Wings / Wild Life Unreleases DCC 24K Gold Disc-2nd Press / 1CD

Wings / Wild Life Unreleases DCC 24K Gold Disc- 2nd Press / 1CD / DCC Compact Classics
Remastered by Steve Hoffman

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Wings’ first album “WILD LIFE” has finally been released at the archive collection last year, but until then it has been a long time since the CD’s out-of-print condition continued for a long time and the premiere on the CD of the 1990s. Under such circumstances “WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc” which was released in 2013, not only lowered mania’s drinking which wanted to hear the same album on CD, it was extremely natural by DCC label’s own mastering Sound quality called reputation. Needless to say, Steve Hoffmann, a familiar engineer in the release of the same label that worked on mastering. Despite the fact that mastering work which had been premised on release on DCC label was done as well as other albums of Wings, this album also entered the store owing to the fact that DCC company got out of business is. The album release by DCC label by this was ended without being completed. Besides this, titles such as “Wings Greatest”, “Imagine” and “All Things Must Pass” were similarly entered.

However, after more than 10 years of work, suddenly surprised the mania by selling a very small number ($ 1,800) of CD-R on the version that had been stored at Hoffmann’s site. He probably thought that it is wasteful to leave this as a sleep from the pride as an engineer. And the version released on a small scale was successfully formatted as CD – R, and it quickly circulated between traders via the net. Based on that, “WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc” realized the limited press release. The fact that the album that had been out of print for a long time was released on the Press CD was successful and it became Sold Out in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye.

Last year, however, the recurrence of this album was realized in the former way, and the premier situation of the album ‘s abolition like that of 2013 came to an end. It is “an album that you can get into it” now. Nonetheless, the reason why this re-release is realized is nothing less than “the sound quality is quite different from the current board”. The difference is bigger than the CD of the previous album. The finish of Steve Hoffman’s version, which performs mastering with a vacuum tube, is extremely natural, but what made the CD using the sound of the master tape favored by maniacs anyway. Also in professional magazines, etc. “In 1993 the person who was in the 1993 was finished in a bright and delicate sound quality which is bright and delicate, whereas the typical remaster of the time was noise-reduction sounds that used noise reduction, etc. It is said that it is “It is said.
Last year ‘s mastering to a fossil last year was a very strong and powerful finish due to evolution of another dimension, technology as compared with the 1993 board CD etc, but the point that the analog ticky warmyness is kept is wonderful. Especially if you want to enjoy the album ‘WILD LIFE’ mainly on Paul ‘s base, last year’ s remaster is a finish that you can call a beat. If it is a feeling that it is compared to listen carefully, the recurrent DCC version may be reflected in the unreliable wind. On the contrary, the DCC version has a big appeal to the acoustic such as “Some People Never Know” and “Dear Friend” on the album B side, or the freshness and intimacy of silent playing, and the difference is big enough to understand It is.
Currently the analog record has revived completely, artists such as the Beatles and Paul are boasting high popularity of vintage press boards. Among the records at the time, it is said that there are subtle differences in sound quality among the records released at the time, by decoding the matrix representing the difference in press times on the board. However, the listening of such records has become a hurdle that is not easy to enjoy because of the condition of the old record, the playback environment of the player, and the price etc, and it can even happen that no big difference can be felt by listening From trouble.
The difference in the sound quality born from the mastering at that point is easy to compare and listen compared to the record so that it is not comparable. Jimmy Paige explained that when first remodeling the Led Zeppelin in 1990, the difference was explained, “The frame of the same picture (= picture frame) is different”, but cutting the record and CD album And the difference in the sound quality born from the result of remaster, that is exactly that. On that point, “THE GOLDEN ANALOG EXPERIENCE”, which made the CD without luxuriously making the LP called the loud cut of the Beatles album “RUBBER SOUL” easy to enjoy, is still a very epoch-making release It seems that it could be said that it was there (as if it had pioneered the era rather).

Although it is not as complicated as the kind of another take and the other mix heard in the boot leg and enjoying the difference in sound and feel on the same music itself, the matrix difference in the record and each country press etc. are proud of high popularity , This time “WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc” makes it easy to experience such a difference on a CD. The current board of this album is not limited to Super Deluxe Edition, etc. It is now being asked more easily by delivery etc, but that is why the difference from the DCC version should be clearly heard and compared. If we compare the difference briefly, it can be said that it is the current board that tried to convey the momentum of the freshly formed band which was remarkable on this delicate DCC version and the A side of the album.
A side is simple, but still inscribed the momentum of the formation of a new band full of expectation and hope, and on the B side memories were supposed to be vivid Memories of dissolution, anxiety over the trial that began, the police’s obedience to the beginning of disappearance Honorable mention engraved feelings is “WILD LIFE”. And, although single songs released before and after (some songs are different in time) are recorded as bonus, they also have quite different sound quality from the current board. When playing at a loud volume, it is as natural as a pole can experience a pseudo-like atmosphere when a master tape of an album was completed at a studio, and it is finished without decoration and it is full of charm different from the current board clearly!
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ウイングスのファースト・アルバム「WILD LIFE」は昨年アーカイブ・コレクションでのリリースが遂に実現しましたが、それまではCDの廃盤状態が長らく続いて90年代のCDにプレミアがついてしまう始末。そんな状況の中で2013年にリリースされていた「WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc」はCDで同アルバムを聞きたかったマニアの溜飲を下げただけでなく、DCCレーベル独自のマスタリングによる極めてナチュラルな音質が評判を呼びました。言うまでもなくマスタリングを手掛けたのは同レーベルのリリースではおなじみのエンジニア、スティーブ・ホフマン。本アルバムもウイングスの他のアルバム同様にDCCレーベルでのリリースを前提としていたマスタリング作業が行われていたにもかかわらず、DCC社があえなく廃業してしまったことによりお蔵入りしてしまったのです。これによってDCCレーベルによるウイングのアルバム・リリースは完遂されることなく終わってしまったという。この他にも「Wings Greatest」「Imagine」「All Things Must Pass」といったタイトルが同様にお蔵入りしてしまっていました。

