Various Artists / Hair Metal Holiday 2017 / 6CDR

Various Artists / Hair Metal Holiday 2017 / 6CDR / Shades

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Bomb Factory, Dallas, TX, USA 16th December 2017.

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Viva, 80s!” Super luxury big set is out. What is contained in this work is a great event whose name is also great “HAIR METAL HOLIDAY 2017”. It is an audience set 6 set including all 6 participating bands.
This event is the third time this year. The first one in 2015, the second in 2016 was only one day, but it expanded with popularity and this year it was held for two days. Both days are in the same festival format on the same day, this work is full of the last day “December 16, 2017 Dallas Show” in those days. If it is 6 pairs in 6 pairs, it seems to be one band in each group, but it is not so. Including the participating bands here, if you keep the contents a bit … …

Disc 3: L. A. GUNS
Disc 4: DOKKEN
• Disk 5-6: ACE FREHLEY

…… and it looks like this. ENUFF Z’NUFF and DANGEROUS TOYS were slightly late as they debuted in 1989, but others are all those who made a noise in the 80’s. It seems that I’m going to crack the strong 80’s smell just by looking at the name.
However, this work is only recorded to 2017 years. To that proof, the quality of this work is brilliantly wonderful! Do you say “as if it is a soundboard” or “where is this an audience!?” Extraordinarily clear and detailed, and direct feeling of a deep class with no sense of roundness. As the festival advances and the audience increases, although the real feeling of air is felt, such as waiting for the band’s turn, the announcement voice of the band introduction is still much closer. Of course, as the performance begins, musical tones of class Do swallow everything, round sound board. It sounds only as a direct connection system. Normally, no matter how liney and clear recording it sounds like a snare and a distance feeling comes out. However, it is not even in this work. To be honest, it is unbelievable whether it is really an audience recording or even now that I’m writing a comment … ….
The quality drawn in that quality is the 80’s paradise in which famous songs of the past year rush in each band. Let ‘s listen to each band easily.

The first place is the new-generation GBB who greeted the Neo-class Hero of the 1980’s, Joey Tafola. Recently “U.K. 2017 (Shades 827)” “LONDON 2017 (Shades 829)” are skipping hits one after another, but the sound of this work is out of the question even that masterpiece! Especially, there was almost no audience / noise, whether there were only a few spectators in first place. It is the ultra beautiful & deep powerful sound of the directly connected sound board class, you can taste the neoclass GBB.
Of course, “The best now is the heyd!?” Is also said to be the best voice voice, Joey’s neoclass and guitar explodes. Sparingly, short because of first place. While arranging RAINBOW as the main theme, ALCATRAZZ, IMPELLITTERI, solo good tune, there are only 6 songs. It is too regretful for only the amazing performances among all performers …. By all means, I’d like to hear the full live of this sound.

Continuing disc 2 contains two pairs of synchronized debut. This disc has a rich flavor of the spell “1989”. Both bands set the main debut of 1989 as the main, and hit the masterpiece that shone in the last year of the 1980s as “This is it!” Although not all songs are debut work, of course, it is also caught in between the 1991 second album. ENUFF Z’NUFF covers David Bowie’s “The Jean Genie”, but both bands are all selections of 1st & 2nd album.
The lonely thing when it comes to this is Donnie Vee’s absence. While DANGEROUS TOYS has nearly all the members of the past year, only Chi-Zunaf only knows the golden age at ENUFF Z’NUFF. With Donny’s singing voice this was perfect, but …. Even though it is inappropriate, it is a bit disappointing.

【Disk 3: L.A. GUNS】
For such Disk 2, Disk 3 got back the shine of the past year LA GUNS! Although most of them are members of participation in recent years, if Phil Lewis & Tracy Gunz ‘s biggest fits are all right, there is no problem! Last year’s shining album “THE MISSING PEACE” I heard the shine of the past that I let you hear is wonderful.
The set also plays two songs from that new work and Prince’s “Purple Rain”, but the rest are all major song rushes from “L.A. GUNS” to “HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES”. The wild momentum is missing out among all casts, and it is full of air that looked like the 80’s completely. This work is also one of the best-looking one.

