TOTO / Budokan 2016 / 2CD

TOTO / Budokan 2016 / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 7th March 2016


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North of Sendai south to Fukuoka, was longitudinal the archipelago “TOTO XIV JAPAN TOUR 2016”. Live album of that it can be said that the highlight, “March 7, Budokan concert” is appeared in the press CD. Although the patterns are we breaking even gift the title “LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016”, this work is another recording by entirely different taper. For those who missed last week’s update, let’s look at the overview of the now once Japan tour.

– March 3, 2011: Sendai Sun Plaza Hall
– March 4: Pacifico Yokohama “YOKOHAMA 2016”
– March 7, 2011: Nippon Budokan [this work] – March 9: Zepp FUKUOKA
– March 10, 2011: Hiroshima Uenogakuen Hall
– March 12, 2011: Hyogo Amashin Archaic Hall
– March 14, 2011: Osaka Festival Hall
– March 15, 2011: Nagoya City Auditorium

In this way this time of the Japan tour is carried out in a total of eight performances until just last week. Following the press 2CD “YOKOHAMA 2016” and gift 2CDR “LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016” by the same recording house last week, this work is the audience, the album that contains the live corresponding to 3 performances eyes. Of course, rather than such as net sound source, is a recording artist this work only the original recording of which was used directly passed to the master directly from the person.
Surprisingly, the quality. It was tremendous high quality sound from “LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016”, this work is going on it (as can be seen from the fact that the press). The most intense thing is, direct feeling. Gift board is also yet clear Kiwamarinai sound, did not also not without a slight sense of distance. However, direct sense of this work, just in the last-day of the front and ear! Opening SE I and from strings of intense proximity of, fastball the first time in the band sound that explodes from there is suitable to be referred to as “like a sound board.” The dimension barrel and “one of each instrument one ……” perfect enough seems to fool even the “balance of each range is ……” write one by one and so on. Even if it listens only guitar emerges in detail from picking nuance to the tone control. 9 servings such musical tone is a total, because you are crisp and assembled an ensemble to not match at all mingled. Of course, piano solo of “Pamela”, even the percussion solo 1 sound one note of “Africa” ​​is clearly. So far of detail, balance, was great about it, “YOKOHAMA 2016” even have also exceeded. Both you must name recording by virtuoso but, top taper of Japan engage in fierce competition and …… do amazing so far. The future, but you may also arrive recording of the West, it might be impossible to exceed this work.
Latest TOTO drawn by so much of the sound, new song from the “TOTO XIV” is active enough feeling, which accounts for about one-third show. The songs in not only a stunning “TOTO mark”, Omoikkiri live orientation. It is also early in the “Running Out of Time” and from the studio work more uplifting feeling of opening Masu put the audience, catchy “Holy War,” “Orphan” even Classics and unchanged clapping happen wound. Friendly, yet high-technical, though it is the first time the song “usual TOTO”. Next year, it is the play life force to the still future in large veteran that about to enter its 40th anniversary.
New song as well, also Classics fresh. About two years ago to 35 anniversary tour Japan they you, but visited with also, the same song and its time, “I Will not Hold You Back,” “Hold The Line”, “Pamela”, “Rossana”, “On the Run / Goodbye Elenore “only six songs of” Africa “. “I’ll Supply The Love” and of Dennis Frederiksen era “Stranger In Town” debut, “Afraid Of Love” in the “TOTO IV”, of “FAHRENHEIT”, “Without Your Love” and so on, “Oh, this classic group was also song! “and will want to hit the knee is going to be played from the next to the next. Or it has been how to continue to write they are good songs. And, you a live to be noticed again on whether the source is not dead even now.

Went impressed “TOTO new chapter” in the archipelago intense, this time of the Japan tour. Among them (perhaps) it is one of furious quality that would be number one. If it is allowed the word “official-class audience”, I would like to give first and foremost to this work. Neat so much fresh, and pours hope of light such Made in Japan. The 2016 wrapped the Budokan “light of sound”. By all means, you also please your experience.

