Yngwie J Malmsteen / Philadelphia 1986 / 1CDR

Yngwie J Malmsteen / Philadelphia 1986 / 1CDR / Shades

Live At Spectrum Philadelphia PA USA 24th October 1986.

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The “TRILOGY” era when Yngwie Malmsteen, a guitar revolutionary who rewrote history, was at the top as a performer. Introducing the finest original recording that conveys the scene.
“October 24, 1986 Philadelphia performance” is included in this work. It is a powerful audience recording recorded at the famous venue “Spectrum” in his place. “PHILADELPHIA 1987 (Zodiac 388)”, which was very popular the other day, comes to mind alongside “TRILOGY era,” “spectrum,” and “original recording.” In fact, this work is also a sister work of that press masterpiece. It was recorded at the same venue by a Japanese taper who was traveling to the United States at that time. Of course, different concerts even at the same tour / venue. Let’s look back on the schedule at that time to understand the positional relationship.

● 1986
・ January 3-12: North America # 1 (6 performances)
・ July 4-September 21 (?): North America # 2a (15 performances)
《September: Mark Boals withdrawal → Jeff Scott Soto return》
・ September 25 (?)-November 2: North America # 2b (30 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
“November 4,” TRILOGY “released”
・ November 7-14: Japan (5 performances)
・ November 25th-December 20th: North America # 3 (19 performances)
● 1987
・ January 7-20: North America # 4 (10 performances) ← * “PHILADELPHIA 1987”
《June 22: Traffic accident with my car Jaguar》
・ August 1: Irvine performance

This is Yngwie in 1986/1987. Speaking of “TRILOGY TOUR”, Mark Boals changed to Jeff Scott Soto on the way, but the timing of the change is not exactly known, and the day Jeff sings even though Mark is still there. It is chaotic, such as some. Anyway, the spectrum performance of this work is after Jeff’s change. Although the number of performances is not exact, it is about the 24th performance of “North America # 2b”. The press board “PHILADELPHIA 1987” of “North America # 4” was the undercard of IRON MAIDEN, but this work was the opening act of TRIUMPH.
This work that recorded such a show is just the best. While “PHILADELPHIA 1987” was made into a press, this work would be downgraded only to the Shades label … I thought, but it wasn’t. This work is not defeated at all, the thick core approaches in front of you, and the details are super detailed. When the performance starts, a big call of “Yngwie! Yngwie!” Swirls (you can see that it was very popular in the United States at that time), but when the performance starts, the thick and thick performance sound overruns everything. .. Although it is not the type that seeks the beauty of sound, the guitar sound that is in close contact with it is perfect for capturing the awesomeness of a revolutionary child. And Jens Johansson’s synth that breaks into it is a straight ball again. Unless there is a great deal of enthusiasm between the songs, it seems that you will think about things like “IEMs !?”
It is a masterpiece that is exactly the sister of “PHILADELPHIA 1987”, but there is also a reason why it was introduced from the Shades label this time. That is Angkor. Actually, the tape ends when “Black Star” at the end of the game progresses for less than 2 minutes. The recording is over and I can’t even listen to the final song “Liar”. As a matter of fact, the total recording time may be longer than that of “PHILADELPHIA 1987”, but it is difficult to permanently save due to incomplete recording. I’m sorry. It’s too regrettable …
That’s why it wasn’t made into a press, but if the sound is strong, the content of the show is even more amazing. Of course, the set is also different from “PHILADELPHIA 1987”, so let’s summarize it while comparing it here.

・ RISING FORCE: Far Beyond the Sun / Icarus’ Dream Suite Op.4 / Black Star (★)
・ MARCHING OUT: I’ll See the Light Tonight (★) / I Am A Viking
・ TRILOGY: Queen in Love / Fire / You Don’t Remember, I’ll Never Forget
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that cannot be heard on the press masterpiece “PHILADELPHIA 1987”.

… And it looks like this. It’s a pity that I can’t hear “Liar” mentioned above, but instead (?) This work is even more delicious with “I’ll See the Light Tonight”. And that performance is overwhelming. It’s hard to put it into words now, but anyway, even the same song has a lot of improvisations that are completely different, and it’s catchy as if each phrase was kneaded in advance.
After that, Yngwie repeatedly said, “Impro is important”, but the ingenuity of this period is truly divine. What’s more, the extra-thick, detailed sound of this work has recorded all the subtleties of each grain of tremendous rapid fire. It’s a live album full of pleasure that is bathed in the shooting that is filled with the beauty of construction.
Anyway, Yngwie Malmsteen in the mid-1980s was extremely terrifying. This is an original recording of this work, which is a cultural heritage class, where you can enjoy the sharp show with super close sound. Although it could not be preserved permanently in a regrettable place, its quality and performance are not inferior to “PHILADELPHIA 1987”. This is a recommended piece not only for those who have been absorbed in that press masterpiece, but also for those who want to experience “PHILADELPHIA 1987” in a simulated manner.

