Yngwie Malmsteen / Glenside 2021/ 2CDR

Yngwie Malmsteen / Glenside 2021/ 2CDR / Shades
Keswick Theater, Glenside, PA, USA 18th November 2021

Play sample :

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Yngwie Malmsteen in 2021 overcame the new Corona Pandemic and restarted. The latest live will be released at the same time! This work is the best audience recording of the second “Glenside performance on November 18, 2021”.
From this date, some people may think, “That !? The same day as the new work of ALCATRAZZ!”, But of course it is a completely unrelated performance across the ocean. Anyway, this week, Yngwie’s new video “HOUSTON 2021 (Shades 1434)” will be released at the same time, so let’s check the position of the show first by the schedule.

● 2021
・ March 20: Las Vegas performance
・ June 26: Serbian performance
“Released” PARABELLUM “on July 23”
・ July 24-August 14: North America # 1 (6 performances) ← * HOUSTON 2021
・ November 6th-December 18th: North America # 2 (26 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 2022
・ March 11 + 13: UK (2 performances)

This is the schedule that has been announced so far. Immediately after the release of the new work “PARABELLUM”, we held a mini tour “North America # 1”, but we stopped there for about two and a half months. Currently, a more full-scale tour “North America # 2” is underway. While the simultaneous release “HOUSTON 2021” was the former, the Glenside performance of this work was the third performance of “North America # 2”.
This work recorded at such a show is exactly the best audience recording. After all, it was Mr. “bcironmaiden” who was a hot topic with modern masters. At our shop, we are familiar with places such as Billy Joel and Nick Mason, but as the handle name suggests, our main business (?) Is metal. In particular, he has a good reputation for guitar sound, and is a master who beautifully records even the tight and delicate subtleties that maximize the performance of the famous machine “Schoeps MK4”. And this work is a brand that makes its fame even more brilliant. Not only is it tight, but the direct feeling with almost no hall noise is wonderful, and the speed of light passage of Yngwie is also beautiful to the outline of each grain. No matter how much the guitar explodes, you can get drunk with the machine gun’s rapid fire without mixing.
Moreover, PA is also very strong on this day. As a matter of fact, the scene of the front seat of “HOUSTON 2021” released at the same time was shocking, but the on-site PA was not good. To be precise, it’s not bad for the whole band, but Nick Marino’s vocal mic isn’t working. The songs that Yngwie sang like “Like an Angel (For April)” were fine, but “Rising Force” and “Seventh Sign” were in the instrumental state. However, there is no such trouble in this work. The entanglement of Marino and Yngwie is also beautifully separated, and you can fully enjoy the original charm of the show.
And, probably because of the good performance of such equipment, Yngwie, which is essential, is also burning. Unfortunately, “Presto Vivace In C # Minor” has fallen out of the set, but the three new songs “Relentless Fury”, “(Si Vis Pacem) Parabellum” and “Wolves At The Door” are also included. The momentum is not so much a blank due to the new corona sickness, but rather a fierceness that seems to expel the accumulated stress at once.

The new song “Presto Vivace in C # Minor” was also unveiled, and the video work “HOUSTON 2021” where you can enjoy the front seat experience, and this work where you can enjoy the full show with the best sound without equipment trouble. Yngwie in 2021 has a series of rare masterpieces in recent years as soon as it restarts. By all means, it is decided to release the latest report at the same time, which we would like you to enjoy in a set of two works.

★ The best audience recording of “November 18, 2021 Glenside Performance”. The latest work of the famous modern master “bcironmaiden”, the tight and delicate subtleties that maximize the performance of the famous machine “Schoeps MK4”. The direct feeling with almost no hall noise is wonderful, and the speed of light passage of Yngwie is a beautiful modern recording with the outline of each grain. While forcing the new songs “Relentless Fury”, “(Si Vis Pacem) Parabellum”, and “Wolves At The Door”, you can fully experience the fierce playing that seems to expel the stress accumulated by the new corona disaster at once.
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新型コロナ・パンデミックを乗り越え、再起動を果たした2021年のイングヴェイ・マルムスティーン。その最新ライヴが2作同時リリース決定! 本作はその第二弾となる「2021年11月18日グレンサイド公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。
この日付から「あれ!? ALCATRAZZの新作と同じ日!」と思われる方もいらっしゃると思いますが、もちろん大洋を挟んでまったく無関係な別公演です。ともあれ、今週はイングヴェイ自身の新作映像『HOUSTON 2021(Shades 1434)』も同時リリースとなりますので、まずは日程でショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・7月24日ー8月14日:北米#1(6公演)←※HOUSTON 2021

