Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers / Milwaukee 1983 / 2CDR

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers / Milwaukee 1983 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Live At Mecca Arena, Milaukee, WI, USA 14th March 1983

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Tom Petty from the “LONG AFTER DARK” era, who sent three waves in a row from the breakthrough of “DAMN THE TORPEDOES” to the top 10 in the United States and was riding the wave. The new excavation live album is here.
“The Milwaukee performance on March 14, 1983” is recorded in this work. It is the finest audience recording. Speaking of Tom in 1983, he played a big role as a hit maker by participating in Stevie Nicks’ “THE WILD HEART” as well as his main business. First of all, let’s look back at the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

● 1982
・ September 1-19: North America # 1 (4 performances)
・ November 1: Paris performance
<< LONG AFTER DARK release on November 2 >>
・ November 30-December 21: Europe (14 performances)
● 1983
・ January 17-April 25: North America # 2 (57 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 1-11: North America # 3 (6 performances)
<< June 10, “THE WILD HEART” release >>

This is Tom Petty in 1982/1983. The Milwaukee performance of this work was the 34th performance of “North America # 2”, which is the main performance of “LONG AFTER DARK TOUR”.
This work recorded at such a show is the first appearance master that was discovered very recently, but this is the finest audience recording with “super”. Nowadays, the new Corona Pandemic is causing a storm of restrictions on going out, and collectors and recorders are releasing treasures one after another in order to heal their suffering. This work is also a brand that appeared from among them. And the sound of this work plays its role wonderfully. What is most wonderful is a core that reaches straight and powerfully. Although it can be understood as an audience recording because a slight hall sound is felt in the echoing vocals, the on-feel and delicate details far exceed the common sense of the customer record. If the snare that tends to have an audience-like appearance is densely tapped, the bass will also sound loud in the belly, and the piano touch will be super detailed. The guitar is more than that. The bass vibe is so delicate that the waveform is visible, and a bit of chord cutting is enough to feel the number of strings being played.
Furthermore, even the audience noise is beautiful. If you listen to it with headphones, you can hear a little close clapping, but there is almost no upcoming sound. The great cheers that boil between the songs are far away from the bold performance sounds, and the swell of the yellow cheering voice creates a huge spectacle, and the contrast with the performance sound is wonderful. It’s a superb recording that doesn’t need the adjective “in the 1980s”.
What is drawn with such a sound is a treasure trove of masterpieces that excite the present. Speaking of Tom in the 1980s, the traditional official album “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!” Comes to mind, but it’s a completely different set. Let’s compare and organize here.

・ American Girl: Breakdown / American Girl
・ Your Gonna Get It !: Listen To Her Heart (★) / I Need to Know
・ Destroy: Don’t Do Me Like That (★) / Here Comes My Girl (★) / Refugee
・ Hard Promise: A Thing About You (★) / The Waiting / A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me) (★) / Kings Road (★)
・ Long After Dark: A One Story Town (★) / You Got Lucky / Change of Heart (★) / Deliver Me (★) / Straight Into Darkness (★)
・ Cover: Hang On Sloopy (THE VIBRATIONS) (★) / Shout (THE ISLEY BROTHERS)
* Note: The “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the official “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!”

… And this is how it looks. The “★” mark stands out, but that should be the case. Of the 18 songs shown in this work, only 7 will suffer from “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!”. Moreover, the contents are also rich in variety. The classics such as “Listen To Her Heart” are delicious, but “A Thing About You” and “Kings Road” unique to the 80s, “A One Story Town” only for this tour, and the cover “Hang On Sloopy” of THE VIBRATIONS There are plenty of valuable repertoires such as. The best thing is the new song “Deliver Me”. After all, this show is the only record of live performances. You can enjoy the ultimate super rare song with the best sound.
▽ Then the excellent attack of Tom Petty & THE HEARTBREAKERS which continues until the early 90’s. This is the first live album of the finest that will let you experience the golden age of such glory. This week’s simultaneous release “COSTA MESA 1990 MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES (Zion-162)” is also superb, but this work is also a new excavation of shock that can be tasted because it is 2020. Please enjoy it together!

