Who / London Coliseum 1969 / 2CD

Who / London Coliseum 1969 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at the London Coliseum, London, UK 16th December 1969 SBD

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It goes without saying that 1969 was an important year for The Who releasing the rock and opera “TOMMY”. Interestingly, audience recording which captured the set of live sounds of 69 years, and even “TOMMY” was left in the middle of May when the release of the album was near. It’s as if The Hoo created a terrible new work … and it seems that it reflects the situation that began spreading among fans in the word. And in the August where “TOMMY” began to penetrate, I will appear on the festival (= Woodstock and Isle of Wight) held in the United States and the UK, respectively, to make the success of “TOMMY” decisive.
As reflected in a huge hit, “TOMMY” set in Amsterdam in September was broadcast on the radio, has become a standard sound board sound source of the early “TOMMY” show. The time when success was still existed as there are many sound sources and images, and sound board recordings and images are also present with respect to the festival of the summer earlier. In recent years Ottawa’s performance in October is watching the eyes of the day with the Super Deluxe Edition only while “TOMMY” part. In autumn, the number of audience recordings has further increased, and from the US tour in November it has also released a rare sound source called “NEW PALTZ 1969” that has now become Sold Out.

The breakthrough point of the tour which The Hoo took over “TOMMY” in 1969 is not only the concert venue for rocks which had experience of appearance like that of Fillmore, and it is called a rock and opera Utilizing the concept, it is the point that I showed it to the live performances at the opera house.
To conclude this year of great success, at the end of the tour the opera house named London Coliseum was booked for Fu, and we are showing off the “TOMMY” set there. The group has already realized “TOMMY” demonstration show in London at the Royal Albert Hall in July, but this time it is not a rock band performance appearance unlike RAH The ” TOMMY “performance was epochal.
Because it is such a special stage, not only the image of this day was recorded with film but also the sound board recording is done by the shooting team. However, these materials never immediately see the sun, and 10 years after the recording, Fu’s biography movie “KIDS ARE ALRIGHT” adopted the performance scene of “Young Man Blues” among fans It became known. Starting with that, the state released in Fu’s history image continues to be released to the subdivision, but as a mania’s impression of seeing them, “Angle is monotonous” before playing and “the image is dark”. So while it was a historical stage of showing off “TOMMY” at London’s opera house, on the other hand, it was convinced that it would be unlikely that this will not be released at this time.

However, in 2008, the long version of the London Coliseum movie was released as a bonus treatment suddenly as a live bonus of the 1979 Kilburn video recording. It made me crazy around maniacs all over the world, and at the same time it was convinced that this was a translation I did not see the day. Depending on the scene, it may be obvious that it was a tough situation to release the complete version of the show in the first place, such as only the angle pulled from the front of the stage or the video blank due to film change.
Because of that, it is a translation treated as a bonus, but the video is divided into two parts based on the struggle of taking a picture of the state of shooting, yet it is hard to see that songs from “TOMMY” dub in each part It was recorded. Besides, there is also a camera angle problem earlier. Better yet, is not it easier to hear that it is better to extract only the voice and make it a live album that is organized? Such a concept is released this time.

Soundboard recording by the shooting team is monaural but wonderful tone quality and it reproduces the show at the opera house which was performed in the late 1969 Year of Tommy as a splendid clearness. At the time of release in 2008, the stereo fake cheers were covered in several places, including opening, but it was also trying to alleviate the quietness of the show due to the quiet atmosphere in the opera house . However, listening to Pete and audience interactions and reactions heard before “A Quick One, While He’s Away”, the atmosphere where rock concerts only exist, rather the peaceful show shows progressively gone .
The problem was that several songs including that “A Quick One” were recorded divided into two parts for the earlier reasons. As a result of carefully joining them at the release of the limited press CD this time, it finished to a real live album of the end of the 1969 version “TOMMY” show. Although it is a phenomenon which tends to be in the audio of the image, the pitch which had been raised slightly is of course also adjusted. And also the problem that the monophonic sound was biased to the right channel in the latter half of the show, whether it was deterioration of the recording group recording or even adjusting it. Although it is not possible to correct the place where the sound gets far away as if it had fiddled with the recording setting during the “Acid Queen” like the shooting team, I just aimed for a perfect finish as a live album.

The show at the London Coliseum was one day just before the end of the vigorously made 69-year tour and at the same time it was two months before that show at Leeds University. The set list is almost unchanged, but the performance of “Young Man Blues” etc. is quite different from Leeds so it is really interesting. Among them, Pete’s guitar play is showing a completely different development, so I can not miss it. And the atmosphere of the show as a whole is not as aggressive as at the time of Leeds Instead, it seems to be playing very carefully. This seems to have been related to the fact that the “TOMMY” set that had been playing every evening since May has reached the area of ​​a stone stone, and that it was a demonstration at the opera house. As the position of the sound source is also important as a show at the opera house, during the time between the Leeds from the 69th autumn sound source such as Amsterdam and Ottawa, and if it comes to listening on the soundboard recording, 69 years “TOMMY” You can call it a new classic from the show.

