Led Zeppelin / Cincinnati 1977 1st Night / 2CDR

Led Zeppelin / Cincinnati 1977 1st Night / 2CDR  / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH. USA 19th April 1977

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1977 Tour 8 shows, the first day of Cincinnati 2 Days on April 19th is included in the Master Quality Version, which is tapered direct. It is not net downloading, it got it in 2010 by its own route, the quality such as freshness and pitch is good. At the beginning, it is a familiar version that introduces a taper and a friend’s intro. It can be said that the performances were not so popular due to the fact that the sound quality was average, recording to Kashmir, the late show was unpaid, and so on. The version of this time is especially fascinating and the wonderfulness of the raw sound (objective with the pre-existing elemazi board), is not it exhausted to this? The Song Remains The Same is also wonderful, it is rare that the plant screams with The Rover Intro’s intense drum intro, the show starts with a good feeling, but Jimmy misunderstood the composition in the guitar solo part of Sick Again, Gudaguda It is contrasting and fascinating to show off some kind of performance. In the MC of the first plant, following an apology for being late, against the too enthusiastic (noisy) audience, “The reaction of the audience is so violent that the performance is very difficult, making it a little more quiet I’m MC with Try and just keep it cool, stand still okay? I did not play In My Time Of Dying this day.
Cut starts at the end of Ten Years Gone (7: 35). In front of Black Country Woman, the plant is showing off ad lib songs (regrettable tape deterioration in this part). Regarding this deterioration point, the first half (all of the disc 1 and the Ten Years Gone) which would be equivalent to the A side of the tape is a high quality state with no problem at all, but on the one side B side after the acoustic part , Partial tape deterioration is confirmed in several places. (Battle Of Evermore’s 2: 20-2: 35 and Black Country Woman ‘s beginning and one minute etc) However, most of them recover quickly with short deterioration, so there is not much problem to appreciate normally . Rather, the superb sound, texture and condition of the first hour is high quality recording worthy of attention and revaluation. Unfortunately it is unfortunate that the late half of the show (Moby Dick, Achilles Last Stand, Stairway to Heaven, Black Dog) has not been accrued, but as there are no other recordings on this show, collectors are collecting as a master of direct collection It is worth adding to it. Really the first half is wonderful! Please listen by all means.

★ Please check the excerpt of the “live file” below for details of the concert.

The first day of the Cincinnati performance, which will be the eighth tour of the tour. Unusually in the “The Rover” the plant is crying and the drums of Bonham at break are amazing, suddenly overwhelmed by the power of the two. However, in contrast to “Sick Again”, Paige mistook the musical composition, missed the timing to enter the guitar solo, and it became a meta meta performance. According to the official website, it seems that “In My Time Of Dying” did not play on this day. “Since I’ve Been Loving You” is a pretty good performance with a strong sense of strength, but it is a feeling that page has told you that it disassembled everything by removing the sound near the ending. It is good to hear the ad lib song which the plant thought that it had guided in front of “Black Country Woman”, it is in good condition, but the fact that there is not much unevenness in the performance of the acoustic set on this tour is due to the good condition of such a plant Maybe it is supported.


1977年ツアー8公演目、4月19日のシンシナティ2デイズの初日をテーパー・ダイレクトとされるマスター・クオリティ・ヴァージョンで収録。ネットダウンロードではなく、独自ルートで2010年に入手したもので、鮮度やピッチ等のクオリティは上々です。冒頭、テーパーと友人のイントロが入るお馴染みのヴァージョンです。音質が平均的であること、Kashmirまでの録音で、ショウ後半が未収であることなどから、あまりリリースに恵まれなかった公演と言えます。今回のヴァージョンは、とくにかく鮮度の良さと未加工の音の素晴らしさ(既発エレマジ盤とは対象的)、これに尽きるのではないでしょうか。The Song Remains The Sameも素晴らしく、The Rover Introの強烈なドラムイントロでプラントがスクリームするのは珍しく、よい感じでショウはスタートするのですが、Sick Againのギターソロパートでジミーが構成を勘違いし、グダグダな演奏を披露してしまうのも、対照的で面白いと言えるでしょう。最初のプラントのMCでは、遅れたことへの謝罪に続いて、あまりに熱狂的(ノイジー)な観客に対して、「観客の反応が激しすぎて演奏が非常に困難だ、もう少し静かにしてくれるか(Try and just keep it cool, stand still okay?)」等とMCします。この日はIn My Time Of Dyingは演奏せず。
Ten Years Goneの終盤(7:35)にカットが入ります。Black Country Womanの前にはプラントがアドリブソングを披露しています(この部分のテープ劣化が残念)。この劣化ポイントに関して言えば、テープのA面に相当するであろう前半(ディスク1全てとTen Years Gone)は全く問題のない高品質な状態なのですが、アコースティック・パート以降の片面B面には、部分的なテープ劣化が数か所確認されます。(Battle Of Evermoreの2:20-2:35やBlack Country Womanの冒頭や1分台等)但しそれらの殆どは短めの劣化ですぐに回復しますので、普通に鑑賞するにはそれ程問題はありません。むしろ、最初の一時間の見事なサウンド・質感・コンディションは注目及び再評価に値する高品質録音です。ショウ後半(Moby Dick, Achilles Last Stand, Stairway to Heaven, Black Dog)の未収が残念ですが、この公演に関しては、これ以外の録音が出回っていないので、コレクターはマスター・ダイレクトの一枚として、コレクションに加える価値は十分あると言えるでしょう。本当に前半は素晴らしい!是非聴いてみて下さい。


ツアー8番目の公演となるシンシナティ公演初日。「The Rover」で珍しくプラントが雄叫びを入れているし、ブレイク時のボーナムのドラムも驚異的で、いきなり二人のパワーに圧倒されてしまう。しかし、「Sick Again」ではペイジが曲構成を間違えてしまいギターソロに入るタイミングを逸してしまい、メタメタな演奏になってしまっているのが対照的だ。公式サイトによると、この日は「In My Time Of Dying」は演奏しなかったらしい。「Since I’ve Been Loving You」は強弱の効いたなかなかの名演だが、ペイジがエンディング近くで音を外してしまい全てぶち壊しと言った感じだ。「Black Country Woman」の前でプラントが導いたと思われるアドリブソングが聴ける程、調子が良いのだろうが、このツアーでアコースティックセットの出来にあまりムラが無いのは、このようなプラントの好調さがささえているのかもしれない。

Disc 1(52:21)
1. Intro 2. The Song Remains The Same 3. The Rover Intro/Sick Again 4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Since I’ve Been Loving You 6. No Quarter

Disc 2(42:58)
1. Ten Years Gone 2. Battle Of Evermore 3. Going To California 4. Black Country Woman
5. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 6. White Summer / Black Mountainside 7. Kashmir

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