Eric Clapton / Definitive Dortmund 1987 / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Definitive Dortmund 1987 / 2CD / Beano

Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany 20th January 1987

Play sample :

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In January 1987, after the continuous performance at the Royal Albert Hall, which has now become an annual event, from the “AUGUST” European tour that took place immediately after that, the Dortmund performance on January 20 was recorded as a high-quality stereo audience recording. Our shop recently released the master on the net that was completely recorded as “Dortmund 1987” (2CDR), but this time, we used it to compensate for the super high-quality AUD of the Beano board “Miss You”, We have produced the best quality master of Dortmund, suitable for the press board. The main thing I used was “MISS YOU” released by our shop on the press 6CD in December 2006 mentioned above. The superb stereo audience recording source of the Dortmund performance included in the work was newly remastered and recorded (correcting the faster pitch), and this new net master was used to compensate for the missing part, perfect We have achieved excellent sound quality and ease of listening without discomfort. The sound of “Dortmund 1987” (2CDR) is a little far away, so I pick up the applause of a large number of people aimlessly, but this work has a closer sound, so it feels more realistic, picking up the applause of the surroundings. is. As you can tell by listening, the musical tones are as realistic and powerful as soundboard recording. I recommend this work as the definitive version of this day. [A stage that expresses the groove of “AUGUST”! ]

Clapton’s performance changed like a different person between the ’85 tour and the ‘August Tour’ after ’86. That’s because they hired black people from the fusion field as support musicians for the band. Inspired by them, the stage was also tinged with black contemporary colors, just like the album. Let’s take a look at the history of Clapton’s energetic activities in 1987.
・January 3rd to January 30th: European Tour ←★Coco★
・March 27th: Special gig at Cranley Country Golf Club, Surrey, UK
・April 11th to April 27th: American Tour
・May 6: Jump into Lionel Richie’s performance held at Wembley Arena in London
・June 5th and 6th: “Princes Trust Concert” held at Wembley Arena in London Appeared in.
・ June 18: Jumped into Tina Turner’s performance at Wembley Arena in London
・ July 4: Performed at “Island Records 25th Anniversary Concert” held at Pinewood Studios in Iver, England
・ August 14: Appeared with Chicken Shack at a charity gig held at the Cricket Club in Finchley, England
・ September 4: Ronnie Earl’s Roomful of Blues appeared at the Lone Star Cafe in New York
・October 6th: Recorded live with Buddy Guy for VH1’s TV program “South Bank Show” at London’s Ronnie Scott’s Club ・October 9th: Dingwall ,
London Buddy Guy Trio gig
・October 23rd to 27th: Australia tour
・November 2nd to 9th: Japan tour
・December 19th: Performed at a charity show held at the Village Hall in Dunsfold, UK

As you can see, it’s been a busy year with tours, gigs for other artists, and charity concerts every month. Clapton was in a situation where he wanted to live with the momentum of the album “AUGUST” and his confidence from the previous year. In particular, this tour in January 1987 was a tour that released the ambitious work “AUGUST” in the previous year and renewed the backing band to Blackmen, and has been using “Blackie” for 11 years. It was also a tour that retired the Strat and started using a prototype of the signature model newly provided by Fender (on this tour, a custom Strat with a Ferrari red finish was used). It was not a withered vintage sound like Blackie, but a tour where Clapton showed a new frontier, playing with an edged tone in Gingin. The set list has changed drastically since the 1985 tour, and the stage that starts with the power of angry waves from the classic song Crossroads is fresh. From the new work “AUGUST” at that time, 4 numbers are set in (Hung Up On Your Love, Miss You, Tearing Us Apart, Holy Mother), and conventional representative songs are also played while leaving the black contemporary color. In a word, the impression of this stage is “sharpness”. I have never heard Clapton’s play so sharp. Especially “Tearing Us The flipping condition in “Apart” is amazing, and in “Badge”, a long solo was played in the intro before entering the song, and such a pattern was very rare in the live performance of the same song. Even with other numbers, the minimum band composition has been successful, and wonderful performances have been developed that maximize the charm of each person. In the clearly amplified band groove, we will set up a sharp play that makes use of the timing everywhere so that each member can enjoy the groove. You can easily know the effect with “Same Old Blues” played for more than 18 minutes like a progressive suite, but backing with vocal songs such as “I Shot The Sheriff” and “Miss You”・You can get a glimpse of the band’s fulfillment during this period with the wonderful harmony of the guitar and vocals, and the thrillingly finished “Layla”. It can be said that it is a performance that represents the 87 year tour. Originally it was a master included in the 6CD set, so even if you do not have it, it is worth listening to as a one-shot perfect complete version sound source. It is also a record that shows that Clapton, who had developed a stage that was never flashy, rooted in blues and American roots music, transformed into a contemporary artist at this time. Even on the stage captured here, you can feel one aspect of Clapton’s greatness. Please add this work to your collection. You” and other vocal songs such as the harmony of the backing guitar and vocals, and the thrillingly finished “Layla”, you can see the fullness of the band at this time. It can be said that it is a performance that represents the 87 year tour. Originally it was a master that was included in the 6CD set, so even if you do not have it, it is worth listening to as a one-shot superb complete version sound source. It is also a record that shows that Clapton, who had developed a stage that was never flashy, rooted in blues and American roots music, transformed into a contemporary artist at this time. Even on the stage captured here, you can feel one aspect of Clapton’s greatness. Please add this work to your collection. You” and other vocal songs such as the wonderful harmony of the backing guitar and vocals, and the thrillingly finished “Layla”, you can see the fulfillment of the band at this time. It can be said that it is a performance that represents the 87 year tour. Originally it was a master included in the 6CD set, so even if you do not have it, it is worth listening to as a one-shot perfect complete version sound source. It is also a record that shows that Clapton, who had developed a stage that was never flashy, rooted in blues and American roots music, transformed into a contemporary artist at this time. Even on the stage captured here, you can feel one aspect of Clapton’s greatness. Please add this work to your collection.