【Disc 4: DOKKEN】
Contrary to L. A. GUNS, it is DOKKEN that makes you feel the length of time. Last year she gave me a golden age visit to Japan, but now she is back to Don Dokken and Mick Brown again. And it is not John Levin …… to play the guitar here, Islay Black of LIZZY BORDEN. Although detailed circumstances are not transmitted, although Levin did not quit, we did not participate in the tour of November – December. Islay is participating as that pinch hit. Although it was originally a technician, I was not worried, but the guitar which I can not imagine being a pinch hit is brilliant. You can listen to the sharp edges that George Lynch transferred as much as possible.
It is crucial that you feel the 80s far away against the fighting giant guitar. Although the difference between severe time and good time is fierce in recent years, this work is not very good, can not say it, singing while singing the beautiful melody thoughtfully. Except for “Maddest Hatter” and “Too High To Fly” in the 90’s, loneliness is unnecessarily sought only in the rush of the major representative song of the past year. The first graham is now resurrected and I am showing off terrible song every evening, so I also want Don to do my best ….

【Disk 5-6: ACE FREHLEY】
And the last two decorate birds Ace · freely. Live activities have also gotten active since around last year, but its strong performance has been fully opened. Currently the team consists of 4 members who added Rhythm Scarlet of Original FREELE ” COMET to Rhythm Team Chris Wise & Scott Kugan, who also participated in last year’s ORIGINS, VOL. 1. While introducing a massive amount of KISS super masterpieces, the set also includes 3 1980 songs “Rip It Out” “Snow Blind” “New York Groove”, “Freaky ‘s COMET” Rock Soldiers “,” TROUBLE WALKIN’ “2 Young 2 Die “. In “2 Young 2 Die” original street Richie, Scott in “Love Gun” and “Detroit Rock City”, and Chris in Leon vocal in “Strange Ways”.
Peter Chris has declared retirement this year, while Jean Simmons appeared on LOUDPARK as a solo, and early next year, Paul Stanley’s SOUL STATION will come to Japan. I think that Ace ‘s visit to Japan is a bit difficult, but in this work the latest show can be enjoyed with the highest quality of sound board class.

Anyhow a terrible high quality sound. Anyway a fun masterpiece rush. The fragrance of the old 80s anyway. It is a big six-piece set which makes them all blended together. The best gem to enjoy plenty of year-end and new year. Please, please enjoy it thoroughly, to the utmost!

“ビバ、80s!”な超豪華ビッグ・セットが登場です。本作に収められているのは、その名もズバリな一大イベント“HAIR METAL HOLIDAY 2017”。その参加バンド6組をフル収録したオーディエンス・セット6枚組です。

・ディスク3:L.A. GUNS
・ディスク5-6:ACE FREHLEY

……と、このようになっています。ENUFF Z’NUFFとDANGEROUS TOYSは1989年デビューとやや遅めですが、その他は80年代にシーンを騒がせた連中揃い。もう、名前を見ただけで強烈な80年代臭にクラクラしそうです。
しかし、本作はあくまでも2017年録音。その証拠に、本作のクオリティは猛烈に素晴らしい! 「まるでサウンドボード」と言いますか、「これのどこがオーディエンス!?」と耳を疑うレベル。極太にして異常に鮮明なディテール、そして丸っきり距離感のないド級のダイレクト感。フェスが進んで観客が増えてくると、バンドの出番待ちなどにリアルな空気感は感じられるものの、それでもバンド紹介のアナウンス声の方が遙かに近い。もちろん、演奏が始まるやド級の楽音がすべてを飲み込み、丸っきりサウンドボード。それも卓直結系にしか聞こえない。通常、どれほどラインっぽくクリアな録音であってもスネアの鳴りなどに距離感が出るもの。しかし、本作にはそれすらない。正直なところ、本当にオーディエンス録音なのか、解説を書いている今でさえ信じられないほどです……。