★ This is exactly the 80’s Dan Lampinski! ! This is the first sound quality to appear! ! “COVID-19 QUARANTINE RELEASE!” (Roxy Music last week, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins was awesome! …)

Disc 1 (42:51)
1. Intro
2. A One Story Town
3. Listen to Her Heart Tom Petty from the “LONG AFTER DARK” era, who was riding the wave after sending three breaks from “DAMN THE TORPEDOES” to the top 10 in the US. The new excavation live album is here.
“The Milwaukee performance on March 14, 1983” is recorded in this work. It is the finest audience recording. Speaking of Tom in 1983, he played a big role as a hit maker by participating in Stevie Nicks’ “THE WILD HEART” as well as his main business. First of all, let’s look back at the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

● 1982
・ September 1-19: North America # 1 (4 performances)
・ November 1: Paris performance
<< LONG AFTER DARK release on November 2 >>
・ November 30-December 21: Europe (14 performances)
● 1983
・ January 17-April 25: North America # 2 (57 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 1-11: North America # 3 (6 performances)
<< June 10, “THE WILD HEART” release >>

This is Tom Petty in 1982/1983. The Milwaukee performance of this work was the 34th performance of “North America # 2”, which is the main performance of “LONG AFTER DARK TOUR”.
This work recorded at such a show is the first appearance master that was discovered very recently, but this is the finest audience recording with “super”. Nowadays, the new Corona Pandemic is causing a storm of restrictions on going out, and collectors and recorders are releasing treasures one after another to try to heal their suffering. This work is also a brand that appeared from among them. And the sound of this work plays its role wonderfully. What is most wonderful is a core that reaches straight and powerfully. Although it can be understood as an audience recording because a slight hall sound is felt in the echoing vocals, the on-feel and delicate details far exceed the common sense of the customer record. If the snare that tends to have an audience-like appearance is densely tapped, the bass will also sound loud in the belly, and the piano touch will be super detailed. The guitar is more than that. The bass vibe is so delicate that the waveform is visible, and a bit of chord cutting is enough to feel the number of strings being played.
Furthermore, the audience and noise are also beautiful. If you listen to it with headphones, you can hear a little applause, but there is almost no up-close. The great cheers that boil between the songs are far away from the bold performance sounds, and the swell of the yellow cheering voice creates a huge spectacle, and the contrast with the performance sound is wonderful. It’s a superb recording that doesn’t need the adjective “in the 1980s”.
What is drawn with such a sound is a treasure trove of masterpieces that excite the present. Speaking of Tom in the 1980s, the traditional official edition “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!” Comes to mind, but it’s a completely different set. Let’s compare and organize here.

・ American Girl: Breakdown / American Girl
-You Gonna Get It !: Listen To Her Heart (★) / I Need to Know
・ Destruction: Don’t Do Me Like That (★) / Here Comes My Girl (★) / Refugee
・ Hard Promise: A Thing About You (★) / The Waiting / A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me) (★) / Kings Road (★)
・ Long After Dark: A One Story Town (★) / You Got Lucky / Change of Heart (★) / Deliver Me (★) / Straight Into Darkness (★)
・ Cover: Hang On Sloopy (THE VIBRATIONS) (★) / Shout (THE ISLEY BROTHERS)
* Note: The “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the official “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!”

… And this is how it looks. The “★” mark stands out, but that should be the case. Of the 18 songs shown in this work, only 7 will suffer from “PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!”. Moreover, the contents are also rich in variety. The classics such as “Listen To Her Heart” are delicious, but “A Thing About You” and “Kings Road” unique to the 80s, “A One Story Town” only for this tour, and the cover “Hang On Sloopy” of THE VIBRATIONS There are plenty of valuable repertoires such as. The best thing is the new song “Deliver Me”. After all, this show is the only record of live performances. You can enjoy the ultimate super rare song with the best sound.
▽ Then the excellent attack of Tom Petty & THE HEARTBREAKERS which continues until the early 90’s. This is the first live album of the finest that will let you experience the golden age of such glory. This week’s simultaneous release “COSTA MESA 1990 MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES (Zion-162)” is also superb, but this work is also a new excavation of shock that can be tasted because it is 2020. Please enjoy it together!