ところが作業から10年以上が経過したところで、突如ホフマンのサイトにてお蔵入りしていたバージョンをCD-Rにてごく少数だけ販売(1800ドル)されてマニアを驚かせました。彼としては、エンジニアとしてのプライドから、これを眠らせておくのはもったいない…と思ったのでしょう。そうして小規模にリリースされたバージョンはCD-Rというフォーマットが功を奏し、瞬く間にネットを介したトレーダー間に流通。それを元に限定のプレスCDリリースを実現させたのが「WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc」。廃盤となって久しかったアルバムがプレスのCDでリリースされたことが功を奏し、瞬く間にSold Outとなってしまったのです。

流石に昨年のマスタリングは93年盤CDなどと比べるとまるで別次元、技術の進化によって非常に骨太で力強い仕上がりとなっていて、それでいてアナログチックなウォーミーさが保たれている点はお見事。特にポールのベースを中心にアルバム「WILD LIFE」を楽しみたいのであれば、昨年のリマスターは打ってつけと呼べる仕上がり。パッと聞き比べた感じですと、再発されるDCCバージョンが頼りない風に映ってしまうかもしれない。逆にアルバムB面の「Some People Never Know」や「Dear Friend」といったアコースティック、あるいは静かな演奏における生々しさ、親密感などはDCCバージョンに大きな魅力があり、その違いは一聴して解るほど大きなものなのです。
その点CDにおけるマスタリングから生まれる音質の違いというのは、レコードとは比べ物にならないほど聞き比べが簡単で楽しめるのです。ジミー・ペイジは1990年に初めてレッド・ツェッペリンのリマスターを手掛けた際、その違いについて「同じ絵のフレーム(=額縁)が違うんだ」と説明していましたが、レコードやCDアルバムのカッティングやリマスターの結果から生まれた音質の違いというのは、正にそういうこと。その点ビートルズのアルバム「RUBBER SOUL」のラウド・カットと呼ばれるLPを小細工なしでCD化し、なおかつ簡単に楽しめるようにしてくれた「THE GOLDEN ANALOG EXPERIENCE」などは今なお非常に画期的なリリースであった(むしろ時代を先駆けたかのような)と言えるのではないでしょうか。

ブートレグで聞かれる別テイクや別ミックスの類ほど複雑でなく、音楽自体は同じな上で音色や感触の違いを楽しむということから、レコードにおけるマトリクス違いや各国プレスなどは高い人気を誇っていますが、今回の「WILD LIFE: Unreleased DCC 24K Gold Disc」はそうした違いをCDで手軽に体験させてくれるというもの。本アルバムの現行盤はスーパー・デラックス・エディションなどに留まらず、配信などでより手軽に聞かれるようになりましたが、だからこそDCCバージョンとの違いがはっきりと聞き比べられるはず。その違いを簡単に例えれば、繊細な今回のDCCバージョンと、アルバムのA面に顕著だった、結成したてなバンドの勢いを伝えようとしたのが現行盤だと言えるのではないでしょうか。
A面はシンプルだが、それでいて期待と希望に溢れた新バンド結成の勢いを刻み込み、B面には記憶が生々しかったであろうビートルズ解散や始まった裁判に対する不安などが見え隠れたしたポールの素直な気持ちを刻み込んだ佳作が「WILD LIFE」。そして前後にリリースされたシングル曲(いくつかの曲は時期が違いますが)をボーナスとして収録していますが、それらも現行盤とは音質がまったく違います。大音量で再生すると、まるでポールがアルバムのマスターテープをスタジオで完成させた時の雰囲気が疑似体験できるほどナチュラルで、なおかつ飾りのない仕上がりであり、はっきり現行盤と違う魅力にあふれています!


1. Mumbo 2. Bip Bop 3. Love Is Strange 4. Wild Life 5. Some People Never Know 6. I Am Your Singer
7. Bip Bop Link 8. Tomorrow 9. Dear Friend 10. Mumbo Link

Bonus Tracks
Remastered by Steve Hoffman

11. Another Day 12. Oh Woman, Oh Why 13. Mary Had A Little Lamb 14. Little Woman Love

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