YES / The Years Of Delirium / 4CD

YES / The Years Of Delirium /4CD /Virtuoso

Live at Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI. USA 23rd July 1975.


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“I want to hear is YES boot leg” Do you remember that when you thought so …… first? That longing and excitement that was holding before the other decades comes to flash back super Ketteiban press 4CD is appeared! Although chance to dabble in underground sound source is each person, who is that in the case of YES for many, along with “bra Ford / Wakeman era” is “because I want to listen to Moratsu era”. That intense “Relayer” the produce was band, such as what kind of sound would have I not resound at the time of and NHK broadcasting …… “YESSHOWS” on stage, performance trembling heart even just a glimpse of the one end. However, what is the official release sound is disturbed exciting to “LIVE? 1975 AT QPR” and, just “THE WORD IS LIVE” of Tsumamigui. Just Moyamoya and Domo wait and wait Domo is raise history, I have continued birth to a fan running in the boot leg.
So, this work is a gem in the gem that was completely recorded ultra classic FM sound source of the Patrick Moraz era YES. Disc 1 – 2 was recorded broadcasting stations master of “December 11, 1974 Boston Garden performances”, the disk 3, 4, “June 17, 1976 Roosevelt Stadium performances”. Relayer YES it is early and late of “vertex only” luxury coupling of the ultimate 4 Disc!

Of disk 1 and 2 “Boston Garden performance” is, large classic gave birth to even boot leg dozens species. Although “ELECTRIC FREEDOM” you complete recording to DJ a few years ago was wiped out already issued, was remastered the same master with that masterpiece again. Excess is input on the verge of a strong force sound had told brilliantly the true value of “Relayer YES”, politely treatments one sound treble this time which is to momentarily over peak. Force is intact, was considering the further ease of listening.
Even so, it will really charmed enough to re-listen to this way. Harmony is the drenched such YES sound from heaven, rapier sharp nuances of Moratsu close to Keith Emerson than Rick Wakeman is applied live. And began “Relayer Tour” in November 1974 also about a month passed, while the band also moderately warm up, just good timing that does not still tired show. Indeed, it is tour de force in tour de force that has been referred to as the “best performance 70s” from professional journals. The configuration of the show will have a combination of well flow through the “crisis” and “Relayer”, but three songs were Susamajika~tsu “Relayer” further increase the aggressive is, “Close To The Edge”, “And You And I” is also brilliant and Rick Unlike, it has changed dyed to “Relayer” color. And say YES, but is an image that can fill play with tightly, this era is full of dynamism seems locks Oshimakuru for playing the powerful itself. Also both giant of Steve Howe / Chris Squire, let alone pulled in Moratsu, is momentum to be surpassed.
Moratsu has said it “when the joined was up writing all songs of” Relayer “is”, but still “Relayer” was different from the conventional. In other words, the ’70s YES is not each person of the arrangement and performance was the band that say things that are applied to the last. So, “Siberian Khatru” what is, No, I is the listen in disk 1 is even “” crisis “of RELAYER version” that Moratsu and passion overflows hatched of YES that has been inspired by him!

The “Siberian Khatru” kick off the in is a disk 3, 4 “Roosevelt Stadium performances”. Across the individual’s solo album release in 1976 “Solo Album Tour”, also about one month of the stage from the tour start. Here are also complete recording to DJ, sound even more neat than disk 1. Official release is also possible level.
Sound is also a neat, playing again explosion. Intense from onset “Siberian Khatru” 2 barrage of “Sound Chaser”! But in Tatamikake even between high tension of both songs a few seconds the song, like 20 minutes 19 seconds of the suite of way. This is the best opening. Since then, Hodai phrases of the reply you want to do unusually own way -. It is not directed to the ensemble of bankruptcy, is amazing because he has led to dynamism. Moreover, rather than the power of hard rock tone has become to the source, and irresistible to is that jazzy improvisation sense. Italian AREA is also a hot passion of Kadoya!
Since then, while connecting the it is not in the “Boston Garden performance,” “I’ve Seen All Good People”, “Long Distance Runaround” and solo time, to push collapse snow to Oomagari of “Heart Of The Sunrise”, “Ritual”. “Moratsu version Heart Of The Sunrise” is “LIVE? 1975 AT QPR” even is the point of this work you do not listen, but show the flow itself is delicious in it more. Disk 1 and 2 Although it was exciting configuration such as “crisis” + “Relayer”, here so to speak “fragile” wind flow. The two performances, not just say that coupling of the best sound quality, I set you let me taste the taste of complement to A~tsu “Relayer YES” to every corner each other.

Over the 3 hours 23 minutes is the vertex title that you can enjoy the “Relayer YES” and plenty. Basic in the basic is also a goal arrive at the end. So, we did was set foot into the world of boot leg because I wanted to listen to this sound. That scene was sighed before the 5-digit analog, one by one, every day that you put on the player with the feeling that it was to mix is not exciting and prayer. And I want to held out as “the wonder Kore of you wanted to hear?” In his time that it was still solid, and resurrection of Daimyo recording !!