北は仙台から南は福岡まで、列島を縦断した“TOTO XIV JAPAN TOUR 2016”。そのハイライトとも言える「3月7日・武道館公演」のライヴアルバムがプレスCDで登場です。その模様はギフトタイトル『LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016』でも速報いたしましたが、本作はまったくの別テーパーによる別録音。先週の更新を見逃された方のため、今一度ジャパンツアーの概要から見てみましょう。

・3月4日:パシフィコ横浜 『YOKOHAMA 2016』
・3月7日:日本武道館   【本作】
・3月9日:Zepp FUKUOKA

このように今回の来日公演は、つい先週まで全8公演で実施。先週は同一録音家によるプレス2CD『YOKOHAMA 2016』とギフト2CDR『LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016』に続き、本作は3公演目にあたるライヴを収めたオーディエンス・アルバムです。もちろん、ネット音源などではなく、録音家本人から直接渡されたマスターをダイレクトに使用した本作だけのオリジナル録音です。
驚くべきは、そのクオリティ。『LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2016』からして凄まじいハイクオリティ・サウンドでしたが、本作は(プレスされたことからも分かる通り)その上を行く。一番強烈なのは、ダイレクト感。ギフト盤はクリア極まりないサウンドでありながらも、わずかに距離感がないわけでもなかった。ところが、本作のダイレクト感は、まさに直近・目の前・耳の中! オープニングSEのストリングスからして激近なのですが、そこから炸裂するバンド・サウンドの直球ぶりは「まるでサウンドボード」と呼ぶに相応しい。その次元たるや「各楽器の1つひとつ……」「各音域のバランスが……」などといちいち書くのもバカらしいほどに完璧。ギターだけ聴いてもピッキングニュアンスからトーンコントロールまで詳細に浮かび上がる。そんな楽音が総勢9人分、一切混じり合わずにくっきりとアンサンブルを組み上げているのですから。もちろん、「Pamela」のピアノソロ、「Africa」のパーカッションソロも1音1音までもがくっきり。ここまでの詳細さ、バランスは、あれほど素晴らしかった『YOKOHAMA 2016』さえも超えてしまっている。どちらも名手による名録音に違いないのですが、日本のトップ・テーパーがしのぎを削るとここまで凄いのか……。今後、西日本の録音も到着するかも知れませんが、本作を超えるのは無理かも知れません。
それほどのサウンドで描かれる最新TOTOは、『TOTO XIV』からの新曲が約1/3を占める現役感たっぷりのショウ。その1曲1曲が見事な“TOTO印”なだけでなく、思いっきりライヴ向き。オープニングの「Running Out of Time」からしてスタジオ作以上の躍動感で早くも観客をノセますし、キャッチーな「Holy War」「Orphan」でもクラシックスと変わらない手拍子が巻き起こる。ハイ・テクニカルでありながら親しみやすく、初めての曲なのに“いつものTOTO”。来年、40周年を迎えようという大ベテランにして未だ未来への生命力が弾けるのです。
新曲だけでなく、クラシックスも新鮮。約2年前にも35周年記念ツアーで日本を訪れた彼らですが、そのときと同じ曲は「I Won’t Hold You Back」「Hold The Line」「Pamela」「Rossana」「On the Run / Goodbye Elenore」「Africa」 の6曲だけ。デビュー作の「I’ll Supply The Love」やファーギー・フレデリクセン時代の「Stranger In Town」、『TOTO IV』の「Afraid Of Love」、『FAHRENHEIT』の「Without Your Love」等々、“あぁ、この曲もあった!”と膝を叩きたくなる名曲群が次から次へと演奏されていく。いかに彼らが良い曲を書き続けてきたか。そして、その源泉が今も枯れていないのかに改めて気づかされるライヴなのです。


Disc 1 (56:18)
1. Introduction 2. Running Out of Time 3. I’ll Supply The Love 4. Burn 5. Stranger In Town
6. I Won’t Hold You Back 7. Hold The Line 8. Georgy Porgy 9. Afraid Of Love 10. Bend 11. Pamela

Disc 2 (72:04)
1. David Paich Piano Solo 2. Great Expectations 3. Without Your Love
4. Bridge of Sighs / Steve Lukather Solo 5. Holy War 6. The Road Goes On 7. Orphan
8. Rossana 9. On the Run / Goodbye Elenore 10. Africa


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