YES / Kawaguchi 1998 / 2CD

YES / Kawaguchi 1998 / 2CD / Virtuoso

Translated Text:
Live at Kawaguchi Lilia Main Hall, Kawaguchi, Japan 11th October 1998



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Best Made in Japan of the captured “six YES” young blood that Igor Koroshefu & Billy Sherwood is appeared. In front of the attention of the contents, Let’s will be remembered little of the time.
It was YES, which was re-formed in the “golden five” in 1995, Rick without the San Luis Obispo 3 performances (March 1996) and studio work only on a tour that was the source of the “KEYS TO ASCENSION” · Wakeman left the band. Produced a welcomed Billy Sherwood “OPEN YOUR EYES”, Igor Koroshefu further was guest participated in the album to join, we managed to tour. Is not thus rare even YES History “six YES” was born, but this tour is not only sales promotion of the album “OPEN YOUR EYES”, became a massive tour to commemorate also organized 30 anniversary. Here, an overview of “OPEN YOUR EYES AND 30TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR” Let’s also try to confirm.

– October 1997 – 12 May: North American tour # 1 (43 performances)
– February 1998 – April: The European tour (46 performances)
– May 1998: Central and South America tour (13 performances)
– June 1998 – August: North American tour # 2 (41 performances)
– October 1998: Japan tour (5 performances)

In this way, it means that around the 19 countries 148 performances in round one year, Japan is now in its final performance areas. The six people, I always had later hidden stunning band potential enough to raise create a late masterpiece “THE LADDER”, it is Japan unfortunately did only once. Here, let’s check the schedule.

– October 8: Shibuya Public Hall
– October 9: Shibuya Public Hall
– October 11: Kawaguchi General Cultural Center [this work] – October 13, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium
– October 14, 2011: Osaka Welfare Pension Hall

This is the full extent of the “OPEN YOUR EYES JAPAN TOUR 1998”. This work, the 3 hit the performance first, “1998 October 11, 2011: Kawaguchi Lilia performance” is the audience album. This film, released as “AND YOU AND SAITAMA” from time Ayanami label, recording that called large reputation. Had been recorded in the original DAT was ceded directly from the recording artist himself is, exactly what worthy to be called “beauty recording”. Honestly, it “not the type like is called a sound board,” but, this is praise rather than criticism. Clear of the musical tone, the thickness, the first time in detail, but is to comparable to the line recording, slightly sound wearing a venue sound is exactly as rain from heaven. I thing that has been written many times, and listening to this work, really audience recording suits in YES music.
That said, (of course) does not mean that it may What if the audience recording also. It is a mess if there is a basket Moriya turbidity, no sense even Mio Once covered in fuss of the audience. But the present work is perfect score in that regard. Elaborate an eye on every move, the Japanese audience to dispense the ear only to the not inscribed in the mind does not remain one sound is, as possible to protect the silence during the performance. I thought and also as good or not the silence of the audience, not the case. There is also a spectacle of standing ovation that spread like licking the venue between the songs, but the concentration of silence is felt even during the performance. Of course, I do not know in because it is silent “sound”, the hot line of sight and the signs are reaching the stage undoubtedly, are tightening the members our performance. While enjoying a performance that was crisp, mood that does not also allowed rustling of clothes. YES music …… drenched in there. I wrote a “YES has become customer record”, etc. world Hiroshi and say, bring out the flavor in the maximum, there can be only still Japan.
Such this work is to be drawn in the super-beautiful sound, fresh got young blood YES. Or there is also the fact that the 30th anniversary, only the title track from the new “OPEN YOUR EYES” is playing, most of which are filled with classic group of classic YES. However, Eraku fresh Igor & Billy to be poured into it. Already are also offered at a great ensemble to only have around the world, even while listening to the performance of the original phrase as that respects the tradition of the YES, mixed with the key point of the neo-progressive rock common voice that has been the rise at that time, more and decorate the colorful. Music is fresh, yet the original street, not a tinny sound like 80s on it. ‘s The show of such exquisite balance. Igor not become the neck causing the sexual harassment incident in the course of the tour, then YES, struggle to keyboard player. Not blessed with the astuteness of more than Igor until now. Exactly, … what was good if it focused only on the performance not to be superfluous.
Digress. This work, set list is also interesting. The members also officially: Although we have to leave the “HOUSE OF YES LIVE FROM HOUSE OF BLUES”, doubling with this work has not suffered the majority in only five songs. In addition, its contents even darker, in addition to songs and “Heart Of The Sunrise” of yesteryear hit songs such as “Long Distance Runaround” of the “crisis”, “Wonderous Stories”, “Tempus Fugit” surprising and delicious songs showcase such. Further, in the solo corner of Steve Howe as “The Little Galliard,” “Mood For A Day”, “Ram”, “Clap”, also a follow up largess to four songs.

Japan tour with Igor & Billy was realized only once. The whole picture is one that fully captured by the sense of scale full of superb audience recording in clear. Shine band potential just before the raise create a ’90s masterpiece “THE LADDER”, even with plenty of sucked name recording masterpieces not hear at the Official work. Containment to press 2CD to forever remain, will be delivered this weekend to your handy.

