Wild Horses / Tokyo 1980 1st Night Definitive Master / 1CD

Wild Horses / Tokyo 1980 1st Night Definitive Master / 1CD / Zodiac
Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 28th October 1980

Play sample :

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The famous band WILD HORSES, which was once counted as one of the four heavenly kings of NWOBHM and was also the intersection of British rock connections. An original recording that allows you to experience the legendary performance in Japan is a miracle new excavation. Introducing a permanent storage press CD!
The engraving on this work is “October 28, 1980: Shibuya Public Hall Performance”. It is the best audience recording. Speaking of WILD HORSES’s first visit to Japan, the masterpiece “HEAVY RIDE (Calm & Storm 026)” recorded by Miracle Man is reigning as a standard, but this work is a completely different performance. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm each other’s positions.

・ October 28: Shibuya Public Hall ← ★ This work ★
・ October 29: Nakano Sunplaza ← * HEAVY RIDE
・ October 31: Aichi Kinro Kaikan
・ November 1: World Expo Hall ← * Official single

Above, all 4 performances. “HEAVY RIDE” was also performed in Tokyo, but the performance of this work at Shibuya Public Hall was the day before. It was the first day of Lee’s first meeting between Japan and WILD HORSES.
This work recorded at such a site is the original master that will be released for the first time in Japan, and it is a truly neat and rich superb item. The sharp sound that is sharp to the outline of “HEAVY RIDE” is still powerful, but this work is even more dynamic. The sound produced by the on-site PA is coded so that the hall sound is good, and it has the power to push it thickly. Of course, there is neither a former nor a child when it becomes blurry and boring due to the sound, but there is no worry about this work. The core that penetrates the center of the sound is straight, and the details that accompany it are not as thick as the sound. The deep bass, which tends to be a weak point of the 80’s audience, is also glossy and beautiful, and the midrange is also responsive.
If you compare this nuance to a sound board, “HEAVY RIDE” is an “IEMs type” with a bare core, and this work is a “FM broadcast type” treated with mix and effect processing. Moreover, the decorative feeling is not intentional, and it is full of natural feeling and reality that seems to be a one-shot audience. It is a mellow and elegant recording. There is also a reason why it was recorded that much. I’m sure there are some people who have come to the forefront with the title “DEFINITIVE MASTER”, but the one who worked on this work is the now-talked-about recorder. In terms of HR / HM, it is a collection of those masters who shook collectors with WHITESNAKE’s first visit to Japan, Graham Bonnet era RAINBOW, and 1985 DEEP PURPLE.
It is the one and only first day of the precious WILD HORSES that is drawn with such a rich sound. Naturally, it’s very similar to “HEAVY RIDE”, but it’s not exactly the same, so let’s sort it out by comparing it here.

● WILD HORSES (8 songs)
・ Dealer / Blackmail / No Strings Attached / Criminal Tendencies / Flyaway / Street Girl / Face Down / Reservation
● Others (8 songs)
・ STAND YOUR GROUND: New York City / I’ll Give You Love
・ Single B side: The Kid / The Rapist / Saturday Night
・ Others: The Stash / Going Down / Rock Me Baby (★)
* Note: The “★” mark is a masterpiece that cannot be heard in “HEAVY RIDE”.

… And it looks like this. From the debut work that has just been released, all songs except “Nights on the Town” and “Woman” have been performed on a large scale, and the numbers of the single B-side song and the 2nd album “STAND YOUR GROUND” are studded there. To be honest, at that time, I thoroughly launched the WILD HORSES color without responding to the people who expected the masterpieces of RAINBOW and THIN LIZZY, but the show gradually became hot while the band and the audience were confused. I will go. After all, it’s a big difference from “HEAVY RIDE” on the second day after the performance. Suddenly there was a problem with the equipment, and there were voices saying “No, it’s no good” and “Shirake bird!”, But this work on the first day started quickly. The Japanese MC “Konbanwa Tokyo! I’m a little Shishika Japanese Gaarimasen!” Before “Blackmail” has also been decided (albeit a little strangely) from the second day.
And what I noticed again is the goodness of the song and the taste of the twin inherited from THIN LIZZY. The harmony between Brian Robertson and newcomer John Lockton is as beautiful as Scott Gorham. Jimmy Bain’s catchy melody sense combined with this group of masterpieces still exudes the good old British rock flavor of UFOs.
WILD HORSES, a super band that never succeeded, even though it was called one of the four heavenly kings of NWOBHM. However, the scene was full of beautiful harmonies and hidden masterpieces that failed to become famous. It was a miracle that such a full show was realized in Japan. This work is a new excavation live album where you can witness the scene with the best sound. The scent of “British rock” that cannot be found in the United States or Japan. please. Inhale to your chest with a permanent storage press CD!

★ A superb audience recording that conveys the first day of the legendary first visit to Japan, “October 28, 1980: Shibuya Public Hall Performance”. The original master, which was released for the first time in Japan by the recently talked-about master Taper, is a truly neat and rich superb item. Not only the powerful core, but also the sound of coding it with a good feeling is fresh, clear, thick and dynamic name recording. It is a new excavation live album where you can experience the legendary scene best, such as the debut work counted as “NWOBHM Four Tenno”, the cover “Rock Me Baby” that you can not hear even with the precious single song and our masterpiece “HEAVY RIDE”.

