Various Artist / The Princes Trust Concert 1986 Complete Revisited / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Various Artist / The Princes Trust Concert 1986 Complete Revisited / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR/ Beano
Live at Wembley Arena, London, UK 20th June 1986 plus Bonus DVDR “THE PRINCE’S TRUST THE BIRTHDAY PARTY”. STEREO SBD

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In the 1980s, when the charity boom was booming, the legendary “THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT” opened up a super-luxury co-starring event every year. A soundboard album that fully records the historic night celebrating its 10th anniversary is reprinted.
The historic show was realized at “Wembley Arena on June 20, 1986”. It is a stereo sound board recording that recorded the whole story. In the first place, “THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT” is a charitable organization established by Prince Charles (at that time) in 1976. Known for its diverse activities, it began holding charity concerts in 1982, and especially during the five years from 1986 to 1990, the 10th anniversary, it evolved into a festival format. Even during the charity boom, it became famous as a super-luxury event with many super-famous artists performing.
This work is the 1986 complete soundboard album of the 10th anniversary, which was the starting point of such a festival. As a matter of fact, the pro shot video version of this show has been known as an official work since then. However, unfortunately the official version is a digest recording. Artists who could not be recorded due to contracts were cut. This work is completely different from such a half-finished official board. It is a master outflow of stakeholders discovered on our own route in 2012, and it is a complete live album with no missing songs from the start of the show to the end of the show.
And what’s more, the quality is superb. The feel is slightly different from the official version, but this work is rather better in terms of vividness and reality. The unprocessed feeling that seems to be directly connected to the mix desk is exposed, and the live performance and singing voice come out so vividly that I think they are modern IEMs interception.
Even more shocking than the sound quality is the fact that it was completely recorded. You can enjoy all the performance songs of the historical stage where the super big players superimposed the sounds, including the songs that were cut in the official version. What song was played? Let’s introduce along with the flow of the show.

● DISC 1: Opening (13 songs)
・BIG COUNTRY: Wonderland (★) / Fields Of Fire (★) / Look Away (★) / Chance (★) / In A Big Country
・Suzanne Vega: Tom’s Diner (★) / Cracking (★) / Small Blue Thing (★) / Marlene On The Wall
・LEVEL 42: Lesson In Love (★) / Leaving Me Now (★) / Something About You (★) / Hot Water
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not seen in the official video version.

This work is a set of 2 press CDs. Roughly speaking, it is composed of “DISC 1 = undercard” and “DISC 2 = main story with super gorgeous co-stars”. DISC 1 can be further divided into two parts, the first part being the “opening act” by the trio.
“Actually, it’s this part that has the most increase from the official version.” Three groups (BIG COUNTRY / Suzanne Vega / LEVEL 42) served as the opening of the day, but the first official version (60 minutes specification) released in 1986 was all cut. Even in the 90’s extended version (90 minutes specification), only one song for each band (= 3 songs in total) was recorded. Of course, this complete version covers all 13 songs played on the day. This part alone is a large volume of about 66 minutes.

● DISC 1: Set change (2 songs)
Elton John (Your Song)
Phil Collins (In The Air Tonight)

After the opening 3 stages were over, it was time to change sets for the main part. Here, Elton John and Phil Collins have appeared instead of making the audience wait for no reason, and they are connecting the place with the piano playing. The two perform one song at a time, and on the day of the performance, there are only two songs for this part. DISC 1 is here.

◆ DISC 2: All-Star main story (10 songs)
Tina Turner (Better Be Good To Me) / Eric Clapton & Tina Turner (Tearing Us Apart) / Midge Euro (Call Of The Wild) / Mark Knopfler & Sting (Money For Nothing) / Paul Young ( Every Time You Go Away) / Joan Armatrading (Reach Out) / Howard Jones (No One Is To Blame) / Rod Stewart (Sailing) / Elton John (I’m Still Standing) / George Michael & Paul Young (Every Time You Go Away)

Preparations for the stage were completed while Elton and Phil were connecting. From DISC 2, the main part of the show with the appearance of the house band finally begins. It’s a style in which the big guys sing one song at a time with the house band backed by almost everything, but this house band itself is also super gorgeous. Eric Clapton/Mark Knopfler/Midge Ure on guitar, John Illsley & Mark King on bass, Phil Collins on drums, and Elton John & Howard Jones on keyboards. It is already a dazzling gorgeous super band.
Of course, the singers who backed them were also very big names. If you look at the above, you will understand the luxury. As an aside, although this part was all seen in the official extended version (90 minutes specification), Midge Euro, Joan Armatrading, and Howard Jones cut in the first edition (60 minutes specification). “Every Time You Go Away” was also a ridiculous edit that Clapton’s solo could not be seen (naturally, this work is completely uncut).

