Van Der Graaf Generator / Leicester & London 2005 / 2CDR+1DVDR

Van Der Graaf Generator / Leicester & London 2005 / 2CDR+1DVDR / Amity

De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 9th July 2005 & Shepherds Bush Empire, London, UK 8th July 2005

Play sample :

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The 2005 VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR was excited by the reunion of miracles. Introducing a live set where you can experience the scene in the best possible way.
Two UK live shows are included in this work. This is a 3-disc set with the best audience recording of “July 9, 2005 Leicester performance” on DISC 1-2 and the superb view audience shot of “July 8, 2005 London performance” on DISC 3. Speaking of 2005, it is also the two official works “REAL TIME” and “LEVERKUSEN 2005”, but of course this work is a different show. In order to imagine the situation in that area, let’s first look back on the schedule at that time.

<< April 25, “PRESENT” released >>
・ May 6: London performance ← * Official “REAL TIME”
・ June 11-14: Italy (3 performances)
・ July 8-July 23: Europe # 1 (8 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ October 25th-November 19th: Europe # 2 (7 performances) ← * Official “LEVERKUSEN 2005”

This is the history of 2005 when the reunion was achieved. They are still active, but as early as 2006, David Jackson left. Since there is no live performance in 2006, the above is the full performance of the reunion by the four golden people. Among them, the official work “REAL TIME” was the premiere in May, and “LEVERKUSEN 2005” was the record of “Europe # 2” in the final stage. The two performances of this work were concerts on the first and second days of “Europe # 1”, which is different from both. Let’s introduce each one individually.

[DISC 1-2: The best live album of the Leicester performance on July 9, 2005] The first to appear is the full live album of the Leicester performance, which is the key to this work. At our shop, we are an original master by a master who is familiar with “British masters”, but this person is unique in that he has both a realistic atmosphere and modern clarity. This work is a brand that serves as a sample, and although the slightly wrapped hall sounds beautiful, the core that penetrates the center is powerful. The vocal of Peter Hammill’s soul echoes solemnly, and you can hear even one word of the lyrics properly. Although it is different from the soundboard-like straight ball feeling, it is a famous recording that you can immerse yourself in the subtleties and mood.
What is drawn with such a sound is a full show that can be said to be the real experience of “REAL TIME”. The set is very similar to “REAL TIME” but not the same. Let’s organize them while comparing them here.
● Common to 2 performances
・ Creation: Lemmings
・ Pawn Hearts: Man-Erg
・ God Bluff: The Undercover Man / Scorched Earth / The Sleepwalkers
・ Still Life: Childlike Faith in Childhood’s End
・ Present: Every Bloody Emperor / Nutter Alert
● Leicester 2 CDR only
・ Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night: (In The) Black Room
・ Still Life: Still Life (★)
・ World Record: When she is She Comes (★) / Masks

[DISC 3: Superb view full shot of the London performance on July 8, 2005] Following such a full live album is the full video of London the day before. It’s an audience shot at the famous venue “Shepherd Bush Empire”, but it’s a superb view that makes me think that this is a professional shot of a one-turtle. I’m shooting from behind the first floor seats on the left side, but obviously I’m using a tripod, and I’m shooting the stage directly over the audience’s head. Its zero-obstruction field of view and the dignified stability of using a tripod are totally different from the hundreds of audience shots. I don’t know the facts, but the quality itself seems to be a shot of the people involved. On the contrary, it’s a magnificent view of a different dimension that makes you feel as if you were looking at a huge screenshot full of stages.
What is drawn in such a superb view is a full show that is different from “REAL TIME” and the Lester performance of DISC 1-2. For the songs common to the two performances, refer to the above, but here we will summarize only the songs that could not be heard in the Leicester performance.
● London DVDR only
・ Mental exchange: Darkness (11/11) / Refugees
・ Creation: Killer
・ Pawn Hearts: Theme One (★)
・ Still Life: La Rossa (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in “REAL TIME”.

VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR, the hero of the British Empire, has reunited for over 30 years. Although he has been active intermittently since then, Jackson quickly left and is now five years away from the stage. Their reorganization was truly a miracle in 2005, and the show was valuable with less than 20 performances. A live set where you can experience such a scene at its best. Please take this opportunity to fully enjoy it.

★ This is a 3-disc set with the best audience recording of “July 9, 2005 Leicester performance” on DISC 1-2 and the spectacular audience shot of “July 8 London performance” on DISC 3 the day before. The full recording of the main Leicester performance is an original master by a master who is familiar with “British masters”, and although the hall sound is beautiful, the core that penetrates the center is a powerful recording. The full video of London the day before was a superb view that seemed to be a professional shot of a one-camera, and with a sense of stability using a tripod, the stage was shot directly over the audience’s head. It is a valuable set that allows you to experience the reunion site that has been realized for over 30 years.