一番手は、80年代のネオクラ・ヒーロー、ジョーイ・タフォーラを迎えた新生GBBです。最近では『U.K. 2017(Shades 827)』『LONDON 2017(Shades 829)』が続けざまにヒットを飛ばしておりますが、本作のサウンドはあの傑作でさえ問題外! 特に一番手だけに観客も少なかったのか、オーディエンス・ノイズがほぼ皆無。それこそ卓直結サウンドボード級の超美麗&ド迫力サウンドで、ネオクラGBBが味わえます。

続くディスク2は、同期デビューの2組を収録。このディスクはズバリ“1989年”の薫りが濃厚に漂う。両バンドとも1989年のデビュー作をメインに据え、80年代最後の1年に輝いた名曲を「これでもか!」と叩きつける。もちろん全曲がデビュー作というわけではないものの、間に挟まるのも1991年のセカンド・アルバムから。ENUFF Z’NUFFはデヴィッド・ボウイの「The Jean Genie」をカバーしていますが、それ以外は両バンドともすべて1st&2ndアルバムのセレクションなのです。
こうなってくると寂しいのがドニー・ヴィーの不在。DANGEROUS TOYSはほぼ往年のメンバーが揃っているのに対し、ENUFF Z’NUFFで黄金期を知るのはチップ・ズナフだけ。これでドニーの歌声があれば完璧だったのですが……。こればっかりは致し方ないとはいえ、ちょっと残念です。

【ディスク3:L.A. GUNS】
そんなディスク2に対し、ディスク3は往年の輝きを取り戻したL.A. GUNS! 彼らも大半が近年参加のメンバーとは言え、フィル・ルイス&トレイシー・ガンズの両巨頭が揃えば問題なし! 昨年の再編アルバム『THE MISSING PEACE』でも聴かせてくれた往年の輝きが素晴らしい。
セットは、その新作からの2曲やプリンスの「Purple Rain」も演奏しますが、残りはすべて『L.A. GUNS』から『HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES』までの大代表曲ラッシュ。ワイルドな勢いは全出演者の中でもズバ抜けており、80年代がそっくり戻ってきたような空気に満ち溢れている。本作でも最高に格好いい1枚です。

L.A. GUNSとは反対に、時間の長さを感じさせるのがDOKKEN。昨年は黄金期メンバーでの来日公演で湧かせてくれましたが、現在は再びドン・ドッケンとミック・ブラウンの2人に戻っています。そして、ここでギターを弾くのはジョン・レヴィン……ではなく、LIZZY BORDENのアイラ・ブラック。詳しい事情は伝わっていませんが、レヴィンも辞めたわけではないものの、11月-12月のツアーには不参加。アイラはその代打として参加しています。元々テクニシャンなので不安はありませんでしたが、代打とは思えないギターは見事。ジョージ・リンチが乗り移ったような鋭いエッジを存分に聴かせてくれます。
健闘する代打ギターに対し、80年代を遠く感じるのは肝心要のドン。近年は厳しい時と良い時の差が激しいですが、本作はあまり良いとは言えず、あの美しいメロディを思いっきりフェイクしながら歌う。90年代の「Maddest Hatter」「Too High To Fly」以外は往年の大代表曲ラッシュだけに、余計に寂しさが募る。一番手のグラハムが今になって復活し、毎晩凄い歌を披露しているのですから、ドンにもがんばって欲しいものです……。