◆ DISC 2: Highlights (4 songs)
・Paul McCartney: I Saw Her Standing There / Long Tall Sally
・David Bowie & Mick Jagger: Dancing In The Street(★)
・All-Star Session: Get Back

The final part that concludes the historic show is the highlight of this work. Officially, Paul McCartney was playing three songs (the last “Get Back” was an all-star jam), but in fact, David Bowie & Mick Jagger’s “Dancing In The Street”, which is the centerpiece, was also shown. I was there. Officially it was cut due to contract reasons, but of course this uncut work is included. The excitement of the venue that boils just by Paul calling Mick & Bowie is tremendous, and the great co-starring of both men who did not even realize “LIVE AID” is poured directly into the brain on the sound board. The value of this work is in the “complete experience of a historic night”, but it is no exaggeration to say that most of its value is concentrated in one song.

All 29 songs, about 2 hours and 33 minutes, are treasured stereo soundboards. The year after that “LIVE AID”, it is a complete live album of a historic concert that was realized at the next venue. A miraculous night in which the gorgeousness of the performers was comparable to “LIVE AID”, and even surpassed in the concentration of continuous gorgeous co-stars. Please enjoy it anytime, forever with the permanent preservation press 2CD.

★ Stereo sound board recording of the 10th anniversary concert of “THE PRINCE’S TRUST” held at “Wembley Arena on June 20, 1986”. It is a complete version master leaked out by people involved, and you can enjoy 11 uncut songs that were not included in the official version. Even “Dancing In The Street” co-starring David Bowie & Mick Jagger, which is a super treasure of rock history, will be poured into the brain with a superb sound board.

チャリティ・ブームに沸いた80年代に、超豪華共演イベントを毎年拓いていた伝説の“THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT”。その10周年を祝う歴史的な夜を完全収録したサウンドボード・アルバムが復刻です。
その歴史的なショウが実現したのは「1986年6月20日ウェンブリー・アリーナ」。一部始終を記録したステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。そもそも“THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT”とは1976年にチャールズ皇太子(当時)が設立した慈善団体。多彩な活動で知られていますが、1982年からチャリティ・コンサートも開くようになり、特に10周年の1986年から1990年までの5年間はフェス形式に進化。チャリティ・ブームの中にあっても超大物アーティストが多数出演する超豪華イベントとして名を馳せました。

●DISC 1:オープニング(13曲)
・BIG COUNTRY:Wonderland(★)/Fields Of Fire(★)/Look Away(★)/Chance(★)/In A Big Country
・スザンヌ・ヴェガ:Tom’s Diner(★)/Cracking(★)/Small Blue Thing(★)/Marlene On The Wall
・LEVEL 42:Lesson In Love(★)/Leaving Me Now(★)/Something About You(★)/Hot Water

本作はプレスCDの2枚組。ざっくり言いますと「DISC 1=前座」「DISC 2=超豪華共演の本編」という構成になっています。DISC 1はさらに二分でき、最初のパートは3組による「オープニング・アクト」です。
実は、公式からの増量が一番多いのがこのパートだったりします。当日のオープニングを務めたのは3組(BIG COUNTRY/スザンヌ・ヴェガ/LEVEL 42)だったのですが、1986年にリリースされた初回オフィシャル版(60分仕様)はすべてカット。90年代の拡張版(90分仕様)でも各バンド1曲ずつ(=計3曲)しか収録されませんでした。もちろん、完全版たる本作では当日演奏された全13曲を全網羅。このパートだけでも約66分という大ボリュームなのです。

●DISC 1:セットチェンジ(2曲)
・エルトン・ジョン(Your Song)
・フィル・コリンズ(In The Air Tonight)