*Remastered the sound source of the 1987 Dortmund performance recorded in “Miss You” Beano-018. A definitive edition that compensates for the missing parts from the new sound source that recently appeared on the Internet and became a hot topic on the same day


1987年1月、現在では恒例となったロイアル・アルバート・ホール連続公演を終え、その直後に行われた「AUGUST」ヨーロッパ・ツアーより、1月20日のドルトムント公演を高音質ステレオ・オーディエンス録音で完全収録したネット上のマスターを先般当店は「Dortmund 1987」(2CDR)としてリリースしたばかりですが、今回、それを、Beano盤「Miss You」の超高音質AUDの補填用に使用し、改めてプレス盤に相応しい、ドルトムントのベストクオリティのマスターを制作致しました。メインで使用しましたのは、前述の2006年12月に当店がプレス6CDでリリースした「MISS YOU」です。当該作に含まれていたドルトムント公演の極上ステレオ・オーディエンス録音ソースを新たにリマスターして収録(さらに速かったピッチを修正)、今回のネット新マスターをその欠落部分に補填用として使用し、完璧な音質と違和感のない聴きやすさを実現しました。「Dortmund 1987」(2CDR)盤は音がやや遠いので大人数の拍手を漫然と拾っていますが、本作は音が近いので、周りのパラパラした拍手を拾っているという、よりリアリティに富んだ感じです。聴いていただければお判りいただけますが、まるでサウンドボード録音にような楽音のリアルさ、迫力です。この日の決定版として、本作をおススメします。


・1月3日~1月30日:ヨーロッパ・ツアー ←★ココ★

ご覧いただくと、もう毎月、ツアーか他アーティストのギグに飛入りか、チャリティ・コンサートに出演、という多忙な一年だったことがお分かりいただけるでしょう。クラプトンは、前年からアルバム「AUGUST」の勢いと自信を駆ってライブをしたくて堪らない状況にいたのです。特にこの87年1月のツアーは、前年に意欲作「AUGUST」をリリースし、バックバンドをブラックメンに一新して行なわれたツアーで、これまで11年に亘って使い続けてきた「ブラッキー」ストラトを引退させ、新たにフェンダーから提供を受けたシグネイチャーモデルのプロトタイプを使い始めたツアーでもありました(このツアーではフェラーリレッド・フィニッシュのカスタムストラトを使用)。ブラッキーのような枯れたヴィンテージサウンドではなく、ギンギンにエッジの立ったトーンで弾き捲り、クラプトンが新境地を示したツアーでした。セットリストも85年ツアー時からはガラリと変化し、定番曲Crossroadsから怒涛の迫力でスタートするステージは新鮮です。当時の新作「AUGUST」からは4曲のナンバーがセットイン(Hung Up On Your Love、Miss You、Tearing Us Apart、Holy Mother)、そのブラックコンテンポラリー色を残したまま従来の代表曲も演奏されます。このステージの印象は、一言で言えば「シャープネス」。これほどキレのあるクラプトンのプレイはそれまで聴いたことがなかったくらいです。特に「Tearing Us Apart」での弾き捲り具合は凄いですし、「Badge」では、歌入り前のイントロでかなり長いソロを弾き切っており、こんなパターンは同曲のライブでは非常に珍しいことでした。その他のナンバーでもその最小のバンド構成が功を奏し、各人の魅力が最大限に引き出された素晴らしい演奏が展開されています。明らかに増幅されたバンド・グルーブの中で、メンバーそれぞれがそのグルーブを味わうように随所でタイミングを生かした切れのあるプレイを仕掛けていきます。プログレの組曲並みの18分以上に亘って演奏された「Same Old Blues」でその効果を容易に知る事が出来ますが、「I Shot The Sheriff」、「Miss You」等のボーカル曲でのバッキング・ギターとボーカルの調和の妙、そしてあくまでもスリリングに仕上げられた「Layla」でこの時期のバンドの充実ぶりを窺い知ることが出来ます。87年ツアーを代表する公演と言って良いでしょう。元々は6CDセットに含まれていたマスターでしたので、お持ちでない方も、単発の極上完全版音源として聴いていただく価値があります。それまではブルースやアメリカのルーツミュージックに根差した、決して派手ではないステージを展開してきたクラプトンが、このタイミングでコンテンポラリーなアーティストに変貌したことを示した記録でもあります。ここに捉えられたステージでもクラプトンの凄さの一面は実感できます。どうぞ本作もコレクションに加えていただきますようお願いします。

★既発「Miss You」Beano-018の収録の87年ドルトムント公演音源をリマスター。欠落部分を最近ネット上に出現し話題となった同日新音源より補填した決定盤

Disc 1 (68:35)
1. Intro
2. Crossroads
3. White Room
4. I Shot The Sheriff
5. Hung Up On Your Love
6. Wonderful Tonight 7.
Miss You
Blues ★0:00 – 0:02 Compensation
9. Tearing Us Apart ★6:39 – Compensation to the end
10. Holy Mother ★0:00 – 0:35 Compensation

Disc 2 (37:04)
1. Badge
2. Let It Rain
3. Cocaine
4. Layla 9:02 – 9:34 Supplement
5. Sunshine Of Your Love

Eric Clapton – Guitar & Vocals
Nathan East – Bass
Greg Phillinganes – Keyboards
Steve Ferrone – Drums

Beano – 251

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