【ディスク5-6:ACE FREHLEY】
そして、最後の2枚はトリを飾るエース・フレイリー。一昨年あたりからライヴ活動も活発になってきましたが、その好調ぶりが全開。現在の布陣は昨年の『ORIGINS, VOL. 1』にも参加したリズム隊クリス・ワイズ&スコット・クーガンに、オリジナルFREHLEY’S COMETのリッチー・スカーレットを加えた4人編成。セットもKISSの超名曲を大量投入しつつ、1978年作の3曲「Rip It Out」「Snow Blind」「New York Groove」やFREHLEY’S COMETの「Rock Soldiers」、『TROUBLE WALKIN’』の「2 Young 2 Die」を散りばめる。その「2 Young 2 Die」ではオリジナル通りリッチー、「Love Gun」と「Detroit Rock City」ではスコット、「Strange Ways」ではクリスがリードヴォーカルを務めています。
今年はピーター・クリスが引退宣言をしてしまいましたが、その一方でジーン・シモンズがソロでLOUDPARKに出演し、来年早々にはポール・スタンレーのSOUL STATIONが来日する予定。そんな中でエースの来日はちょっと難しいとは思いますが、本作で最新ショウがサウンドボード級の極上クオリティで楽しめるわけです。


Disc 1

1. Intro. 2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live 3. All Night Long 4. Stand in Line
5. Into the Night 6. Since You Been Gone 7. Lost in Hollywood

Graham Bonnet – Vocals Joey Tafolla – Guitar Beth-Ami Heavenstone – Bass
Mark Benquechea – Drums Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards

Disc 2

1. Intro. 2. Baby Loves You 3. Kiss The Clown 4. Heaven Or Hell 5. The Jean Genie
6. Band Introductions 7. Fly High Michelle 8. New Thing 9. Eddie Trunk Outro

Chip Z’ Nuff – Vocals & Bass Tony Fenelle – Guitar Tory Stoffregen – Guitar
Daniel B. Hill – Drums

10. Intro 11. Outlaw 12. Take Me Drunk 13. Sport’n A Woody 14. MC 15. Queen Of The Nile
16. MC 17. Line ‘Em Up 18. MC 19. Teas’n Pleas’n 20. MC 21. Scared 22. Eddie Trunk outro

Jason McMaster – Vocals Scott Dalhover – Guitar Paul Lidel – Guitar
Mike Watson – Bass Mark Geary – Drums

Disc 3

1. The Devil Made Me Do It 2. Electric Gypsy 3. Tracii Guns bow solo 4. Over The Edge
5. Sex Action 6. Last Christmas (tease) 7. Purple Rain 8. Way Cool Jr. (tease)
9. Speed 10. Hells Bells (tease) 11. Never Enough 12. The Ballad Of Jayne
13. Rip and Tear 14. Eddie Trunk outro

Phil Lewis – Vocals Tracii Guns – Guitar Michael Grant – Guitar
Johnny Martin – Bass Shane Fitzgibbon – Drums

Disc 4

1. Eddie Trunk Introduction 2. Kiss Of Death 3. The Hunter 4. Into The Fire 5. MC
6. Breaking The Chains 7. Dream Warriors 8. Just Got Lucky 9. MC 10. Alone Again
11. Maddest Hatter 12. MC 13. Too High To Fly 14. MC 15. In My Dreams 16. Eddie Trunk outro

Don Dokken – Vocals & Guitar Ira Black – Guitar Chris McCarvill – Bass
Mick Brown – Drums


Disc 5
1. Intro 2. Rip It Out 3. Hard Times 4. 2000 Man 5. Ace MC 6. Snow Blind 7. Love Gun
8. Ace MC 9. Parasite 10. MC 11. Rock Soldiers 12. Bass solo 13. Strange Ways
14. New York Groove

Disc 6
1. Richie Scarlet MC 2. 2 Young 2 Die 3. Ace & Richie Dueling Guitars 4. Shock Me
5. Ace Frehley guitar solo 6. Cold Gin 7. encore break 8. Detroit Rock City
9. Deuce 10. Band Introdcutions

Ace Frehley – Vocals & Lead Guitar Richie Scarlett – Guitar Chris Wyse – Bass
Scott Coogan – Drums & Vocals

Shades 840

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