これが現在までに公表されているスケジュール。新作『PARABELLUM』発売直後にミニツアー「北米#1」を行いましたが、そこで2ヶ月半ほど休止。現在は、より本格的なツアー「北米#2」を実施中です。同時リリースの『HOUSTON 2021』が前者だったのに対し、本作のグレンサイド公演は「北米#2」の3公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウで記録された本作は、まさに極上のオーディエンス録音。何しろ、手掛けたのは現代の名手と話題の「bcironmaiden」氏。当店ではビリー・ジョエルやニック・メイスンといったところでお馴染みなのですが、そのハンドル名の通り、本業(?)はメタル。特にギター・サウンドに定評があり、名機「Schoeps MK4」の性能を最大限に発揮したタイトで細やかな機微まで美しく録る達人です。そして、本作はその名声をさらに輝かせる銘品。単にタイトなだけでなく、ホール鳴りもほとんどないダイレクト感が素晴らしく、イングヴェイの光速パッセージも一粒一粒の輪郭まで綺麗。いかにギターが爆走しようとも混じり合うことなくマシンガンの速射に酔いしれられるのです。
しかも、この日はPAもすこぶる好調。実のところ、同時リリースの『HOUSTON 2021』は最前席の光景が衝撃的なものの、現場PAは不調だった。正確に言いますとバンド全体では悪くないものの、ニック・マリノのヴォーカル・マイクが不調。「Like an Angel (For April)」のようにイングヴェイが歌う曲は問題なかったものの、「Rising Force」や「Seventh Sign」がインスト状態になっていたのです。しかし、本作ではそうしたトラブルもなし。マリノとイングヴェイの絡みも綺麗にセパレートし、ショウ本来の魅力をたっぷりと味わえるのです。
そして、そんな機材の好調もあってか肝心要のイングヴェイも燃えに燃えている。残念ながら「Presto Vivace In C# Minor」はセット落ちしてしまったものの、新曲3曲「Relentless Fury」「(Si Vis Pacem) Parabellum」「Wolves At The Door」も交えて弾きに弾き倒す。その勢いは新型コロナ禍によるブランクどころか、逆に溜まったストレスを一気に吐き出すかのような苛烈さです。

新曲「Presto Vivace in C# Minor」も披露されて最前席体験を味わえる映像作『HOUSTON 2021』と、機材トラブルもなく本領発揮のフルショウを極上サウンドで楽しめる本作。再始動早々に、近年希に見る傑作が連発している2021年のイングヴェイ。ぜひ、2作セットで味わっていただきたい最新レポートの同時リリース決定です。

★「2021年11月18日グレンサイド公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。現代の名手と名高い「bcironmaiden」氏の最新作で、名機「Schoeps MK4」の性能を最大限に発揮したタイトで細やかな機微まで繊細。ホール鳴りもほとんどないダイレクト感が素晴らしく、イングヴェイの光速パッセージも一粒一粒の輪郭まで美しい現代の名録音です。新曲「Relentless Fury」「(Si Vis Pacem) Parabellum」「Wolves At The Door」をフォーチュアしつつ、新型コロナ禍で溜まったストレスを一気に吐き出すかのような苛烈な弾きっぷりも極上フル体験できます。

Disc 1(47:16)
1. Intro
2. Rising Force
3. Top Down, Foot Down
4. Soldier
5. Relentless Fury
6. Into Valhalla
7. Like an Angel (For April)
8. Wolves At The Door
9. (Si Vis Pacem) Parabellum
10. Badinerie
11. Paganini Violin Concerto No.4 in D Minor
12. Adagio in G minor
13. Far Beyond the Sun/Star Spangled Banner
14. Seventh Sign

Disc 2(44:51)
1. Evil Eye
2. Smoke on the Water
3. Trilogy Suite Op: 5
4. Blue
5. Fugue/Guitar Solo/Drum Solo
6. You Don’t Remember, I’ll Never Forget
7. Black Star

Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar
Nick Z. Marino – Keyboards, Vocal
Emilio Martinez – Bass
Brian Wilson – Drums

Shades 1437

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