「YESのブートレッグが聴きたい」……最初にそう思った時のことを覚えていらっしゃいますか? もう何十年も前に抱いたあの憧れやワクワクがフラッシュバックしてくる超決定盤プレス4CDが登場です! アングラ音源に手を出すキッカケは人それぞれですが、YESの場合「ブラフォード/ウェイクマン時代」と並んで多いのが「モラーツ時代を聴きたいから」という方。あの強烈な「リレイヤー」を生み出したバンドが、ステージではどんな音を轟かせていたんだろう……当時のNHK放送や「YESSHOWS」など、一端を垣間見ただけでも心が震えるパフォーマンス。ところが、公式リリースされるのは豪快に音が乱れる「LIVE ? 1975 AT Q.P.R.」や、つまみ食いの「THE WORD IS LIVE」ばかり。待てども待てどもモヤモヤばかりが募る歴史が、ブートレッグに走るファンを産み続けてきたのです。
そう、本作はそのパトリック・モラーツ時代YESの超定番FM音源を完全収録した逸品中の逸品。ディスク1・2は「1974年12月11日ボストン・ガーデン公演」、ディスク3・4には「1976年6月17日ルーズベルト・スタジアム公演」の放送局マスターを収録しました。リレイヤー YES初期と後期の“頂点だけ”を贅沢にカップリングした究極の4枚組です!

ディスク1・2の「ボストン・ガーデン公演」は、何十種ものブートレッグを生んだ大定番。数年前にDJまで完全収録した「ELECTRIC FREEDOM」が既発を一掃しましたが、あの名作と同じマスターを再度リマスターしました。過剰入力寸前のド迫力サウンドが“リレイヤー YES”の真価を見事に伝えていましたが、今回は瞬間的にオーバーピークになっている高音を1音ずつ丁寧にトリートメント。迫力はそのままに、さらに聴きやすさを加味しました。
それにしても、こうして聴き直すほどに本当に惚れ惚れしてしまいます。天からハーモニーが降り注ぐようなYESサウンドに、リック・ウェイクマンよりもキース・エマーソンに近いモラーツの切っ先鋭いニュアンスが加わったライヴ。1974年11月に始まった“Relayer Tour”も1ヶ月ほど経ち、バンドもほどよく暖まりつつ、まだまだ疲れは見せない丁度いいタイミング。さすが、専門誌から「70年代最高の演奏」と称された名演中の名演です。ショウの構成は「リレイヤー」と「危機」を流れよく組み合わせていますが、凄まじかった「リレイヤー」の3曲はさらにアグレッシヴさを増し、「Close To The Edge」「And You And I」も華麗なリックとは異なり、「リレイヤー」色に染め変わっている。YESというと、キッチリと弾きこなすイメージですが、この時代は演奏の迫力そのもので押しまくるロックらしいダイナミズムが溢れている。スティーヴ・ハウ/クリス・スクワイアの両巨頭も、モラーツに引っぱられるどころか、凌駕する勢いです。
モラーツは「加入した時には『リレイヤー』の曲はすべて書き上がっていた」と語っていますが、それでも「リレイヤー」は従来とは違っていた。つまり、70年代のYESは最後に施される各人のアレンジメントや演奏がモノを言うバンドだったわけです。そう、「Siberian Khatru」こそありませんが、ディスク1で聴けるのはモラーツと彼に触発されたYESの情熱が溢れかえった“RELAYERバージョンの「危機」”でもあるのです!

その「Siberian Khatru」で幕を開けるのがディスク3・4の「ルーズベルト・スタジアム公演」。各人のソロ作リリースを挟んだ1976年の“Solo Album Tour”で、やはりツアー開始から約1ヶ月のステージ。こちらもDJまで完全収録しており、サウンドはディスク1よりさらに端正。公式リリースも可能なレベルです。
サウンドは端正でも、演奏はやはり爆裂。出だしから強烈な「Siberian Khatru」「Sound Chaser」の2連発! ただでさえハイテンションな両曲を数秒の曲間で畳み掛け、まるで20分19秒の組曲のよう。最高のオープニングです。その後も、いつになく好き勝手・やりたい放題なフレーズの応酬。それがアンサンブルの破綻に向かわず、ダイナミズムに繋がっているのだから凄い。しかも、その源泉になっているのがハードロック調のパワーではなく、ジャジーなインプロ感覚というのがたまらない。イタリアのAREAもかくやの熱いパッションです!
その後も「ボストン・ガーデン公演」にはない「I’ve Seen All Good People」「Long Distance Runaround」やソロタイムを繋ぎつつ、「Heart Of The Sunrise」「Ritual」の大曲へと雪崩れ込む。“モラーツ版Heart Of The Sunrise”は「LIVE ? 1975 AT Q.P.R.」でも聴けない本作のポイントですが、それ以上にショウの流れ自体が美味しい。ディスク1・2は「危機」+「リレイヤー」といった豪快な構成でしたが、こちらは言わば「こわれもの」風の流れ。この2公演は、単に最高音質のカップリングというだけでなく、互いに補完し合って“リレイヤーYES”の旨みを隅々まで味わわせてくれるセットなのです。


Disc 1 (41:24)
1. DJ Intro 2. Firebird Suite 3. Sound Chaser 4. Close To The Edge 5. To Be Over

Disc 2 (41:13)
1. The Gates Of Delirium 2. And You And I 3. Roundabout 4. DJ Outro

Live at Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, NJ. USA 17th June 1976

Disc 3 (52:35)
1. DJ Intro 2. Apocalypse Intro 3. Siberian Khatru 4. Sound Chaser 5. I’ve Seen All Good People
6. The Gates Of Delirium

Disc 4 (68:40)
1. Long Distance Runaround 2. Patrick Moraz Solo 3. Clap 4. Excerpt From Olias
5. Heart Of The Sunrise 6. Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil) 7. DJ chatter
8. Roundabout 9. DJ chatter 10. I’m Down 11. DJ Outro

Virtuoso 218/219/220/221

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