Whitesnake / Definitive Tokyo 1988 / 2CD

Whitesnake / Definitive Tokyo 1988 / 2CD / ZODIAC
Live at Yoyogi Olympic Pool, Tokyo, Japan 13th June 1988 STEREO SBD

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The legendary recording, which is the only full sound board in the heyday, has been brushed up as the best masterpiece of metallic SNAKE along with “SERPENS ALBUS”. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available in Press 2CD, which permanently preserves the highest peak update sound by mastering.
The best masterpiece was recorded here in Japan. The performance of “June 13, 1988: Yoyogi National Stadium” was held in the midst of the big hit “SERPENS ALBUS”. It is the superb stereo sound board recording. This show is also known for being broadcast on FM, and is one of the classics that has produced a number of existing groups. If you can pay attention to this article, you may have experienced it in some way. This work is one that updates the highest peak of such a top sound board. First of all, the position of the show before the quality you care about. I usually focus on performances in Japan, but this time I will change my eyes and look back on the overall picture of the world tour.

● 1987
<< April 7 “SERPENS ALBUS” released >>
・ June 20-October 27: North America # 1a (81 performances)
《Promoted to headliner》
・ October 30-December 3: North America # 1b (26 performances)
・ December 10-23: Europe (10 performances)
・ December 29-31: UK # 1 (3 performances)
● 1988
・ January 2-8: UK # 2 (6 performances)
・ January 22nd-April 7th: North America # 2 (49 performances)
・ June 11-22: Japan (8 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 25-August 15: North America # 3 (34 performances)

[Officialization that was unfortunately 10 million] This was the climax of 1987/1988 WHITESNAKE. Mainly in North America, which is different from the conventional one that has been cherishing Europe. The fate of the future was also determined by the thorough invasion of the United States. Under such circumstances, the performance in Japan was realized in June 1988, which was nearing the end. Performances were held in Yoyogi for four consecutive days, and this work was recorded on the third day.
As mentioned above, such a show is a big classic that has climbed up to the symbol of the times. Currently, it has been officially formulated as a bonus disc for the 30th anniversary of “SERPENS ALBUS”. The role of the FM sound board is over … it was a mistake. However, this official edition was addictive. It was expected that the original multi-master would be discovered, but it was clearly based on the broadcast sound source. Moreover, the subtleties were crushed by earning sound pressure aiming for power, and the peak was transformed into a violent sound that pierced the ears. To make matters worse, it was cut daringly to push it into one CD, and even though it was a performance in Japan, the fake cheers of foreigners were overdubbed … We can’t complain to the officials, but I think some of the collectors have bitten their regrets saying, “What did you do?”
It’s a little sarcastic, but that’s why the FM sound board version is still the best formalized. However, this FM broadcast board also has great advantages and disadvantages (By the way, the most famous silver jacket “LIVE IN TOKYO” is particularly inferior, so please be careful). After 30 years of collector’s history, “this is the best” is our existing “TOKYO 1988 3RD NIGHT”, and this work is a refinement of the top master by meticulous mastering.

[Ultimate live album that renewed the highest peak with devoted polishing] And it was “GRAF ZEPPELIN” that was responsible for the mastering. Recently, PINK FLOYD’s vintage recording has been reborn and has become a hot topic, but its characteristics are paranoid accuracy. Not to mention pitch correction, the phase is also adjusted to 1/1000 second, and various noises are thoroughly removed. In this work as well, the tracking noise that remained slightly centered on the drum solo is processed, and the low frequency noise of the quiet part and the high frequency noise of 15-16khz are also carefully removed. The point here is “do not take too much”. The essential playing sound is left firmly to the subtleties, and even the slightest crushing does not occur (therefore, some hum noise remains). As a matter of fact, each of these tasks is so trivial that it’s hard to tell even if you listen to it with headphones, but it has been thoroughly repaired with the motto “If dust accumulates, it will become a mountain.”
It is a full show that can be said to be the far north of “Metal SNAKE” that is drawn with the supreme sound that has been finely tuned and polished. It’s too famous, but now the difference from the formula is important, so let’s organize the set while comparing here.