オープニング3組のステージが終わった後は、本編に向けてセットチェンジ・タイム。ここでは無為に観客を待たせているのではなく、エルトン・ジョンやフィル・コリンズが登場し、ピアノの弾き語りで場を繋いでいます。2人は持ち歌を1曲ずつ披露しており、当日もこのパートは2曲だけ。DISC 1はココまでです。

◆DISC 2:オールスター本編(10曲)
・ティナ・ターナー(Better Be Good To Me)/エリック・クラプトン&ティナ・ターナー(Tearing Us Apart)/ミッジ・ユーロ(Call Of The Wild)/マーク・ノップラー&スティング(Money For Nothing)/ポール・ヤング(Every Time You Go Away)/ジョーン・アーマトレイディング(Reach Out)/ハワード・ジョーンズ(No One Is To Blame)/ロッド・スチュワート(Sailing)/エルトン・ジョン(I’m Still Standing)/ジョージ・マイケル&ポール・ヤング(Every Time You Go Away)

エルトンとフィルが繋いでいる間にステージの準備も完了。DISC 2からはいよいよハウスバンドが登場してのショウ本編が始まります。ほぼ出ずっぱりのハウスバンドをバックに超大物が1曲ずつ歌い継いでいくスタイルなのですが、このハウスバンド自体も超豪華。エリック・クラプトン/マーク・ノップラー/ミッジ・ユーロがギターを弾き、ベースにジョン・イルズリー&マーク・キング、ドラムにフィル・コリンズというリズム隊、キーボードもエルトン・ジョン&ハワード・ジョーンズ。もう目も眩む豪華絢爛のスーパー・バンドなのです。
もちろん、彼らをバックにしたシンガー達も超大物揃い。その豪華さは上記をご覧頂ければご理解頂けるでしょう。余談ですが、このパートはオフィシャル拡張版(90分仕様)ですべて観られたものの、初回版(60分仕様)ではミッジ・ユーロやジョーン・アーマトレイディング、ハワード・ジョーンズがカット。「Every Time You Go Away」もクラプトンのソロが観られないというとんでもない編集でした(当然、本作はすべてが完全ノーカットです)。

◆DISC 2:ハイライト(4曲)
・ポール・マッカートニー:I Saw Her Standing There/Long Tall Sally
・デヴィッド・ボウイ&ミック・ジャガー:Dancing In The Street(★)
・オールスター・セッション:Get Back

歴史的なショウを締めくくる最後のパートこそ、本作最大の聴きどころ。オフィシャルではポール・マッカートニーが3曲演奏していました(最後の「Get Back」はオールスター・ジャム)が、実はその間に目玉となるデヴィッド・ボウイ&ミック・ジャガーの「Dancing In The Street」も披露されていたのです。オフィシャルでは契約の都合でカットされたわけですが、ノーカットの本作はもちろん収録。ポールがミック&ボウイをコールするだけで沸騰する会場の盛り上がりは凄まじく、“LIVE AID”ですら実現しなかった両雄の大共演がサウンドボードで脳みそに直接流し込まれる。本作の価値はあくまで「歴史的な夜の完全体験」にあるわけですが、その価値の大半が濃縮された1曲と言っても過言ではありません。

以上、全29曲・約2時間33分に及ぶ秘宝ステレオ・サウンドボード。あの“LIVE AID”の翌年、隣の会場で実現した歴史的コンサートの完全ライヴアルバムです。出演者の豪華ぶりでは“LIVE AID”に匹敵し、豪華共演が絶え間なく連続する濃度では上回ってさえいた奇跡の夜。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。

★「1986年6月20日ウェンブリー・アリーナ」で開催された“THE PRINCE’S TRUST”10周年コンサートのステレオ・サウンドボード録音。関係者流出の完全版マスターで、オフィシャル版では未収録だった11曲もノーカットで楽しめる。ロック史の超お宝であるデヴィッド・ボウイ&ミック・ジャガー共演の「Dancing In The Street」まで超極上サウンドボードで脳みそに流し込んでくれます。