かつてNWOBHM四天王にも数えられ、英国ロック人脈の交差点でもあった名バンドWILD HORSES。その伝説の来日公演を極上体験できるオリジナル録音が奇跡の新発掘。永久保存プレスCDで登場です!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1980年10月28日:渋谷公会堂公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。WILD HORSESの初来日と言えば、当店でもミラクルマン録音の名作『HEAVY RIDE(Calm & Storm 026)』が定番として君臨しておりますが、本作はまったくの別公演。まずは、当時のスケジュールを振り返り、互いのポジションを確認してみましょう。

・10月28日:渋谷公会堂 ←★本作★
・10月29日:中野サンプラザ ←※HEAVY RIDE
・11月1日:万国博ホール ←※公式シングル

以上、全4公演。『HEAVY RIDE』も東京公演でしたが、本作の渋谷公会堂公演はその前日。日本とWILD HORSESが初対面を果たしたイの一番の初日でした。
そんな現場で記録された本作は本邦初公開となるオリジナル・マスターで、実に端正でリッチな極上品。『HEAVY RIDE』の輪郭まで鋭いシャープ・サウンドは今もなお強力ではありますが、本作はさらにダイナミック。現場PAが吐き出す出音をホール鳴りがイイ感じにコーディングし、ぶ厚くグイグイと押してくる力強さがあるのです。もちろん、鳴りによってボケボケ・ボワボワになっては元も子もありませんが、本作にその心配はなし。鳴りのド真ん中を貫く芯がぶっとく真っ直ぐで、それに伴うディテールも鳴りの厚みを物ともしない。80年代オーディエンスの弱点になりがちな重低音も艶やかで美しく、中音域も手応えたっぷりなのです。
このニュアンスをサウンドボード的に喩えるなら『HEAVY RIDE』は芯丸出しの「IEMsタイプ」で、本作はミックスやエフェクト処理でトリートメントされた「FM放送タイプ」といった感じでしょうか。しかも、その装飾感が意図的なものではなく、一発録りのオーディエンスらしいナチュラル感とリアリティに満ちている。芳醇で気品溢れる名録音なのです。それだけの録音になったのにも理由がある。タイトルの「DEFINITIVE MASTER」でピンと来ている方もいらっしゃると思いますが、本作を手掛けたのは今話題の録音家。HR/HM系で言いますと、WHITESNAKEの初来日やグラハム・ボネット時代RAINBOW、1985年DEEP PURPLEなどでコレクターを震撼させたあの名手のコレクションなのです。
そんなリッチ・サウンドで描かれるのは、貴重なWILD HORSESでも唯一無二の初日。当然の事ながら『HEAVY RIDE』に酷似しつつ、まったく同じでもありませんので、ここで比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Dealer/Blackmail/No Strings Attached/Criminal Tendencies/Flyaway/Street Girl/Face Down/Reservation
・STAND YOUR GROUND:New York City/I’ll Give You Love
・シングルB面:The Kid/The Rapist/Saturday Night
・その他:The Stash/Going Down/Rock Me Baby(★)
※注:「★」印は『HEAVY RIDE』で聴けない名曲。

……と、このようになっています。リリース間もないデビュー作から「Nights on the Town」「Woman」以外の全曲が大盤振る舞いされ、そこにシングルB面曲や2ndアルバム『STAND YOUR GROUND』のナンバーが散りばめられている。正直なところ、当時はRAINBOWやTHIN LIZZYの名曲を期待した層に応えることなく、徹底的にWILD HORSESカラーを打ち出していくのですが、バンドも観客も戸惑いを含みつつショウはじわじわと熱くなっていくのです。何しろ、開演からして2日目の『HEAVY RIDE』をは大違い。あちらではいきなりの機材トラブルで「ダメだこりゃ」「シラケ鳥ー!」と言った声も飛びましたが、初日の本作はビシッとスタート。「Blackmail」前の日本語MC「コンバンワ東京! 私タチハ少シシカ日本語ガアリマセン!」も(ちょっと妙ながら)2日目より決まっているのです。
そして、改めて気づかされるのは曲の良さと、THIN LIZZY譲りのツインの旨み。ブライアン・ロバートソンと新加入のジョン・ロックトンによるハーモニーは、スコット・ゴーハムにも負けない美しさ。そこにジミー・ベインのキャッチーなメロディ・センスが相まった名曲群は、UFOばりの古き良き英国ロックの旨みをこれでもか発散してくれるのです。
NWOBHM四天王の一角とまで呼ばれつつ、大成することのなかったスーパー・バンドWILD HORSES。しかし、その現場には美しいハーモニーと、有名になり損ねた隠れ名曲が溢れ返っていました。そんなフルショウが日本で実現したのは、奇跡でもあったのです。本作は、その現場に極上サウンドで立ち会える新発掘ライヴアルバムなのです。米国でも日本でもあり得ない「英国ロック」だけの薫り。どうぞ。永久保存プレスCDで胸いっぱいに吸い込んでください!

★伝説の初来日の初日「1980年10月28日:渋谷公会堂公演」を伝える極上オーディエンス録音。最近話題の達人テーパーによる本邦初公開のオリジナル・マスターで、実に端正でリッチな極上品。力強い芯だけでなく、それをイイ感じにコーディングする鳴りが瑞々しく、クリアでありつつぶ厚くダイナミックな名録音です。「NWOBHM四天王」に数えられたデビュー作をメインに、貴重なシングル曲や当店の名作『HEAVY RIDE』でも聴けないカバー「Rock Me Baby」など、伝説の現場を極上体験できる新発掘ライヴアルバムです。


1. Intro.
2. Dealer
3. Blackmail
4. No Strings Attached
5. Criminal Tendencies
6. The Stash
7. Flyaway
8. Street Girl
9. Face Down
10. New York City
11. Reservation
12. The Kid
13. The Rapist
14. Going Down
15. I’ll Give You Love
16. Saturday Night
17. Rock Me Baby

Jimmy Bain – Bass, Vocals
Brian Robertson – Guitar, Vocal
John Lockton – Guitar
Clive Edwards – Drums


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