● Others (4 songs)
・UFO: Rock Bottom / Doctor Doctor
・New song: Here I Am (★) / Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the press masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT” in Japan.

… and it looks like this. “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”, which will not be played after the album is released, is also valuable, but more than that is the unreleased song “Here I Am”. Michael is a person who has extremely few unreleased songs only live, but “Here I Am” is an exception. Even “Europe # 1” is an extremely rare song that has only been played in a few performances of Hong, and the value of this work is immeasurable just by listening to it with a soundboard-class thick sound.
Also, the famous songs “Rock My Nights Away” and “I’m Gonna Make You Mine”, which are not featured in the “PERFECT TIMING Tour”, are also delicious. Well, it’s obvious that it doesn’t fit Robin’s vocal range at all, and it can’t be helped that he shouted out and gave up. However, the pop melody matches the voice quality, and if it is now much improved than at that time, it may sing the best … It is a take that stirs such a delusion.
Michael Schenker was so fulfilled that he had an equal partner and changed his name. It is a live album that brings out the excitement of a fresh start with a thick sound (a different dimension from the existing recordings). A new excavation master who is surprised not only by those who are experiencing 1986 for the first time, but also by those who know the previous episode. Please enjoy it to the fullest.

* A very thick audience recording of “Nuremberg performance on August 30, 1986”. It is a master master of a completely different recording from the already released “MONSTERS OF ROCK IN GERMANY 1986 (part of)”, and it is incomparably powerful. A very thick core pops out vividly and jumps into your hand without a sense of distance. The bass is also vividly drawn up to one note, and the outline without bleeding stands out clearly. You can also enjoy the delicious early full show of the unreleased song “Here I Am” and the extremely rare “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”, “Rock My Nights Away” and “I’m Gonna Make You Mine”.

 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1986年8月30日ニュルンベルク公演」。西ドイツ版“MONSTERS OF ROCK”に出演した際の極太オーディエンス録音です。このショウは『MONSTERS OF ROCK IN GERMANY 1986(の一部)』としてもお馴染みですが、本作もまったくの別録音。新発掘された大元マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品なのです。
 その気になるクオリティの前に、まずはショウのポジション。当店では貴重なMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUPの記録も数々の名作でアーカイヴしてきました。特に初期『PERFECT TIMING』時代はわりと充実していますので、まずはコレクション整理も兼ねて当時のスケジュールを振り返ってみましょう。
《10月12日『PERFECT TIMING』発売》
・1月17日ー31日:北米#2(6公演)←※CHICAGO TAPES 1988
・2月5日ー22日:日本(12公演)←※BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT他
・4月27日ー5月17日:北米#3(9公演)←※PERFECT TIMING IN DENVER
 これが結成から1988年までのMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUP。1986年はまだ『PERFECT TIMING』の製作にも入っておらず、キーボード/サイド・ギターもミッチ・ペリーではなくスティーヴ・マンが務めていました。本作のニュルンベルク公演は、そんな「欧州#1」の5公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
 そんな極太くっきりサウンドで画かれるのは、始動間もないからこそのレア曲も美味しいフルショウ。初期McAULEY SCHENKER GROUPと言えば、当店ですとやはり日本公演が定番。ここでは復刻リリースされるプレス名盤『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT(Zodiac 190)』との比較で整理してみましょう。
・神:Armed And Ready/Cry For The Nations/Lost Horizons/Into The Arena
・限りなき戦い:Rock My Nights Away(★)/I’m Gonna Make You Mine(★)
・その他:On And On/Courvoisier Concerto
・UFO:Rock Bottom/Doctor Doctor
・新曲:Here I Am(★)/Here Today, Gone Tomorrow(★)
※注:「★」印は来日公演のプレス名盤『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』で聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。アルバム発売後には演奏しなくなる「Here Today, Gone Tomorrow」も貴重ではありますが、それ以上なのが未発表曲「Here I Am」。マイケルはライヴだけの未発表曲というのが極端に少ない人ですが、「Here I Am」は例外中の例外。「欧州#1」でもホンの数公演でしか演奏していない激レア曲であり、それをサウンドボード級の極太サウンドで聴けるというだけでも、本作の価値は計り知れません。
 また、やはり“PERFECT TIMING Tour”本編では取り上げてない名曲「Rock My Nights Away」「I’m Gonna Make You Mine」も美味しい。まあ、ロビンの声域にはまったく合っていないのは明らかで、素っ頓狂に叫んだり、あきらめちゃったりと外されたのも仕方がない出来。しかしポップなメロディが声質には合っていて、当時より遙かに上達している現在だったら最高に歌いこなしてくれるかも知れない……そんな妄想を掻き立ててくれるテイクではあります。
★「1986年8月30日ニュルンベルク公演」の極太オーディエンス録音。既発『MONSTERS OF ROCK IN GERMANY 1986(の一部)』とはまったくの別録音の大元マスター起こしで、比べものにならないほどの強力。極太な芯が鮮やかに飛び出し、距離感もなく手元に飛び込む。ベースも1音1音まで鮮やかに画かれ、滲みのない輪郭がくっきりと際立つ。未発表曲「Here I Am」や激レアな「Here Today, Gone Tomorrow」「Rock My Nights Away」「I’m Gonna Make You Mine」も美味しい極初期のフルショウを楽しめます。
1. Intro
2. Armed And Ready
3. Rock My Nights Away
4. Cry For The Nations
5. Here I Am
6. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
7. On And On
8. Courvoisier Concerto
9. Lost Horizons
10. Into The Arena
11. I’m Gonna Make You Mine
12. Rock Bottom
13. Doctor Doctor
Robin McAuley – Vocals
Michael Schenker – Guitar
Steve Mann – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Rocky Newton – Bass, Vocals
Bodo Schopf – Drums

Shades 1689

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