大ヒットを反映したかの如く、9月にアムステルダムで行った「TOMMY」セットはラジオで放送され、初期「TOMMY」ショーの定番サウンドボード音源となっています。やはり成功を収めた時期というのは音源や映像が多く存在するもので、先の夏のフェスティバルに関してもサウンドボード録音や映像が存在している。近年は10月のオタワ公演が「TOMMY」パートのみながらスーパー・デラックス・エディションで日の目を見ています。さらに秋になるとさらにオーディエンス録音の数が増え、11月のアメリカ・ツアーからは今やSold Outになってしまった「NEW PALTZ 1969」というレア音源をリリースしたこともありました。

そうした特別なステージですので、この日の模様はフィルムで映像収録されただけでなく、撮影班によってサウンドボード録音も行われています。ところが、これらのマテリアルがすぐに日の目をみることはなく、その収録から10年が経過したところでフーの伝記映画「KIDS ARE ALRIGHT」に「Young Man Blues」の演奏シーンが採用されてファンの間に知られることとなったのです。それを皮切りとしてフーのヒストリー映像の中で小出しにリリースされる状態が続くのですが、それらを見たマニアの感想としては、演奏以前に「アングルが単調」で「映像が暗い」というもの。よってロンドンのオペラ・ハウスでの「TOMMY」披露という歴史的なステージながら、一方でなるほど、これじゃリリースされないのも致し方ないと納得させられたものです。


撮影班によるサウンドボード録音はモノラルながらも素晴らしい音質であり、イヤー・オブ・トミーたる1969年の終盤に行われたオペラ・ハウスでのショーを見事なクリアネスで再現してくれる。2008年のリリース時にはオープニングを始めとした数か所でステレオのフェイク歓声が被せられていますが、それもオペラ・ハウスでの閑静な雰囲気でのショー故の静かさを緩和させようとしたのでしょう。しかし「A Quick One, While He’s Away」を始める前で聞かれたピートと観客のやり取りや反応を聞けば、おおよそロックコンサートらしかぬ雰囲気、むしろ和やかにショーが進んでいった様子が伝わってきます。
問題はその「A Quick One~」を始めとしたいくつかの曲が先の理由から二つのパートに分断されて収録されてしまったこと。それらを今回の限定プレスCDリリースに当たっては丁寧につなぎ合わせた結果、1969版「TOMMY」ショー末期のリアルなライブ・アルバムへと仕上がったのです。また映像の音声にはありがちな現象ですが、少し上がってしまっていたピッチも当然アジャスト。そして撮影班録音の劣化か、ショー後半においてモノラル音声が右チャンネルへ偏ってしまっていた問題までもアジャスト。撮影班らしく「Acid Queen」の最中で録音セッティングをいじったかのように音が遠くなる箇所はさすがに直せませんが、正にライブ・アルバムとして完璧な仕上がりを目指しました。

ロンドン・コロシアムでのショーは精力的に行われた69年のツアー終了直前の一日であったと同時に、あのリーズ大学でのショーの二か月前でもあります。そのセットリストはほとんど変わらないのですが、「Young Man Blues」の演奏などはリーズとまったく違うから実に面白い。中でもピートのギター・プレイは全く別の展開を見せているから聞き逃せません。そしてショー全体の雰囲気もリーズの時ほど攻撃的な勢いがない代わりに、非常に丁寧に演奏しようとする様子が伝わってくる。これは5月から毎晩演奏してきた「TOMMY」セットが盤石の域を迎えていたこと、さらにはオペラ・ハウスでの披露であったことが関係していたように思えます。音源の位置としてもアムステルダムやオタワといった69年秋音源からリーズの間を取り持つ時期の、なおかつオペラ・ハウスでのショーとして重要であり、しかもサウンドボード録音で聞けてしまうとなれば、69年「TOMMY」ショーからの新たな定番だと呼べるでしょう。


Disc 1 (41:55)
1. Intro. 2. Heaven and Hell 3. I Can’t Explain 4. Fortune Teller 5. Tattoo
6. Young Man Blues 7. A Quick One (While He’s Away) 8. Happy Jack 9. I’m a Boy 10. MC

Disc 2 (79:30)
1. Overture 2. It’s a Boy 3. 1921 4. Amazing Journey 5. Sparks 6. Eyesight to the Blind
7. Christmas 8. The Acid Queen 9. Pinball Wizard 10. Do You Think It’s Alright?
11. Fiddle About 12. Tommy Can You Hear Me? 13. There’s a Doctor 14. Go to the Mirror!
15. Smash the Mirror 16. Miracle Cure 17. Sally Simpson 18. I’m Free 19. Tommy’s Holiday Camp
20. We’re Not Gonna Take It 21. Summertime Blues 22. Shakin’ All Over 23. My Generation


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