Disc 1 (77:34)
1. Introduction
2. God Save The Queen
3. Wonderland (Big Country)
4. Fields Of Fire (Big Country)
5. Look Away (Big Country)
6. Chance (Big Country)
7. In A Big Country (Big Country)
8. Tom’s Diner (Suzanne Vega)
9. Cracking (Suzanne Vega)
10. Small Blue Thing (Suzanne Vega)
11. Marlene On The Wall (Suzanne Vega)
12. Lesson In Love (Level 42)
13. Leaving Me Now (Level 42)
14. Something About You (Level 42)
15. Hot Water (Level 42)
16. Opening
17. Your Song (Elton John)
18. In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins)

Disc 2 (75:18)
1. Better Be Good To Me (Tina Turner)
2. Tearing Us Apart (Eric Clapton & Tina Turner)
3. Call Of The Wild (Midge Ure)
4. Money For Nothing (Mark Knopfler)
5. Everytime You Go Away (Paul Young)
6. Reach Out (Joan Armatrading)
7. No One Is To Blame (Howard Jones)
8. Sailing (Rod Stewart)
9. I’m Still Standing (Elton John)
10. Every Time You Go Away (Paul Young & George Michael)
11. I Saw Her Standing There (Paul McCartney)
12. Long Tall Sally (Paul McCartney)
13. Dancing In The Street (David Bowie & Mick Jagger)
14. Get Back (Paul McCartney plus Everyone)
15. Outroduction




Various Artist / The Princes Trust The Birthday Party / 1DVDR / Non Label
Wembley Arena, London, UK, 20th June 1986 PRO-SHOT


Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 2CD is a complete live album where you can fully experience the 10th anniversary of the legendary “THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT”. It is an outflow stereo sound board that is nothing but a cultural heritage. As I mentioned in the commentary, this show is also known for having official footage above all else. Therefore, in order to witness the historic show site, we decided to include a special bonus with the longest and highest quality version of the official video that is now out of print.
This work was filmed at “Wembley Arena on June 20, 1986”, the same as the main press 2CD. It is the multi-camera pro shot. I touched on it a little in the commentary on the main story, but even if you say “official pro shot version”, there are actually different types. The first VHS / LD version released immediately after the event was a 12-song specification that digested only the highlights of the show in about 60 minutes. However, when re-released in 1990, it was revised to an extended version entitled “EXTENDED VERSION”. This work is a reprint of the “EXTENDED VERSION” from the best master. However, the extended version is not a full show either. So, which songs are included in this work and which songs are not? Let’s sort things out here.

– Songs that were also included in the first VHS version (12 songs)
・Opening: Elton John (Your Song/I’m Still Standing)/Phil Collins (In The Air Tonight)
・ Main story: Tina Turner (Better Be Good To Me) / Eric Clapton & Tina Turner (Tearing Us Apart) / Mark Knopfler & Sting (Money For Nothing) / Paul Young (Every Time You Go Away) / Rod Stewart (Sailing) / George Michael & Paul Young (Every Time You Go Away) / Paul McCartney (I Saw Her Standing There / Long Tall Sally / Get Back)

●Additional songs (6 songs) of “EXTENDED VERSION”
・ Early stage: BIG COUNTRY (In A Big Country) / Suzanne Vega (Marlene On The Wall) / LEVEL 42 (Hot Water)
Main story: Midge Euro (Call Of The Wild) / Joan Armatrading (Reach Out) / Howard Jones (No One Is To Blame)

… and it looks like this. Of course, this is not the full form of the day, and there are only 3 opening 3 sets (BIG COUNTRY / Suzanne Vega / LEVEL 42) full of 13 songs on the main press 2CD, and David Bowie who was also a highlight & Mick Jagger’s “Dancing In The Street” has also been cut. However, the essential “co-starring part” that is the main part of the show can be seen except “Dancing In The Street” (Clapton’s solo at “Every Time You Go Away”, which was cut in the first edition, is also perfect) . You can feel how gorgeous the event, which was whispered as “the sequel to LIVE AID”, was.
“Seeing is believing”. It is a phantom official video work where you can witness a Tokuno event where super-luxury co-starring continues continuously. Evidence video that not only expands the image of the main press 2CD, but this work itself testifies to the brilliance of the charity boom. Please take this opportunity to fully enjoy the “EXTENDED VERSION” version with the longest video and highest quality.

