Yes / Royal Albert Hall 2014 /1DVDR

Yes/ Royal Albert Hall 2014 /1DVDR /Non Label

Translated text:

Live At Royal Albert Hall, ,London UK 8th May 2014.


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Eh? Why after all these years? Images of London performances of more than three months ago And not ‘s latest tour of the topic, why, now the image of the gift before one “crisis”, “ultimate” and “third album” reproduction tour? I think that those who think so too Irassharu is granted, but if you look at this ultra-high-quality video anyway, No sure to blown away, that question is a super must-see titles. Has been up to on You Tube, London of May 8 is an image of the Royal Albert Hall concert. 3 Take the A Venture became the topic be added to the live set with (. Located 17 minutes or more just this) 2 take the beginning Yours Is No Disgrace particularly amazing anyway. Shooting video of the same person, A Venture and Yours Is No Disgrace # 1 The first good workmanship saying professional shot almost in both angle and audio. To say that shooting position and the stage right side near the first sequence when the camera pulls you know, but never seen such a great zoom up video! This is a great video to much I think. Roundabout of the last and Awaken that contains little other is reasonable qualitatively, but notes of progressive elderly fans listened intently shooting from the horizontal and of pleasing the former, the latter is the camera shot from the front row really in compelling, it’s a must-have, must-see fan after all (front row this video is amazing Roundabout but, Few cracking sound somewhat, and fun!) There is no doubt. The back and forth a description but a super honor student shot from the second floor, Yours Is No Disgrace # 2 you can enjoy a high-quality video from the good position that it can be said that “there shalt Each audience shot video”. Recording of five songs only? You will think and Woven, but because it contains the length of the decent and 36 minutes Duration, no doubt to be considered as a 30-minute music program dark contents, there is sufficient satisfaction. Brave figure of five to become picture that they enjoy in the video actually not just the sound, its appeal doubles. Then you’ll be in every move Howe, has everyone become glued eyes Jesus fan. Duration is short, but proud of grabbing satisfaction and fun, the contents of the enhancement, I recommend super must-see titles. Original menu with.

え?なんで今さら、3カ月以上前のロンドン公演の映像を?しかも話題の最新ツアーじゃなく、ひとつ前の「危機」「究極」「サード・アルバム」再現ツアーの映像を何故、今ギフトで?そう思われる方もいらっしゃることは当然と思いますが、とにかくこの超高画質映像を見れば、そんな疑問は吹っ飛ぶこと間違いなしの、超必見タイトルです。You Tube上にアップされた、5月8日のロンドンはロイヤル・アルバート・ホール公演の映像です。特に冒頭Yours Is No Disgraceの2テイク(これだけで17分以上あります。)とライヴセットに加えられ話題となったA Ventureの3テイクはとにかく凄い。最初のYours Is No Disgrace #1とA Ventureは同じ人の撮影映像で、アングル・音声ともに殆どプロショットと言って良い出来栄え。カメラが引いた時に撮影ポジションはステージ向かって右側数列目付近と言うことが判りますが、こんな凄いズームアップ映像は見たことない!と思うくらいに凄い映像です。他のちょっと入っているAwakenとラストのRoundaboutは質的にはまずまずですが、前者は横からの撮影で熱心に聞き入るプログレ年配ファンのリアクションが微笑ましいのと、後者は本当に最前列からのカメラショットが迫力満点で、やっぱりファン必携・必見なのは間違いありません(Roundaboutはやや音が割れ気味、でもこのフロントロウ映像は凄い、楽しい!)。説明が前後しますがYours Is No Disgrace #2は2階席からの超優等生ショットで、「オーディエンスショット映像かくあるべし」と言える好ポジションからの良質映像を楽しめます。たった5曲の収録?とお思いでしょうが収録時間は36分とそれなりの長さで入ってますので、中身の濃い30分音楽番組と考えれば、十分な満足が得られること間違いありません。絵になる5人の勇姿は音だけでなく実際に映像で楽しむことで、その魅力は倍増します。ハウの一挙一動に、イエスファンは誰しもが目が釘付けになってしまうことでしょう。収録時間は短いですが、楽しさ・満足度抜群の、充実の内容を誇る、お薦め超必見タイトルです。オリジナル・メニュー付き。

1. Yours Is No Disgrace #1 2. Yours Is No Disgrace #2 3. Awaken(end part) 4. A Venture
5. Roundabout

Steve Howe – Guitars, Vocal Chris Squire – Bass, Vocal Alan White – Drums 
Geoffrey Downes – Keyboards, Vocal Jon Davison – Lead Vocal

COLOUR NTSC Approx.36min.

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