● Slide It In (4 songs)
・ Slide It In / Slow An’Easy / Guilty Of Love / Love Ain’t No Stranger
● Serpent Albus (6 songs + α)
・ Bad Boys (Children Of The Night) / Here I Go Again / Is This Love / Crying In The Rain / Still Of The Night / Give Me All Your Love
● Other
・ Guitar solo / Drum solo (★) / (Ain’t No Love) In The Heart Of The City / Tits (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs / parts that cannot be heard in the official version.

… And it looks like this. ZZ TOP’s parody cover “Tits”, which was officially cut despite being in the song “Crying In The Rain” and was shown in the encore, is also completely recorded.
And more than that is the performance itself. Vivian Campbell, who is also a follower of Gary Moore, and Michael Schenker’s endrian Vandenberg’s twin are the best balance and compatibility in history, and all songs are all-you-can-arrange because they are other people’s songs. And the vocal of Coverdale who barks in the background is the white eyebrows. Although it is a shouting style that opened the eyes in “SERPENS ALBUS”, it is overwhelmingly powerful and cool to scream with a beautiful voice that has not withered at all. It seems that even the studio recording of “SLIP OF THE TONGUE” is beginning to die from the maniac who is strict about voice paranoia, but this work does not even feel the sign. This work is the only full sound board in the “SERPENS ALBUS” era, but it is also the one and only full sound board that “screams with a super beautiful voice” in the entire history of white snakes.
Exactly the climax. Commercially, the backing band who knew all about the theory of rice cakes and the taste of metal in the 1980s, and the vocalization as a singer were at their peak. It is the highest peak in history of the one and only full sound board left in such an era. Please enjoy it anytime, forever with Press 2CD that will not lose its brilliance forever.

★ Superb stereo sound board recording of “June 13, 1988: Yoyogi National Stadium” performance. The official version was full of cuts and the sound was ferocious, but this work is the highest peak update version that refined the famous FM master as the best by careful mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. You can enjoy the beautiful voice of the Vandenberg / Campbell twin and the climax Coverdale with the ultimate sound that compensates for the phase shift of 1/1000 second and the slight noise. It is the pinnacle burn John of the full sound board that is comparable to “SERPENS ALBUS” itself.

『SERPENS ALBUS』と並ぶメタリックSNAKEの最高傑作にして、絶頂時代唯一のフル・サウンドボードでもある伝説録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングによる最高峰更新サウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です。
その最高傑作が記録されたのは、ここ日本。『SERPENS ALBUS』の大ヒット旋風吹き荒れる中で行われた「1988年6月13日:国立代々木競技場」公演。その超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。このショウはFM放送された事でも知られ、数々の既発群を生み出して来た定番中の大定番。本稿に目を留められる方なら何かしらの既発で体験された事があるでしょう。本作は、そんな頂点サウンドボードの最高峰を更新する1本なのです。その気になるクオリティの前に、まずはショウのポジション。いつもは日本公演に絞り込んでご紹介するところですが、今回は目先を変えてワールド・ツアーの全体像から振り返ってみましょう。

・6月11日ー22日:日本(8公演) ←★ココ★

そんなショウは前述の通り、時代を象徴にまで登り詰めた大定番。現在では『SERPENS ALBUS』30周年盤のボーナス・ディスクとして公式化も実現。FMサウンドボードの役目は終わる……ハズでした。ところが、この公式盤がクセものだった。大元のマルチ・マスター発掘が期待されたのですが、明らかに放送音源がベース。しかも迫力狙いの音圧稼ぎで機微は潰れ、ピークがパンパンと耳に突き刺さる暴力サウンドに変貌していた。さらに悪い事にCD1枚に押し込むためか豪快にカットされ、日本公演なのに外人のニセ大歓声がオーバーダブされている……。当店はオフィシャル様に文句などあろうはずもないのですが、コレクター諸兄の中には「なんて事をしてくれたんだ」と悔しさを噛み殺した方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。
やや嫌味が過ぎましたが、そんなわけで公式化された現在でもベストはFMサウンドボード版なのです。しかし、このFM放送盤にも大きな優劣がある(ちなみに一番有名な銀ジャケの『LIVE IN TOKYO』は特に劣悪ですのでお気を付けください)。30年のコレクター史を経て「これがベスト」となったのが当店の既発『TOKYO 1988 3RD NIGHT』であり、本作はその頂点マスターを細心マスタリングで磨き込んだものなのです。

