ZZ Top With Jeff Beck / Live Encores 2014 / 1CDR

ZZ Top With Jeff Beck / Live Encores 2014 / 1CDR / Non Label

Translated text:
Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA 13th August 2014


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A piece of fan must listen was recorded 3 Instrument recordings of the show that Jeff has joined the guest encore part of ZZ TOP from the summer tour of 2014 ZZ TOP & JEFF BECK. The summarizes the only set of Beck, we have gotten a good reputation is a release already gift title “SUMMER TOUR 2014” at (Free 3CDR), but the title of this time ZZ in the encore part of a set of ZZ TOP with that said session of Jeff and TOP, Beck fan who was waiting for the planning titles these also I think in a lot. The sound quality is very good for all three performances, play Jeff also is heard to clear. I tried writing an evaluation on each each performance with respect to sound quality.

Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA 13th August 2014

This is the best among the three performances was recorded this time. I thought the audience noise kana strident When I hear the intro, but it does not take care enough to say I totally enters the playing emergency. Playing itself sound of surprise very close. Noise to say scorching from beginning to end is hear it or would be noise of the amplifier. Was it the microphone is set right in front of the PA Maybe, balance well with outstanding vividness anyway, it is ultra sound sound U~imi a thick great. Therefore, since there is no need for sound adjustment, we have recorded on the direct left of the original sound source is here. The playing time is the longest among the three days that you pick up this time, the quality of not as funny even if the press ZZ TOP set alone on this day, including those it would otherwise. This is not exaggeration. 21 minutes of bliss exactly!

Starlight Theatre, Kansas City, Missouri, USA 23rd August 2014

It is a good sound audience noise does not bother me is playing well here, but it is the sound of somewhat lighter compared to the sound source 13 days earlier. Also, the sound of applause is slightly as Wasawasa but feel unnatural also honestly. There is no difference that is also to say that although it’s become such an assessment also, and because after listening to the best sound of the 13th before, this day is also a high-quality sound enough. I was lifted slightly bass Upon CD of this time.

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, Missouri, USA 24th August 2014

This is also the sound that can be said to be ultra-high-quality sound to live like the 13th. Is a level that say there is a slight sense of distance, but it also, when compared to the 13th, is a more up in the realism that captures also the atmosphere of the venue rather. The 13th you will hear nice to hear in the headphones, but it seems those who live in this the 24th is either not hear the gorgeous sound when you listen through the speakers, anyway, here also super superb level to the minute you hear normally I will say that. I was subjected to only adjust the volume slightly upon on CD.

2014年ZZ TOP & JEFF BECKのサマーツアーからZZ TOPのアンコール部分でジェフがゲストで参加したショウの録音3音源を収録したファン必聴の一枚。ベックのセットのみをまとめた物は、ギフトタイトル「SUMMER TOUR 2014」(無料3CDR)にて既にリリース済みであり好評を頂いておりますが、今回のタイトルはZZ TOPのセットのアンコール部分でのZZ TOPとジェフのセッションということで、こういった企画タイトルを待っていたベック・ファンも多いのではないでしょうか。音質は3公演とも非常に良好で、ジェフのプレイもクリアーに聴きとれます。音質に関しては各公演ごとに評価を書いてみました。

Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA 13th August 2014

今回収録された3公演の中ではこれがベスト。出だしを聞くとオーディエンスノイズが耳障りかなと思いましたが、いざ演奏に入るとそれは全くと言っていいほど気になりません。演奏そのものは非常に近い驚きの音像。終始ジリジリと言うノイズが聞こえるのはアンプのノイズでしょうか。もしかしたらPAの真ん前にマイクをセッティングしたのか、とにかく生々しさが抜群でバランスも良く、厚みのあるウィーミーなサウンドが素晴らしいウルトラサウンドです。よって音調整の必要もないため、ここでは元の音源のままダイレクトに収録しております。また今回ピックアップした3日間の中でも演奏時間は一番長く、本来ならこの日だけでもZZ TOPセットも含めプレスにしてもおかしくない程のクオリティー。これは大げさではありません。まさに至福の21分間!

Starlight Theatre, Kansas City, Missouri, USA 23rd August 2014


Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, Missouri, USA 24th August 2014


Greek Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA 13th August 2014
01. Intro 02. Rough Boy 03. La Grange / Sloppy Drunk Jam 04. Tush 05. Sixteen Tons

Starlight Theatre, Kansas City, Missouri, USA 23rd August 2014
06. Intro 07. La Grange / Sloppy Drunk Jam 08. Tush

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Maryland Heights, Missouri, USA 24th August 2014
09. Intro 10. La Grange / Sloppy Drunk Jam 11. Tush 12. Sixteen Tons

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