奇跡の再結成に沸いた2005年のVAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR。その現場を極上体験できるライヴセットが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは2つの英国ライヴ。「2005年7月9日レスター公演」の極上オーディエンス録音をDISC 1-2に、「同7月8日ロンドン公演」の絶景オーディエンス・ショットをDISC 3に配した3枚組です。2005年と言えば、2つの公式作品『REAL TIME』『LEVERKUSEN 2005』ともなっているわけですが、もちろん本作は別ショウ。その辺の事情をイメージするためにも、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

・5月6日:ロンドン公演 ←※公式『REAL TIME』
・7月8日-7月23日:欧州#1(8公演) ←★ココ★
・10月25日-11月19日:欧州#2(7公演) ←※公式『LEVERKUSEN 2005』

これが再結成を果たした2005年の歩み。彼らは今なお活動中ですが、翌2006年には早くもデヴィッド・ジャクソンが離脱。その2006年にはライヴはないため、上記が黄金の4人によるリユニオンの全公演となります。その中で公式作品『REAL TIME』は5月の初演であり、『LEVERKUSEN 2005』は終盤「欧州#2」の記録。本作の2公演はそのどちらとも異なる「欧州#1」の初日と2日目にあたるコンサートでした。それではそれぞれ個別にご紹介していきましょう。

【DISC 1-2:2005年7月9日レスター公演の極上ライヴアルバム】
そんなサウンドで描かれるのは、『REAL TIME』の本生体験とも言うべきフルショウ。セットは『REAL TIME』に酷似しつつも同じではない。ここでは比較しながら整理しておきましょう。
・ゴッドブラフ:The Undercover Man/Scorched Earth/The Sleepwalkers
・スティル・ライフ:Childlike Faith in Childhood’s End
・プレゼント:Every Bloody Emperor/Nutter Alert
・カメレオン・イン・ザ・シャドウ・オブ・ザ・ナイト:(In The) Black Room
・スティル・ライフ:Still Life(★)
・ワールド・レコード:When She Comes(★)/Masks

【DISC 3:2005年7月8日ロンドン公演の絶景フルショット】
そんな絶景で描かれるのは、『REAL TIME』ともDISC 1-2のレスター公演とも異なるフルショウ。2公演共通の曲は上記を参考にしていただくとして、ここではレスター公演では聴けなかった曲だけまとめておきましょう。
・精神交遊:Darkness (11/11)/Refugees
・ポーン・ハーツ:Theme One(★)
・スティル・ライフ:La Rossa(★)
※注:「★」印は『REAL TIME』で聴けない曲。

30年の時を超えて再結成を果たした大英帝国の英雄VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR。その後も断続的に活動しているとは言え、ジャクソンはすぐに離脱してしまい、今ではステージからは5年も離れています。彼らの再編が真に奇跡だったのは2005年であり、そのショウは20公演にも満たない貴重なものでした。そんな現場を極上体験できるライヴセット。ぜひ、この機会にたっぷりとご堪能ください。

★「2005年7月9日レスター公演」の極上オーディエンス録音をDISC 1-2に、前日「7月8日ロンドン公演」の絶景オーディエンス・ショットをDISC 3に配した3枚組です。メインとなるレスター公演のフル録音は“英国の巨匠”でお馴染みの名手によるオリジナル・マスターで、ほんのりとまとったホール鳴りが美しくも、その真ん中を貫く芯は力強い名録音。前日ロンドンのフル映像もワンカメのプロショットかと思うような超絶景で、三脚を使った安定感で、観客の頭上越しにステージを直写。30年の時を超えて実現した再結成の現場を極上体験できる貴重セットです。

Live at De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 9th July 2005

Disc 1(65:22)
1. The Undercover Man
2. Scorched Earth
3. Every Bloody Emperor
4. (In The) Black Room
5. When She Comes
6. Still Life
7. Masks

Disc 2(61:17)
1. Childlike Faith in Childhood’s End
2. The Sleepwalkers
3. Nutter Alert
4. Man-Erg
5. Lemmings

Live at Shepherds Bush Empire, London, UK 8th July 2005

1. Intro.
2. Darkness
3. The Undercover Man
4. Scorched Earth
5. Every Bloody Emperor
6. Lemmings
7. La Rossa
8. Childlike Faith in Childhood’s End
9. Killer
10. The Sleepwalkers
11. Nutter Alert
12. Man-erg
13. Refugees
14. Theme One

COLOUR NTSC Approx.128min.

Peter Hammill – Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Guy Evans – Drums
Hugh Banton – Organ, Bass
David Jackson – Saxophone, Flute

Amity 613

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