そして、そのマスタリングを担ったのが「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。最近ではPINK FLOYDのヴィンテージ録音を生まれ変わらせて話題となりましたが、その特性は偏執的なまでの精度。ピッチ補正言うに及ばず、位相も1/1000秒まで突き詰めて整え、各種ノイズの除去も徹底的に行われている。本作でもドラムソロを中心にわずかに残っていたトラッキング・ノイズを処理し、静かなパートの低周波ノイズや15-16khzの高周波ノイズも丁寧に取り除かれている。ここでポイントなのは「取り過ぎない事」。肝心要の演奏音は機微の機微までしっかりと残し、わずかな潰れも起こさせないのです(そのためハムノイズが何ヶ所か残っています)。実のところ、こうした作業の1つひとつはヘッドフォンで聴いてもよく分からないくらい些細なのですが、「塵も積もれば山となる」をモットーに徹底修復されているのです。

・Slide It In/Slow An’ Easy/Guilty Of Love/Love Ain’t No Stranger
・Bad Boys (Children Of The Night)/Here I Go Again/Is This Love/Crying In The Rain/Still Of The Night/Give Me All Your Love
・ギターソロ/ドラムソロ(★)/(Ain’t No Love) In The Heart Of The City/Tits(★)

……と、このようになっています。「Crying In The Rain」の曲中にもかかわらず公式ではカットされていたドラムソロやアンコールに披露されたZZ TOPの替え歌カバー「Tits」も完全収録しています。
そして、それ以上なのが演奏そのもの。ゲイリー・ムーアのフォロワーでもあるヴィヴィアン・キャンベルと、マイケル・シェンカー的なエンドリアン・ヴァンデンバーグのツインはバランスも相性も歴代最高で、全曲が他人の曲ということもあってアレンジし放題の弾き放題。そして、それをバックに吠えるカヴァデールのヴォーカルこそが白眉。『SERPENS ALBUS』で開眼したシャウティング・スタイルではあるものの、まったく枯れていない美声のままに叫ぶ様は圧倒的にド迫力でカッコイイのです。声の偏執に厳しいマニアからすると『SLIP OF THE TONGUE』のスタジオ録音ですら枯れ始めているそうですが、本作はその予兆さえも感じられない。本作は『SERPENS ALBUS』時代唯一のフル・サウンドボードなわけですが、白蛇全史で見ても「超美声で叫ぶ」唯一無二のフル・サウンドボードでもあるのです。

★「1988年6月13日:国立代々木競技場」公演の超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード録音。公式盤はカットだらけで音も凶暴でしたが、本作はベストとして名高いFMマスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の入念マスタリングで磨き込んだ最高峰更新盤。1/1000秒の位相ズレやささやかなノイズも補整した究極サウンドで、ヴァンデンバーグ/キャンベルのツインや絶頂カヴァデールの美声を楽しめる。『SERPENS ALBUS』そのものにも匹敵するフル・サウンドボードの頂点バーンジョンです。



Disc 1(43:38)
1. Intro.
2. Bad Boys incl. Children Of The Night
3. Slide It In
4. Slow An’ Easy
5. Here I Go Again
6. Guilty Of Love
7. Is This Love
8. Love Ain’t No Stranger

Disc 2(45:53)
1. Adrian & Vivian Guitar Solo
2. Crying In The Rain
3. Tommy Aldridge Drums Solo
4. Crying In The Rain(reprise)
5. Member Introductions
6. Still Of The Night
7. (Ain’t No Love) In The Heart Of The City
8. Give Me All Your Love
9. Tits

David Coverdale – Vocals
Adrian Vandenberg – Guitar
Vivian Campbell – Guitar
Rudy Sarzo – Bass
Tommy Aldridge – Drums



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