★ First-ever sound source provided by the recorder. The finest sound quality board.

そんな本作に収められているのは「1986年10月24日フィラデルフィア公演」。彼の地の名会場“スペクトラム”で記録された強力オーディエンス録音です。「TRILOGY時代」「スペクトラム」「オリジナル録音」と並ぶとどうしても浮かぶのが先日大好評を賜った『PHILADELPHIA 1987(Zodiac 388)』。実は、本作はあのプレス名盤の姉妹作でもある。当時、渡米していた日本人テーパーによる同会場録音なのです。もちろん、同じツアー/同会場であっても別コンサート。その位置関係を把握するためにも、当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

・9月25日(?)-11月2日:北米#2b(30公演) ←★ココ★
・1月7日-20日:北米#4(10公演)←※『PHILADELPHIA 1987』

これが1986年/1987年のイングヴェイ。“TRILOGY TOUR”と言えば、途中でマーク・ボールズからジェフ・スコット・ソートに交代しているわけですが、交代のタイミングは厳密には分かっておらず、まだマークがいるのにジェフが歌う日もあるなど混沌としています。ともあれ、本作のスペクトラム公演はジェフの交代後。公演数は厳密ではないものの、おおよそ「北米#2b」の24公演目。「北米#4」のプレス盤『PHILADELPHIA 1987』はIRON MAIDENの前座でしたが、本作はTRIUMPHのオープニング・アクトでした。
そんなショウを記録した本作は、まさに極上。『PHILADELPHIA 1987』がプレス化されたのに対して本作はShadesレーベルだけに格落ちだろう……と思いきや、そうではない。本作もまったく負けておらず、極太の芯が目の前に迫り、ディテールも超詳細。開演すると「イングヴェイ!イングヴェイ!」の盛大なコールが渦巻く(当時はアメリカでも凄い人気だったのがよく分かります)のですが、演奏が始まると極太にして肉厚な演奏音がすべてを蹂躙する。鳴りの美しさを求めるタイプではないものの、激しく密着したギター・サウンドは革命児の凄味を活写するのには最適。そして、そこに割って入るイェンス・ヨハンソンのシンセがまたド直球。曲間で沸く大熱狂さえなければ「80年代なのにIEMs!?」などとトンチンカンな事まで考えてしまいそうです。
まさに『PHILADELPHIA 1987』の姉妹となる傑作なのですが、今回はShadesレーベルからの紹介となったのにも理由があります。それはアンコール。実は終盤の「Black Star」が2分弱ほど進んだところでテープが終了。録音が終わってしまい、最終曲「Liar」も聴けないのです。実のところ、トータルの録音時間は『PHILADELPHIA 1987』より長かったりもするのですが、不完全収録で永久保存は難しい。惜しい。あまりにも惜しい……。
と言うわけで、プレス化には至らなかったわけですが、サウンドも強烈ならショウ内容はさらに凄絶。もちろんセットも『PHILADELPHIA 1987』とは似て非なるものですので、ここで比較しながらまとめておきましょう。

・RISING FORCE:Far Beyond the Sun/Icarus’ Dream Suite Op.4/Black Star(★)
・MARCHING OUT:I’ll See the Light Tonight(★)/I Am A Viking
・TRILOGY:Queen in Love/Fire/You Don’t Remember, I’ll Never Forget
※注:「★」印はプレス名盤『PHILADELPHIA 1987』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。先述した「Liar」が聴けないのは残念なものの、その代わり(?)本作は「I’ll See the Light Tonight」も入ってさらに美味しい。そして、その演奏ぶりこそが圧倒的。今さら言葉にするのも気が引けますが、とにかく同じ曲でも丸っきり違うインプロヴィゼーションがたっぷりとブチかまされ、しかもその1フレーズ1フレーズが事前に練り込んであったかのようにキャッチー。
とにかく凄絶極まる80年代中期のイングヴェイ・マルムスティーン。そのキレッキレのショウを超密着サウンドで味わえる文化遺産級の本作だけのオリジナル録音です。惜しいところで永久保存出来なかったとは言え、そのクオリティも演奏も『PHILADELPHIA 1987』にまったく劣らない。あのプレス名盤に心溶かされた方はもちろん、逆に『PHILADELPHIA 1987』を疑似体験されたい方にもお薦めの1枚です。


1. Intro
2. I’ll See the Light Tonight
3. Queen in Love
4. Far Beyond the Sun
5. Fire
6. Keyboard Solo
7. Icarus’ Dream Suite Op.4
8. I Am a Viking
9. Guitar Solo
10. Band Introductions
11. You Don’t Remember, I’ll Never Forget
12. Black Star

Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar Jeff Scott Soto – Vocals Jens Johansson – Keyboards
Wally Voss – Bass Anders Johansson – Drums

Shades 1214

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