AC/DC / Uniondale 1985 Joe Maloney Master/ 2CDR

AC/DC / Uniondale 1985 Joe Maloney Master/ 2CDR / Shades

Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York, USA 21st November 1985

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

AC / DC in 1985 was controversial with the ambitious work “FLY ON THE WALL” that boldly incorporated the sound of the 80’s. Introducing a new excavation master who recorded such a precious site by a legendary master.
It was “November 21, 1985 Uniondale performance” that was imbued with such a work. It is the new excavation audience recording. Speaking of AC / DC in 1985, it is a time that is remembered not only by asking the world about “FLY ON THE WALL” but also by appearing in the historic big event “1st ROCK IN RIO”. In order to understand the situation in that area, let’s first look back on the schedule at that time and check the position of the show.

● 1985
・ January 15 + 19: South America ← * ROCK IN RIO
“Released” FLY ON THE WALL “on June 28”
・ September 4th-November 24th: North America # 1 (58 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1986
・ January 13-February 27: Europe (28 performances)
“May 24,” WHO MADE WHO “released”
・ July 31st-September 20th: North America # 2 (42 performances)

This is 1985/1986 AC / DC. It is also the time when the three tours “FLICK OF THE SWITCH Tour” / “FLY ON THE WALL Tour” / “WHO MADE WHO Tour” intersect, and ROCK IN RIO will appear in “FLICK OF THE” before the release of “FLY ON THE WALL”. SWITCH Tour “It was a big lath. On the other hand, after the release of the Uniondale performance album of this work. It was the 56th concert at the end of “North America # 1”.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed site, is a valuable new excavation audience. The most surprising thing is the taper that recorded this work. It is digitized directly from the famous Omoto cassette of Mr. Joe Maroni. Speaking of Mr. Maloney, he is a master who is branded along with Mike Millard and Dan Rambinski. However, the clerk was famous for 70’s artists such as Rolling Stones, David Bowie, and PINK FLOYD, and I didn’t have much image of HR / HM. No way, I was recording AC / DC in the mid-1980s … The prestigious “Krw_co” has recently transferred the master, whose existence itself is a hot topic.
The sound is sharp like a laser beam. Actually, the distance is undeniable, and although it is a type that is hard to call the masterpiece of the Maloney collection because it is not accustomed to HR / HM, the vividness of the core that penetrates the atmosphere is truly a master. The straight-forward performance sound and singing voice do not give up the leading role, and it is so clear that it can not be thought of as a venue that swirls a huge enthusiasm. However, probably because I was sucking in too sharp sound, I got a habit in the high sound. In this work, such net original sound is carefully mastered. Brian Johnson’s razor vocals are also easy to hear.
What flows out of such a shock master is the 1985 full show that reigned as a heavyweight in the scene. The set is also a standard of “FLY ON THE WALL Tour”, but it is also a good opportunity, so let’s organize it here.

● Bon Scott era (8 songs)
・ High Voltage: The Jack / T.N.T.
・ Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap / Jailbreak
・ Rock Soul: Whole Lotta Rosie / Let There Be Rock
・ Power Age: Sin City
・ Highway to Hell: Highway to Hell
● Brian Johnson era (8 songs)
・ Back in Black: Back in Black / You Shook Me All Night Long (★) / Shoot to Thrill / Hells Bells
・ For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)
・ Fly on the Wall (★) / Shake Your Foundations (★) / Sink the Pink (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on ROCK IN RIO.

…… And it looks like this. Among the classic songs lined up in a row, the new song group of “FLY ON THE WALL” is still delicious. The number of this album is until 1986 and has not been played at all since then. The sharp and aggressive Brian’s singing voice and Angus’s momentum carry the scent of the 80’s fiercely while starting with “Fly On The Wall”.
“AC / DC by a master of the 70’s” …… It is a treasure of the collector world that seems to be dizzy by itself. I thought that general masters hated HR / HM, but this week, even Yngwie Malmsteen’s “Shades 1506” has appeared. If the excavation continues in this condition … A new excavation that fills my head with such delusions. Please enjoy it carefully.

★ Newly excavated audience recording of “November 21, 1985 Uniondale performance”. It is an item among the items digitized from the original cassette of the legendary master Joe Maloney in the 70’s. With a sharp sound like a laser beam, the vividness of the core that penetrates the air is truly a master. It is a famous recording that the performance sound is clear and does not give up the leading role so that it can not be thought that it is a venue that swirls a huge enthusiasm. “FLY ON THE WALL” only for this tour is a shocking new excavation album where you can experience a delicious full show on site.