本編プレス2CDは、伝説の“THE PRINCE’S TRUST CONCERT”10周年をフル体験できる完全ライヴアルバム。文化遺産以外の何物でもない流出ステレオ・サウンドボードです。その解説でも触れましたが、このショウは何よりオフィシャル映像が残された事でも知られています。そこで、歴史的なショウの現場を目撃して頂くため、今や廃盤なオフィシャル映像でも最長・最高峰クオリティ版での特別ボーナス付属も決定しました。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは、本編プレス2CDと同じ「1986年6月20日ウェンブリー・アリーナ」。そのマルチカメラ・プロショットです。本編の解説でも少し触れましたが、ひと口に「公式プロショット版」とは言っても、実は種類があります。イベント直後にリリースされた初回VHS/LD版はショウのハイライトだけを約60分でダイジェストした12曲仕様でした。しかし、1990年の再リリース時には『EXTENDED VERSION』と題された拡張版に改訂。本作は、その『EXTENDED VERSION』をベスト・マスターから復刻したものなのです。ただし、拡張版もフルショウというわけではない。では、本作に収録されているのはどの曲で、どの曲がないのか。ここで整理してみましょう。

・序盤:エルトン・ジョン(Your Song/I’m Still Standing)/フィル・コリンズ(In The Air Tonight)
・本編:ティナ・ターナー(Better Be Good To Me)/エリック・クラプトン&ティナ・ターナー(Tearing Us Apart)/マーク・ノップラー&スティング(Money For Nothing)/ポール・ヤング(Every Time You Go Away)/ロッド・スチュワート(Sailing)/ジョージ・マイケル&ポール・ヤング(Every Time You Go Away)/ポール・マッカートニー(I Saw Her Standing There/Long Tall Sally/Get Back)

・序盤:BIG COUNTRY(In A Big Country)/スザンヌ・ヴェガ(Marlene On The Wall)/LEVEL 42(Hot Water)
・本編:ミッジ・ユーロ(Call Of The Wild)/ジョーン・アーマトレイディング(Reach Out)/ハワード・ジョーンズ(No One Is To Blame)

……と、このようになっています。もちろん、これで当日の完全形ではなく、本編プレス2CDでは13曲フル収録されているオープニング3組(BIG COUNTRY/スザンヌ・ヴェガ/LEVEL 42)も3曲だけですし、目玉でもあったデヴィッド・ボウイ&ミック・ジャガーの「Dancing In The Street」もカットされています。しかし、ショウのメインとなる肝心要の「共演パート」は「Dancing In The Street」以外おおよそ観られる(初回版ではカットされていた「Every Time You Go Away」でのクラプトンのソロもばっちりです)。「LIVE AIDの続篇」とも囁かれたイベントがいかに豪華だったか、肌感覚で実感できるのです。
まさに「百聞は一見にしかず」。絶え間なく超豪華共演が続く特濃イベントを目撃できる幻のオフィシャル映像作です。本編プレス2CDのイメージを膨らませてくれるだけでなく、本作自体がチャリティ・ブームの輝きを証言する証拠映像。どうぞ、この機会に最長映像・最高峰クオリティの『EXTENDED VERSION』版で存分にお楽しみください。

1. Intro
2. Big Country: In A Big Country
3. Suzanne Vega: Marlene On The Wall
4. Level 42: Hot Water
5. Elton John: Your Song
6. Phil Collins: In The Air Tonight
7. All Star Band Introduction
8. Tina Turner: Better Be Good To Me★
9. Eric Clapton & Tina Turner: Tearing Us Apart★
10. Midge Ure: Call Of The Wild
11. Mark Knopfler & Sting: Money For Nothing
12. Paul Young: Every Time You Go Away
13. Joan Armstrong: Reach Out
14. Howard Jones: No One Is To Blame
15. Rod Stewart: Sailing
16. Elton John: I’m Still Standing
17. George Michael & Paul Young: Every Time You Go Away
18. Paul McCartney & Ensemble: I Saw Her Standing There
19. Paul McCartney & Ensemble: Long Tall Sally
20. Paul McCartney & Ensemble: Get Back
21. Outro/End Credit


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