1995年に“黄金の5人”で再結成したYESでしたが、『KEYS TO ASCENSION』の元になったサンルイスオビスポ3公演(1996年3月)とスタジオワークだけでツアーをすることなくリック・ウェイクマンが脱退。ビリー・シャーウッドを迎えて『OPEN YOUR EYES』を制作、さらにアルバムにゲスト参加していたイゴール・コロシェフも加入させ、ツアーにこぎつけました。こうしてYES史でも珍しい“6人YES”が誕生したわけですが、このツアーは単にアルバム『OPEN YOUR EYES』の販促だけでなく、結成30周年も記念する大々的なツアーとなりました。ここで、“OPEN YOUR EYES AND 30TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR”の概要も確認してみましょう。


このように、丸1年で19ヵ国148公演を巡ったわけですが、日本はその最終公演地になりました。この6人は、のちに後期の名作『THE LADDER』を創り上げるほどに見事なバンド・ポテンシャルを秘めていたわけですが、残念ながら来日は1回限りでした。ここで、その日程を確認してみましょう。

・10月11日:川口総合文化センター 【本作】

これが“OPEN YOUR EYES JAPAN TOUR 1998”の全容。本作は、その3公演目にあたる「1998年10月11日:川口リリア公演」のオーディエンス・アルバムです。本作は、当時Ayanamiレーベルから『AND YOU AND SAITAMA』としてリリースされ、大評判を呼んだ録音。録音家本人から直接譲られたオリジナルDATに収録されていたのは、まさに“美録音”と呼ぶに相応しいもの。正直なところ、「まるでサウンドボードと呼ぶタイプではない」のですが、これは批判ではなく賞賛。楽音のクリアさ、太さ、詳細ぶりはライン録音にも匹敵するのですが、わずかに会場音響をまとったサウンドはまさに天から降るよう。何度も書いてきたことですが、本作を聴いていると、本当にYESミュージックにはオーディエンス録音が似合う。
そんな超・美麗サウンドで描かれる本作は、若き血を得たフレッシュなYES。30周年ということもあってか、新作『OPEN YOUR EYES』からはタイトル・トラックだけが演奏され、ほとんどはクラシックYESの名曲群で埋め尽くされている。しかし、そこに注ぎ込まれるイゴール&ビリーがえらく新鮮。すでに世界中を巡ってきただけにアンサンブルもこなれており、YESの伝統を尊重したオリジナル・フレーズ通りの演奏を聴かせつつも、当時勃興していたネオプログレ的な音色を要所に混ぜ、よりカラフルに彩っている。楽曲はオリジナル通りでありながら新鮮で、その上で80年代のような安っぽい音でもない。そんな絶妙なバランスのショウなのです。イゴールはツアー中にセクハラ事件を起こしてクビになってしまうわけですが、その後のYESはキーボード奏者に苦心。今に至るまでイゴールを超える巧者には恵まれていません。まったく、余計なことをしないで演奏にだけ集中していれば良かったものを……。
閑話休題。本作は、セットリストも面白い。このメンバーでは公式にも『HOUSE OF YES: LIVE FROM HOUSE OF BLUES』を残していますが、本作とのダブリは5曲だけで大半が被っていない。しかも、その中身も濃く、『危機』の全曲や「Heart Of The Sunrise」「Long Distance Runaround」といった往年の代表曲に加え、「Wonderous Stories」「Tempus Fugit」等の意外で美味しい曲も披露。さらにスティーヴ・ハウのソロコーナーでは「The Little Galliard」「Mood For A Day」「Ram」「Clap」と、4曲も畳みかける大盤振る舞いなのです。

一度だけ実現したイゴール&ビリーとの来日公演。その全貌をクリアでスケール感いっぱいの極上オーディエンス録音で捉えきった1本です。90年代の名作『THE LADDER』を創り上げる直前のバンド・ポテンシャルが輝き、オフィシャル作品では聴けない名曲もたっぷりと吸い込んだ名録音。永遠に残るプレス2CDに封じ込め、今週末あなたのお手元へお届けいたします。

Disc 1(78:37)
1. Firebird Suite 2. Siberian Khatru 3. Rhythm Of Love 4. Yours Is No Disgrace 5. Open Your Eyes
6. And You And I 7. Heart Of The Sunrise 8. The Little Galliard 9. Mood For A Day
10. Ram 11. Clap

Disc 2(69:53)
1. Akatombo 2. Wonderous Stories 3. Long Distance Runaround 4. Whitefish 5. Tempus Fugit
6. Drum Solo 7. Bass & Drum Solo 8. Owner Of A Lonely Heart 9. Close To The Edge
10. I’ve Seen All Good People 11. Roundabout

Jon Anderson – Vocal Steve Howe – Guitar Chris Squire – Bass Alan White – Drum
Billy Sherwood – Guitar, Keyboard Igor Khoroshev – Keyboard
Virtuoso 303/304

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