80年代サウンドを大胆に取り込んだ意欲作『FLY ON THE WALL』で物議を醸していた1985年のAC/DC。そんな貴重な現場を伝説の名手が記録した新発掘マスターが登場です。
 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1985年11月21日ユニオンデール公演」。その新発掘オーディエンス録音です。1985年のAC/DCと言えば『FLY ON THE WALL』を世に問うただけでなく、歴史的一大イベント“第1回ROCK IN RIO”にトリ出演したことでも記憶される時期。その辺の状況を把握する意味でも、まずは当時のスケジュールを振り返ってショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
・1月15日+19日:南米 ←※ROCK IN RIO
《6月28日『FLY ON THE WALL』発売》
《5月24日『WHO MADE WHO』発売》
 これが1985年/1986年のAC/DC。3つのツアー“FLICK OF THE SWITCH Tour”/“FLY ON THE WALL Tour”/“WHO MADE WHO Tour”が交錯する時期でもあり、ROCK IN RIO出演は『FLY ON THE WALL』発売前の“FLICK OF THE SWITCH Tour”大ラスでした。それに対し、本作のユニオンデール公演アルバム発売後。「北米#1」の終盤56公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
 そんな現場を真空パックした本作は、貴重な新発掘オーディエンス。何より驚きなのは、本作を記録したテーパー。かの高名なジョー・マローニ氏の大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化されているのです。マロニー氏と言えば、マイク・ミラードやダン・ランビンスキー等と並んでブランド化されている名手。ただ、そのクレクションはローリング・ストーンズやデヴィッド・ボウイ、PINK FLOYDなど70年代アーティストが有名であり、あまりHR/HMのイメージはありませんでした。まさか、80年代も半ばになってAC/DCを録音していたとは……。そんな存在自体が話題を呼ぶマスターを名門「Krw_co」が最新トランスファーしたのです。
 そんな衝撃マスターから流れ出るのは、シーンの重鎮として君臨していた1985年のフルショウ。セットは“FLY ON THE WALL Tour”の定型でもあるのですが、良い機会でもありますのでここで整理してみましょう。
・ハイ・ヴォルテージ:The Jack/T.N.T.
・悪事と地獄:Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap/Jailbreak
・ロック魂:Whole Lotta Rosie/Let There Be Rock
・パワーエイジ:Sin City
・地獄のハイウェイ:Highway to Hell
・バック・イン・ブラック:Back in Black/You Shook Me All Night Long(★)/Shoot to Thrill/Hells Bells
・悪魔の招待状:For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)
・フライ・オン・ザ・ウォール:Fly on the Wall(★)/Shake Your Foundations(★)/Sink the Pink(★)
※注:「★」印はROCK IN RIOでは聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。定番曲がズラリと並ぶ中で、やはり美味しいのは『FLY ON THE WALL』の新曲群。このアルバムのナンバーは1986年まででその後一切演奏していない。「Fly On The Wall」で開演しつつ、シャープでアグレッシヴなブライアンの歌声やアンガスの勢いが猛烈に80年代の薫りを運んでくれるのです。
 「70年代の名手によるAC/DC」……もうこれだけで目眩がしそうなコレクター界の秘宝です。ジェネラル系の達人はHR/HM系を嫌うものだと思い込んでいましたが、今週はまさかまさかのイングヴェイ・マルムスティーン篇『Shades 1506』まで登場してしまった。この調子で発掘が続いてくれたら……そんな妄想で頭がいっぱいになってしまう新発掘。どうぞ、じっくりとご堪能ください。
★「1985年11月21日ユニオンデール公演」の新発掘オーディエンス録音。70年代の伝説名手ジョー・マロニーの大元カセットからデジタル化された銘品中の銘品です。レーザー光線のようにシャープなサウンドで、空気感を貫く芯の鮮やかさはさすが名手。巨大な熱狂を渦巻く会場とは思えないほど演奏音がクッキリと主役を譲らない名録音です。このツアーだけの『FLY ON THE WALL』も美味しいフルショウを現場体験できる衝撃の新発掘アルバムです。
Disc 1 (50:06)
1. Intro
2. Fly On The Wall
3. Back In Black
4. Shake Your Foundations
5. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
6. You Shook Me All Night Long
7. Sin City
8. Jailbreak
9. The Jack
Disc 2 (58:43)
1. Shoot To Thrill
2. Highway To Hell
3. Sink The Pink
4. Whole Lotta Rosie
5. Let There Be Roc
6. Hells Bells
7. T.N.T.
8. For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)
9. See You Again / After Show 
Brian Johnson – Vocal
Angus Young – Guitar
Malcolm Young – Guitar & Vocal
Cliff Williams – Bass & Vocal
Simon Wright – Drums



Shades 1507

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