★ This is exactly the 80’s Dan Lampinski! ! This is the first sound quality to appear! ! “COVID-19 QUARANTINE RELEASE!” (Roxy Music last week, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins was awesome! …)

『DAMN THE TORPEDOES』のブレイクスルーから3作連続で全米トップ10に送り込み、波に乗っていた『LONG AFTER DARK』時代のトム・ペティ。その新発掘ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に記録されているのは「1983年3月14日ミルウォーキー公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。1983年のトムと言えば、本業だけでなくスティーヴィー・ニックスの『THE WILD HEART』にも参加するなど、ヒットメイカーとして大活躍。まずは、そんな当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
《11月2日『LONG AFTER DARK』発売》
《6月10日『THE WILD HEART』発売》
 これが1982年/1983年のトム・ペティ。本作のミルウォーキー公演は、“LONG AFTER DARK TOUR”でもメインとなる「北米#2」の34公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなサウンドで描かれるのは、今をときめく名曲群の宝庫。80年代のトムと言えば、伝統の公式盤『PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!』も浮かびますが、まったく異なるセットなのです。ここでは比較しながら整理してみましょう。
・アメリカンガール:Breakdown/American Girl
・ユア・ゴナ・ゲット・イット!:Listen To Her Heart(★)/I Need to Know
・破壊:Don’t Do Me Like That(★)/Here Comes My Girl(★)/Refugee
・ハードプロミス:A Thing About You(★)/The Waiting/A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me)(★)/Kings Road(★)
・ロング・アフター・ダーク:A One Story Town(★)/You Got Lucky/Change of Heart(★)/Deliver Me(★)/Straight Into Darkness(★)
※注:「★」印は公式盤『PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!』で聴けない曲。
……と、このようになっています。やたらと「★」印が目立ちますが、それもそのはず。本作で披露される全18曲のうち、『PACK UP THE PLANTATION: LIVE!』と被るのは7曲だけなのです。しかも、その中身もバラエティ豊か。「Listen To Her Heart」のような定番も美味しいですが、80年代ならではの「A Thing About You」や「Kings Road」、このツアーだけの「A One Story Town」やTHE VIBRATIONSのカバー「Hang On Sloopy」など、貴重なレパートリーも盛りだくさん。極めつけは新曲の「Deliver Me」でしょう。何しろ、ライヴ演奏された記録がこのショウしかない。まさに究極の激レア曲を極上サウンドで楽しめるのです。
その後も90年代初頭まで続くトム・ペティ&THE HEARTBREAKERSの快進撃。そんな栄光の黄金時代を現場体験させてくれる極上の初登場ライヴアルバムです。今週同時リリースの『COSTA MESA 1990 MIKE MILLARD ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES(Zion-162)』も超絶ですが、本作もまた2020年だからこそ味わえる衝撃の新発掘。どうぞ、併せてたっぷりとご堪能ください!

★まさに80年代のダン・ランピンスキー!!完全初登場にしてこの音質!!恐るべし “COVID-19 QUARANTINE RELEASE!”(先週のロキシー・ミュージック、ピーター・ガブリエル、フィル・コリンズも凄かった!・・・)

Disc 1(42:51)
1. Intro
2. A One Story Town
3. Listen to Her Heart
4. A Thing About You
5. MC
6. You Got Lucky
7. I Need to Know
8. Don’t Do Me Like That
9. Here Comes My Girl
10. Change of Heart
11. MC
12. The Waiting
Disc 2(62:29)
1. Hang On Sloopy
2. Deliver Me
3. MC
4.Straight Into Darkness
5. A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me)
6. Kings Road
7. Breakdown
8. Refugee
9. Shout
10. MC
11. American Girl
Tom Petty – lead vocals, guitars
Mike Campbell – guitars
Howie Epstein – bass, backing vocals
Benmont Tench – keyboards, backing vocals
Stan Lynch – drums, backing vocals

Uxbridge 1252

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